Yom Kippur Morning Service

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] oh is [Music] oh [Music] from [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] and so my friends it's with our prayer of sanctuary our prayer of community matu vu that i want to welcome you all into our virtual sanctuary of tampa beth israel i want to acknowledge those who are physically in our sanctuary our spiritual home at elmer road as well as all of you who are joining us from your your living rooms your offices your backyards uh your your daily walk to connect on this uh yom kippur as a community as we recognize we recognize the need to to isolate ourselves from this virus but reject reject the notion that we need to isolate ourselves from each other from community and from tradition we have a long and meaningful day of prayer ahead of us but for now i invite you to to turn with me to page 100 in the prayer book if you don't have a copy of the physical prayer book at home then i invite you to click on the description below the stream whether you're watching on facebook on youtube on tbi tv or listening through our simulcast on on j to join us and to to follow along as we offer these words beginning first with prayers for our health page 101 baruch for wondrous acts of creation and healing [Music] having begun our service on this yom kippur morning as we do each day with blessings for our physical well-being and our spiritual wholeness we turn now to page 103 as we recognize that no day is really a meaningful or purposeful day without learning new lessons lessons of of torah elohim eternal one creator of the universe who has sanctified us with the mitzvot and who gives us the sacred obligation each and every day even this day of atonement to learn and live torah we turn forward to page 111 and continue now with the simba khalyam the blessings for our daily miracles offered responsibly from the sanctuary [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] she [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign with songs of praise we extol you and proclaim your sovereignty for you are the source of life in the universe one god life of the universe praised and glorious ruler your name is eternal baruch eternal one who is celebrated in songs of of praise we do that now with psalm 145 the words of ashrae on page 100 foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] page 120 the words of psalm 150 [Music] yo [Music] oh yoga [Music] [Music] [Music] oh and so we bring our brief but beautiful success to a close as we we turn forward now to page 126 for the for the ishtaba [Music] [Music] in a few moments we will be turning to page 127 and continuing with the uh the khatsuka in advance of the the call to prayer but before we do that having seen our virtual community our congregation grow through these morning prayers i just want to repeat a few of the opening announcements and that is uh we are so privileged that and so grateful that so many of you have chosen to be with us today we have a whole series of services and activities throughout the day 12 programs in all in addition to this this morning service all can be found on our website tbi.org dot a u the next one of those uh will be actually beginning at 11 o'clock for the youngest members of our community where they'll have an opportunity to have an extended uh bubs and tots experience with uh with our song leader idol sagir exploring the themes of this day and there will be a link in the chat uh coming in just a moment with how you can connect your family your friends to that experience particularly if they're uh they're at home uh isolating at this time but for now let's turn back and stay focused on our morning prayers page 127 the khatsikaddish as we turn our focus to the ark in the sanctuary [Music] in [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] on page 128 please join with me in the blessing of yotseyor the blessing for creation [Music] [Music] on page 130 love abundance love instanting our god you have enfolded us in love tender compassion beyond all bounds your precious gift those who came before us gave you their trust and you gave them torah laws by which to live for their sake teach us as well grace us with your guidance compassionate one grant has clear understanding that we may listen learn and teach preserve practice and fulfill with love every lesson of your torah may learning your torah light up our eyes may our hearts embrace your mitzvahs unite us in love and reverence for you that we may never feel ashamed of our deeds we have trusted in your great and holy name now let us celebrate at last the joy of your salvation but you are a god of miracles and wonders from all the peoples of the earth you sought us out and brought us near to your great enduring truth so with love we acknowledge and proclaim that you are one blessed are you eternal one who chooses your people israel with love [Music] is foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] on page 139 egypt you redeemed us eternal our god and from the slave house you set us free for this the people who felt your love exalted you and the ones whom you found precious sang songs of praise blessing and thanks to the living god who reigns forever high and exalted inspiring wonder who humbles the praise and proud and raises the lowly frees the captive and redeems the oppressed and sustains the poor god responds to the cry of our people their prayer in time of need sing praise to god most high most blessed source of blessing as moses miriam and all israel sang this joyous song to you mihamoha on page 140. [Music] no [Music] is [Music] we continue now on page 104 as we enter into the amidah one of the most pivotal parts of our service this morning and of every service throughout the year amida page 142. [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey [Music] a oh [Music] ah [Music] i [Music] um [Music] um [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] is [Music] m [Music] a [Music] we turn forward now in our makhsorim to page 149 as we enter into the soulful unattained uh our sovereign god of pardon and forgiveness let these words of sanctity ascend to you oh oh [Music] so um [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] me [Music] um [Music] um [Music] me [Music] me [Music] on page 152 on rosh hashanah this is written on the fast of yom kippur it is sealed how many will pass away from this world how many will be born into it who will live and who will die who will reach the rightness of age will be taken before their time who by fire and who by water who by war and who by beast who by famine and who by drought who by earthquake and who by plague who by strangling and who by stoning who will rest and who will wonder who will be tranquil and who will be troubled who will be calm and who tormented who will live in poverty and who in prosperity who will be humbled and who exalted but through return to the right path through prayer and righteous giving we can transcend the harshness of the decree [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ah [Music] foreign [Music] in the middle of page 154 we who are mortal our origin is dust and so is our end we wear out our lives to get our bread like broken vessels like withered grass like a flower that must fade a shadow moving on a cloud passing by mere dust on the wind a dream that flies away but for you ever living sovereign time has no limits your presence unbounded by days and years is everywhere the glorious mystery none can decipher your name is worthy of you and you are worthy of your name and our name you have linked with yours as cantaloupe opens the ark many of us in our homes if we are able may rise as we enter into hashem god's holiness the kadusa [Music] oh [Music] o [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] oh amen just to remind your friends it's the uh it's almost eleven o'clock and either will be leading a yom kippur bub session at 11 the link is posted into the chat and supposed a little while ago but of course you can find the link through our high holidays through the high holidays webpage we're continuing now on page 158 and so eternal our god give all creation the gift of all turn our fear to reference let us be witnesses of wonder receiving all nature as prayer come alive we bow to the sovereignty of your strength the primacy of your power we yearn for connection with all that lives doing your will with wholeness of hearts or inspiring us your creation all encompassing your transcendent name [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] m [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] on page 164 you and you alone o god will reign over creation upon mount zion home of your presence and in jerusalem a city set apart by you as the psalmist believed the eternal shall reign for all time your god o zion for all generations hallelujah you are holy your name is in all there is nothing divine beyond you as the prophet isaiah taught the source of all might is exalted through justice the god of holiness made holy through righteousness baruch atta [Music] blessed are you eternal one the holy sovereign will continue with kedusha tayam as the ark has closed on page 166. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] my us with words of deliverance and mercy show us depth of your care god we await your redemption for you reign with grace and compassion on page 170 elohenova tenu mohammed [Music] as you said to moses for on this day atonement shall be made for you to purify you from all your wrongs and pure you shall be in the presence of the eternal one on page 172 our god and god of our ancestors lead us to holiness through yom its thoughts and may each of us find a portion of torah that is ours you bestow such goodness teach us to be satisfied and to know the joy of your salvation help us to serve you truly with purity of hearts for you are the forgiver of israel in every generation granting pardon of the tribes of eurasian we have no god of forgiveness and pardon but you you alone baruch [Music] israel um you sanctify the people israel and the day of atonement [Music] [Music] beyond is [Music] me israel [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] our prayer of thanksgiving on page 175 our god and god of all generations to you we are grateful forever rock and protect of our lives your saving power endures from age to age we thank you and tell the tale of your praise your power in our lives your caring for our souls the constant miracle of your kindness evening morning and noon we call you goodness for your compassion never ends we call you mercy for your love has no limits we call you hope now and for all time [Music] blessed are you eternal one whose goodness deserves thanks and praise and as has become part of our tradition if we're able we rise for prakash shalom the blessing of peace and the priestly blessing on page 177 [Music] me [Music] a [Music] m [Music] oh [Music] your [Music] of [Music] the god [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] may god bless you and keep you may it be so may god enlighten you and be gracious to you may it be so may you feel god's presence within you always and may bring you peace may it be so let us take a few moments now for us silent prayer the prayers of our hearts [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] ah foreign [Music] let us now turn to page 181 as we enter into avinu malcano towards the bottom of the page and always please feel free in your homes to join along with me if you're following along in the masoor tsurenu our rock our inspiring spirits how aware we are at this moment that we are the newest link in this remarkable chain of tradition help us to be strong enough we are the bridge between past and future let us not fail be the foundation of our lives as in the past and inspire us into the future [Music] almighty and merciful hear our voice [Music] [Music] have compassion on us and on our families [Music] sickness violence and hunger [Music] halt the reign of those who cause pain and terror [Music] in the book of lives well-lived [Music] renew for us a year of goodness [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] know [Music] welcome our prayer with love accept and embrace [Music] [Music] for your sake if not for ourselves [Music] [Music] oh let the gates of heaven be opened to our prayers [Music] hear our voice treat us with tender compassion [Music] a [Music] [Music] almighty and merciful answer us with grace for our deeds our wanting save us through acts of justice and love it was once told that after a long hard climb up the mountain some spiritual seekers finally found themselves in front of a great teacher bowing deeply they asked the question that had been burning inside of them for so how do we become wise there was a long pause until the teacher emerged from meditation finally the reply came good choices but teacher how do we make good choices from experience responded the wise one and how do we get experience bad choices smile the teacher friends today i have chosen to share with you a treasury of conversations i've had with my daughter noah over time i have to admit they tend to be one-sided very one-sided so here goes noah while you're not yet even two years old i know you are starting to understand more of what i say to you even if i don't understand everything you say to me but at this time of year i want to tell you about what it means for us to be jewish and in particular this week about yom kippur you won't understand everything i say now but i'll say it anyway yom kippur is a time to ask forgiveness to say i'm sorry for things we have done wrong for mistakes we have made individually and as a community and as a society it's a concept that you will learn about in good time it's a concept that i still struggle with noah there are things for which i need to apologize forgiveness can only come when one apologizes our rabbis teach that we should train our tongue to say i was wrong too often we consider it a sign of weakness to acknowledge the error of our ways one of the reasons that our confession on yom kippur is in the plural for the sin that we committed is to lend each other support with this sometimes overwhelming challenge somehow knowing that we have all made mistakes gives us the courage to own up to our wrongdoing out loud we are living in extraordinarily strange times hopefully life for you as you experience it is normal i hope that i'm able to shield you from most of the issues traveling the world but there is so much going on around us for which i must apologize many of these things i'm not directly responsible for but i feel responsible for them i want to look at broader issues first i was standing on our balcony looking towards the dandenongs deeply concerned about our world watching a flock of goliaths flying by squawking i almost started complaining about the noise and stopped short usually i wouldn't be able to hear them over the sound of the construction the trams the hooting the traffic but i heard them and it was weirdly beautiful let's face it galaz don't make the most beautiful of sounds at times i believe in climate change planet is warming the weather is changing and i'm concerned that this gorgeous planet that we are leaving for you is fragile and fractured i'm not personally responsible for all of it but i know i haven't helped i can do better by taking notice of my car footprint i don't need to go into details now but i promise you i will do better for the sins we have committed before you and in our communities by being so preoccupied with ourselves that we ignore the large problems in the world in which we live i'm sorry noah that women are screamed at when raising their voices in songs and praise of the quartel our wall in jerusalem you should know that when i was screamed at i screamed back i didn't cower i stood tall in my five foot one inches and suddenly i became one without ancient history my legs drawn down into the foundation stones built by our forefathers forefathers and four mothers i felt at that moment that i had the protection of our prophets our kings our judges for the sins we have committed by not publicly supporting the jewish people in israel when they are being treated or criticized unfairly in some parts of the world women still don't have basic human rights never mind equality recently i've been so distressed over what has been happening in the united states a woman may lose the right to choose between keeping the thesis or having an abortion a rapist may receive a shorter sentence than a woman who gets an abortion never mind the pay gap that seems so insignificant next to the abortion issue and in some countries women don't and can't receive an education and can't drive a car i am so grateful that we are in australia and that you have equal access to education i'm sorry that on average on average still even here that men still earn more than women i'm sorry i feel that i can't do much to change that i hope it will change by the time you enter the workforce in whatever career you choose noah thankfully you are living in the 21st century a time when medical technology is incredible think about it within a year one year numerous coveted 19 vaccines were not only developed but have been distributed and are literally literally in the arms of almost 6 billion people around the world but noah i'm so worried about those who live in poorer countries who have no access to health care who have no access to the vaccine we are privileged and i can't apologize for that and i won't we are privileged to live in australia we want for nothing i want you to have everything that i had growing up and every opportunity and more but i do apologize for the greed in the world the economic injustices and imbalance it only seems to be getting worse the gap between rich and poor is increasing and the need for food security and hence water security along with it is even more serious who would have thought that water would be a commodity to be bought and sold on the stock market i'm sorry we don't have enough resources for mental health especially now posting are you okay while important in highlighting the issues doesn't seem enough covert has only highlighted the tremendous toll lockdown isolation job insecurity loneliness family separation uncertainty is having on us all even those of us who are strong feel weary and weathered i'm sorry we still face family violence how can it still continue how many women and children need to suffer and die how many elders and those with disabilities need to suffer abuse and neglect and men are included too we know that our society doesn't make room for mistakes and is especially critical i'm sorry that a society hasn't allowed people to express themselves through their sexuality or gender and has been prejudiced and supercilious there has been so much hurt and discrimination and it needs to stop i am sorry and i'm sorry for all those things i don't even know about i'll hate shakatanu aktora teaches at this that we must not put a stumbling block before the blind and at the same time that means we must not turn a blind eye watching the mass exodus of flies from afghanistan so reminiscent of too many people's feelings echoing the flight of people from oppression throughout the ages i'm not looking forward to hearing the heroic stories of people walking to freedom and at the same time i know there will be stories of tragedy too we know only too well what it means to struggle to hide in attics and forests to starve to hide our identity to pass our children to strangers for a better life it's our responsibility to welcome the stranger to provide food for the hungry shelter for the homeless education health care employment it's our responsibility when we are unwilling to work to our full capacity to ensure that people have self safe housing medical care and food to eat we also need to turn our need to apologize for failings in our more personal human relationships there will be times and they have already i'm sure when i will not be the best parent all parents have those moments if i forget to apologize when you're a teenager i'm truly sorry if i'm too proud to acknowledge that i could have been a better parent and been there for you i am sorry i will always try to be better in my humanness and in my humanity and for the sins of having too little compassion or too little respect for our parents or for our children there will be times when i won't understand your feelings and the feelings of others and what you are going through no matter how hard i try but it's never too late recently i heard from a rabbinic colleague rabbi karen fox who shared a story with me she counseled a man in his late 70s who was recently prescribed adhd medication and he was struggling to stay focused his son had struggled with adhd all of his life the father had been critical and angry at his son for not following through on things his career on projects and so forth he felt disappointed in his son but now he was sharing how much the medication helped with clarity of mind as he shared the story with rabbi fox she told me he was in tears he understood his son for the first time it only took 60 years and he wanted to apologize for not understanding for not caring enough for not seeming to do what he could it's never too late to say sorry to apologize how do i apologize for the things i have absolutely no control over yet i feel with the responsibility of previous generations and of my generation what kind of a world am i leaving you as a mother as a woman as a rabbi i am an influence i have street pred i will do my best and i will fall short and for that i'm sorry and if i am wrong i am sorry i will try to admit it but and there is a big one we know that saying sorry isn't enough there needs to be action we need to be accountable for what we do we also need to find a passion and act on it so apologize takes great leadership it takes courage it takes humility to know when to apologize in our personal relationships we must remember that when we must request to be forgiven it's no small request it's massive it's costly to the person we have offended when we forgive when they forgive us they must give up their desire for justice they must relinquish their hurts and anger their feelings of embarrassment and possibly even humiliation they must give up their feelings of rejection and betrayal sometimes they must live with the consequences of our wrong behavior noah i will ask our dear extended family at temple beth israel today what language they will use as i ask myself as we seek forgiveness and this holiest of days we must not be afraid to do two things to say i was wrong and to say i am sorry may we be blessed every day with the emotional maturity and the strength to acknowledge and accept responsibility for our wrongdoing we make mistakes we learn from them we do better and hopefully we are wiser for all these failings and more forgive us hardness grant us atonement to you kim and please guard a chana of a year filled with blessing for you and noah ahead my friends we turn forward in our makhsarim to page 184 to 84. the order of reading torah on this day of atonement [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] said [Music] is oh [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] and so my friends as the uh as the torah is uh taken out from the ark and the set up on the reader's desk it is uh our privilege our responsibility as well as our opportunity to to turn to perhaps one of the the best known stories in our people's tradition that is the uh the story of when we stood as one atem when we stood as one as one community because that is indeed what we are doing today and so our first aliyah on this yom kim yom kippur morning it is my a pleasure to invite on to our virtual bimmer cheryl rosen who will be laning for us once more and uh to call to torah uh the cantor will do this more formally in a moment uh but for now just to welcome uh you judy sylvie sue reena mikhail and patrick it is an honor to have you all on albima now and i'll hand over the cancer to formally call you to torah so you will find the portion on page 196 in our prayer book 196 in the prayer book cheryl will be leaning for us and for this aliyah we invite you yeah and if i can invite you to please offer the blessing before torah [Music] y'all [Music] [Music] israel [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] thanking you for that beautiful reading cheryl i want to invite the honorees to offer the blessing after torah [Music] holy one who blessed our forefathers and four mothers bless you judy silvi sue reena mikhail and patrick in honor of this yontov in honor of this holy day in honor of this community in honor of the beautiful torah reading we just heard but most particularly in honor of the words that those torah that torah uh tells us that reminder that atem uh that we stand uh together this day and as i watched the the green screen we've all become so familiar to the green border on zoom pop around to each of you as you offered that blessing uh as as a choir together it recognized the the individual as well as the shared effort that all of you have brought to our our community this past year and we want to recognize that a little over 18 months ago just for a few nights we decided to start to broadcast a daily dove in when we were first separated from one another we thought why not use technology to to come together if just for a few weeks it'll it'll help us stay connected we had no idea that uh that that would become a daily minion extending now for uh for well over 18 months and a daily minion which i believe through the the participation and contributions that each of you make as coordinators and as as lay leaders and as participants in that regular minion uh uh will ensure that it goes on to be not just part of our covert response but indeed our response to what it is as a community to place prayer at the core of our being to gather each day to celebrate the day to commiserate about the day and to support those in our community who are struggling or remembering a loved one you have allowed us as a community to be able to do that together with the bima team who who stand alongside of you and we are so grateful for your support uh your commitment it reflects the very best of our community and we thank you for it we ask that god bless you that god bless all those that are dear to you that god give you the strength to continue to do all the good works that you do in so many ways in our community and beyond and we say together amen we continue now as we move to our second aliyah the uh the yard moves from from you cheryl uh to uh to fairly uh but uh we invite you to stay on the bimmer in fact we hope that your husband will uh will join you in just a few moments might slide in and i hope too that your daughter heard you read that beautiful torah um it's something that you should take great pleasure in but uh for our our next aliyah we're continuing on page 196 in the marshall we are continuing in verse through 1 of chapter 30 and it is my pleasure to to welcome for this aliyah our second aliyah cheryl and paul rosen and john and jenny fast if i could invite the four of you please i'll let michelle formally call you first and so for the second aliyah fairly will lane for us you'll find it on page 196 at the paragraph break [Music] david [Music] you'll join together in the blessing before the torah please [Music] okay [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for that beautiful reading i'll invite the four of you to offer the blessing after torah [Music] [Music] we're the holy one who blessed our forefathers and four mothers blessed you paul and and cheryl john and jenny in honor of torah in honor of yomtov in honor of community in honor of those who have been called to torah before us as well as those who will come to torah after us on this day in honor of the shelter the chain of tradition that continues to to move us forward but most particularly on this day as we recognize the extraordinary extraordinary generosity that you amongst many give to our community generosity of spirit generosity of of time and and indeed also generosity of of of tangible ways that allow us to do the things that we do there are so many communities who have been brought to their knees through this time of of distance and isolation so many communities that haven't been able to continue to engage and and reach out and thanks to the generosity of of members such as you we've been able to not only continue but expand our reach and our relevance thanks to the generosity of of you and those who sit virtually alongside of you we've been able to not only allow services and experiences such as this to be available to our members but on behalf of our members on behalf of people like you to share them with everyone who wants to be in true and how appreciative the community has been how many people have joined us the numbers are beyond our imagination but that's not because what we are doing is because what you and the other generous supporters of our congregation are enabling us to do for that we are incredibly grateful for that we say thank you for that we ask that god continue to bless you to continue to bless the work of your hands and continue to bless all those that are dear to you and we say together amen amen and so we move forward in our reading as we continue to tell this story from the book of of deuteronomy we're going to be picking up in verse uh in verse 4 in just a few moments the the virtual yard is is is moving to layer and i can see layer you have joined us uh on the bimmer and for this uh this uh third aliyah it is my pleasure to invite onto our virtual bimmer uh from their garden it appears mark and alameda nick uh and with them uh jackie burkitt and and idol sagir and so for this aliyah it's lovely to see leia laning we invite yamdoo modern yoda [Music] [Music] and if i can invite the the four of you please to offer the blessing before before torah um [Music] foreign um um [Music] thanking leia for that beautiful reading i would like to invite the four of you to offer the blessing after toro once more [Music] ah [Music] our four fathers and four mothers blessed the four of you also in honor of torah in honor of yomtov in honor of this akilaka to show this holy community that gathers together in this remarkable way in honor of those that have been called to torah before you and in honor of those who've been called to torah after you but most particularly right now in this our third aliyah as we give honor and recognize each of you and that which you have done and that which we are celebrating uh this past year uh and on uh shavuot just just a few months ago uh mark and allah we had the opportunity as a congregation to actually be in chill and to be able to award the two of you uh and recognize the two of you as the inaugural recipients of the dr montefiri silberg bukharim award an award that is now linked to the festival of shavuot and allows us to recognize those in our community who bring the fruits of their heart the fruits of their labor uh through their efforts and their volunteering to to our congregation and who make us what we are who allow us as i said to stand attendants together today and that was a beautiful recognition we were able to celebrate just a few months ago and jackie in a in a few weeks time please god all being well who knows if in person or online at uh igm our board will be recognizing uh what has been the years of dedicated uh effort to the jewish community and and and a wonderful contribution to tbi and in the many things that you do whether it be the machine the volunteering the supporting the phone calls the presence the joy whether it be in synagogue and emmy monash in various different locations we recognize all of that as uh we will be awarding you the the ada phillips president award for uh your volunteering and and contribution it is the the highest congregational award that we have and it is one that you have really earned and we are we are so grateful to be able to celebrate with you and you you know too uh uh at the uh at the uh in a few weeks time at the agm we look forward to announcing and bestowing upon you uh as the second recipient of the the joe and eve stapel music award the the contribution that you make and have made to the musical life of our our congregation goes far and beyond uh far and beyond your employment the the original compositions that you've created to propel our liturgy forward as seen through that beautiful melody you you created for for for um for rosh hashanah or what the the wonderful rendition of uh of kohelet will here on sukkot these are things that are really formative and transformative and we are so grateful it is a privilege to stand together with people men and women such as yourself to call you part of our kehillah our congregation part of our mishpacha part of our family may god bless you may god bless all those that are dear to you and we say together and so as we move forward in our reading the yad moves one more time onto our on our virtual vimeo uh we hand the out over to uh uh to effie borowitz who is going to pick up in verse seven of of deuteronomy and uh we call on to our virtual bimmer those who have been recognized beyond our congregation in recent weeks and months for their extraordinary contribution to to civics and citizenship uh we called to torah judy cohen roger mendelson peter cohen sharon lewin and tom gorog if you will be laning first you'll find the section on page 197 at the paragraph break [Music] you'll join together in the blessing before the church oh we've been able to do many things in the last 18 months but getting everyone to talk at the same time on zoom is not one of them effie if you could please continue with the reading on the screen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the coal [Music] my [Music] m [Music] if i can invite you to offer the blessing after torah um [Music] [Music] may the holy one who blessed our forefathers and foremothers bless each of you too in honor of torah in honor of yomtov in honour of community in honor of those who have been caught before you and in honor of those who will still be called to torah after you but most particularly at this moment when we try to demonstrate our commitment to standing together to recognize that standing together includes all of us we take a moment to recognize those of you who have have been uh acknowledged beyond our community for the contributions that you've made uh judy and roger both of you recognized by the the union for progressive judaism our a regional roof body for for your contributions due to you the the net amid and and roger you the the president's award uh peter you've been recognized by the the city of glenara for your incredible hours of of contributing volunteering to to us to the csg to to other community groups uh as i like to say it's nice to see you inside chill we're so used to seeing you standing outside protecting us and in our community uh tom you've been recognized this past year by zionism victoria for the community volunteerism award just a one of the many ways in which you lend your your professional skills to the betterment and furtherment of our community and sharon you've been recognized so far only by the i shouldn't say only by the committee of melvin but uh the work that you're doing and continuing to do in in protecting us in in bringing healing and wholeness to our communities is truly extraordinary and this is just one of what we expect anticipate will be be many uh appropriate recognitions for the work that you and and the team that you lead are doing to ensure that we can return to shul safely and all australians victorians can return safely back to a life that remembers resembles something that we we want uh soon please god the work that you do uh professionally and personally the time that you give the recognition that you've received is all well deserved and we your community your family just want to acknowledge and thank you for it even though you don't do it for us you represent us through it and we are so incredibly grateful for that may god bless each of you may god bless all those that are dear to you and we say together amen and so now we take a pause as we move from the the reading in deuteronomy uh to a reading that will come to us our muftir from the book of numbers and we give honour to the torah [Music] [Applause] [Music] as the torah is uh wound we bring out the second scroll we're going to be continuing in a few moments in the in the book of numbers the the muftir uh for yom kippur that we are choosing to to offer can be found in the moxor on page 203 it will be laying for us this morning by by sue morgan and so i welcome her back on to our our virtual bimmer and uh for this uh this fifth aliyah it is my uh pleasure to call on to our virtual bimmer uh those uh men and women who have served in the past as as leaders of this community as as presidents of our congregation and who have been such a a wonderful guiding force in encouraging uh spirit through these difficult times of of distance in isolation we aren't able to have all of our past presidents with us some are unwell uh some are governing elsewhere and some are as the expression i understand just uh summoned out and are joining us uh virtually but it is my pleasure to welcome up on to this bimmer uh craig levine rebecca silk uh robert herschen rob sward brian samuel roger members and jo lewitt and dr howard freeman philip meyers uh howard nathan and peter cullen uh i'll invite you to uh [Music] foreign so i'm going to just take a moment to mute all of your your microphones uh one or more of you are watching on another stream in the same device and so we're having an echo chamber a cacophony of of of voices and sounds uh coming through so if you are watching on youtube or on facebook on our website i need to invite you to turn off that sound as i ask you to unmute your microphones and offer the blessing before torah um [Music] a board meeting too please to you yes in is thanking you for that beautiful reading i invite our past presidents to to offer the blessing after torah [Music] the holy one who blessed our forefathers and four mothers bless each and every one of you who have been called to torah uh together with those who are you are representing sam shaman fella story kathy kaplan and and sam shkinsky who could not be with us uh this morning so that we can recognize that uh as the torah says and as the torah teaches athena we stand together this day all of us none of us ever imagined we'd be standing together in this way or we'd need to stand together in this way for this long but nevertheless our people and our tradition is enduring and we will endure and we're able to do that because of the the dedicated work the foundation laid by by each and every one of you with the support of your families through your various presidencies the investment in infrastructure technology the the eye to the future that we've always had has allowed us to be able to be here as well as the ongoing support that you continue to to give us as our president uh spoke about last night it has not been the best year for any of us individually communally nationally but yet our congregation endures entering into its uh 92nd year our hope is that thanks to the work the foundation laid by each of you and those who served on your respective boards we'll be able to continue so that the next 92 years are as bright if not brighter than those that have come before us may god bless you may god bless all those that are dear to you and we say together amen i want to thank you all for your participation in our service acknowledge how grateful we are to have with you and turn our focus back to the sanctuary as we once more give honour to the scroll [Music] foreign [Music] as the torah is uh addressed in the sanctuary we turn forward now to the the haftarah for this yom kippur morning the haftarah can be found on page 204 and and those that follow and uh as we are uh welcoming the point noi family up on to our virtual boomer to to offer the after uh for us i will take an opportunity to to remind people that uh our afternoon service uh this afternoon uh is a family service and so we won't have the traditional uh reading of uh the book of jonah but those who would like to join with rabbi levi he will be leading a zoom discussion at 3 p.m on the book of jonah but our haftarah this morning is is the is the after other comes to us from the prophet isaiah and so i hand over to uh uh to david and to jane to tonight to charlie and to nina to offer this haftara for us now says god do not hold back lift up your voice like the chauffeur tell my people their transgression and the house of jacob their sin yes they seek me daily as though eager to learn my ways as if they were a nation that does what is right and has not abandoned god's law they asked me of the right way ego for god's names they say why do we fast and you do not see us we afflict ourselves and you do not know it because even on your fast day you think only of desire while oppressing all who work for you because your fasting is filled with strife and with calories first you strike no your fasting this day will not lift up your voice before heaven is this the fast i desire a day afflicted by a day afflicted body and soul bowing your head like a raid covering yourself with psychothanasis do you call this a fast a day worthy of the favor of the eternal one is this not the fast i desire to break the bonds of injustice and remove the heavy yolk but to let the oppressed go free and release all those enslaved is it not to share your bread with the hungry and to take the homeless poor into your home and never to neglect your own flesh and blood then shall your light burst forth like the dawn and your work wounds shall quickly heal your righteous one leading the way before you the presence of the eternal one guiding you from behind then when you call god will answer and when you cry will respond i am here if you remove the chains of oppression the menacing hand the malicious word if you offer your compassion to the hungry and satisfied the suffering then shall your light shine through the darkness and your night become bright as new god will guide you always slake your thirst in past parched places give strength to your bones you shall be like a well-watered garden an unveiling spring from you they will rebuild ancient ruins lay foundations for ages to come and you shall be called the one who mends the breach and brings back the streets for dwelling if you cease to turn bull shabbat stop pursuing your affairs on my holiday if you call shabbat a delight the holy day of the eternal one honored and if you honor god by not doing business or speaking of everyday matters then shall you take pure delight in god i will lift up your journey to on earth to the highest places and nourish you from the heritage of your father jacob for thus spoke the eternal one so-called [Music] amen and in thanking all of you for that blessing those readings and the haftarah i want to acknowledge also the incredible work that all of you do jane on our board david on our religious life committee uh nate and charlie and always being prepared to say yeah sure no worries happy to help and uh and nina we look forward to seeing you on the bim soon as you become as a combat mitzvah we turn back to the sanctuary now uh before we return the the scrolls to the ark to uh offer a prayer of healing there could be no more important prayer at this time we will have a healing service later in the day a healing service that has been put together by uh patrick prinster and and beth riordan but now we take a moment to think of those in our lives who could benefit with a prayer of healing as we lean on the strength of torah you will find the words on page 193 in our prayer book 193. [Music] may the source of strength who bless the ones before us help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing and let us say our men we think especially of barbara morrison emily joseph's bob van aiken david arthur helen strangos ufadia bin zamia linus perry muriel levine margaret cockrum amy smith shmuel ben pinchas ilana frey anna jacoby patrick buckley raymond rich morris sloanum john matas david friedman dr robert stanley adira batrachell ilana you may wish to add additional names in the chat or hold them dear in your hearts as we join together on page 193 [Music] [Music] a men a men and amen it is my pleasure to welcome now on to our our virtual bummer uh dorothy graf mark dreyfus and and uh and toby zions who will be offering uh the blessings for uh our community the blessings for our our country and the the prayer for the state of israel in inviting you to offer these blessings dorothy we we recognize the the continued contribution uh you make as the chair of our communal life committee uh the effort and energy you put into supporting our volunteers and and representing the very best of our values we thank you for that mark you you honor us in our community uh through the work that you do as a as a representative to federal parliament uh taking the values of our traditions those those values you learnt in shul and in community and making sure that our nation is is aware of them and and toby you uh will be offering the prayer for israel representing uh netser our youth movement and reminding us that whilst there is not everything that we always like about the the state of israel uh that uh our youth are continued to be committed to it and pursuing a future uh bright and and and connected dorothy if i could ask you to offer the first reading for our congregation source of all being may the children of this community learn these passions from us love of devotion torah prayer and support of the needy may we guide with integrity and may our leadership be in your service may those who teach and nourish us be blessed with satisfaction and may we appreciate their time and their devotion bless us with fruits of wisdom and understanding and may our efforts bring fulfillment and joy baruch amen we continue now with a prayer for our country the country of australia mark we ask for god's blessing upon our country and its people we pray that we may stand as strong and as mighty as our mountains and be as gentle as our places of quiet beauty let the waters of our rivers and oceans flow into our hearts giving us life and inspiration may we understand that we are the guardians of its beauty for the generations that will come help us remember those who have lived in this land before us and those who have made it their home in more recent times may those we elect to lead and to defend this land be dedicated to the enduring ideals of liberty and law tolerance and diversity may wisdom compassion and courage inspire us and our children may peace and justice spread their wings across this ancient and enduring land and together we say amen amen and a final blessing for the people and the state of israel toby isla pray for the peace of jerusalem may those who love you prosper avinu basham soon a heavenly one protector of redeemer of israel bless the state of israel which marks the dawning of hope for all who seek peace shield it beneath the wings of your love spread over at the canopy of your peace send your light and truth to all who lead and advise guiding them with your good counsel establish peace in the land and fullness of joy for all who dwell there amen amen with blessings offered and honours shared we return to the sanctuary as we place the torah back in the ark [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so friends we now move into our confession and our forgiveness asking forgiveness for the things that we have done wrong page 200 214 we stand in humility conscious of our failings eternal god hear our call true sacrifice to god is a penitent spirit you treasure a crushed and repentant heart but you are close to the brokenhearted and you give strength to a suffering soul you are the healer of shattered hearts you're the one who binds up their wounds for thus says the high and exalted one who lives forever whose name is holy i dwell in a high and holy place but also with the downcast and lowly to bring new life to despondent souls to restore and revive repentant hearts return now israel to your god for you have fallen because of your sin take words with you and return to god asks the eternal forgive what is wrong accept what is good we stand in humility conscious of our failings we set before you the wrongs we have done we trust in your compassion for you know who we are marcoleno eternal god hear our call [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Music] the short confession on page 216 and we rise if we are able [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh hello [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] of these wrongs we are guilty we betray we steal we scorn we act perversely we are cruel we scheme we are violent we slander we devise evil we lie we ridicule we disobey we abuse we defy we corrupt we commit crimes we are hostile we are stubborn we are immoral we kill we spoil we go astray we lead others astray and we continue on page 200 218 our turning away from your mid-thoughts and laws of goodness is a hollow pursuit you are just concerning all that happens in our lives your way is the way of truth while ours leads to error what can we say to you whose existence is beyond time and space what words of ours can reach your realm beyond the clouds beyond heaven itself every hidden mystery every revelation surely you know them all atario deya zayolam atalumat citre atajo pess cor hydrave [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] new [Music] you know the secrets of the universe and the secrets of the human heart you know and understand us for you examine our inner lives nothing is concealed from you nothing hidden from your sight eternal wine our god and god of our ancestors we pray that this be your will forgive all our wrongs harden us for every act of injustice help us return for all our moral failures [Music] for the ways we have wronged you under duress and by choice for the harm we have caused in your world consciously and unconsciously [Music] for the ways we have wronged you through our thoughtlessness for the harm we have caused in your world through impulsive acts of malice [Music] for the ways we have wronged you by abusing our power for the harm we have caused in your world through disrespect to parents and teachers [Music] the ways we have wronged you by giving into our hostile impulses for the harm we have caused in your world through inflexibility and stubbornness [Music] the ways we have wronged you through lies and deceit the harm we have caused in your world by making light of serious matters [Music] for the ways we have wronged you in our routine conversations for the harm we have caused in your world through envy [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] for all these failures of judgment and will god of forgiveness forgive us harden us lead us to atonement [Music] [Music] for the ways we have wronged you openly and secretly for the harm we have caused in your world by hating without cause [Music] the harm we have caused in your world through consumption of food and drink more the ways we have wronged you through sexual immorality the harm we have caused in your world by hardening our hearts [Music] for the ways we have wronged you through greed and exploitation for the harm we have caused in your world through dishonesty in business [Music] the harm we have caused in your world through gossip and rumors [Music] for the ways we have wronged you by offering or accepting bribes the harm we have caused in your world by profaning your name in public [Music] love [Music] [Music] and so friends we do take a few moments now we have reached the silent confession so we just take one or two moments just for ourselves it's like silent prayer but it is silent confession we have some inspirational readings perhaps on page 224 225 we just take a couple of moments just for ourselves foreign for all these failures of judgment and will god of forgiveness forgive us pardon us lead us to atonement so friends just before we can we conclude our service this afternoon or this morning depending on on where you fall uh just a couple of announcements just to let you know what is happening at exactly one o'clock um our services will be continuing we have our yom kippur musa service at one o'clock our healing service will begin at 2 15 of course all being streamed amin her family service is at three o'clock and at the same time if you prefer not to join us for our family service we have a live in person uh through zoom a taurus study about jonah with rabbi john levi so please join him click on the zoom link that's available through our website so please do go on to our website at 4 30 there are nexa neter activities online um online that's 4 30 there's a zoom link so please do click on that yscore of course is at 4 30 pm and then our final service nila at 5 45 p.m 5 45 p.m so those are all the things don't forget to go to our high holidays link online please do go ahead for all of that uh now we're now going to head back to the sanctuary where canterlallum will take us out with not he's not going to literally take us out but he's going to in the service with it's on page 228 loom take us out [Music] me [Music] i am [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] what's happening [Music]
Channel: TBI Melbourne
Views: 1,740
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Bp3j2sJlLqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 13sec (10573 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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