I CHEATED with //DRAW in a RAINBOW FRIENDS Build Challenge!!

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today I'm doing a build challenge with my friend Rainey but what he doesn't know is that I'm gonna be cheating with the drawing mod anyways let's go check on my friend Randy hey sash what's up what are we doing today well rainy today we are gonna be doing a build challenge whoa Bill tells what are we building you already I've actually put a bunch of builds inside of this dispenser right over here so why don't you go ahead and hit the button and see what our first build is let's see it whoa I got lime whoa lime from Rainbow friends all right Randy well we've each got five minutes to build so let's get to it all right and here we are on our side and I just muted my mic So Randy can't hear us anymore but anyways now it is time to start using the drawing mod so let me just go ahead and grab a canvas and here we go let's go ahead and put it down right over here and now basically whatever we draw in this canvas will come to light so anyways let's go ahead and go into our canvas and now let's go ahead and begin drawing our lime first thing we gotta do is of course go ahead and draw his legs just like that there we go and oh man this guy is gonna look so awesome next let's go ahead and draw in his body just like this here we go this coming along so good next let's quickly go ahead and draw in his eyes and mouth just like this and I think they should be good enough and now any second our drawings should come to life and oh my gosh guys look at that there it is this build looks absolutely insane it's literally going above the walls there is no way that Randy's gonna be winning this round Rainey are you done your build yet oh my God no it's actually like five minutes I'm not even close to done yet I mean well I'm done and my build is the best ever so you should be done as well in the world I mean I'm trying but I still have time left fine whatever but wait a minute guys since there's still a bunch of extra time left and rainy is being super slow with this build why don't we go over to his side and mess with him and wait a minute since anything we draw actually comes true why don't we go ahead and put down another canvas and let me just go ahead and draw myself super small here we go and now I'm pretty sure any second it should make me extreme really tiny and oh my gosh wait guys look it actually worked oh my gosh look at how big this canvas is compared to us look like we can literally go underneath it this is insane but wait a minute now that we're super tiny we can go over to rainy's side and he'll have no idea so let's just go over here through the wall and let's just break through a little bit just like this all right so now let's just break through this block over here and here we go guys look it's rainy's built let's just go ahead and cover up this whole and perfect okay and my build does look pretty good I want to add some finishing touches so why don't I give lime an extra leg wait a minute guys rainey's build does look pretty cool but wait why is he giving his lineman extra like it wait a minute what the heck is this thing over here and perfect now that my build is done I guess I don't need this guy anymore just burned this lime with lava that is so messed up well now I guess I'm just gonna take a nap what the heck lava on a living lime thing and now we say for that lime let's just go ahead and grab ourselves a few of these creeper spawn eggs and let's just go ahead and spawn a bunch of them right over here where rainy's taking a nap oh my gosh guys this is gonna be so funny when Randy wakes up here we go let's just add on a few more and perfect that looks good and wait a minute guys what if we go over here inside of his build let's just go over here on the side of his build and let's just break through just like this and guys what if we fill up the inside of this build with a bunch of TNT oh let's just go ahead and grab a little bit of TNT and here we go let's go ahead and clear out a huge area and now let's just go ahead and fill this all up with a bunch of TNT oh my gosh this is gonna be so funny and while rainy is showing me his build later we can go ahead and blow everything up and here we go perfect it is all filled up with TNT now let's just go ahead and cover this up again and let's also go ahead and put a button over here oh man I slept really good and whoa wait are these creepers oh no guys wait it looks like rainy woke up quick let's just go back over to our side before he notices anything get out of your creepers what the it's really blowing up the creepers with fire Dynamite what the heck let me put this last one in the fire and there we go now they're all done what the heck Brady just he just okay that was pretty messed up but guys let's go back over to our side and just pretend like we are building all right here we are and now to go back into our normal size let's just go ahead and break this canvas and perfect now we're back into normal size rainy are you done your build yet oh yeah I just finished up Dash oh okay well whose side do you want to check out first how about we just check out mod first this modified is obviously way better oh okay whatever well my side is definitely better but sure we can check out yours first I'm coming over and whoa wait Randy your Belushi looks pretty cool it does look cool hold up I gotta clean up these Creepers real quick let me just grab this guy and perfect I gotta throw him on the lava and let's go wait you have like a hole for throwing creepers that's so messed up rainy it's just a trash can Dash a trash can for living beings that is pretty messed up oh whatever and anyways I mean your build over here does look pretty cool but wait why does he have like four legs oh because he's a mutant line I'm guessing that's why he has arms as well because I don't think normal lime has arms exactly because he's a mutant lime okay well I'm gonna have to take some points off for that it was a line Build Challenge not a mutant line Build Challenge wait did you just try to blow up your own build uh no I try to blow you up oh okay well I mean your build does look pretty cool but wait Randy what's this button over here one I didn't add a button anywhere what happens if we just go ahead and press it what is that noise what in the world wait what the heck was that wait Randy did you just try to kill me gosh you just blew my build ready that was that wasn't built that there no but you pressed the button so that means I get an odd what number are you the one who put the button there I mean who else would have put it but you pressed it so it doesn't matter what in the world okay well Randy do you want to go check out my side now because uh I think here will be impressed by it I doubt it but I guess I can go check it out all right oh you're just going hover mode okay let's just go through the wall and yeah ready this is my build what do you think why in the world this thing is so big yeah yeah I know I am an expert Builder what can I say wait a second what in the world is this thing over here whoa it looks like a little creeper oh uh yeah yeah this was just like a drawing of my build you know because I like to play in what I build before I build it oh that's supposed to be lime it looks more like a creeper but that's pretty cool Dash uh no this is just like a side view of lime what do you mean wow this thing is actually so amazing yeah I know I am a really good Builder but what do you rate it let me think I think I'm gonna go ahead and rate this a solid 10 out of 10 because it's all pink what the heck okay well I mean I guess that works let's go anyways rainy why don't you go ahead and hit the button again and see what we're gonna be building for the next round okay let's see him wait why in the world was that it does look up wait rainy I think this was the wrong dispenser oh God what did you do oh my God Benny what the heck gosh you just destroyed everything you idiot already you hit the button that was your fault uh yeah I guess that's true all right ready well I think this is the right dispenser this time so let's go ahead and hit the button again and our build is cyan whoa science that's like one of the new Rainbow friends yeah and you know what I mean you're definitely going down for this round again because I'm an expert at building this guy so again we've each got five minutes so let's go all right and here we are on our side again and I just muted my mic So Randy can't hear us anymore and now it is time to do some more drawing so let's just go ahead and grab ourselves a canvas and an easel let's go ahead and put it down there we go and now it is time to go ahead and draw our cyan and I'm pretty sure cyan actually kind of just looks like a big weird creature looking thing so let's just start by going ahead and drawing in his two legs just like that next let's go ahead and draw in his body there we go this looks pretty good and wait a minute I'm actually pretty sure we have to make that body a bit smaller so let's just do it like that and now we can go ahead and draw in his neck and now let's go ahead and draw in his head just like this oh man this is looking so good next let's go ahead and draw in his eyes and I'm just gonna use some gray paint to make it stand out a little bit and finally we can go ahead and draw these parts of the eyes there we go this looks good and now all we gotta do is wait and any second this drawing should spawn in and oh my gosh guys look at that there he is this guy's insane oh my gosh I can't even see all of him at once this thing is so massive oh my gosh there is no way we are losing this round but wait a minute what's this over here are there like holes in his head oh no guys I don't think we drew this part properly wait quick we have to go ahead and fix this let's grab some diamond blocks and let's just go ahead and place them all over here we have to make sure this build is perfect because we don't want rainy thinking anything is suspicious all right here we go let's just finish placing all of these diamond blocks on this side and perfect this hole is covered up but now we have to cover up this one over here quick and there we go this one's covered up as well now our cyan build is complete and yeah guys I think it's definitely safe to say that we are gonna be winning this round yeah how's your build coming along oh my build is coming along super good I'm actually finished it looks really nice I doubt it it kind of looks like garbage looks like wait how do you even know that you didn't even see it yet I mean because you built it it's honestly gonna be trash what the heck what the three how did you just call my build trash with oh my gosh that is so messed up yeah yeah what whatever Dash it's the truth oh whatever guys rainy keeps making fun of my build we can't let him get away with that I think it's time to pull another prank and wait a minute guys why don't we go ahead and put down another canvas and do a prank with this and wait a minute I think I know exactly what we can do first let's just go ahead and draw the Build Challenge Arena just like this next let's go ahead and add in the wall so we can have the purple wall over here for us and we can have the pink wall over here for raining and wait a minute guys do you remember earlier when rainy pushed the dispenser and a nuke came out of it well I actually put that nuke inside of there and it was supposed to be for testing purposes because now we are actually gonna use it let's just go over here right above rainy's side and let's just go ahead and draw in another nuke here we go looking good now let's just go ahead and fill it all in and you know just to make it look a little bit nicer let's go ahead and put on some of this nuclear yellow color on here and perfect this looks good and now any second there should be a nuke dropping on rainy's side but wait a minute guys click let's go over here and see when it happens all right here we go any second not oh there it is wait what in the world has happened to everything dad oh oh hey Randy what's up what wait how did everything just blow up what did you do I have no idea I was just sitting there admiring my build and everything blew up oh my God right you must have put like TNT in it again or something why would I put TNT in my build are you dumb I don't know you did it last round I didn't do that well I mean who else did it Randy it was in your building it was on your side so it must have been you oh whatever Dash well anyways ready we've still got like three minutes left so you better get to rebuilding and while rainy is rebuilding I'm just gonna take a nap Josh are you done yet oh wait you finished rebuilding your thing already yeah I'm done okay how about you come over and check mine out first uh okay but wait rainy this is kind of like uh hazardous land I don't really want to go in here there's like nuclear waste everywhere wow no you're gonna have to figure it out otherwise I win oh fine okay well let me just go ahead and grab a gas mask and wait there's no gas mask okay well I'm coming over all right and don't wait Randy I don't feel so good Dash you shouldn't be stepping in the nuclear waste oh okay well I'll be more careful but uh wait is this your cyan build yes it is what do you think uh I mean it looks all right but wait why is there America flags over here because this is made in America and uh I mean it looks decent I mean it's kind of small small what do you think is ginormous what are you talking about uh Randy why don't you try turning around turning around and wait I can't see anything oh yeah we have to go closer this way obviously uh okay and wait what in the world is this oh well Randy this is what real cyan looks like real science this thing is ugly ugly what are you talking about wait what did you just throw up my build I didn't throw anything in your build what are you talking about wait did you just I'm not ready my build is too big that your Dynamite is gonna do nothing what my Dynamite's gonna do nothing are you serious Dash uh I mean yeah I mean you just threw one and it did no damage uh Dash uh yeah ready you might want to look up in the sky wait what did you call an airstrike or something I don't know now your build is all destroyed what what the world ready and actually not all destroyed look the legs are still here and the tail is still here so I win uh no I can finish it off don't worry what is the rain literally just destroyed my build that is so unfair well I mean it wasn't as good as mine I just felt bad for you I don't want you to have to look at it anymore what the heck okay not ready come on you're definitely lying my build was much better okay fine I'll admitted your build was a little bit better let's go it was a lot more than a little bit better but anyways let's move on to the next round all right Rainey and we just finished rebuilding the wall again okay how about we make a rule no more blowing stuff up uh no I think I'm just gonna go away bye Dash wait what no ready get back here there's still one more round ah fine okay I'm coming all right and anyways why don't you go ahead and hit the button and see what our final build is gonna be whoa we got blue whoa blue okay well Manny this is such an easy mod to build you're definitely going down for this one no way dad watch this let's go and here we are on our side again and again I just muted my mic so ready can't hear us anymore and now it's time for more drawing and I've actually got a perfect idea of what we can do with our build this time but first let's just go ahead and put down our stuff and let's go ahead and draw in our blue and blue should be pretty easy to draw all we gotta do is go ahead and select blue and let's just go ahead and draw in a couple of legs next let's go ahead and connect them just like that and and let's go ahead and draw in the body and whoa I just made blueberry fat let's redo that here we go and yeah this looks a little bit better there we go next let's go ahead and draw in the head and oh no guys we don't have enough room for the head hold on I need to undo all of this all right let's restart except make everything a little bit smaller here we go next let's go ahead and draw in the body looking good let's go ahead and draw in his head and of course we have to go ahead and draw in the arms and blue also has a big yellow crown on his head so let's go ahead and add that in next and there we go this looks pretty good now the only thing we have to do is go ahead and fill it all up and of course finish drawing his face and perfect this blue looks super awesome and now it should paste in any second now and oh my gosh guys look at that there is our blue and this thing looks actually insane this thing is like double the height of the wall this thing is so massive and look it's even got the big yellow crown and everything but anyways now that we've got our entire build pasted it is time to move on to the next step of the plan because we're gonna be building a little trap inside of our build for Rainey when he comes over to our side anyway since anything we draw comes to life we don't even have to build the Trap ourselves so let's go back into our canvas and I actually have a perfect idea for this trap we're gonna build a roller coaster except at the very end we're gonna make it explode so first let's just go ahead and build a little roller coaster that's gonna go all the way to the top of our blue so here we go let's just build it going like this all around the top of the blue and there we go that looks good next let's go ahead and add a little staircase that lets us go inside of the blue and actually ride the roller coaster there we go and now over here at the bottom of the roller coaster we can go ahead and add in a bunch of explosions for when rainy goes on to it because it's gonna explode and oh my gosh guys look at that wait is this the roller coaster this looks so awesome and wait a minute guys look we even got the staircase over here to get inside of the build wait let's go check it out all right so I'm pretty sure if we just go up here and yeah look inside there's a ladder and now I'm pretty sure sure we can just go ahead and use this to get to the very top of our build oh my gosh guys this is actually so op but wait the slider is so slow I'm just gonna fly up all right and here we are and whoa this must be the start of the roller coaster this looks so awesome but wait there's like no Minecart here let's go ahead and grab a chest and let's just go ahead and put it right over here and fill it up with a bunch of mine cards and now let's go ahead and take this thing for a spin and oh wait this thing is too slow I think we need some powered rails let's just go ahead and grab some powered rails and a little bit of redstone and if we place it right over here then this should work now let's go and whoa this is so awesome we are going so fast let's go here we go here we go here we go and oh wait guys I forgot that there's explosives at the end oh no quick we have to break this thing poof guys good thing I remembered the explosives but let's go check out what would have happened if we kept going and oh my gosh look at all of this TNT this is insane but Hmm this is kind of just normal TNT it's a little bit weak why don't we step it up a notch and use some of this blue TNT times five oh yeah this is gonna be much more powerful let's just go ahead and put a bunch of this over here perfect now when rainy goes and rides his Minecart over this reel then all of this is gonna explode and it's gonna be super funny but anyways just like that our blue build is now complete let's go see if rainy's done rainy are you done yet gosh I've been done for like ever what took you so long oh uh don't worry about it I was just uh testing some stuff yeah okay well how about you come over to my side we can check out mine because mine's super awesome okay I guess we can check out yours first I'm coming over all right I'm coming over and whoa wait Randy is this your blue build yes it is it is it's so accurate yeah this thing looks awesome it actually kind of looks like blue in the game I know I'm like the best builder ever and anyways ready I think I'm gonna rate your build a solid do you not see the obvious obstacle course right here oh wait you built an obstacle course oh wait okay here let me go into survival mode and try it out okay but let me give me one second dad so that's not actually complete yet it's not done yet but wait ran out of time well there you go now it's complete oh oh you just made everything pink okay well actually rainy you actually made the face Pink as well so now it's uh kind of inaccurate I mean it looks better so okay okay whatever well anyways let me do this parkour let's go and wait a minute ready what are these these are just fans what up are you dub Dash oh well I I didn't know I wasn't supposed to pick them up you should have put a sign there or something well no it's obvious anyone with the brain knows that you just gotta jump on them okay well I mean these fans are pretty cool so I think I'm gonna snag one for home later no no put it back dash oh okay fine and whoa whoa whoa wait it's blowing me up man perfect now you're on to your last Challenge and whoa wait what's this do I have to go inside or something no you don't have to go inside look at the chest dummy oh wait there's a chest oh right wait am I supposed to pick it up and then go inside let's go no Jess what are you doing get back here oh I have to not go inside okay all right and now let me put down this chest and wait what's even inside of it and oh wait a bow and arrow wait am I supposed to shoot you with this no you're supposed to hit the targets Dash oh well I mean you kind of look like a Target so I guess I'll just shoot you well good thing you can't hit me because you suck oh okay whatever well you know fine I guess I'll hit all the targets here we go bing bing bong all the targets have been hit this is too easy is it it looks like you're about to miss one uh no already I don't do missing there we go and I just hit all of them uh that one you missed this one okay here I'll just hit it again let's go and congratulations that was the end of my course okay Randy well I mean your course was pretty cool and whoa wait you look very handsome today oh gosh thing is hideous oh sorry about that if it's on my head get that out of here okay well anyways your course was pretty cool but since you threw me off there at the end I think I'm gonna have to rate it a negative five out of ten a negative five out of ten are you serious Dash I mean yeah you killed me with your course that was how the Eddie was supposed to work fine okay you know I guess I'll raise it to a negative three out of ten you're giving me at least a six out of ten or unless I blow everything up oh okay okay you can have a six out of ten let's go all right well anyways Randy do you want to check out my build now cause I think you'll be impressed oh yeah let's go check it out really stop breaking through the wall you need to stop doing that and perfected whoa this thing is huge yeah if I need this as what a real blue looks like this is what the blue actually looks like from the game this is so cool and what you even drew it that's awesome oh yeah you know I I just like to draw my builds before I make them so I can have like a little plan to go by you know wow that is so cool Dash yeah and anyways Vinnie I actually also built a little Obstacle of course on the inside you wanna go check it out oh I would love to let's go all right wait why are everybody fans everywhere these things are so weird because you get around faster okay whatever well anyways Randy the course starts right over here at this staircase you can start going up awesome let's go let's go let's go okay I see this really cool Bridge whoa yeah and all you have to do for this first part is just climb up this slider and while you're doing that I'm just gonna be shooting at you for fun oh wait you're gonna shoot it yeah you gotta climb faster go go go what the hell come on come on ready the fans are not gonna save you from my arrows let's go you gotta run faster wow that's not fair test oh I didn't know you were that low don't you dare shoot me again Dash uh why what are you gonna do about it that's what I'm gonna do about it oh wait okay fine I'll stop I'll stop blowing up my build and perfect I made it all right here you go ready and now for the next part all you have to do is grab a minecart from this fell off what the how did you even do that I'm sorry I didn't know I was supposed to get a mine cart yeah yeah well Vinnie you can grab a Minecraft from this chest and all you have to do is ride this little Minecart Track whoa this looks like fun and here you go ready the first drop oh my gosh this is crazy let's go oh this is fun this is the price for you at the end oh big surprise is it pink blocks uh maybe but you're about to find out let's go what is it what is it and wait what in the water these why are they blue have fun ready see you God oh and wait the blue ones didn't explode yeah I better run away go go go what in the world was that Dash oh well that was the surprise I was talking about you know just a little bit of good old TNT a surprise that sucked okay whatever well anyways maybe what do you rate my build honestly it was pretty cool so I think I'm gonna give it at least a seven out of 10. let's go and you know what Randy that means I win the Build Challenge oh good job Dash I guess you deserve it if you enjoyed that video make sure to hit like And subscribe so that we can be raining to 100K
Channel: Dash
Views: 106,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dash, rainey, dash and rainey, rainey and dash, dash minecraft, dash and rainey minecraft, minecraft, minecraft build challenge, family friendly, no cursing, no cussing, no bad words, cash, nico, cash and nico, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, maizen, sunny, sunny and melon, jamesy, jamesy minecraft, omz, I CHEATED with //DRAW in a RAINBOW FRIENDS Build Challenge!!
Id: 2Vu5bX9id5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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