NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a PLANET Build Challenge!!!

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hey rainy and whoa whoa whoa what are you doing oh well since we're in space it's a bit cold so I want to light up this TNT to warm up wait wait no really you can't light that up it's gonna blow everything up but now it's super cold Dash anyways what are we doing today Dash well ready since we're in space today we are doing a planet Build Challenge whoa a planet Bill challenge that sounds so fun yep and we've each got 15 minutes to build so good luck well anyways now that we're over here on our side what rainy doesn't know is that we're gonna be cheating with Slash life paste so let's go ahead and run the command and just like that we get this massive Earth build this build is actually so massive let's go check out what it's like on the inside and oh my gosh this thing is enormous there is no way rainey's winning but wait a minute since we use slash slash paste we now have a bunch of extra time so why don't we go ahead and fill up our build with a bunch of traps to prank Rainey and of course for our first trap let's go ahead and build a fake entrance and we can build it right over here and I have a perfect idea of what we can do for this fake entrance we're gonna make rainy fight an alien and since rainy is horrible in Minecraft he's gonna get absolutely destroyed over here at the end of the fake entrance we can go ahead and put down a lever and we're also gonna put down a sign on top of it that says free diamonds next let's go ahead and put a few dispensers over here on the ceiling just like that and using a little bit of simple Redstone we can go ahead and connect the lever to all of these dispensers and finally inside each of these dispensers we can go ahead and put down one of these alien spawn eggs and using a command block we can make it so that whenever rainy flicks the lever it not only spawns in the aliens but it also blocks him in with a little wall it is gonna be so funny to see Rainy flick that lever well anyways now that we've got a fake entrance done let's go over here and we can start building our real entrance and I have a perfect idea of what sort of trap we can put here but first let's go ahead and make a little room and over here in the middle of this room we're gonna go ahead and put down one of these nuclear TNTs and using a little bit of redstone we're gonna go ahead and hook it up to this lever and basically in this room Randy's gonna have 60 seconds to try to defuse the TNT before I flick the lever and blow it up and the only way for Vinnie to defuse the TNT is to hit this button right over here which will activate the command block which will get rid of the TNT but of course this challenge is gonna be like no problem if there's only one button so we're gonna go ahead and put down a bunch of buttons and Randy's gonna have to try to hit the right one and perfect this looks good it's gonna take rainy so long to find the right button but if he does manage to find the right button and defuse the TNT then I'll open up this door for him which he can use to move on to his next level and I've got a perfect idea of what we can build in this next room but before we start building it let's go check on what rainy's doing really quick let's just go over here and break through the wall and guys there he is let's see what he's doing whoa my Earth is looking so cool you know what I think I need to add a few of these green blocks just to give it some extra touch and wait a minute it really really thinks this looks like the Earth it's literally a rectangle it's not even symmetrical and let's go I just built Canada what the heck that does not look like Canada at all but whatever well I guess I gotta go ahead and build the rest of the countries because I only have like 10 minutes left and wait what wait oh no we have to get back to building well anyways guys guys for our next trap we are gonna build a room except it's not gonna be any normal room because we're gonna fill it up with a bunch of lasers and traps and it is gonna be absolutely insane but first let's go ahead and make a little hallway and now we're gonna go ahead and fill it up with a bunch of traps so first let's go ahead and add in some of these lasers and in front of those we can go ahead and put down a few of these spikes just like this but wait a minute I just realized there's no way for Winnie to get past these lasers so what if we just go ahead and put down a secret door over there and another Secret Door over here and Randy's gonna have to use these to get through I mean he's gonna be stuck on this challenge for so long anyways after he gets past those lasers then he can do these Diamond Spike jumps and then for his next challenge he's gonna have to get through these fans and basically whenever you walk over these fans they're just basically gonna blow you into the air and right on top of them let's go ahead and put some spikes so that if rainy does step on the fence then it's gonna be over let's also go ahead and put a fan over here and then another Spike over here so Randy's gonna have to jump over it and wait a minute I just got a perfect idea let's go ahead and put down a few more lasers and then using this color module we can go ahead and change the color of the laser to whatever we want and of course we're gonna go ahead and make our lasers purple let's go let's go ahead and make all of these lasers purple and perfect now this trap room is already looking pretty good but I think it needs one more thing and that is some Sentry turrets so let's go ahead and put two of these down and perfect basically if you don't know what Sentry turrets are they're like automatic guns that just shoot any player or mob that gets in their way so for example let's pretend like this zombie is rainy and he's trying to get past the sentries and they're just gonna start shooting at him and Goodbye Mr zombie rest in peace well anyways once rainy gets through all of these traps then he can go through this door which we'll take him to his next challenge which is gonna be a dropper and oh man this dropper is gonna be absolutely insane because just look at all this room that we have anyways of course the first thing that we have to do for our dropper is go ahead and make a big hole so let's do that now and perfect but this is barely a hole so using the command slash stack we can go ahead and make it into an actual hole just like that let's go ahead and quickly add in a floor and then we can go ahead and cover it up with water and basically what rainy's gonna have to do is jump from all the way up there into the water down here except right now there's no traps inside of our dropper so this is gonna be super easy all you have to do is just jump like that so the next thing that we have to do is of course add some traps so first let's go ahead and make a little line just like that and then we can go ahead and cover it up with a bunch of spikes and now this one trap is already pretty nice but of course if we want this to be an actual challenge we're gonna have to build a bunch more of these so let's go ahead and do that now and perfect this looks much better look at how many spikes we have now except it is still a little bit easy to just land Into the Water by sticking to the wall so of course let's put a bunch of spikes on the walls and perfect now this is starting to look like an actual challenge except it is still a little bit easy if you just jump and then land into the water like that so I think we need to add even more traps and of course what better trap to add than some more lasers let's go let's just go ahead and put a bunch of these down because then there's no way rainey's getting through okay perfect now this dropper challenge is looking super good well anyways if rainy can beat the dropper and land into the water over here then we can go ahead and make a little exit right over here which will take rainy to his next challenge which is going to be an ice bow race so first using some ice of course let's go ahead and make our track and of course I'm gonna make sure to make this track super twisty and tourney so that it's gonna be super difficult to ride on and perfect this track is looking good over here at the start we can go ahead and put down a chest and inside of it let's go ahead and put down some boats and rainy's gonna have to ride these boats all the way across this entire track to make it to the end anyways over here at the end we're gonna go ahead and take it outside because we're gonna build the next challenge out here in outer space but before we build this next challenge I think we need to spawn in another planet so let's go all the way out over here and let's just go ahead and use this command and just like that we get a mini Sun let's go this mini sun looks so good and anyways for rainy's next challenge we're gonna go ahead and put down a command block and we're also gonna put a pressure plate on top of it and whenever you walk over the command block you're gonna get levitation and rainy's gonna have to use this levitation to make it all the way to this other planet here we go come on come on we're so close and let's go we made it but anyways after Rainey makes it onto this new planet then he's gonna have to do a bunch of challenges which we're gonna build on the inside but before we go ahead and build these challenges let's go check on what rainy's doing again but we can't just go over to rainy's side looking like this because then he's gonna know that we're cheating so let's just go ahead and grab a potion of invisibility and now that we're invisible let's go over on this side and whoa guys it looks like he really made some improvements since last time we checked his Earth is actually more cement magical this time and it's not a rectangle but anyways where is Rainey and wait a minute guys I think I see his name tag right over here all right so let's just go ahead and break into the wall and wait a minute guys there he is let's quickly cover up this whole and let's see what he's doing oh man this Chopper looks nearly impossible there's no way to ask him able to make it through safely it didn't really really build a dropper inside of his challenge what and oh no he's right this dropper does look pretty difficult just look at how many spikes and stuff there are well wait a minute guys I have a perfect idea for how we can fix this let's just go ahead and grab a few ghost blocks and using the ghost blocks we can just go ahead and replace all of the blocks inside of the dropper with them and now if we try going through the spikes it's pretty much like they're not even there so now let's just go ahead and replace all of these spikes with some ghost blocks and perfect now if we try going through any of the spikes they're all just ghost blocks this is super perfect and wait a minute guys it looks like rainy's coming up hopefully he doesn't notice the ghost blocks and perfect my build is almost done wait a second did I just go through one of my spikes wait what how is it even possible and oh no guys wait I think figured it out wait these must be ghost blocks how did these get here oh no guys he's on to us there's only one X place for this it must be dash dash where are you oh no guys already figured it out uh yeah it's rainy it was me you just got pranked wait where are you dash oh uh I'm invisible I'm right over here what are you even doing on my side Dash we only have six minutes left you're gonna be late and wait what we only have six minutes left okay I'm going back over to my side well anyways for our next challenge let's go ahead and dig a little hole into the top of our sun and let's go ahead and add some ladders just like that except it's a little bit too easy for rainy to just see the ladders and then go down so we're gonna go ahead and put down one of these secret trap doors which basically just look like a normal block but if you click on them it's actually a trapdoor anyways let's go ahead and continue building this ladder and next let's go ahead and build a little platform for our next challenge next let's go ahead and add in some walls and perfect this next challenge room looks great well anyways for the challenge in this next room rainey's gonna have to run through a bunch of fire I'm just kidding that's gonna be way too difficult instead using some of these ghost blocks we're gonna go ahead and make some fake fire and instead rainey's gonna have to run through this fake fire this is so perfect it pretty much looks like normal fire but if I go into survival mode and go for a little dip it doesn't do any damage at all after rainy gets through the fake fire we can go ahead and build another ladder for him to go down which is gonna take him to his next challenge which is gonna be parkour since we're inside of a mini version of the sun let's go ahead and cover up the floor with a bunch of lava and now we can go ahead and add in our jumps and I'm gonna make sure to make them super far apart so there's no way rainey's gonna get through all of them there we go this is looking good except these normal jumps are a little bit too easy so let's switch them out with some of these iron bar jumps which are gonna be much harder than these normal jumps oh yeah now this parkour is looking really good we can go ahead and build the Finish Line right over here and finally we can go ahead and put down another ladder which will take rainy to his next challenge which is gonna be a boss fight so first let's go ahead and make a huge platform and now that we've got this giant platform built out we can go ahead and spawn our super op boss which is gonna be this guy right over here just look at how Opie this guy looks there is no way rainey's gonna win but if rainy tries to fight this guy with no armor then he's just gonna get absolutely destroyed so what if we go ahead and hide a chest right over here and inside of it we can go ahead and put some of this super op God Armor but rainy's gonna have to die and look around so many times until he can find this chest but anyways if rainy manages to defeat this boss then he can move on to the next level which we can go ahead and put a door for right over here but before we start building this next challenge let's go check out what rainy's up to again let's quickly go ahead and make ourselves invisible again and let's go over to his side and wait a minute guys it looks like rainy's right over here let's go inside and see what he's doing and perfect this room is all complete this is perfect there's a hint switch somewhere inside of here that Dash is gonna have to find and wait what I have to find the right button out of all of these buttons in this room wait maybe we can see which one rainy presses so now if I go ahead and flick this button right here the fans will activate and he can move through whoa what's funny it is that is perfect well anyways I guess now let's just follow Rainey to the next level and whoa what in the world is this and now for this challenge stash is going to get levitation what's he getting used to get through those gold blocks up there and wait a minute I have to use these command blocks and get levitations to get all the way to those gold blocks over there that's gonna take so long just look how slow it is for Rainey why don't we just go inside of this command block over here and change it to give us game mode creative let's go so now when we're gonna be doing rainey's challenge we're literally gonna be in creative mode and now I gotta go ahead and check out my other traps because we only have like one minute left and wait one minute left okay we have to get back to building our last traps let's go ahead and drink a milk potion and go go go we have to build anyways after rainy defeats this level then he can go through this iron door which we'll take him to his next challenge which is gonna be trivia so we're just gonna have three blocks over here and over here in the middle we can go ahead and put down a question something like what is the biggest planet and over here on the left side we can go ahead and put down the wrong answer which is gonna be Earth and then over here on the right side we can put down the correct answer which is Jupiter except the trick is we're gonna go ahead and replace this block over here for the wrong answer with a ghost block so if rainy chooses the wrong answer and jumps onto the wrong side he's gonna fall into the void anyways now let's go ahead and repeat that with a few more questions and then our build will be done and just like that our build is now done if rainy makes it to the end we can go ahead and give him a bunch of these cool diamond emerald and gold blocks and other than that our build is looking super great I cannot wait for rainy to go through all the traps Josh are you done yet yep I just finished building my build and it looks super good I doubt that well whose side do you want to check out first hmm let's see well my side's gonna be way way better so how about we check out the best one first okay well yours isn't gonna be better but sure I'm coming over to your side all right Rainey I'm coming over and whoa your bell actually looks pretty cool I know it looks so great doesn't it I mean it looks alright but it's not even like a ball this is kind of like a cube ready but this is basically how the earth looks and since we're in Minecraft it had to stay a cube uh I mean I guess so but where do I start you can start right here at this open entrance all right and whoa wait Randy what do I have to do for this first challenge well for this first challenge you're gonna have to find the hidden button oh okay well that's pretty easy I'm pretty sure it's just gonna be this one right over here let's go what how did you know that instantly well I'm just really good at guessing you could say but there's no way and wait Randy what's this next challenge this next child is a little levitation parkour you can start right on this command block here okay well this should be pretty easy just gotta go on this command block and wait ready I have creative mode Let's go wait what how did you get creative from that I don't know you must have put the wrong command in their command block wait what no dash get back here wait why are you really gonna make me do this level even though I already did it yes you're still gonna have to do it I don't know how this gave this to you but let me change the command real quick and perfect now your command's ready okay fine I don't even need creative mode this challenge should be super easy either way here we go just gotta land on this command block over here and let's go okay you're doing pretty good yeah this level is no problem I didn't even need Creative Mode come on come on just a few more command blocks oh come on You're Gonna Miss This one for sure no Randy I never miss let's go and wait are you blocking off the exit uh no you made it see uh yeah I mean I guess I did make it well what's this next challenge this next challenge is gonna be a TNT running you have to run across it whoa okay this looks super difficult but since I am an expert at TNT run watch this here we go run run run and perfect how did you beat my course so easy well ready I mean it was really simple I just kind of ran look I can do it again here we go and quick run back and no wait Randy I fell into the little TNT ah you're gonna blow up let's go I shouldn't have went back well whatever I did technically pass it the first time what do I have to do for this next challenge well this is just a dropper and let's see how you do first try haha and uh wait rainy I just went through all of those spikes I think you accidentally put ghost blocks here wait what I thought I changed these let's go it looks like you did it well what's this next challenge this next challenge is a century room and you're gonna have to make it to those ladders with avoiding the centuries and wait centuries I don't see any sentries this should be no problem and wait what the shooting at me I mean I just told you they were there Dash what okay well I gotta be more careful I gotta start using these walls and come on just gotta run over here let's go and oh my gosh that bullet was so close oh you're definitely not gonna pass this Dash come on come on I'm only at like five Hearts but if I run fast enough I should be able to make it come on come on you're gonna fail for sure no way I just gotta run out over here and don't go go run I have to dodge the centuries and let's go with only one heart remaining oh you're so lucky Dash I am just too good at Minecraft well what do I have to do here is this an archery course well yeah why don't you just look inside the chest Dash all right and okay I got a bow and eight arrows well this should be no problem I just gotta hit all the targets right uh yeah we'll see how you do all right here we go this should be no problem we'll Dash only one of these targets actually moves you on and you only have like uh let's say four arrows left oh no this isn't good well actually I have three so you got that wrong but come on I have to get one of these targets and oh I actually got it let's go oh you're so lucky Dash and wait a minute are we on the outside of the earth what is this yes we are and you're gonna have to make your way to the top somehow wait make my way to the top I don't see any ladders or anything wait how am I supposed to do that well Dash maybe there's some invisible blocks of some sort wait invisible blocks and wait a minute I see the block out lines over here I just gotta jump there and whoa that is so scary oh you're definitely gonna mess this up there's no way you can pass this come on come on this should be no problem and these jumps are so hard to see randycon did you really have to place them like this yes I did come on come on how many more jumps are there oh you're almost to the top oh let's go we're actually almost there and wait a minute I don't even see the next drop I guess I'm just gonna jump over here and no I fell I told you we're gonna fall okay well I'm fall in one but that's not gonna stop me come on just a few jumps left oh come on you're definitely could have fallen come on you're so close maybe there is no way I've fallen twice yes you are I believe in it come on come on just a few jumps left we're almost at the top oh you're looking nervous Dash come on just fall and I already made it ready that was too easy oh you're honestly just lucky that's it and whoa wait Randy what's this next challenge is this Sumo yes it is all right well you're definitely going down because I am an expert at Sumo well we'll see about that won't we let's go in three two one go oh come on come on come on I just have to hit you a few times and let's go no I was so close well don't get too excited yet you still have to win two more rounds all right no problem bring it on here we go come on come on you're definitely going down few more hits and wait no wait numbers let's go oh that doesn't count I didn't even fall into the lava it does count cause you lost all right Randy well you may have won that last round but I'm definitely winning this next one so here we go wait what I was even ready but I can still win okay well it doesn't matter because you're still going down come on and let's go oh you got so lucky Dash all right dash are you ready to go again yep and you're definitely going down again we'll see about that let's go in three two one go go go come on you are definitely going down and oh I just died man that was way too easy Dash I told you I'm just better than you okay well the score is now two two and wait are you wearing my head yes I am what are you gonna do about it I'm fine whatever I'll just push you into the lava let's begin in three two one go come on come on I'm so close what how did I lose that because I'm better than you dash all right dash you might have lost the last few rounds but I'll give you one more chance okay okay but wait a minute give me one second and wait a minute guys I actually have this one Command right over here that'll give us a knockback steak so we can just use this to hit rainy into the lava all right pretty well I'm ready let's begin in three two one go let's go and come on let's go what already I've been training my arms are super buff now wait how did you just get that good I've been hitting the gym a lot recently uh whatever Dash I guess you can move on with this command block let's go all right and let's go and wait Randy what do we have to do for this level well for this next level you're gonna have to use this motorcycle in order make it to the end oh wait do I have to ride it on these iron bars what these are so narrow I mean are you not good enough to uh no no I don't know just watch I can uh pick up the motorcycle and then just walk let's go wait what that's cheating Dash no it's not cheating I'm just uh strategically playing you know yeah what you're such a dirty cheater because you're not good enough to complete the course you know what fine here I'll put the motorcycle down and I'll ride the rest of the way let's go and wait a minute ready did you just spray paint the motorcycle pink this is so disgusting but whatever I can still do it I mean it's been pink the whole time but whatever Dash all right here we go just a few more blocks and oh man I am such an expert in motorcycle riding I wouldn't say that and uh wait rainy uh I think your course is broken that was uh I played that perfectly fine there's some definitely something wrong with your course uh yeah I think you're just bad Dash but don't worry I'll bring you back all right here we go second attempt and you know the only reason I failed last time was because the motorcycle is pink you know if this is a purple motorcycle it would be no problem yeah whatever you say Dash and perfect I just made it and perfect now you can move on to your next challenge and wait Randy is this a drawing challenge do I have to draw this zombie yes you do let's see how you can do it you only have 60 seconds wait what 60 seconds okay here we go let me just see okay we got blue legs we got a like a blue turquoise shirt and okay this should be no problem let's go ahead and try it go let's go ahead and draw in his legs just like that and now we can go ahead and draw in his shirt oh no dash you only have 15 seconds left wait 15 seconds what okay well this should be no problem because I am an expert at drawing just gotta go ahead and drawing its arms and its face just like that five seconds Dash oh no come on come on and now I just gotta go ahead and join his eyes and mouth and there we go time is up okay let me go ahead and check out this drawing in uh okay it kind of looks like he skipped leg day a little bit oh wait what ready what do you mean this guy's legs are so bummed okay I mean I guess you got the colors right and the mouth looks right I guess so you can pass let's go does that mean I beat your build yes it does dash let's go that was too easy well do you want to go check out my side now because uh it's a lot better than this you think it's gonna be better than this yeah I don't believe you oh I don't think it's gonna be better I know it's better let's go all right dash I'm coming over and wait what in the world how did you build this circle well you know I'm just really good at building what can I say what in the world you did this in 15 minutes yeah I mean it was pretty easy all I had to do was build a circle and then draw out all the continents and you know it was yeah it was really simple honestly wow you're so talented yep and since I had a bunch of extra time I built a bunch of challenges on the inside for you oh let's go where do I start at well ready you can start either on this entrance or this entrance over here well there's a TNT in there so I kind of don't want to go in there and this one says free time and so of course I'm gonna pick this side alrighty well I'm just gonna go into spectator mode really quick and uh yeah you can go ahead and flick that lever whenever you're ready okay let me just see what this lever does and perfect where are my diamonds and wait what are these I have reading you just got Frank because it's a fake entrance and these are aliens Dash let me out let me out and wait why did you flick the liver more that's just gonna spawn in more aliens uh maybe it's over for you God I thought I don't the door well uh Rainey that was the fake entrance and you can go through this one now which is the correct entrance wait why would you trick me like that Dash well I mean it was pretty funny okay well what do I have to do in here well maybe in this room you have to defuse this nuclear TNT and if you don't I'm gonna blow it up in 60 seconds wait how am I supposed to defuse this well one of these buttons in this room will actually do it so uh good luck finding it oh no this is super difficult you've only got 40 seconds left good luck come on come on I can do this come on come on it's one of them you're actually getting pretty close and wait a second Dash I just opened the door and oh wait Randy you did not do that actually come back here wait what but I just opened the door TNT is still gonna explode and you've only got 30 seconds left wait yes there's a lever up here what does this do baby that was running oh wait Randy I'm gonna try to put water on it no come on come on don't explode don't explode and uh wait Randy it just exploded yes yes I defused it look uh I mean I guess you technically did defuse it so you can move on to your next challenge let's go I'm the best and wait I'm getting shot oh yeah everybody that's what you deserve after almost blowing up the entire world but yeah you have to make your way over to this door come on this is so difficult Dash I don't want to go through the lasers oh yeah there's actually another way and oh well you decided to go through the lasers mini there was literally a door and oh well yeah ready there was a door right here that you were supposed to go through but I mean I guess you can walk through the lasers that's just gonna hurt a lot let's go I'm about to Sprint through this watch this oh wow and oh well I mean you made it pretty close so I guess I'll give you a checkpoint you can teleport here let's go I'm running now go go and you're actually super close in oh you are almost there I was out the door uh no that doesn't count you're gonna have to try again I'm running go go go and okay well that counts good enough I'm the best and whoa this is a huge room yep rainy days ultimate mega dropper and you're gonna have to have to jump from here all the way down into the water and wait what what are you doing I'm the best Parkour ever and uh Randy I don't think that's a really good strategy and oh you just died to one of the lasers let me see what if I just do this come on I can make it over there and wait are you trying to get to the other side of the dropper wait what's the point of doing this and let's go now I can just drop down right here that's too easy oh fine well I mean I guess that technically counts you can go through here now I'm the best art I Dash uh I mean you did all right it took you two tries well anyways ready for this next challenge this is an ice boat race and you can go ahead and grab a boat out of that chest and you have to make it all the way across this course wait what this is super hard look how fast I'm going yep you gotta be careful and oh did you already fall come on now what this isn't possible all right well let me try this again I'll go even slower all right remember slow and steady wins the race so you know if you just keep going slow it should be no problem come on come on man this is so hard why your challenge is so difficult because I feel like it what and you know what Randy it seems like you're actually doing this pretty easily so I'm just going to go ahead and put some of these ice spikes down just to make it a little bit more challenging wait what this is already difficult enough well good luck avoiding the ice spikes I fell through a cat Dash come on not again okay you know I'll just teleport you up here you can have a checkpoint come on I can do this and uh wait ready you're going the wrong way you're supposed to be going this way what oh Dash you set me up okay I can do it this time just watch this Dash oh you're actually super close to the end just a few more blocks and wait a minute this area is a bit too hard I'm just gonna go ahead and make a few holes there we go wait a bit too hard you just made it harder oh sorry that's a bit too easy and let's go I made it oh well I mean you kind of fell off there but I guess that counts and perfect and now to get to the next challenge which is gonna be over there on that mini Sun you can go ahead and hit that command block let's go and wait as I'm flying yep and Britney don't waste your levitation you have to go all the way over here run run wait what go go go and wait a minute are you bringing that boat with you yes I have to well you're about to run out of levitation and oh you just ran out all right I got it this time Josh watch this go go you cannot waste any time you just have to keep sprinting towards the mini Sun come on come on you are almost there you should have enough levitation just a few more seconds and let's go I made it let's go good job well anyways now for your next challenge you just have to find your way inside inside okay why don't I just break this block oh um well I mean that wasn't the intended way you were supposed to go through here but I mean I guess that works let's go and oh wait rainy I just said you were supposed to go through here you went the wrong way wait what you said that works oh whatever well you can just come down here for your next challenge and wait yes there's a bunch of fire here yep and you have to go way to this ladder over here oh but this is gonna do a bunch of damage well you know what I'll give you a little hint there you go really quick wait what it doesn't hurt yeah because this is fake fire wait what what even is fake fire don't even worry about it well anyways for this next challenge you just have to do a bit of simple parkour oh this looks super easy I'm a pro at parkour and wait what are these these are some iron bar jumps and they are much harder than your regular parkour jump so uh yeah we'll see if you can do that oh I made it let's go and wait I guess that counts but you're kind of on fire now oh no am I gonna survive you're ready let me get a fire resistance potion and oh I was too late okay I could do it this time though don't worry Dash all right let's see it this truck looks pretty difficult and oh fire again I need fire is This Disaster burning there you go you only have one jump left haha let's go I tricked you oh whatever I mean I guess that's fine okay I'm coming down the ladder in wait what in the world is that I'm staying up here oh wait no radio you can come down you have to fight this thing I have to fight that yeah I mean it's a pretty easy challenge you know he's pretty small how in the world about fight this is huge well I mean just get better honestly you just have to get good at Minecraft and then you can beat it the ball let me through the door let me through the door everybody give you one hands there actually is some gear somewhere in this room wait I'm waiting the stuff out of that chest and then you should be able to take him down and oh you just died what wait where's the gear at come on ready you gotta pick it up it's right where you died there's the chest plate over here quick grab it go go go I don't need it I can just hit him go go go and oh my gosh you're actually doing so much damage come on come on he's so strong whoa you're destroying him he's only at half health I can do this I can do this come on come on just a few more hits you got this come on just a few more hits I can do this and whoa look he just broke part of the map what the heck and boom I took him down I'm too good and wait Randy watch out there's lava falling on your head go run run this way Dash it hurts you're I'll teleport you quick go through this door get me out give me out and there you go we're safe well ready for this next challenge you just have to answer a few questions what is the biggest planet Earth or Jupiter well that's I took first grade math I know exactly what planets are all right well uh which one's the right answer then obviously it's Jupiter duh and wait why did you place your head here get that out of here but yeah you did get that one correct you can move on to the next one now let's see how many planets are in our system Solar I think there are seven and wait wait that says eight but yeah close enough now you can move on to your final question which planet is closest to the sun earth or Mercury hmm let's see well I live on Earth but I also live on Mercury and wait I just fell off I guess you got that one wrong okay well honestly I think it's Mercury and let's go I was right let's go good job and that means you beat my build let's go that was too easy if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit like And subscribe and click on one of the videos on the screen if you want to watch more
Channel: Dash
Views: 332,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dash, rainey, dash and rainey, rainey and dash, dash minecraft, dash and rainey minecraft, minecraft, minecraft build challenge, family friendly, no cursing, no cussing, no bad words, cash, nico, cash and nico, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, maizen, sunny, sunny and melon, jamesy, jamesy minecraft, omz, nOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a PLANET Build Challenge!!!
Id: LDZdCdmltls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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