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in today's Ohno video the bot gets up to some mischief that's all I'm gonna say I don't want to ruin anything and also for some reason jelly thinks he's gonna win this one now don't get me wrong uno is all about luck but still somehow jelly sucks at it now I have a very special no card right here I will turn it around if you click like right now if you don't then I keep it so it's up to you you ready to see and oh well that's a disappointment sorry about that guys [Music] hey I'm next to pudding what do you mean against you it can change friendo do you know jelly hurry up see now you're against pudding Craner do you understand dunno do you like me to give you a tutorial wait doesn't have a yellow can you believe that oh I do I'm not I was kidding thank you pudding jelly okay well let's just don't listen to him but Andy doesn't exist granted isn't that blue what is he gonna take mine well in that case I mean I guess I'll take them back to oh I would pudding do that it should have known switcheroo D okay Julie nine many play what do you think it's the quickest wind we've ever had I don't know I think we should try and do it I think we should try and do the quickest win we're already oh not a dream you pressed over on one it was he and maybe it was gonna precipice for Julie that's that should be good because you have something that I couldn't have used to win so yeah but one two zero one zero so don't worry about it I call it I have a choice great this was great if we can make a green way though I don't have any cards to that say oh why dis lost out on that so jelly jelly jelly is the new problem crater stop maybe I should say probably say oh great okay thanks footing that was my own stack as well oh no I got bad Carter say what do you guys she maybe this isn't too bad are you kidding me you actually just said yeah it's great why would you say yes okay I'll take that back you have the most cards oh yeah that's church but I had to get rid of the seven anyway so actually didn't lose her I don't have one pudding is destroying us today you know we've never had the Botwin imagine if that actually happened don't jinx it Josh okay well I mean it could happen one day okay oh wait pudding straight up is gonna win soon by the way credit Kurn if you don't have any plus cards pick up no I missed the jump in because please what you live yellow maybe red I feel like they have a red no they don't good guess good guess good guess oh okay jelly here we go he's trying to make excuses three left you kidding me oh you had you didn't have the own color that you selected okay Josh I guess we should keep it this then judgment over there Oh jump in al-quran oh yes I'll take that was it good was a good crater hey jelly has like a seven or something so or a zero maybe yeah well that's not gonna last two sevens are you kidding me I've ever seen a mummy now you're gonna pick up okay what should I do what I think technically we can play back and forth oh yeah I caught you're going on the seven oh really do you know how this works think that free now jelly has two sevens in his deck you did nothing basically hey it was about a place a card - yes credit you have good cards right Oh Amos how good Creina how good is he go like winning cards Creina yeah we haven't been playing for that long though Oh No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm still on pudding you can do it I literally have to pick up I don't want Josh the wind this one come on come on put it chain into green it was Gary before [Music] okay thanks for that crane that was kind of toxic I'm sorry I'm [Laughter] three chords began guys you tomato request how many cost you a crane will switcheroonie would you get no both of you yeah he does hey I think I think I think no I think Jenny got the best day because this he's he doesn't have a green it's no green I know that yeah I said if he has the number they remember what color it might be blue give me blue cuz I can plus to him yeah I mean we know green knows good so unless it's a number that he has green I guess I mean we know that what oh no does he have body great is okay you doesn't have a blue or green and now I have a million cards okay take them please curious okay for red cards oh wow yeah doesn't matter anymore just wait wait great now what is jelly God thanks guys know what I have now I guess now I okay we've all got like a lot of card yeah but we still got a lot for all right well pudding has the lace cards again okay that's the thing [Music] this could happen gently you're all the red come on yellow maybe the blue then yellow guys he's probably got a seven yellow yeah okay footings picking up again okay gonna steal now jelly oh wow okay there we go you probably putting four as a seven now you gotta pick up Oh back to you then I actually don't have a seven okay pick up again you're ruining the deck that you want to steal jelly well oh wow oh wow good pudding my guy pudding pudding is got a lot of Ecology pudding as we get some more cards all right that's a raper Oni okay there is suddenly a law calls in planar yeah it's like when we did that bad thing you know pudding really like blue it's really like the greens huh [Music] yeah we are stacking right now we are collect got more than 20 cards okay whose are you gonna steal preyas yes two sevens and 1 0 now let me have a look let me have a look let me have a look oh the two sevens no one sees okay well I have to school this one what would I steal blow at this point guess I'll stow jellies yeah well no but yeah I guess oh okay I can't we're getting through cards like oh okay yeah it's a bit of a forbidden sec Oh jump in okay so making it worse sorry I know whose are you gonna steal this point oh wow are you trying tactical how's this cheating yeah but I can't put anything down now jelly oh maybe if you put 0 5 or 2 0 5 or two to pick up jelly okay well we know we've got to get one deck down okay zero five five five two this got to make sense because if you're gonna steal the winning deck you want it to be smaller zero five five what color red and green put down a zero because then pudding gets it now you could have picked up jelly you're doing it because you're trying to get the deck smaller you know that doesn't help Joe you're making it worse there we go still interesting okay this deck can win Oh guys I will just tell you this deck can win there's no seven okay you need to calm down okay what to play gently no I probably wouldn't unless you want to be playing for a long time okay well I said to pick up anyway it was otherwise plus six for Josh yeah oh wow that would have sucked yeah yeah yeah no I'm good at that I have two yellows guys I'm a reverse that helps no one you were on the same amount of cards jeleesa ah crap I picked up a but I just want to get less card sorry pudding I don't have a choice here three consul Daggett and he's picking up still green oh wait wait crater you to get two left we were gonna steal that you ruined everything is this ever gonna end no it's not okay now we've all gotten our cards again that doesn't really work for me that okay hello now Oh me me me me oh why would you do that what else would it be I think it just gave Johnston no I mean I'd have to actually have the right cards for that I've got two Reds in the green if that helps okay so I guess I read okay okay what do we what minute no it's fine okay [Music] can we kick buddy do guys we can't do anything yellow okay so let me lick it reverse it and jump in on myself back to sevens oh wait so you just gave yourself plus 4 that didn't do it so in my car wait I've got a 7 I've got a 7 great great great great green no but I saved it cuz now are you gonna get plus board hey I've got a green a yellow and a blue do I save the deck ok he changed yeah the Reds aren't gonna work for me if you guys just pick up okay just pick up if you can't change to red it's yours if you can't change the green yellow a blue pick up the green okay now that Queen though right about you Josh green green was cray not hey now I'm yellow and blue yellow and blue to win this yellow at home hoodie has it now maybe we should do there's a challenge sorry I didn't know sometimes I do things about realizing okay okay well it's no longer the win deck is it okay Fran you've got a winning deck okay Jenny's got the winning deck now no idea I'll keep it green for your just gave Josh the way I could win right now we can't do nothing frustrating I already have agreement oh we can close pudding as I got the buncha cause oh this is interesting jellies got a really good thing I'm right next to crater so he might mess it up for me do you have he has a read it is to read to read if you want to take the stack to win one more I could win if it stays in the read you keep it the read I could win jelly if you keep it a read no I don't think so nope sorry if you enjoyed that video then you might enjoy one of the two videos on the screen right now either this one over here you can just click it just tap it or this one over here you can also just click it or tap it or even Boop it with your nose like this see I pooped it enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 5,247,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, uno, card game, uno with friends, jelly, crainer, how to, cheat
Id: PyrnrIy5bUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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