The BEST CHEAT in UNO! (win every time)

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okay you guys you're in for quite a video today this was our weirdest game of Bruno ever and that might sound a little odd but you just have to watch and find out basically I found a cheat but it didn't quite go as planned like for more uno and get ready let's let's get into the video beautifully wait we got a new blood his name is pudding a big fan wait why can't Jeff that's a cool way to start off what did you select Ellie I could select the color yeah because it was the first card that came out the deck jelly okay relax I would like to play and it began the good the destruction of pudding pudding pudding pudding that's three root Oh pudding is gonna cope a bad guys and it's not gonna be but it's gonna cry scared of pudding now he's gonna be very mad and it's gonna go after me Josh okay it's not good I can't put against a law card okay this isn't the worst thing okay okay I can I can do that to pudding so we're okay okay that's that's nice Thank You Josh good job bro can I do I get so much liking and then we got his cards that's really bad that's common okay nothing so far okay I know pots yeah yeah my cards are pretty decent guys I get really like on clockwise um what do I do here oh gosh time is running out okay I'm little trainer I'm trying to play a bit more tactically this time around what am i plotting isn't five cards it's not that bad bully pudding right now guys I mean I don't have anything to hit pudding with we crater there's a law of college in general going around okay there you go pudding we had I don't know what Karina have yellow yellow yellow I'm not gonna say anything that means no oh the truth but you actually take that stupid okay what I can't play stir it I hate this day oh I can didn't have a choice okay I didn't have a choice you know okay gonna take my chances you have a lot of really say jetty 20cm race is actually really bad I'm gonna have to pull a card I think yeah I'm gonna have to why we had a red seven okay and I don't want to switch with anybody by counts are the best right that's amore that's a cards oh yeah that's why I have to do okay [Music] you'll cause any more crane it don't worry yeah it's a very holiday you have to get rid of you seven let me keep my god dude let me pick up holy crap that was insane we all held my cots in one match they were sweaty why are you sweating so much or something you don't doesn't have much to think yeah yeah he has two sevens he does I'm being I'm trying out like not playing cards on purpose to try and get sevens is that C quite radical there you go Josh just be smart wait wait that's illegal see anywhere from a 13 to a for though start you kid win with that I know but I can get I can ya know he can eventually well it's gonna be really hard he's gonna have to play you out one of those seven you know I'm Josh I'm gonna I'm gonna do it's an interesting tattoo are you kidding me right you gotta change it to red he's got 13 cards anyway they have it just the seven now hear me out hear me out okay because I'm gonna get them back once he plays his sevens he has like three sevens I gave her likes wait what are his card I don't have time see you does that bridge say I told you that wasn't gonna work no way dude was terrified okay close to who know once this has been a very different that now it's yellow something I could play you want me to tell you what a half out of my 10 cards oh I'm not upset cuz I'm trying to get any cons possible that's my tactic this game okay let's wash I don't like this you're usually like reverse psychology on us and it's just that's my planet Li's I need to make sure everybody queue things right now why change your strategy done the last two times the board is too easy to win oh wow who wants my Jace jelly wheel it way a few guards don't even see the numbers anymore that jelly we can't let him win now okay he's being way too confident we have to murder him okay but oh I don't want to know why I want to come on what are you gonna do victorious for a second don't worry but it shows that it works so I can repeat this that wasn't much of an upgrade oh you got any zeros you got any sevens plus two this is my deck okay only on purpose okay relax be careful here oh come on jelly Oh old addage e right there Oh change change it around Josh make it go the other way oh there you go that's what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna play this oh oh please don't pass to me no have you got anything good jelly to the target scars no I don't start is quite smart he just keeps up picking cards oh this blue I don't really have any aggressive fun hey I can do that keep it blue Josh wait did you say he only has blue or he does he only has blue and causes all these God so why keep it blue that because he wanted no wait keep it red did you hey hey he's gonna be blue yeah see ya I'm eating I can pick up more than a +2 do you might want to stop oh wow Chris really believed in trying Oh craters got 60 60 okay I'll pass for I could do and change keep it on something nothing and I changed the color to yellow yeah okay give me cuz the pudding oh just give me come on pudding okay but now I can just do this and it's blue again anyway okay yeah Murli carts retards Oh Ciel a while puddings gone I feel bad for him but pick up surprisingly well oh I mean I could jelly the benefit of a lost cause I guess hunting is gone wait what's happen I just must suit again jelly oh yeah okay I'm gonna skip him pretty crazy yeah I have a plan here I have four cards oh wait you didn't just give me this deck did you yeah I think you have a second oh gosh this is not too bad is anyone ever gonna win this go for each color to see this day yeah it's never want to have that deck again okay what have I got here it what it's never gonna end yeah well literally never gotta end this game if you keep I'm actually gonna punch somebody in the face right now no that's not that's not okay see my card don't watch a big dude no one has low mana cards is nothing - really oh thanks keep my have a plus-seven green jelly 7s 7 green I don't want to change Cup someone get rid of some cards yeah let's we gotta play some cards guys steal he's the worst guy I know how to make it better be jelly imagine after all this pudding wins like that would you just lost cards from that Craner yep why would you do good yeah Thank You pudding thank you very much cards for that I mean pretty los whatever I do appreciate it pudding clearly not working Hey I mean it's hilarious started with just picking up cards endlessly and what's happened is that everybody has I'm not forcing upon everyone else to have a lot of cards that I'm in the wrong thing I can't even press that what are you doing jelly I got so many you say you can't click him jelly let's give you seriously not click I can't it doesn't let me what okay I'm gonna put a blue one down you literally can't press green cards no it's glitched or something that's what I even like even if I switched cards or something right now it like barely would change anything this is terrible this is not good let's go we gotta split up we got it make an end to this somehow yeah yeah I don't know how we're gonna do that but let's just try guys oh come on Josh that's not how you to win no Josh helping anyone jelly you do started it Josh okay two guys for LA sig we gotta get rid of all the pluses you don't want you don't want to see my god oh oh that was unbelievable plus - hey I'll be nice you don't have any other cards okay picked up yeah we don't have any more cards though no not me please you know he has the best cast in the game he literally has the best cast I want to back I want him back so that means you had the best I think all of the cards are in play is this game I don't think it can ever end I don't know I wish you could see my hand right now go okay Josh you gotta watch out watch all don't worry we can begin a chain there you go that's a way that's all that no not me not me jelly me he gave you those I literally can't put anything else down there's too many cards in my hand he has five of those or something are you kidding me I got so many of them and then okay okay this way this might come around back onto me I don't even at this point we've got all the cards so we don't know I cut this is never gonna end this is actually never gonna end okay guys let's stop putting annoying cards down okay yeah you haven't plus two yeah I have one too this is the ball Oh what let's see it [Music] [Applause] you can even pick them all up I can't son refilling somehow wait so I was if I don't do anything right now nothing I didn't pick up anything what we write on accounts there there is so confused Craner is actually doing really well so we got to make sure you can't play ok to cut the back I think the cause of back seat they keep on coming back I thought it was a good tag Pig really bad my bad let's just start putting normal cards down can we do that can we do that we got to get rid of some normal cards ok let's just get rid of normal cards I groove gosh dang it but I want the bots card yeah the father's really good cards right now ok time to transition into a lower deck there we go jelly normal hey [Music] back again the good one thank you bond can't see the cards putting has a lot of place for us to show you guys though oh my goodness my poor child never gonna end [Music] I think we started an endless circle because of Josh please leave us alone but for the seven zeros it wouldn't be a problem I'm sorry I have to do it okay maybe we just play all our sevens now huh yeah just get them moving for some I have 35 cards Josh is down too okay so I'm not put I'm not picking up okay so we're good right do you have a boss Julie I got Plus dude give it to me don't have a plus - okay great I had the small deck and now you've made it the big deck good job guys be there like three plus four is I'm guessing no I picked up four plus sevens I mean four seven well now you can void sevens okay because they're all being played at once jelly and then going back into the deck you see that's why it's just so this is an endless game of uno that's never gonna stop honestly that's true I think that might be true we started an infinite game uno right now I don't know how we're gonna end this I don't think we can I gotta try I don't know how they because we're just constantly layering these sevens and then someone gets say I don't know why did that do we make it rule against seven skies oh the body's not gonna listen yeah the bodies okay I got back landed okay guys normal war it's only okay what happens guys if none of us play I've got an idea none of us play aggressive cards against the bots and then it will be a race to get the bots cards okay that's a fair way of doing it so no one do anything bad to the bots okay and don't steal the boxcars either no stealing the boss cards until the end mine further now jelly oh well there goes that good job okay that's fine see that's fine but that guys that means you might steal the bots cards until he's really low ways it my turn to play against the bots you are we had a rule it's exactly that's the boy okay I'm gonna do that bad it's not my fault you missed off this game who know from the start Josh and it's your fault entirely I didn't know what I would do would have such things gonna take it you should because it's like you'll eventually want to steal puddings cards you see you understand now okay okay okay normal now - that's fine it's unless we don't steal puddings cause it's fine jelly okay upset fine jelly it's fine jelly it's fine all right and then play normal play something that he'll have I don't know fault wait what if I put a zero down and he's got less cards will quit we'll make it quicker yes zero would work right now yes he's got 17 cards good jelly the bots will fix our problem this guy's we just need to get the book to get as low as possible yes yeah damn it he doesn't have read okay we need to change it to something other than red I have 40 cards Josh you could probably put a number down over yours yes a green okay okay so we'll keep me green right yeah let's see we'll find out he's got it are you done okay don't worry we can switch our cards with the ball a compote of seven oh wait no I don't want to play that okay don't worry okay yeah and now seven crater put a seven down and switch with the bot okay seven there you go he's on 13 now that's good I've got another seven if you make it blue oh my god I kind of got all right this is good is now down to 11 we should do this guys we could do this we got this Hey yes okay that's fine boy that's how you feel baby you can do that so I think blues are safe right now for the bots so keep it on blue to basic blues but maybe maybe cuz he likes it so I'm going to send him another green I guess yeah he likes green okay okay now that we played this game for real no no no we need to get lower than that yeah two to three cards I'd say and then we can see cards I only had a plush to it I want to do that to him okay alright he still likes green so I'm just gonna keep him in that green good pick up crazy pick up okay hopefully you didn't push for him good he likes green a lot yes a lot of green a big fan of their green that can we keep the green jars yeah whether he has more greens and find out oh great more green how many does he have you think fine there's a number there yeah yeah I mean how many greens does he have oh yeah we're gonna switch to Rooney all right okay trying to click my green Josh really hard to do it isn't it I don't even know how to I quit that by accident I can just switch with Jillian yes you've got good cards trust me oh wow you had just as well okay somewhat crazy you have to give him his cards back cuz we did say two or three pick up no that's bad I can't do anything else oh wow it's good no it's not good okay I just win no real love we just play for real love I mean I'm not gonna play it anyway because then this will be endless again guys I've got three cards left crayons that he's not gonna play it so I guess we just keep doing that oh who has someone else Elvis okay no crane has three cards I honestly at this point I'm rooting for granted how does this technology Ellie I need to pick up if I need seven yes three blues you have three blues are you kidding do you know that for sure I had asked us before Josh do you think I have short-term memory honestly when has he ever got that right come on always chasing yellow Josh no Josh don't endlessly pick there we go oh thanks bot oh so he has to blues right no I have to yellow tell me what does he have I won a seven I'm jealous I've might have a seven it's just very hard to find 37 cards about zeros Oh No Oh gape at the pudding oh wait a minute himself the bodice back in victory when he's got blues so as long as we don't I mean I could plus for him but then like no one's ever see what happens okay come on don't plus four I'm not I can't I we would never end the game okay well he's still not he's got a pig no and he's got a blue wait are we about to get beat by a bot and our pottery guess I could do this yeah I mean that works right okay no but now yes no don't pick up too many cards you have ruined everything now he has ten card green card I got the cards now no jelly has him you put a zero down put anything else down [Music] jelly has the valuable day can we just get jellies cards down yeah get my cards down Oh doing okay I win I'm sorry plenty of the okay BOTS back in the game okay it's actually problematic because he's got seven yeah this thing is not that good now no I'll take it back okay I mean I'll have a piece of that pie you guys we got it really are you guys just gonna keep changing who no one no one plus four or two that guys we can't just keep putting down sir come on opening that what do you have what's a good color you want Raina say it quick so honest honest honest honest honest honest are you being honest blue hey it's in my interest for you to be reducing that amount though yes that's what I'm trying to do here but I have so many cards you have to play the seventh Craner you just that's our guys okay I'm gonna play em and you go with whoever you think has another seven there you go okay so what I'll do now jelly has to kind of play the seven then I'll play the seven keep it blue I'll play the seven okay okay why did you do that to me oh it's going in that direction I thought I was doing that today I sorry monkey but please I thought thought I was going in the other direction okay and I literally got the worst ending cards I forgot I was I didn't realize hey don't worry I can fix this keeping it blue right okay keep it blue okay I'm gonna switch it with Craner this is the last seven in this deck okay that's good that's good but it's two zeros hey that's bad which is crazy you need to play the zeroes out as well well I couldn't could I maybe we got to switch the tables for okay I can I've got a zero so if I play the zero and then it goes to the bar no it gets the jelly next I can put another you got another zero okay the credit goes to you you are nonzero Craner put another zero don't okay keep it green or yellow listen we cannot yeah okay there you go okay yep I need to get rid of the Tutsi ah come on but two zeros in the in the Golan deck okay okay I'm gonna okay there you go okay now I can I can play this all right now the bot has it okay there's one more zero in the deck and it's the bots turn he didn't play it okay okay he didn't put it but keep it card wait what color was it I think it was blue if I Jenni if you let me change color to blue I can do that what do I put down I mean you can pick up oh okay just do blue then blue okay I think it's blue no I can't believe you're having to work together to be able to end this game he didn't play it okay keep it blue keep it blue I'm pretty sure he's got blue zero I can't pick up pick up pick up then put that zero no well he's breaking up did that like a zero sconce wait what he doesn't want to switch with everybody so he's not playing this hero right he's a bot he is not clear was it green oh he just played a +4 so you must have a green zero I don't know at this point don't put it thanks guys plus 12 or down don't do it I have to Crane huh thanks guys thanks okay okay now Jenny now you now this is good cuz that we can know what you need okay color key sevens tell me a color you need red or green which one red or green I have the sequel maybe a green okay that works I guess I could I could start playing these you start playing these okay thanks do you have another +2 you deli yeah you have another one yeah okay oh okay I don't have another one though okay anyway okay but what what do you need now Jenny what color a green pearly green green green is okay so now okay well next Jenny what next I still green okay okay wait I'm in trouble I need to pick up oh that's good guys listen I have three seven so I'm gonna have to switch like what color what color green green green green hey Craner you have great sevens do you have any sevens cuz then jelly could switch oh yes yes I do jelly what color are they but I'm not green I have blue yellow once okay I've read once because your next print no crater okay so what I do that now you switch your back okay there we go need a seven I don't have a cell what can all this really have I think dad is playing okay hello seven okay put that down jakey's take his cards okay I might win soon then honestly you could have said if he had a seven freaking forgot dude what color does he have I forgot now I'm just gonna take back the cards okay no no don't take back here you go Josh it's yours okay so I play the zero again I know but there's also a seven you have a zero yellow Kelly relax okay it's not too bad why do we had it yellow no way there was no yellow zero in here okay if you could pick up pick up pick up I don't have a yellow I have green and red green and red green and red it's literally can't stop and now I've got Josh this is all because of you yeah Josh it's started with your dumb I didn't know it was so powerful [Music] okay that's good but burning the seventh that's like there's like one left in there right no don't switch you within I don't care any ball jelly cuz I could have put another seven down Kramer you so dumb I have okay okay listen well god cannot pick up cards but it's bad if the bot is control of the deck it's really that's good thanks thanks okay so on switch it to red and green or something oh is green okay keep it red or green don't have a seven I don't have a seven or or zero I have a seven but it's blue anything ah you got oh wait no I'll take this this is a pretty I appreciate that okay okay Jota see how he says a seven in the zero the green room seven and play the zero okay bouquet I'll get your deck yes but we need to make it three you three a green guys it needs to be green oh is it gonna fur baby go you damn idiot I mean it could be worse I guess okay listen we cannot let the Josh be the one before the winning deck because it's gonna ruin everything thanks babe no jelly I said green-eyed together in the cause okay with that kind of people that's not that bad again this is actually insane he still has a zero and a seven in green keep it green please we need to turn it around for you John we need to turn it around cuz the AI is playing against the golden deck right now and now he's blood we need to turn it around okay someone turn it around please I can turn it if you keep it yellow I can turn it but okay okay okay there we go okay turn it yes but now I don't have a yellow any greens green you shouldn't've yellow or green green green I don't have yellow pick up okay I pick up okay oh okay now who has a seven I don't have a yellow seven but I have a green okay if I give to jelly then the box stop playing against jelly yeah that's probably safest so what I want to do now just don't play against jellies deck really dreams right jelly I need green and red okay okay green and red the green preferably green maybe you should say that before you know green green green green or green green we want green okay now you can play in normal car no Jenny get rid of the seven of the zero you mad boy okay so now you still have a cero yes and yeah these guys zero and it's created system I have to give it to the bot icon I don't have a seven okay so we'll turn it around so I don't have to go to the bot please no I need a green I need a green care to zero ring but can you switch it around no no that's bad don't sit around cuz I know we playing against me just keep it green I'll just get I'll just I'll just give the pop the deck okay it's not that bad that's really bad no because it's really bad we just don't got three cards do he's got green blue green and red jars one red that's a nine it's a nine okay really not know what to do at this point I'm not even gonna play against ya I'll check it out he's got a green block and a red nine okay a green block okay assuming we can trust Yeti at this point green and red he just wants to win now I honestly I'm happy to keep it that way oh I just want to end it oh my please come take the deck I don't have a seven okay well keep it red keep it red yes are we gonna left the bog window is that the plan I don't mind if the boat wins okay listen he's gonna have a new no now Jimmy has a seven though that's it wait wait he has a red nine a red nine that's what he has have red nine okay okay here we go now somebody's gonna light it I don't wanna do do not pass me okay he has a nine rat here we go here we go boys block him Josh block him so he doesn't have to go do we have it turn it around and he can win I can't turn it around he can win now yeah don't turn it around I mean oh just do it I'm done with this stupid game there you go I wanna do it I hate this game I'm never playing again
Channel: Slogo
Views: 7,231,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, uno, uno friends, jelly, crainer, cheat, hack
Id: da5c0PN0Zls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 29sec (2609 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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