DO NOT Press This RED BUTTON! (Fortnite)

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finally we have another one of these awesome map gmod for tonight combined into draw mod I just made that up we're gonna be playing a game mode where the trappers have to kill the runners and they get to activate other traps this is an awesome game mode in gmod think it was called f4 or something like that and it has been perfectly recreated for me until II to play with today you also have to click like on this video that's just the rules I don't make them well I do make them actually oh and one last thing make sure to use coats logo in the Photoshop to be really cool anyway let's get into the video wait you brought your best friends with Utah yeah yeah as you can see I've got a lot of friends you're looking a little bit off today what what you don't have any friends okay maybe I paid them to be hit that doesn't matter gently what are you doing on the other side of this wall Josh listen I'm gonna kill you everyone all right I've got buttons here and they will trigger things to kill you but if you want to kill me you have to make it all the way to the end of his day okay all right well teammates you're gonna be helping me make it to the end I'm guessing that this is a trap right here jelly I know this the first part is safe to say we're gonna do jelly huh no the first word is safe if you say okay if it's safe default run across it look it's safe look I clicked it it's safe it's fine hmm I guess it is safe all right in that case guys it should be good let's go guys Oh little friend psyche good good killed all your hair that is so sad oh oh it's safe guys everyone come across I don't think we can die now yeah we're good all right what have we got next jelly I see a blue gap okay all right guys couple of yous try and go go oh just one maybe just one no it's fine I want to kill more people then just want if we go oh you can make it I'm sorry I'm sorry all right guys let's go around I think this one is just to go around it and is he is he dead yet he's still alive he's he's gonna be there for a bit he's he's gonna stay down there with his armies alright I'll leave you to it have fun oh he died okay okay on to the next one so there's another floor trap here what are you gonna do jail you gonna set it off you gonna waste it on killing one George I am just gonna tell her to beat it beat it stop dying I need you to sacrifice later you know you need to put a leash on these guys my okay what is this left or right what does that mean Josh you and your team are gonna have to make a decision whether you're going for the left door oh so you can make sure one of them kills okay yeah have you clicked already okay I think he clicked the left door okay all right let's test it for me you go in the left door I'm pretty sure we'll be fine go yes I saw your face jelly I saw you look at Leon the bun uh okay if somebody went through the right door that person would have died just saying all right we're doing good team we need uh okay red but night bait this thing okay I don't know it looks like a longer who always you're good you're good survive everyone's go around it oh my goodness he can he can just dodge the shots to shooting okay blue from the edge okay robots come on get some better aim already we're gonna do jelly guys go go oh wait you just killed what me click no button you've got one jelly no he did that himself Oh what the heck is that whoa stay there default you just crushed that one yeah with the toilet pool of my own poop okay oh my gosh you will not believe what I have in my victory wait what what do you have come on guys Gordon come on into this beautiful beautiful room we're gonna do Tilly what do you see good luck dodging my stinky how many do you have huh is it killing you No Wow okay fine I'm just playing with you I'm not actually gonna you know make you something go on telly you try your best shot I bet you can't even do it come on oh oh okay I made it I made it I made it I killed somebody hey died in my fort smell I have low health now might want to back up a bit guys just in case I don't know how big these wrist things um okay what's gonna happen guys enable your wrists I am say whoa guys crap but the guy wait they died wait they're up there what with like it's a trap room it was a deaf box that is a death box do not stand in the rifts okay uh well don't do that what is this one jelly there is so much I don't know what these are but oh wait there's a wall there I bet you that removes and there's something's behind a guys try and bait it try and bait jelly if you guys can get across you can go yeah if you get across you can go just go guys what are you doing try and bait him I'm inside of one coming down I'm stuck inside hello hello the ball is rolling around yeah supposed to kill that guy but it did indeed he's a John wick he's way stronger dodged it oh there we go good job John wick okay go everyone going I always feel like oh I knew you were gonna try that kill people left or right what is this dude I can push this guy right yeah what whoa do it straight not straight away yeah that's too bad straight away but it did okay does that mean that this yeah I don't know I spam click that button and it's coming up don't go through this door oh do not go through that I'm not gonna go through that door guys don't do it don't do it who knows oh it's a nice trap that's deaf yeah we're not going in there there's no way that that's gonna be safe try and bait it guy so you have full permission to try and get across now Oh bladed chop so are we gonna be able to get across anytime soon no no the fan works as a fan so you can you know like fly up I doubt that I've got I'm gonna go for sacrifices I mean teammates left this is oh my goodness you are dying oh there we go look at this room Josh this is one of my favorites because it's a corner this is safe here I click the button no you cannot click on the button master guys do you think you could make it across the doorways directly there Oh Mike whoa why am I in this Cup what the hair Leah giant ball drops and this guy's stuck inside of a thing now I think it blocked it are you okay okay we're good all right guys don't touch the ball just in case it wait is there another thing the four is damaged in here is that it was gonna break guys what am I telling you to be careful what is this next one tell you what have you got I see wait you're gonna place down speed boots on you guys go see what this is you seem fine Oh what is that oh he is up go go go no ice yourself that's kind of embarrassing what is this one where is your button this one is very safe okay guys go go go you can go we need this Oh Mike died literally at the gate does that keep going okay go yes what were you saying sorry it was a joke wait is it not respawn no oh where is the next one jelly okay then we can just go Mike teammates are walking into each other oh good guys good Oh oh wait just pushed me into your area jelly hang on let me get back in what the heck oh that was brutal jelly and pushed me into your bit for a second that was weird that's crazy but I just air strike something else probably the best thing I've ever really got wait I've got two sacrifices left okay what and I've got something interesting wait did I just hear Oh does that destroy the floor hey good job oh my are you serious how did they just die somebody yep I don't know how you just did that by accident - I think there's only two of you left it's not maybe another person and I have huh see you later jelly stop it teammate you could go as well oh my god you just died what is this I don't know do you have another bun in here right now you're going too quick for me boy I made it through that was so close I'm so neni dead yeah you're so nearly dead what is this okay teammate go for it I need you to sacrifice anyway you might be able to make it who knows Oh what you just got played jelly look Jenny you're supposed to die Noah in the hole you cheese that I miss okay what is this have we won yet are we gonna beat you Heiko fillet on the right side of the stairs my time my time what no it's mine it's my turn no it's my hip but it's my turn anyway I'm just gonna run a crate come on guys Oh already jelly this is easy might be actually find out oh oh I nearly got you jelly I nearly just got you already okay no zombie killers this time you want to try this one out come on guys you can make it you can make it you'll be fine what do you mean whoa jelly I'm really going you oops okay I honestly have only killed one so far so this isn't too good all right which one you're gonna go in guys which one are you doing the one that's nobody guys don't go in any don't go go go where's the default by the default jelly you're gonna have to go on the right side wait what did you click both buttons I might have clicked both by accident oh it says not both is that cheating that is cheating okay well you guys could cover on this side to get around it oh gosh you just killed two of my players it's to you guys about this alright well if it visually killed three of my players yeah um I apparently are doing really well cheating apparently well cuz you're breaking the rules of the game alright alright alright angel angel right oh I forgot is the shooters my goodness one of them was writing a little will see just use her wings to fly over but yeah that wasn't gonna work okay so this one jelly I can't actually triggers to jump right wait what what does that do what anyone need the toilet mix up we have oh oh hello take my falsies to the left front yes oh I actually even got any more there we go all right every sure you guys know not to use the riffs [Music] no I think I'm good you keep spinnin a you good guys don't use the ribs just walk past Josh cannot do anything you wants to come play with this pool guys oh hey any survived the ball alright you made it well done left or right so Josh will have to click a button and in three seconds it's gonna blow up now I'm just gonna run oh why is he gonna go no my goodness sweet really Josh you're gonna go them or not me damn that really blew up okay see ya just where did you keep going bladed yeah they just through the middle waiting to die oh we're at the corner now jelly stop what if I stand in the corner I mean good luck that's a bad idea yeah that's just that's it it's just a big boy doesn't really do anything okay jelly jelly come stand near the edge of this fence okay make sure it's a little on the ledge yeah yeah no no no you you yeah no no no a bit to the left yeah come on guys you know you want to listen Josh just got chiller grenades and we just we just have to run across at this point so how about we just run how about we just run all of us cannot get all of us right oh I knew that was gonna happen that was good there's like a treasure on the floor what go sorry guys see oh my god that was like a triple kill what I think all right now I remember this poor Josh the numbers are definitely reducing jelly say jelly jelly I think you should sacrifice the iconic skin whoo what's that flex huh yeah that's like a flex trying to show off they they might outrun it you never know I am the team leader all right all right I do rise trying to get rid of that flex yeah gallant and run good job come on guys I call me it's not the buzz the 100 they survived that sucks Josh I've got three teammates left well you've got two but good counting and now you've got one Jenny you're gonna struggle a little bit to us we're doing so well as well what are you gonna do what is this what does this one do come on Josh Oh time for the air strike see you later guys bye 75 what the heck oh my god you are a lucky little bunny jelly I can't believe I survived that where's your friend hey hey this is really hard to shoot people for this wait is your friend already go oh I nearly got them Jenny you're earning their to go one at time okay well there goes those rules how does this want to do go through the door behind you this is about the same time that you started twisting what does this do after the door behind me wait oh yeah yeah that's that's a waste time no one fell down yeah okay you didn't go who I can't go yeah you can you're just blind oh my goodness still left side for real okay so then we have the TNT and then lastly this is how far you made it to the stairs right I made it further than this I'd made it to the says what Jen are we gonna do come on my teammate is playing very slow by the way wow that was see you later I'm sorry I gotta make sure they yeah that day right doctor this is where you died on the staircase yes some of them just break I think alright I'm at the top of the stairs just stole me close enough to kill you Josh you realize I can I can still win right I can still win yeah I don't know what it oh oh goodness dangerous I go now Jenna go now you're good to go it's gonna kill me alright well I should probably get ahead then while you have to wait what is down here shoot a barrel ah Jenny there's still quite a few more levels for you to do here shoot the barrel when now oh just blow it up okay boss geez did you just get bored I didn't even see that all right there was a bower I thought I'll supposed to do something but it already got set off where is it yeah wait for my sister shoot you know Josh what's next say hello to my little friend Elly hey that's no okay you can't run ahead I mean whoa you cannot trigger okay oh I think I might just hit the Backson I'm not allowed to trigger this but jelly yes I'm pretty sure if you go too high you are dead okay that's stop no that's a leak okay you're dead you're dead I've got important I'm fine how did you survive that final trap where do I says to go wait oh I can't I can't do this one either set me knife one ah what or or that way or that I win Josh come on wants us to kill you no this copy is where I go no wait wait what Josh I win no it says I win no it says I win Josh oh no it said I win here Josh take that no good news remember to use Coates logo in the fortnight's store if you want to be cooler than all of your friends you can thank me later bye [Music]
Channel: Slogo
Views: 5,057,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, fortnite, fortnite creative, jelly, gmod, death vs runners, troll
Id: fNcpGvDOlBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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