This Arrow Level Was IMPOSSIBLE! (Ultimate Chicken Horse)

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[Laughter] welcome back to probably the most intense ultimate chicken horse episode you've ever seen the goal is get to the end of the course but each round you can place a trap so you want to get your friends to fail for you to make it but you have to get over your own traps as well you kind of see where i'm going with this now you might want to get somewhere comfy because this one's going to be a wild ride and if you want to see some more ultimate chicken horse click that like button let me know in the comment section who you think will win head over to for the merch and let's get into the video okie dokie you got a good one already i'm gonna grab the stairs because i like hey what is this what walking upstairs are you okay i did not want to place that there trainer i don't think that does that is probably maybe the worst thing i've ever seen yeah i kind of didn't want to do that guys so can you not judge me right now jelly that's gonna literally make it what's the point what's the oh wait oh wait whoa wait wait wait i thought we were starting at the [Music] i didn't think there would be a hole dude all right first place first place come on josh oh yeah how would you forget that you get more points if you get first ah i think i'm going to stop don crainer it's a good start from crain actually got to be done let me get rid of crainer's mistake first no no no i'm good i'm good okay will that work does that go down i don't know oh yeah that works that works that works let it be man maybe get rid of my annoying stairs yeah thank you get rid of minorities i want to see what that does does it go up and down oh it goes okay how about we stop making fun of axes here crain oh it was bad it was above me yes are you kidding me that looks like a robot flying now how do you feel that jelly nearly just [Music] [Music] okay black hole i'll take it oh black hole no no no okay look at what i just did jelly put that down there because i just made it impossible wait why did you make an apartment he blew up the platform here yeah i didn't think it would be that big so we have to jump on that to get there and then sure sure no black hole josh we're not ready for the play i don't know that might be possible wait it's gonna suck in the hockey book it's okay suck it down i think so look at that no it didn't that's impossible thanks josh oh man i really appreciate this black hole you made i thought it would be impossible but it's not all right land on the platform that i put down because that's good this is so difficult if you got hit by that plane do you die no ah i mean what did we think was going to happen to be honest i mean i made this really difficult i don't know what i'm doing party box okay flamethrower i'll take that okay you just this is too annoying yeah that's fine that's fine there we go just a little bit annoying no no flamethrower there josh just a little bit because you can use it as a platform stand on it yeah i helped you jelly with the black hole look you can't get sucked into this whoa look at me whoa oh my god hey hey you're gonna eat a hockey plug no not look it's delicious nice oh nice this is not too bad oh that's so annoying you could have made that easy jelly but you had to put it down there am i the only monkey god how dare you blame your death on me you died the same way oh wait am i the only monkey alive that makes way more sense jump from there oh wow why would you do that i need thank you time okay thank you time i need your thinking i need more thinking trainers monkey suit is very fitting three two go no way no way his first time yeah unbelievable he just caught up with slogo let's go crane wow see it helps to have thinking time guys absolutely shaking thinking time helps a lot with the time i'm not sure is that is that possible ah maybe i'm not sure that's that possible no josh leave it all alone why because we can put a trap on there it'd be awesome that was fun to be fair and you'll ruin the fun okay wait for the book check this out guys what's going on there the point is but it's not that's what you get for chasing no i'm not going to bother with that no no one's going for the coins i've got an heist i got some points okay i did it josh now it's your turn buddy okay see it's not that hard no i don't know how daddy you know just got points i think it was still in first place i've got an itchy eye this is i'm gonna disappointed what are you talking about first place you know your first place won't last long right no that could be good wait don't don't do that okay that wasn't really easy well yeah what did you put down crayons i realized that ah what did you put down and i just blew it up away from everything because i didn't want anybody else to blow anything up okay that's very nice of you where's the portal it's going nowhere right now well soon it will go somewhere i've got big plans okay so the spinny thing huh no oh are you kidding me nice i hate this game hello how did you get the coin i wasn't even watching because my eye hurts yeah right hey you guys seeing this i've been lying this entire time i'm an underdog now yeah he's gonna get big points i've been losing on purpose and now you get to see the real crater okay so that can go here right that's good all right i don't know who wants to test this oh i don't think that will work you can't ask my own one yeah i think you put that one down are you kidding me it wasn't even on the right side oh my god so i am not risking this oh [Music] well i got me with my trap and you with my trap jelly so that was good let's see shall we why do you do this jelly it doesn't work that's not gonna do anything i want to have some fun okay use it that doesn't do anything yeah it does watch this you just made it not literally we'll only pick one of them we just cancel it out i think so bye oh you should have just seen that oh my i landed the wrong place and jumped the puck guys look at this he's like not doing anything okay what the heck was going on i got blown out the bottom this is amazing that was so weird wow in the cannons you actually made a really hard thing to pass down there with the spinnies with this why would you do that jelly why do you come up with these terrible ideas ah you got rid of it oh that good that's gonna either good no tell the bottom jay put it at the bottom i'm blocked why are you just making it impossible for no reason it's not we have a cannon that's not gonna work because there's a tire in the way i don't know i think we feel like i feel like i think we feel like the flame is possible you see [Music] space a little too early monkey time has been engaged [Music] ah the way you just slid through it jelly you made it way worse actually no josh made it the spinny thing sucks dude crap i missed no jelly that is just absolutely impossible there's no point in playing put that there you saw me place it somewhere okay okay you gotta make me go crazy dude like this what's the point man good this is good this is good josh josh's confident lamp the actual that was insanely low chance of that happening are you kidding me uh these things they can go oh but now there's a black hole yeah but you can still get past it it's fine not me okay yeah all you gotta do is this look at them well see yeah yeah that's fine okay look at what i put oh wait what that doesn't do anything look just what did you try and connect it to jelly oh yeah you can't connect goo to goo okay well then it's already connected something else isn't it big dumb dumb oh no oh getting rid of that black hole that ending is way too busy guys why are you putting gu on magdu josh stop doing things no you can't put the goo in the goods why would you do that josh like why you know oh god i nearly died oh and i i died josh why why is the coo oh my god you cannot deal with the girl no so i think we're gonna just dump off and die just stop with that we've reached the point where we made it too difficult i just want to go ahead and say that you're standing on goo get in the cannon right granny as works you could actually maybe land on the wood what are you doing ah do it actually jump from there maybe that will work ah yeah now what why jump at it when it's never mind how long we're gonna be here for all right we can start blowing some stuff up oh for sure i'm just gonna clear up the mess in the middle like this just needs to go yeah okay did you get rid of that behavior why why do you do things we put the goo and the goo can you stop doing things i went too far you little quick i didn't hey that was a good idea though oh [Music] i got hit hey all right granny made it craner is in first man this is not doing so well has crainer ever won an ultimate chicken horse video i don't know i think not maybe i don't remember i know i have you know you have not or you have one one i have one one i don't think you have okay okay i'm not really sure what i'm gonna do here yeah someone's gonna have to just whoa come on man that's an idiot dude look at that look okay good luck go gray [Laughter] all right now josh if you actually managed to get a point here uh that you call them since we can't do beehives don't blow anything up this is good to be fair this is good i shall put that up oh yeah yeah you agreed to nothing yeah agreed yeah we agreed to nothing but then we agreed that it was fine that we didn't agree yeah wait how did you guys don't get beat i took that crater did no he didn't oh wait wait i mean he got hit you can easily not activate the beeping all right josh okay the cannon does work right oh my god oh my goody goodness now what yeah well oh my god you did that no i did that why don't you tell me why do you make it impossible you dummy what is that for get it jelly you made it impossible jelly you are actually a dumb idiot [Music] all of that all of that i mean i really underdog here i need the points trainer okay so you made it impossible man what why like why that would have been impossible i think silly you don't get points if it's impossible because that means you can't do it either you dummy don't call me that sorry you are clever sometimes just not right okay bye-bye not right now i put that one down all right it's going to take me a second guys you can go it doesn't line up the same for us now now now josh just doing it you see it would have been good if there was a little extra trap there why because it would have just been impossible you agree with me no he doesn't make it impossible we both failed how much did you pay him josh somebody needs to you can't just say crainer you agree with me when someone doesn't agree with you no he does that that does work stop cooling things stop doing things oh that's you've really messed that up i think if i put it here that's gonna be so weird gotta fight the ghoul with the goo man okay i'll try hopefully that does something no [Music] teddy what have you done to us activate the piece julie nope i'm already past the crane i jumped over the thing okay yeah look at that look at that mess you made jelly okay um oh look at that genuinely impossible yeah how did that go jelly not great i mean this is possible josh you just gotta land yeah this is easier than before just saying yeah it actually you are so welcome well you didn't make it yourself because every time every time you complain josh gets more points have you not realized it i think you blame everything on me but it's actually helping josh i think you're actually wrong but i'll let you have it can we remove this thing at the beginning it's just annoying now no no please stay away from me [Laughter] i how did you get the bees because i died for something else here we go jelly it's time okay we need to not make sure that josh not wins what what no that you have to stand on it crain to activate it so that wouldn't let you through do here that's fun at the beginning yeah you said it yourself judy this was easy we'll have to do it being easy deadly yeah what's wrong with that man okay i think this should help us yeah maybe not actually why would you do that come on jelly okay it's just there come just try place it okay we'll block off this side yeah make it we'll make it only the bottom one it's cranah oh fine fine guys kind time teddy time he doesn't need it trainer i was gonna give it to you but you died like a dumb idiot let's see if you can do it i don't think all right i think we're safe really hope you're gonna die i think we are safe here he's gonna activate the beast don't don't worry he's gonna have to go now yeah x-ray piece he didn't activate him okay he's doing good so far oh wow that was a tough one now he has to activate the door without falling for the trap can he do it the door's not activated yet he's doing it he didn't jump through though okay he's through he's through he's through there's not much to be scared of here but now okay now he's gonna have to go over the screw i think i've really messed myself up with this uh pushing up that thing is going to shoot you into the air yeah it does you can just hold b hold b to give up you can make it now if you jump oh he touched it yo let's not delete anything this is this is like the ultimate skill thing ever guys we need to keep having this okay all right i'm not blowing anything off okay i do want to blow this up it's just annoying this is in the way but other than that we're good killed trainer it was fun yeah but one time one time oh coin time not that it probably matters for me i'm i'm so dumb why would i bother hey josh uh get in screen josh crainer karina crainer i don't think he'll be able to do this bit i think it's too finicky oh he's got it oh he's oh you are oh my lucky trainer he's probably so focused right now okay focus so remember when the that stare is on the right i want him to win i was so focused oh my goodness we need to be able this is the only wait what why why would you do that jenny why [Laughter] finesse holy crap okay but look at this wait i made it easy yeah what the heck man why did you do that i literally made it easy okay this is no he's done it yes he's done it he's done it done it he made it through go into the victory josh you decided i did the impossible cause oh my god coin coin no no there's more okay wait wait we need to make it more difficult down there now jelly somehow yeah how all right good luck what two why are there two [Laughter] ah josh please now josh go on crainer all right i'll leave he's got it it's okay impossible course only beaten by one chicken oh my goodness oh man yes no yes i made it through i made it through i can't believe it and now oh jenny craig can you hurry up please hello guys we can't always complete this now thanks daily all right that's fixed um hey josh hello what you doing on this thing anyway huh go now creator now [Applause] what a surprise let's go hey look ellie's under me though i feel like i'm always but you know and relax thank you very much for watching i am the winner that was an intense game i am not going to lie anyway if you want to watch more there are videos on the screen also head over to check out the merch why not bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 4,449,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, ultimate chicken horse, multiplayer, impossible level, jelly, crainer
Id: DLIY8SzkC44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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