We Spent 100 Days Building A STORE in Roblox! (tycoon)

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today me and Jenny are going to open our own shop in Roblox but we're basically starting with nothing so we're gonna have to build the store buy the products get customers and hire employees and if you like it we'll even make a second episode who knows my even you guys can decide by clicking the like button this is it jelly we've got our own store it's beautiful wow I want to buy everything that's inside of it no well there's nothing in here yeah that's kind of my point this door is empty you can't call this a store yeah you have an empty room no no we can work on that so at the top we can build things right and uh um Josh well first of all we've got to have somewhere to put stuff so no no no I think we need ceiling lighting no no jelly Jenny here we go that's one jelly no stop that's two no hang on you're spending no no you just move one to the other side it's beautiful you're spending too much money jelly oh we didn't look there's other lights there already and they're not centered this is gonna be bad what do we really really mean I'm having to move the light yet I can't move the light J why can't I move the light ah okay all right you know what we need shelves we need shelves you're spending our money by the way we made it back look it's this 5 000 okay you get one shelf each to place okay one normal shelf just a normal Shelf all right all right you place yours first mine's there oh okay mine will be there oh okay well that works and then you like it yeah I mean now we need to I guess oh where are people gonna pay oh we need cash here right uh who's gonna who's gonna do that you can buy the checkout counter for a thousand Ah that's a lot of money jelly okay fine all right so I mean we've got all of the stuff we need to get started hello welcome to my store hello give me all your money uh oh oh well I pretty much am I'm spending it on this thing people can't buy anything yeah we just have shelves job yeah we need to go and buy stock and ah jelly can we have a talk about your parking there are two perfectly good parking spots here all right off we go let's go buy some stock all right whoa whoa whoa watch where you're driving jelly oh my don't worry did we just did we just do a flip on your screen okay all right Shelly here we are okay so pull it up uh in front of the red person okay no other one there we go okay yes that is oh my God awful okay do you want to buy some inventory so just buy some cans his name's Johnny and each of us are going to be able to buy some just get a hundred hundred canned food or something or 50 canvas just get some canned food jelly we'll start simple now you just get it we'll start oh wait no do I oh no you got it okay 100. okay it's beautiful and then no just click load truck look let's go all right all right all right back to the shop okay unload it here we go yeah all right okay um well we have to stock the shelves so do you know how to stock the shelves uh yeah I think so yeah stock shelves yeah I'm gonna click my shelf what did you put on there okay I'll put on fruit I'll put some beans on there Josh oh no this is super bear can I put more on there you've got the rest okay well that's all we've got for now um okay so should I open open I mean I have to open it jelly all right open all right open the store oh we got a customer pull it up well that was quick wow we got three customers dude are they gonna get this let's go they haven't already I'm gonna get the chicken noodles oh oh I got the soup come on no one's taking any uh no one's taking anything yet no no someone took a soup here I'm waiting I'm waiting you've got this Jenny you've got this our whole life has come down to this moment we can do this we're doing something pretend you're like busy clean cleaning the floors or something you know uh wait hey oh I couldn't find it find everything he wanted but he's scanning one canned fruit yes uh when a he bought it he bought four oh my god did this person bought two making money Josh I couldn't afford everything that's too bad get out Cheapskate yeah get out get out we have the cheapest store get out if you can't afford it okay so that's good our first customers 340 bucks man all right so should we have a look at what we can do to make it even better in here well uh we could actually buy a lot more shelving and then buy a lot more products okay let's go customers hey whoa whoa these are robbers what was this we can arrest them wait really what you're just arresting customers how do you know that they're Robert I don't know they look the little sauce what generally you can't just arrest people with hey did you see them pay you arrested them before they even had a chance exactly exactly okay Jenny I'm gonna put down something else actually I put down another shelf so we can put down more cans I think we should we should uh you know buy a lot more shelving and then buy a lot more Goods to sell okay I'm gonna assume yeah I mean how do we Josh bins and stuff produce spins produce okay and sell fruits you know I mean that's fine but where do we use products like No One's Gonna survive on canned fruit so you want me to buy one of these a produce bin get all the money coming in look at all you're doing great Judy you're doing great oh my God okay uh you are spending all of it Josh no I'm just uh what do you mean I'm not I'm I'm trying this is gonna have some fruit here we're gonna have more cans I mean we we probably aren't being the most efficient in this layout of the store we even have a refrigerated shelf Josh we should probably wear that too there you go oh okay that's fine uh so I think we should go back to the warehouse buy some refrigerated Goods some more canned goods and fruit okay but Jenny we can't just leave it I think we're gonna have to hire a worker um that is actually true you could hire a worker a cashier we can hire Steve Edwards like uh do you wanna oh wait wait they're complaining about the register not being open oh yeah okay I'll hire someone open uh I'm gonna hire Steve Edwards jelly if you hire someone to do the register then we can go wherever we want Steve Edwards is coming in oh my God he's coming he's coming no no deal with these there we go okay Steve there we go okay let's get to um let's go get some more stock okay here we are man so I guess vegetables right vegetables and fruits the same it's both uh it's it's it's both working the fruit definitely goes in the produce bin though we could buy milk Josh or eggs we could buy eggs oh I'm gonna buy 50 for I know oh my God we're gonna spend all our money you gotta be careful okay buy ten eggs okay I'm gonna buy 10 fruit 10 vegetables okay um Josh we are now broke okay load this bad boy up jelly okay is that we got everything fit in there as well yeah oh we got a lot of boxes with us fresh veggies fresh carrot okay all the carrots come from Dutch your butt okay wait what yeah I've never heard of carrotland come from a chicken's butt uh uh I thought eggs did my bad okay and unload no chilly you just threw the boxes out the back don't worry okay we'll make sure it's stocked all right let's oh my God look at it there's a lot like it's all empty oh my God okay quickly load it all up um all right cold food how do we know how much we've got was it the eggs oh there we go ten eggs we got fruit here we go Josh I'm doing well I'm doing well I don't know how many of each thing we have kind of hard to tell it says well so we can put down any of we already ran out or we have some more vegetables no you jelly we can only put the carrots in there no you could have put both no yeah because it's one thing per you know Josh I feel like we uh need to do some marketing for our story do we really think we should have that many can we put like milk in here or something or we can't do like do we don't have any cold food let's put eggs in there that's fine instead of the carrots yeah because then we've got a nice varied selection that is true we got pears with eggs canned fruit and chicken noodle yeah it's an interesting meal um that's a good dinner that's okay so what else can we do then you said advertising how could we do that I don't know I'm just saying we should do it oh you have no idea what you're actually saying got it okay fine I could get a couple of workers in their Investments but hopefully our store will start working better we got restockers managers guards delivery drivers Finance reps Josh but we've just got to be careful because like I don't know if we don't want to be hiring too many people I think we don't need to hire the stalker yet we can stock our own stuff this might be silly jelly but we could put some uh of the shelving in the middle like although we can't afford it yet I think we should weight is slight bit get some more money and then we can buy more stuff to sell okay that sounds good all right let's spend money losers eventually all right we now have twelve thousand dollars Josh we're basically ripped yeah but I think we need to expand a bit it's uh yeah we could do two things is either we go on a holiday no no no no we can't do that no okay don't be silly okay or we go on the build section click walls oh oh oh oh up our store wait are you removing walls yeah I've just deleted walls jelly we've we're fully into it now um oh Josh look at me look at me oh that's the wrong flooring I am expanding the store what flooring do we have okay it's gonna cost like two thousand just to do the flooring alone why is there glass at the back just for extra fat mate okay well uh we're flying through our money look at that we've just went through half of our money dude don't say it like that that's not a good thing jelly Roofing okay I think I got this oh there we go yep you did it good good job Josh how about I'll take the left side for Shell thing and you do the right jelly they're not in line like why couldn't you just put them in line like how difficult would that be it would have costed us two more lights no you just move it slightly to the side and then it's fine perfect how do you move lights how I know how to I know how to delete them no you just delete the floor no don't delete the lights jelly okay you know what I'll put the lights down okay no I'll do that no jelly we have a slight problem what yeah you all right floor fix wait where have the lights gone oh I fixed the lights all right fine fine okay right now shelving Josh we need a lot of shelving I'm gonna move these shelves like here should we buy clothing racks yeah sure I mean don't jelly you just it's beautiful jelly just be careful on the money buddy I know I know so we have a refrigerator so that's a freezer that's right next to it right these uh and then a freezer bin jelly we're gonna have to actually you know stock this thing as well you know that right yeah but we could wait a little bit more you know but we could also just not wait and get this thing going I'll let you spend the last thousand dollars okay I'm gonna put clothing in its own separate section at the back because you know how you usually separate it one of my ideas as well a wall shelf Josh that's very nice okay just hold just calm on the spending okay we're not that rich Glitters where is the the shelving for clothing it's on the right side it's I can't go to the right no we need normal shelving this one's there yeah that one's messed up there you go okay so we have space now Josh look at this and we have 700 to get stuff so yeah we're gonna have to wait plenty of no we're gonna have to wait a little bit to get some new stock okay and then we can fill this place up Josh you forgot a piece here I know but I'm not gonna spend 500 on that Jenny she forgot a piece here you go no that's the wrong one sell it quick oh sell it I don't know why why if the shells changed no stop all right Josh we made a lot of money but we realized things are not going quick enough so we need a new truck okay we'll buy and bring more stuff right which one should we buy we we need 26 000 yeah but we need to buy it we need to buy stock yeah so like stocks I'll buy I'll buy the Sprinter van oh whoa okay and now I'm in a minute jelly oh oh look at that okay let's go fill our store up get in get in get in all right dude this looks amazing look at we got two pallets in the back yeah it works okay all right let's uh all right do you remember what we need to buy yeah so we need a lot of canned goods okay okay say what you're buying though just in case okay I'll buy 200 canned goods okay that's fine oh no we've only got 900 capacity by the way oh did what else did you buy it's already on 400 bring more fruit right yeah oh yeah we bought some freezer stuff cold food I guess Josh wait we need to look at the conversion rate okay I mean we've already got too much to carry back in the van Josh look at how much money we can make if we like buy something cheap that we can sell for a lot I know but we're generally the fans already full can you fill up yours like large power tools or jelly are you able to fill yeah but we don't know if we've got a display for that I can't fill mine yeah I think you could spawn your truck and fill it jelly also um you know our do we don't have displays for that we have two spots I don't think we have displays jelly for it no Josh we can only spy one truck spawn one truck wait did you just delete the truck that's what I'm saying jelly that's here I thought it uh deleted all of our stuff why are you driving oh because you spawned it I spawned it okay load okay is this everything no we can't get it all in Just Go wait what yeah it's it's it literally yeah it's we didn't have that much capacity it's fine are you kidding me man we just look at the truck and it's still not enough yeah but it's also three times the other truck so we wouldn't have been able to get anything in the other one all right well we still have 12 000 left so I suggest you go back oh do you you suggest that I suggest that yeah I suggest that okay just load the stuff in jelly I'm gonna stop the shelves [Laughter] what did you just do it all right let's get this loaded up Michelle ice cream ice cream people want ice cream ham but beans make sure we got lots of cans out oh wow look at that that's fantastic so we've got loads of cold food left over can we put fruit on I think we overestimate how many beans we would need the shelving we need more um cold food yeah I'll put one over here jelly it's fine wow oh yeah we have more money of course so we have more cold food left and more fruit so we could buy some more uh products produce things oh that nothing goes in there oh no milk that's fine man now we're gonna make the big bucks Josh I mean do we have come on spend your money your mother sure he couldn't okay and then we'll put some last bit of fruit in there I mean I think we're pretty stocked up now really look at the back side of this yeah but we didn't we haven't caught that we bought a ton of can storage food didn't we buy cloves as well uh uh I didn't I'm sure I bought some clothes to put this wait you can buy guns gosh look at Nancy she's got 518 she wants lettuce and she wants the canned fruit she is gonna make us rich Josh I want to see how much she actually spends like literally like we have all of this this is our end game customer right now oh my God I'm gonna hire a restocker as well oh no there's two humps she going ham she got everything she has how much is she gonna spend we currently have eleven thousand two hundred and four dollars she's even looking in the fresh cookie section yeah but she's already got what she needs all right get out of here come on stop messing around Nancy spend the money spend the money so we can actually see how much she spends here okay here we go okay 30. nice oh oh that's a hundred bucks that's that's 150. how's the counting guy she spent about 200 bucks nice I think it was about 200 bucks yeah yay all right jelly well I think um this is a good first day of our new shop right I think so too Josh I think we did fantastic it's time to go big Josh it's time to spend one million dollars okay uh it has to happen Josh we just gotta buy 300 000 that's three times that's a lot though that's a lot of money jelly oh I mean It's gotta be crazy to me we have to capitalize okay for a success all right let's do it I'm buying it I'm buying it okay one thousand bucks and then for all of it okay I'm not doing anything yeah wait hang on why good job wait why am I paying for all of it I am here to advise you okay okay I take 50 of the profits but you are gonna okay all right cool all right another 300 000 let's go and then one more time there we go there we go nice job Josh your work is now over all you gotta do is sit back and relax really and watch me spend all your money okay I'm gonna grab myself a chair then uh I'm actually kidding Josh we're gonna do this no no you said it you said it now okay so jelly I'm gonna put a bench right there like you said and uh off you go go build anybody want anybody want to spend more money here Jenny I'm gonna close the shop as you get distracted no no everyone else everyone out okay Josh listen first things first what we gotta do is we gotta invest okay so click build mode and I'm all right sitting here I think okay you know what I'll just do it we're gonna uh expand the score to its beautiful sunset look at it oh I just I completely forgot what we're buying all the land around us Josh wait do we really need all this land jelly yes yes okay all right you know what all right you're focused on the structural side okay I'm on okay decorations all right you can you can do that because I spent the money what's this Josh whoa hang on a second what's that what what are you doing I built you in what I mean I can still kind of see jelly I'm on the edge yeah I know all right so I'm I'm currently uh buying a lot of walls this is all gonna be a part of our stole Are you purposely trying to make it as ugly as possible I didn't think we were trying to do that wait no this is not ugly what do you mean oh okay never mind my bad this is beautiful what are you talking about no no I must have misunderstood uh yeah okay I'm gonna extend expand like the parking area because every oh it's getting a bit dark every supermarket has like a massive parking area that is true yeah massive parks no what parking parking yeah uh Josh how do you think this is looking so far a lot bigger um yeah well that's the point Josh we invested a lot of money so we can have a big store you know what a big store means right more money well is that what you said products to sell you know more products to sell there you go you got enough lights now we moved the storage area to the left it's yeah oh no we have a hole here now well I we need to fill the hole jelly let me go let me just do that there you go oh nice nice nice okay and now Josh if you walk around this this is an empty store uh yeah so um it's a bit bigger than yeah I don't know how we're gonna fill this whole thing well that that's still got 900k Jenny can you please answer this about 100 Grand Josh only that yeah we've got a long way to go okay so what is expensive well I what do you mean what is expensive well we need expensive things well we're gonna have to work on Sheldon Josh whoa a spinning display yeah exactly I think we can literally sell cars okay you know what I'm just gonna like delete all these just just delete all of the stuff we have uh and just basically add a bunch of really cool stuff I think the back right Dodge yeah I'm gonna be placing jewelry there okay okay I'm I guess I will oh one thing I did want to do is I want to place a helipad probably shouldn't put it inside the store though right uh what okay I mean I'll get rid of the helipad where can we place a helipad okay I'm gonna place a helipad out the back so that we can get premium customers okay okay and we can have like a premium entrance that is a really good idea okay heavy pad has been placed and then oh my God you gotta make an entrance Josh yeah yeah what is the I guess oh wait oh this is cool if we add that one wow look at that yes okay we need to add some more walls here though uh does that not look a bit common for a helipad oh no there's not really many other options okay so if you if you have a look at the shelving okay I bought one of the display oh you see that yeah that's gonna be filled with diamonds Josh diamonds okay yeah oh yeah we need to make sure we've got enough money for stock let's just let's just go to cheap shelving for now automatic well we should be fine I think we should be okay oh my God this is gonna be sick Josh uh okay probably two of these is probably enough don't you think oh okay okay and we're just gonna have the whole place filled with it and now should we have a little clothing section on the front side Josh um we can have the clothes so the right side can be like off like and then I guess the the left side can be like groceries I mean this could be designer clothing Josh okay I like that I like the sound of that I think our luxury section is complete now obviously consider this a Walmart we need food too okay yeah uh so I'm just gonna add a ton no no no I think that's what that doesn't we that's a warehouse style shelf for bulky items we're a premium experience you've got a you've got to do okay uh how about proper nice things another thing I just realized we need like uh checkout areas oh yeah you're right wait we can even provide self checkout that's pretty smart oh my God Josh buy it all this once we get customers here it's gonna be great okay I'm gonna make a self-checkout area it's going to be cool we should have normal checkouts though as well because you know sometimes people want that some old people you know no offense that sounded offensive jelly they want the self checkout I mean we understand and we cater to everyone is that true no only people we like oh security gate jelly oh yeah I was gonna mention those I think it's kind of important at security gates got it got it yeah I got it uh rooftop AC wait certain employees need a desk to work we need these desks somewhere as well I think in the electronics section they need desks let's um let's have a quick tour Josh okay all right so we're gonna start at the front yeah oh my God look at this logo and jelly store okay and apparently I'm the logo uh sure okay this changes to us why is that part of the roof here never mind yes it's part of the job don't worry about it so this is our entrance you walk in whoa do the doors stop working or okay doors don't work um fountains we've got spinny things spinning we've got benches to sit on okay I just realized something we need to do yeah let's face this looks empty that's right Josh oh my God Josh hire as many things as you can all right let's let's hire Gardens let's get them in come on we're gonna have managers very important more of this Finance reps yes and War gods uh Josh we might need to buy some more Vehicles wait uh this guy needs a desk oh uh uh we've got like too many people walking around maybe we should quickly work on a like an upstairs where there's like a small little no no no no no no these are fine it just we got excess just in case okay I think we might need a bigger bigger car John yeah should we uh take off that and go buy a new vehicle I think we should get in all right where's the car oh it's over there okay we're gonna get the best vehicle possible we're gonna be rich no no jelly we're spending all of our money we used to be rich we're gonna be poor still uh doesn't sound as good we've only spent 300 Grand so far no no we will spend more hello okay jelly buy one each one each I don't think I can I don't think I can why not a Lambo uh that's got no carrying capacity there's a tank um a cargo Airship for 850 Grand don't worry jelly yeah I bought the helicopter no way Josh we still need to buy stuff no no there's there's plenty of stock come on you in let's go now we're living Josh is what we bought we do have a heavy every drivers no this is why we've got a helipad Pilots how do I get down okay uh I don't think our store is open yet uh you might be right I don't get out what's this how do I get out yeah I can't get out space ah there we go okay let's go buy some stock all right so what to buy oh my god um guns guns oh my God wait what can we buy we need to buy two vehicles right Josh listen we need to buy jewelry I can buy 85 000 worth of jewelry I'm gonna buy two uh there we go SUVs oh goodness I just spent too much I just bought a hundred laptops and we just use that 40 Grand oh my goodness oh God Jenny we've got no money how are we gonna run this store okay stop we need to is all of the this is all of our stuff Josh I'll keep I'm just gonna stop I'm still buying jelly I can't stop it okay load vehicle whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah it's all going in it's all going in but that's not still a lot more left there's still a lot more left let's go oh are you in yeah I mean I mean I'm in all right all right so we've got our first heli full of stuff so just quickly unload it and then do we have to stock our store where do we unload it well we gotta this is not this is the wrong stuff that's a tiny one no this is our store oh my God how do we unload it belly pad all right now press unload there is no unload button oh I got it I got it oh yes yes pick it up workers pick it up all right go get the go get the other stuff do you want to oversee this yeah I'll oversee this I'll make sure that this is handled okay remember the store isn't open yet so um we'll just get it all stocked all right oh I bounced off the building don't worry about it it's fine yeah don't worry about that all right all of the items oh my God we have everything now have you got clothing okay so Josh when you click stock shelves all right we just have to like kind of press everything and give them a roll and then our workers will fill in am I making sense no not really click stock shelving everything that says empty you need to assign it sign it to what give it give it something and why we got so many empty shelves I know Josh I know what are these shelves over here what goes in them hey gosh I don't know I have no one apparently fill it all with eggs everywhere can have eggs okay cold Goods is done yeah none of these they're just gonna these are just gonna be uh video games Josh video okay but we don't have any we've not got any more videos to put in there no I know but we don't have anything else that fits in there so you know more clothing okay yeah people are gonna be very disappointed in this shop but that's fine where else have we got uh it looks like our store is basically full of stuff okay I mean if we have twenty six dollars oh no we can put oh no no yeah no we can't do that yeah jelly weird open it okay I'm gonna open the store okay ready for our grand opening no wait wait wait we need we need slightly more jewelry that's the that's the good stuff oh wait have we not got any more jewelry right now we ran out we can only film this amount of jewelry oh my God okay jelly open we are open Hello everyone it's night time jelly oh no people are coming in oh my God let's go what's up what's up come and spend the big bucks there's so many people coming in jelly yes we're gonna be rich again um maybe God oh my God look at him so where are they going they all seem to be going to the clothing section Josh yeah they do like their clothes we have a good selection this guy is asking for a loan wait did you know that we were giving loans let me check your credit you're approved we're having to give loans yeah we've got 26 how much did we loan him maybe 20 bucks wait is this how the real world Works they loan you fake money it was that low and I'm telling you it was it okay should we fire the people giving loans we need to stop give this person's about to give another loan jelly you're a brief no okay we need to fire this person jelly this is not good stop giving people loans we are poor get out oh should I hurry it yeah I mean I got rid of the desk so I put it back oh no we're making money because I sold the desks the only money we made is selling things yeah why is nobody buying things all right let's just wait at the counter to see if someone only spends money I guess yeah yeah wait we just went down again why aren't people using the self-checkouts way quicker this guy's flying like 50 t-shirts Josh yeah mine's not going up quick enough is it it's not it's barely going up at all I think it's going down more you know what we need to do jelly we need to hire more cashiers and workers that's how you do it hire more people yeah more guards well that's how you make money right you just hire people okay we've invested the rest of our money um there's a thief there's quite literally a thief walking around what are our guards doing I just hide like 50 Gods what oh we're going in the minus again we're going to the minus again um he actually got detained okay well did we do it I think so we're not really making a lot of money I we're not cut out for running a score jelly we spent way too much money trying to make this work but it doesn't Josh yeah and that's why today I am inviting you to start the new store together start a new store yeah look okay watch something so we'll just we'll just leave this place then this is a new truck I bought a military truck where are we going that's right we are gonna go to a brand new plot where we're gonna sell we're just ignoring the one that we made bad well Josh if you look at the top of our screen we have 1.2 million dollars two brand new store wait so what are we gonna be doing differently at this store huh it's beautiful isn't it Josh there's nothing in store it's camouflaged uh because military stuff right I'm just kidding all right we're gonna go into build mode Josh you can put a nice floor down for us wait are we gonna make it Army themed yes daddy step one uh-huh gonna turn it all to to dirt because that's like Army right so ugly that's kind of the point though because it's supposed to look ugly oh that looks terrible I mean yeah that's that's what I just said step two is to build someone no no challenge you got to change the color we got to make it an army like this metal all right Josh would you look at that this is looking pretty good jelly it's a giant army Warehouse surrounded by fencing we need no one we haven't finished our parking spaces hang on let me okay you're putting the parking spaces in yeah good that's for our customers uh well next thing we're also gonna have to do is um put flooring in in and lights Josh yeah yeah you're on Light Street do you love lights I hate lights all right Jenny I'm putting down some flooring okay good boy there we go should we get rid of the trees that are inside uh yes that'll be a good idea I'm working on the light I hate lights yeah I mean you've made an extra tool now so that makes it uh well even harder to light up so that's good uh Josh yeah found out a really easy way to do the lights what drag oh that oh why are you complaining so much then there we go all right let's have a look at that on the inside whoa that looks great oh this actually looks really cool hey hang on what wait what the door is off centered what happened how did that happen please do not worry about that can we just leave it okay so now that we've got our store we actually have to have a look at our inventory Josh well we need to put things down to put things down yeah but we can buy guns ammo military vehicles and armored vehicles okay they need to stand on something yeah yeah so we can see what they need to go in on the right so ammo needs to go in shelving guns need to go in these like glass lockers glass cabinets and the vehicles they need to go on rotate I'm gonna put one of each one down so we can see so I think I think it's not a freezer is it it's uh it's this cabinet and then this shelving can you can you color that make it look a little better um I think you could yeah I'm just putting them down so we can see so I think we need this is a two by six and then this is because these are all of the things that we need jelly okay okay why are you making a staircase no Josh we need a place for our storage area you know so I'll just do that real quick this is going to be storage Josh right jelly this is going to be a secure area okay yes um actually I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna section things off Jenny I want to show you a prisoner that I've captured wait why yeah I've spent the last like 10 minutes doing this where I'm inside I'm walking around go uh out there oh my god what have you done [Music] it actually works [Laughter] okay Josh listen we need to focus we need to focus right right I built a register so this is where people pay we just need to kind of um start making this look a little pretty Josh well we're gonna need a lot more shelving yeah we can get stuck so I think we should just focus on the shelving now you know yeah um I guess we'll just start filling this error up we're gonna need a lot of money though left over for the stock what's that shelving you've got cabinets yeah I I put it down jelly so you could see okay so we'll make this side of the store like equipment and stuff oh wow that looks great Josh and then on the other side we can put the uh the the vehicle thing right over oh we need a gun range um I don't know that's an option we can add targets I'll lots of targets all right okay if you say so okay registers we've got the shooting range has a funny post here like your job depends on it it says work like okay whatever all right should we go check on our oh no we can't get out this way okay on our prisoner you mean yeah you've got the storage room up here yeah this is a storage room for all the guns I mean I think this store is practically ready to go yeah we just need to go buy stock NOW jelly that's right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get in our military truck okay now we're gonna be driving to a warehouse where we can buy stock Josh this is gonna be a giant success okay just try not to look left here jelly okay everybody don't look left we don't talk about it we don't talk about the old shop okay all right so let's check out this man Josh capacity buy one armored vehicle for 485 000. okay I'm gonna buy a hundred guns if you do not have a truck large enough to bring this back uh but we need a unit sized 4 000 truck okay we do have we did have one of those units size 3 000. oh can you give me your helicopter no unfortunately all right so we bought an armored vehicle okay uh we'll buy this one as well okay but that guy we just need some ammo I think they're on the dock jelly I think they're there I bought some you bought some yeah I just didn't do instant delivery oh oh that's smart okay I'm spending the rest of the money okay that's um there we go Jenny we need to load up the truck load oh we're not gonna fit nearly everything what else is left I'll just deliver this real quick all right all right you need me back yeah I bought something for myself no no unfortunately I could not fire it oh that's unfortunate okay load the rest up all right let's go let's go let's go Josh it's time to open our store now that we've got stock yeah I'm looking forward to this oh bad handling bad handling Josh listen to me that's a tank yeah that makes sense okay I'm just pulling up in my truck's been unloaded truck's been unloaded we've got stock Josh okay it's night time so it's the perfect time to open the shop again exactly it's really dark in here I hate it it's not that dark I wish we could get some more lights okay Jenny open the store Let's do let's do it okay no no I know where to stock the shelves oh yeah oh where do you get Workers yeah so we've got barely any guns I thought I thought I bought way more than this there you go Josh we got some workers look at him look at him okay yes sir um they're working very hard Josh well we've used up all of them uh I mean I know I've managed to spread them out a bit okay there we go oh nice wait people are buying stuff already you already sold stuff no no no no no no oh who's the guy in there or is he restocking wait how many cashiers did you buy why do we need a restocker when we've got no stock Josh [Music] military vehicles jelly I think I accidentally bought two well just in case we sell out of one then we'll get restocked look at our tag Josh okay I'll turn that around we've got an actual tank and this thing is yeah this thing is actually for sale okay we do need a God I think okay do you want to open up all right we have 42 we are gonna open this store now and hopefully get rich or this is like we need to sell this tank like that is has been open the most important thing is that the tank sells because that's costs like 500 Grand hey what is up come get you Joshua you should move that tank nah it's fine I look like I'm about to get a ticket from this oh my God we've got a lot of clients okay where are they going for oh look at this real customers welcome what are you looking for oh my God if you click on them you can see that oh this is a lot of people buying guns they all want to buy guns this guy wants ammo oh nice okay expensive stuff yeah yeah yeah you know what we're talking about here welcome to the Army store where we sell guns come on someone buy a tank none of these people please tell me you're buying this thing no they've only got 100 you can see how much money they got wait this guy has 123 how is he gonna buy this truck that's on his shopping list maybe he wants a loan from us to buy our stuff yeah we don't do after you follow this guy Jenny his name's Aaron Howard and apparently he's going to be buying this truck he's thinking about it oh God but I don't understand how he's going to do that of 123 dollars well our truck is for sale for how much was it I don't know one hundred thousand dollars Josh I couldn't afford okay yeah well we're not really surprised here are we this guy's shopping for a tank and has two hundred dollars wait maybe I just arrested this guy was that is it Josh maybe if I hire a manager or what was a manager gonna do Finance rep yeah we can do some loans Josh listen to me a finance rep okay gives people loans yeah gives people loans for stuff they can't afford ah so if that's the cycle look at this this guy wants a loan you're improved how much did we load them out there no it doesn't actually say it doesn't say right I need a loan okay when are we gonna sell these tanks just tank jelly well hopefully sometime soon because that'll make us 500 Grand I don't think we're going to be successful if we don't sell it well technically we bought it for 485 so we'll technically only make 15 000. that's pathetic jelly this is gonna take forever to make money Josh and we keep losing money you told me this would be a better idea no you told me by the way I've just noticed in the top right hand corner the other store I think is in minus 46 000. oh my God I don't even see that but that's pretty good what we got a lot of customers oh we sold something big guys dude 300 bucks yeah someone somebody bought me I still I still I'm checking all these people that come in I don't see anyone who's got enough money that's why we got loans here Josh no okay um yeah I'm a bit worried jelly that this one's gonna go bankrupt as well don't worry maybe the finance rep needs to level up before he gives big loan maybe Jenny should we check on our prisoner uh yeah I just bought some lights because it was too dark in here okay uh come with me come with me street lights our prisoner is he still in there I think he might be what should we call him I should be I think he should have a name Donald Evans Donald look what he's shopping for bananas and melon you're not gonna get that here bud I'm sorry you registered so is this been a success jelly um well it'll take a really really long time before we you know turn profitable but where money seems to be going up a little bit okay well that's better than nothing I guess we've done the only thing we could we've opened up a gas station in Roblox hopefully this will be a bit easier hey Josh you know what we need more of in the world what gas stations now ours and look we've got customers yeah fueling their car and buying jelly jelly the only reason we're here is because we got fired from our other store remember Josh yes yes yes we don't talk about that okay if you say so Kenny's we managed to buy this wait this person just said come on where's the canned soda jelly I don't think we have anything on the shelves uh to sell gosh that's right we don't have any bread buns we don't have any noodles we don't have any cucumbers for sale okay we need to go in our storage room and start stacking what did that person say they wanted um um soda they said they wanted soda and instant noodles and bread okay I'm gonna click the refrigerator to place it oh wow just kind of grab it I guess you actually have to put each individual item in there jelly right right right I knew that I knew that uh so nice job Josh you are putting the items in there okay I've put soda in there you like have it in your hand and you put it down with your Mouse blanket yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah look at the soda look at the soda so now this customer obviously this very thirsty man is gonna buy this soda also wait wait candy bar this won't that person wanted a candy bar quickly let me get some candy Josh I'll quickly clean the store candy bar okay this man cannot find the canned soda Josh I just put it out maybe put a sign down and let him know where he can buy it oh my this is so detailed jelly there we go I put some food down Josh these are instant noodles okay I'm buying a cash register I think that's part of the problem wait yeah I think they can't actually buy anything wait we can't buy it why I've not contributed enough to purchase this what I just wanna oh wait become manager are you gonna become the manager Josh oh okay I could just pay Robux to become a manager I've already got five bucks of commission this is this is going really well Josh this is going real bro I want cucumber not this trash hey man hey I became a manager all right nice I'm gonna scan this let's go oh gosh look at that look at that I just sold something this is going great okay why are you the manager why am I not there oh because I'm more important how can I become I'm gonna motivate you get back to work loser Josh die you're gonna lose your daily wage acting like that now there's only one manager at a time sorry you actually gave me money I have 40 cents now what really I don't what yeah yeah okay well I manage the bank now apparently this person 's nine liters of fuel we have to look I'm putting it in his car what didn't we have to do like everything jelly can I see you do it themselves well no I guess not although gas is quite expensive so okay this person wants carrots and oh there's like so much to put out okay restocking as the manager you should probably restock and I should probably clean the store right yeah okay I'm I'm stocking right now good job so I can't put any on there can I make a request where do carrots GO station what it is 2022 so I do think it's important we get a charger for electric vehicles yeah I'm not really sure if that's an option Josh it's 20 22. what do you mean you want canned soda oh you want canned soda that's bottled soda my bad oh Josh Josh you are struggling hey what you guys talking to I'm your boss you're not my boss I'm actually your boss I'm I am literally the manager oh I'm stuck in the freezer jelly all right I'm refueling yeah never mind I'm all right ah found it canned soda wait we haven't got any in stock we have to buy more from the laptop oh my oh my gosh have you bought the laptop already yeah you have yeah I don't know in the toilet oh I can buy stuff from from toilet you haven't very efficiently placed these uh noodles by the way Josh stop it stop complaining you might be the manager but stop complaining oh okay someone's buying it get to the till get to the till what how are we making get to the tail someone's trying to buy something Oh you mean the the register yes what is I've never heard that word before okay you know what I'm gonna have to I'm cleaning the floor I'm checking people out apparently I have to do everything Josh you willing the car well I'm the manager I shouldn't be doing Dirty Work wait do we not own the refrigerator I can also become the manager no you can't it's one person ever sorry oh wait a minute you're not my boss anymore what no it's one person for Server jelly but I just paid 25 Robux yeah for nothing oh wait so this is my office yeah store manager okay all right well I'm refueling more cars Josh ah I can check the business report okay so we made 13 you're gonna have to uh I think you're gonna have to make sure that we have the stock because no one seems to be buying anything okay I'm gonna buy items then what do we what do we need why are we now closed why would you close the glass station I think it closes at a certain time I didn't really choose okay I just bought some more oh this is quite stressful I'm not gonna lie there's too many customers then they look like they're gonna Rob us uh nothing nothing I'm putting cans out buy expansion did you just well Shelly we don't need to expand we've barely we've barely bought anything yes we expanding a gas station welcome Josh you see I'm the best employee in the world this is not good uh I think we're also supposed to have like other people run helping us run this by the way yeah why can't we got can I get some staff yeah um impending bankruptcy Josh wait what you literally just doubled our bills this is the fourth fourth time we're opening we don't even have things on shelves why don't you fix it what people come and fuel their cars Josh yeah but Jenny we should be the priority we don't even have stuff available for people to buy okay wait wait there's a car there's a car there's a car oh my God we have literally got impending bankruptcy hang on I'm gonna get a I guess I will buy money stimulate the economy a bit all right just print more money that's what the government what does this do what did I just do I have no idea oh I got more energy apparently I thought that that was gonna help uh never mind we definitely needed that we needed energy wow good job if you could uh if you could uh this is not going well harder that would be great work harder what do you mean yeah also look I'm the employee of the day it says my face no it doesn't but I actually can't make the employee of the day there you go wait I can save some money I'll turn off the AC and the lights no Josh I can't see anything yeah but it will save us on bills no no Josh no we cannot turn off the lights okay Josh turn on the lights all right fine we don't need the AC though do we also I'm gonna turn off the radio it's really annoying we don't need the AC on okay Jay I'm so upset that you expanded this place we are in so much danger now Josh as an employee you got you gotta help support the company I'm gonna buy some expanding the business okay so I'm gonna buy some oh my God we can't afford anything jelly we can't even afford to buy stock if we are we are you cleaning windows yes quick quick okay Jenny something tells me we really should have uh got some more employees sit down energy Josh yeah I'm on the toilet okay that's good to know Jenny I think we'll be opening again soon yeah Tosh if you look at player commissions I am doing like four times more yes but I'm the manager I'm the one keeping this you know ship running you paid to become a manager yeah I know Josh yeah the Shop's open why don't you put down all the stock I don't know that's what I've been doing but you put the candy on the wrong shelf we already had it so much we already had a candy shop and also only the ones that have numbers on it are the ones that we have do you understand we have 20 bottles of milk Josh well then put them in does it need to go can can milk be it probably has to be refrigerated oh wait we got a customer buy the milk did you put the milk in there he's actually buying the milk did you put the milk in you are the absolute wedger ever did you put the milk in there how up is that I don't know if you've bought anything jelly I don't know what you're talking about yeah yeah you grab the milk you grab the milk yes okay we can put the water in let me scan these items for for this good sir look at that look Josh look at this I'm putting water in also there's two cars to be refueled outside okay the manager will go do it I hope he says thank the heavens now a question do we have to put fuel in the coal can we put like a different liquid uh Josh because that would save some money Maybe maybe oil from a fryer maybe we could think about doing that Judy can I just say once again that you uh single-handedly causing bankruptcy by expanding this place no that's not my fault no I think it is wait we can buy parking spots we buy a parking spot does that mean someone can actually just come and someone can come here then and then he can and then he can spend the money okay well I guess I'll focus on refueling then we don't have enough fuel we don't own enough fuel jelly and we borrow some all right what do you mean borrowers y'all just borrow anything there's like carrots here so I'm trying okay this is difficult oh my God I'm doing all the hard work they all want carrots where do we buy fuel from oh here we go we don't have enough we don't even have enough for the most basic amount of fuel oh my God why money wait I just walked in huh this is me what do you mean I mean I just walked off upset oh I saw that what the heck do I have a clue we have a customer customer I'm scanning on Sky he's on the road which one oh we got two customers finally getting angry oh we're getting angry to scan each one okay yes yes yes it's finally got a bit of money I can I can buy some fuel I'm gonna buy fuel nice nice okay maybe nice maybe we can turn this around jelly 15 yeah it starts nice okay it's very difficult this is extremely difficult wait did you put these tomatoes in this thing here yeah we gotta sell we got Ta Bubble Gum I think bubble gum can go in the candy section right yes snacks okay we're impending bankruptcy again why do you think he is Jenny we've got 35 of bills why you expanded the store all right Jenny well we're closed but we should take this opportunity to put all of our stock out okay yes and we need to clean Josh ah and I'm tired okay Josh listen to me when we open up we've got one more day and then that day's gonna give us 34 of of bills all right so well yeah so our goal is just to get more than our bills and then we're safe eventually the station's now open Josh customers are gonna come in again we're gonna make money okay I've put a bunch of the stock out nearly all of it I cleaned all the windows actually two more to go I'm putting some buns down all right let me put fuel in his car real quick okay oh yeah make sure to help this sir okay we might actually need to buy more fuel if we run out oh my God storage of one liter yeah I think we're out okay we've got a customer already and scan there you go thank the heavens no worries do you want me to buy fuel or what liter of storage we're still fueling I I don't don't ask me okay it's not like I'm the manager here or something but then we're gonna get no we're gonna need fuel makes us a ton of money okay okay okay okay fine uh okay good buy it right now okay I bought it yes yes yes all right there we go I immediately sold nine liters of that order oh wait Randy how much did I buy there's more I think we might be out already again then uh no we got a little more available this is making us good money Josh come on we're at 19 we're nearly above bankruptcy we're close another happy customer do you need more fuel jelly we only got 15 liters I just checked this is what we bought so how much have you given I have no idea it says we still have no we don't have enough we need more fuel but do we buy more fuel is a risk I have a current order of seven liters Dodge we can sell seven liters okay fine fine how much do we get for seven years out of Interest I don't know so you bought 15 for nine liters what did we get and I don't know okay thank you yeah okay that person just said get scanning loser out of 37 Josh we're nearly there look they get back in their cars and they go this is perfect Jenny we got ten dollars left to avoid bankruptcy another customer go get fuel go fuel them up come on come on spend the money inside sir I'll fix this problem over here okay I'm just keeping it clean again wait really but I don't have to spend nine dollars can you buy can you buy seven no I'm buying the minimum okay buy more buy the minimum buy the minimum all right okay with 22 liters this good sir we'll get his oh another white person arrived so that's good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah as long as we keep using the fuel oh I accidentally double charge someone apparently oh that's good that's good we need the money we're going back wait I just walked in again what the heck Jenny we're at three dollars off three dollars from avoiding bankruptcy oh my God I think I think this next customer will push us over oh my god oh we're so close a dollar off come on and another customer just arrived to fuel dude come on just buy one more 15. buy one more 15. okay we're good we're good we're clear okay we're clear we're buying one more 15 we got a 17 liter order hey fine fine it's a bit much isn't it oh my God yeah it is a lot a 17 liter order whoa look at our money does okay we're finally clear all right I accidentally just started cleaning while trying to check out Joshua we ran out of fuel again okay jelly I I think we've got this where we need to be um oh my God we're clear of bankruptcy all this pressure though is too much I I think I'm gonna leave I quit I don't want to be a manager anymore everyone I want you to say hello to your new manager jelly me hey everybody how's it going uh okay manager you're in charge all right everybody jump okay this isn't Simon Says jelly okay you can't do that to your employees listen all of you are gonna be working for me and slogo yeah I'm the assistant to the manager that's right you're the assistant manager which is a really important role thank you thank you right uh yes I think we gotta assign jobs to these people so how about we start from left and give you you're clearing the toilets go heck of a job I I used it before and it's pretty nasty that's yeah that makes sense okay a lot of chili all right what other jobs do we need people to do well Josh this is a gas station so when you fall to Reef fueled cars okay so we put this person onto refueling you're refueling so hey you sir you yes you okay you are jelly okay you person you are gonna be stalking our shelves okay her name's luck okay look you're gonna be shot stocking shelves okay oh there's a car there's a car quick go fill it up to work no no no no no all right uh orange cat oh should be working at the cash register all right okay that's just me jelly you're gonna clean the windows no no but uh bold person can do the stocking as well for now I want this person at the end to do all the cleaning because that looks that's dodgy do all the cleaning this is boring stuff all right this is dodgy yo clinic now there we go Josh where's our toilet cleaner hang on Jelly show me this toilet show me this toilet what show me the top wait you're not are you not our toilet cleaner who's our toilet cleaner this toilet's got a hot dog in it that's not clean oh my God disgusting okay you know what okay you you can just clean the floors okay you can clean the floors there's a there's a spot over here okay there's a spot over here over here Queen no oh we have a customer we have a customer everybody behaves behave we need more stock on the Shelves come on oh my God we need tomatoes in the bin come on I'm the assistant to the manager okay Josh do we have do we really need to do this ourselves okay I'm gonna get come to maltes and put them down yeah I think so too where are the tomatoes God you can't get good help these days eh stock the tomatoes guys come on gosh gosh how are you gonna make money at a gas station otherwise you know okay come on get where are we standing around probably candy on the Shelf you're not doing good work we need more on the Shelves come on more on the shelves now you just can't get good people these days can you I know right okay customer behave everybody hello welcome to jellian slobos gas station let me I'm gonna oh my God the customer just had to walk on dirty floor God who's who's in charge of this our floor cleaner is awful clean the floor it's over here oh it's actually gone never mind and this person couldn't get carrots oh my god do I really have to do everything myself in this store okay floor cleaner go stock things please why are you in the manager's office we need more stalkers we need more stockers window cleaner get in here and put stock on the shelves now okay all right all right all right well Josh if you look at the bottom left we have bills all right we have 44 dollars oh my goodness we have 70 bucks in the bank so we're gonna survive today all right this person wants milk milk and can soda there's nothing there's nothing in the shelves shout out come on all of these employees and we can't even get good things on the shelves can you believe it I know right I know right what if people wanted instant noodles come on let's go oh my God I think we need to help uh out the people restock a little bit here why is Rishi standing around happening you can put anything on the shelves you don't have to just put snacks you can put snacks on the bakery shelf refrigerator I put milk in the refrigerator we're putting some cake I want these shelves full to the brim I don't want just bread on here I want everything good job Josh tell them what to do tell them you tell him now Charlie when should we make our first investment into buying some more this floor is dirty can I get a floor clean over here if the shells are empty you're not doing good Josh we gotta motivate them all right get back to work loser you just said get back to work loser you're gonna understand [Laughter] all right it's called motivation yo Jenny by the way can you just come in a second how are we doing see this you see this thing over here jelly you see this little thing up here you know what you know what I'm saying you get what I'm saying oh right employee of the day yeah yeah yeah let's go I've done a lot of hard work I don't know how to give that to you you click me why oh Lobster starting to look good we need more shells we need more shells jelly can we buy this Josh I think I think you're right we need more shelving buy this door shells get these things full get them full employees okay I want to see these shelves packed we still have 10 liters of fuel but we have an 11 liter order Josh we got to start spending some money but we're impending bankruptcy oh no no we can't spend money guys work harder we're gonna get bankrupted oh my God you're only gonna lose your jobs it's gonna be terrible if the if we guys get this new shelf filled come on we are literally gonna go bankrupted like two seconds if the store closes we're in Wind Danger we need four more dollars wait wait our employees saying that the things people need aren't in the boxes so we they're saying we need to buy stuff we we can't afford to buy stocks no no it's not close oh no we're gonna get bankrupt on the first day we're already gonna go bankrupt how do we save the business uh five someone we gotta fire someone uh are we okay are we oh we gotta vote we're okay we're okay hey yeah okay guys if we're gonna survive another day we need to get all of these shelves full guys we need this place clean okay yeah yeah yeah we need these shelves full how am I gonna buy fuel with no money yeah we can't do that I'm gonna help fill the rest of these shelves apparently these people are useless nine dollars bubble gum oh Josh I can buy stuff for my own funds you know what I'll do that I just bought 100 liters of fuel oh there we go that's that should be good for a little while and you know what Josh let's actually let's actually start buying some uh some inventory then shall we uh yeah I guess tell me um well we haven't we haven't got anything yeah we need some hot dogs hamburgers um can't afford them cheese I love cheese we're buying cheese so we can we can put these Hamburgers on this hot thing right yeah okay we uh we stocked up a little bit I the managers spend my own hard work money on this place now yeah these going down these uh employees better understand what goes in this there's something that goes in this right freezer have we got stuff to go in the freezer I spent all my money so no we're no bit is there stuff in the freezer do you get me all right no I think we don't have any freezing stock we should buy some ice cream as an employee I'm gonna see if I can buy some um ice cream if you click on desktop and you buy items for us yeah I I bought I spent some of my own money I can't I think you couldn't assign me as like um so I can buy stuff as well though maybe okay guys let's get some ice cream on I don't know I did it for you remember I I'm putting ice cream away good good good good good all right the business is still closed because it is nighttime but this is a great time to restock we have 100 liters of fuel when we open business in the morning we've got to make look at how perfect look everyone come over here and appreciate how perfectly I put these ice creams away okay I want to see that level of performance okay that looks great Josh that looks these windows are awful Rishi get working harder why are they so dirty man oh my it's just useless it's awful we're about to open we're about to open everybody get get them windows clean Rishi I want you to stay on Windows because it's just a it's just awful the work you've been doing so far okay we have our cashier ready uh the shelves are stocked yeah yeah I think is everything out do you think all right now everybody line up at the front to welcome our new customers we need uh wait if we got cheese out our refrigerators no we don't have any cheese at the front everybody we do have cheese yes okay welcome our new customers let me see if I can fit cheese at the back I can oh customers come let the customers come we're all we're all waiting for them this is an exciting second day maybe we'll actually make money the station's open our first customer ape and smile big smile on your face all right start filling that car up straight away all right everyone to work everyone to work yes boy good boy how much did you order okay let's see what does he want oh he's got stuff got a big order we got that here get that dirt clean to get that dirt cleaned [Applause] was it dirty again all right money's coming in we got 15 we need to make at least 15 to save the day guys yeah we have no energy buy a blocks Bowl all right I don't I think they don't think they can afford that why is the floor clean not dirty yeah we need a better we have a customer that wants milk and cucumber we haven't got Mr no milk get cucumber laying here okay we can buy another refrigerator maybe when we get there we got we got 19 bucks 21 bucks 21 bucks okay we we need you to be focused you on on cleaning the floor on I don't want to see a single thing on the floor okay four bucks 25 bucks okay this is this is happening this is happening uh how am I gonna be able to buy something without going bankrupt Josh um yeah that's a great question to be fair oh new customer new customer this one looks like it's gonna spend mad dollars Josh okay let's follow them to see what we can learn from this customer The Wanted potato potato who goes to a gas station and wants potato and then walks out upset okay what about this person maybe they want something milk everyone wants milk jelly we need this Josh the restock looks good but we don't have any milk can we take stuff out how do I I can't afford anything we have milk jelly but we just haven't got anywhere to put it down because we need to buy a new refrigerator which costs sixty dollars Josh oh no jelly this is not going well five bucks and we need to make a bankrupt all right Jenny I'm gonna buy something I'm buying the best employee Game Pass so I can become stronger maybe we'll make more money that way right I don't know make more money that way yeah I don't know what it actually does for me I think I just become faster so that doesn't help look look how fast I can clean the floor learn from this people okay well we just got a bunch of customers a lot of money what happens now we got a bunch cause of scan scan scan we almost just went up scan scan these order scan these orders come on come on come on come on come on come on oh God my God okay what can you do now um don't know we're still going bankrupt we have a lot of customers I think we should buy we still have enough fuel yeah oh jelly I feel like we should buy like um a refrigerator refrigerator okay let's buy a new refrigerator we have 60 bucks boom okay get the milk in there milk milk put the milk and put the milk in milk is big fans of milk oh jelly we should buy oh we need to buy parking spot so we can get more people coming past all right yeah yeah like we have any money for that yeah well yeah and our bills are 80 why are our bills so high because I think we we leveled up what huh jelly we're um we're gonna go bankrupt we're gonna go bankrupt the shop is closed what is this the shaft is closed wait what yeah we've got 46 dollars how are we gonna do this at an 83 in the four star rating that's an achievement yeah but when we get our bills coming wait we're back what cost so much money ready go get it gasoline electricity commissions what is the bottom one we were kids Josh how do you play this dumb game I don't know jelly I I give up gas stations this devil is gonna go well is it
Channel: Slogo
Views: 772,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, We Spent 100 Days Building A STORE in Roblox!, building a store in roblox, roblox construction, roblox build challenge, friends open a store together, jelly and slogo, roblox challenge, tycoon
Id: vDoegXvZtO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 40sec (4240 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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