I Challenged 20,000 People to a game of Geoguessr.

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boys you know the game we've been playing it for quite a while but we've never played country streak the mode where you have to find out which country you are in and with that you will get a streak the more countries in a row the better the score today we are going to be doing country streak against twitch chat whoever that has the highest streak wins very simple if you guys win i will gift you 100 subs 500 if you in fact lose you all need to subscribe to me on youtube youtube.com forward slash ludwig scroll down below change it from red to great but only if i win we'll see what happens watch out find out i've closed out a chat we can't pan we can zoom but you cannot move and so i'll try to give you guys that same ability when it's your turn i'll move around for you but this is me first and i have to figure out which country i'm in that's it very small um what the [ __ ] on america is that that's this has to be america right like this screams america this screams america that's america that's america that's america this is america we're in america welcome to america [Music] let's maybe do a best of five now it would be your turn chat so here's how it's gonna go i'm gonna hit play again booting it up and then this is your map this is all the information you get you have a car here i'll just point some things out verbally driving on the right yellow front license plates all right some posts with black hash in it yada yada yada sun in the somewhat south i think i don't know what the hell that is but probably a camera thing and a house over there uh and the road bends slightly but not much i think this is your best image to look at and so how we're going to do this i'm going to pull up nightbot i'm going to go to giveaways so when you type in i know where we are you are entered into this giveaway what you receive from the giveaway is the ability to guess on behalf of chat now it is subscriber only so non-subs just so you know you are um uh lower we don't your voice is quiet we treat you equal but we love you i am gonna just move on from this great so now we have seven iq plays this is so good for me this is so good for me who has i'll give him 30 seconds to name the country name the country where we are seven iq plays you won the giveaway now you must win this for chat if he gets it right i will enter him in a list to win vip if he gets it wrong i will time him out for two weeks that way there's a little bit of stakes that way you guys can't just screw over chat oh he goes with the united kingdom and seven iq plays the name so apt because you are driving on the right side of the road and there are only three countries that'll have yellow license plates uh it's the uk not a bad guess because of that reason but also the netherlands which is where we are i believe maybe luxembourg but i think we're in the netherlands either way you went with the uk we'll just take a stab at it it was luxembourg so i would have been wrong too i would have gone with netherlands but it was the third place the yellow license plate luxembourg um which i could have told you if i saw the back of it but i didn't see it so anyway you guys were wrong which is why now we are going to time you out for a random number between 1 and 14 days 1 14 8 days 8 d and that is how this contest is gonna work that was a draw so zero points each but first to fi uh three wins first of three wins best of five so now i will go again closing out of chat and let's give it a stab i am in a very mountainous area i'm immediately thinking turkey could be like also uh kyrgyzstan but i don't see too much snow which leads me to turkey i'm just gonna grip it and rip it on big turk i am recognizing that this is not gonna go as well as i thought um jesus christ israel how was i chat your churn oh thank god thank god it's not great okay you guys this is what you have you have a little uh town over here by the uh uh water don't know what body of water it is but a body of water some power lines not a paved road but a gravel road very um uh narrow but two cars parked not really sure which direction we're driving uh sun up there somewhere sure actually pretty much straight west uh and i think this is your best image so when you know where you are all you have to do is type i know where we are in chat and then again you are entered for this giveaway stegosaurusfan79 congratulations you are the muse for chat what say you where are we in the world name the country we need a name of a country if you get this correct you will win chat one round he goes with greece island nation by the sea not a bad guess probably accurate could also be italy though let's take a look it was montenegro whoa and all of a sudden ladies and gentlemen zero wins for both i barely scathed by and now it is my turn to fly let's go so we are clearly in a european city i believe but interestingly enough it's a red badge on the left which isn't familiar to me the language seems russian but i don't want to just lock myself to that because it could be anywhere in the eastern bloc uh we have bisheck petroleum petrol if it wasn't already obviously uh in europe we got beer that leads towards russia is this a cathedral that would also lead towards russia 24 cat i don't know if this looks russian and i say that because this this word maybe this stylization yeah it doesn't look super russian to me it feels like almost like a mixture of russian and middle eastern which i guess would be kyrgyzstan in like turkmenistan in uzbekistan you know little influence from both i'm just gonna go i'm gonna go i'm gonna go i'm gonna go i'm gonna go i'm gonna go with kyrgyzstan if it's russia i hate myself okay next round i'll try to be a little faster um because i was kind of slow all right erotic city wow i don't know where this is we're in a big city dot s k sweden though this svenska no it might be s e is this sweden let's just first of all where's the sun let's just do our due diligence is it in the south okay northern hemisphere yeah it's definitely europe and it's definitely dot sk slovakia it's dot s k oh jesus oh why do i think it's sweden it might just be slovakia i can't believe i can't tell the the difference in language too though i'm gonna go sweden i knew it that was so dumb dude i think sweden's taught us he i don't know why so i was trying to talk myself into it i talked myself into it what a [ __ ] l okay well i still got one so i still feel fine because chad you have a lot of catching up to do this is your map i'll zoom in on this sign it says t-l-v-b-o-s uh and i can't read any more but if you want to try maybe screenshot clip go for it but i'm going to move on over here we have a couple cars driving on the right a little bit of yellow we have a green sign over here some language feels like a lot of people feel confident that they know where they are so let's take a look we have matas or matsas time will stop spamming i know where we are israel is the guest and i think that's a fire guess but let's take a look is it actually yep it was israel which makes this all the more nerve-wracking for me fortunately a bit of a tough one for you guys we have um a bit of a like an alleyway amongst quite a few houses um you don't have too much information but i'll just scroll around a bit the sun you got these roof styles got a woman who seems to be out and about um not much riding there's a car but no plates that are visible yeah i think the most valuable info would be the roof styles shapes and location so maybe an image like this would be pretty helpful i'll try to look through this tree real quick but yeah not much chat roll it gavin ca4 one guess one shot for chat to win a round in this best of five or we will enter a third draw and this game all of a sudden gets very interesting gavin we need an answer now slovenia i don't know if that's a good guess or not but it seems to be powerful he's going with slovenia the uh country coastal mediterranean right next to croatia italy austria and hungary gavin if you get it you get entered for vip if you're wrong you get timed out for up to two weeks let's take a look not bad but wrong you were wrong it was hungary a bordering country to slovenia but not slovenia i would have gone romania personally so i wouldn't have got it right either but that is neither here nor there your punishment still awaits you three days my good sir and it's still a tied game i didn't realize we would be so bad that we would tie at zero and one but here we are giant ass building tennis courts this looks like stoke on trent no cab this might be the uk but i don't see yellow license plates so i am now taking that back i don't even know if these are this might not even be europe in fact i think this might be an a soccer field looks like a school of some sort maybe a private school a college maybe this house is wild these houses are wild in general i feel like it's n a or canada i guess it could be canada i don't really have a way to tell this speed bump's throwing me off a little bit uh but i don't have that much info wow they really don't seem american a lot of vans i'll go canada i hope it's not america feels good feels good okay on the board lovely lovely lovely okay that is good news for me and now i am in a new location going for a first world's first streak of two sun is behind this mass directly to the west so that's not too helpful i do see this language though it seems to be what i would imagine something in this area looks like in india bangladesh thailand sri lanka now how do we find out which one we're in well we're driving on the left i think i think we're driving on the left here which would lead me to believe that we're in sri lanka so i'm going to go with sri lanka here tough not a bad guess but it was bangladesh could have also been a one-way i thought he was passing on it driving on the left so boom chat it is your turn you are already saying i know where we are and i haven't even shown you you know what sure okay yeah that's that's totally fair where are we no where are we where are we naido novo tell me exactly where we are i haven't pulled it up and you said i know where we are so you seem confident i want you to name a country then i'm going to pull it up then i'm going to click it and if you're wrong you lost this for all of chat because you said i know where we are before i even showed you the map and you're going to get timed out so you better have a good ass guest right now you better have a good ass guess knight o novo where the [ __ ] are we you're so confident you typed in the chat before i pulled up the map so answer one minute to give me the name of a country sag unfortunately that's not the name of a country if you want to win this one you're going to give me the name of a country this is like when people buzz in too early i do not read the rest of the question germany the worst guess possible germany's privacy laws means that you're almost never going to be in germany but let's take a look we are in yeah this is germany for sure no cap this this [ __ ] germany really okay huh i guess i've never been there is it the country that holds my namesake germany no it is senegal it is as bad of a guess as you can get you were wrong you were wrong nighto novo we will see you in eight days good sir we will see you in eight days i hope uh this is an instructive lesson for all of you now i'm actually not going to take the point for that because that would be unfair i'll let you guys go again but i am just gonna have to throw an emote only because you guys are abusing this so you have all of this info license plates text this cool ass building with a bunch of little shops this dude that dude toyo i think this is a pretty good image to look at right here snorlax lol where are we at pakistan everyone in chat is calling him a [ __ ] you need this otherwise you lose because i did get canada correct point one to me in this best of five competition you're a hundred subs fleeting one point me in this best of five if i just get a couple here then i think i'm doing money so let's just focus up wow this is a difficult one they're giving us hard ones huh like no cap um this seems like something out of a [ __ ] anime seems like a weird cult anime school training haunted thing like what is this this garden is nuts but all the buildings look run down in a way which is weird like how well-kept is this garden for this building to look as bad as it does which is a little weird um you know feels like they could just power wash some of these some of these rooves but this garden is nuts i don't know it feels like a small island nation perhaps you know maybe this is like a touristy spot i'm not sure i think this is maybe like a i don't know i don't think we're in europe it could be like singapore maybe this is a tough one it could be time i don't know that's not singapore maybe malaysia though india oh i didn't know you could have india to be completely honest i thought india didn't have google cams so this is actually a big surprise i would have never gotten this maybe could have found myself a little bit further north but i feel pretty good about where i went good luck chat this is your location got a chain like fence got these trees got the sun somewhere there got this car and this trailer this car that sign quaint little town um let's zoom in i think your best guess is this image right here because it has a bit of a sign and the new code is not going to be i know it'll be um sub to ludwig on youtube i'm seeing chat split between a few places it's australia mr blunt did accurately pick up a lot of people are guessing the united states that the cars are parked on the left so maybe you would believe this is the united states because the license plates but the cars are parked on the left of the street which is something that happens in australia but it could be new zealand but it wasn't congratulations mr blood you won your team one point it is now tied up at one one in this best of five and now it is my turn and i am going to get at least three here come on come on come on come on let's go let's go texas ranch advisors texasranchadvisors.com so it could be texas huh okay this looks familiar but it is flipped so uh-huh man they are not the masters of subtlety in texas i will say we're gonna go texas i will go one step further i'm gonna go waco and we are in texas it was not waco it was a little bit south one point for ludwig we like that make it easy for me please all right well one easy guess is good enough i suppose uh we are in a different area of the world surely this is norway right or canada i don't know this is tough this is not a lot to go off of i have a few cars that definitely doesn't look american so i think we're in europe seems like a little cabin on a coldish area a bit of farm life i'm just gonna grip it and rip it on norway i'm not gonna think about it too hard and i was right wow the only reason i got that i'm not gonna lie is because i watched tom's crossing norway and that really looked familiar i don't think he went there but a similar idea well that's cool that makes me feel good about myself so we are on the board with two now we are driving on the left with a yellow license plate on the back which is interesting is that a snorkel is that a snort i think we're in kenya sun is in the north which means in the southern hemisphere there's a snorkel i think we're in kenya there we go there we go three in a row tic-tac-toe this is looking pretty good for me uh is there a sticker on this car is that a sticker i think it might be that either means we are in ghana or nigeria i think but i actually am blanking because i remember geo wizard had a round where he thought he was in ghana and he seemed dead set on it and then it ended up being near lagos in nigeria and i think he saw a sticker it was senegal there just might not have been a sticker that i i just might have made one up i don't exactly know what the sticker looks like but either way that's totally fine i feel great about it uh let's give chat a shot to beat that good luck everybody three is the number to beat this is what you're working with you got the sun there you got this shrubbery this road um i don't see a car in the distance so i don't know which way you're facing also not a single sign um surely not the easiest round i've ever seen in my life but a loss here would be pretty brutal because i would be at game point and then you guys would not be looking great we have like nothing so a scam beat australia okay well i appreciate the feedback but obviously there's a bit of rng it could be right you could be driving on the left i can't tell let's take a look no you were driving on the right it is argentina which means ladies and gentlemen it is time to get a little bit nervous because i am at two points to your one and i get to go again and if i get a five streak a sixth streak a seventh streak and eight well let's say it is gg for y'all whoa they are so built into the mountains here huh wow look at that what a cool area wow what a beautiful like this is like [ __ ] this is like society if kudzu top fragged every game i think this car is driving on the right the signs seem to uh lead to that same thought i think they're in italy do they have stop signs in italy is it a different word don't ago i actually don't know my first thought is italy though so mountainous huh could be switzerland huh the swiss mountains but italy also seems pretty good i'm just gonna go with italy because of this little car here shame all right chat it is now going to be your turn but if you guys get one here it is gonna go to a game five and we're gonna have a bit of a sweat you have this this is blurry it doesn't change but colorful home over there a couple signs over here overexposing the camera i think it said 2a maybe home here i don't know what this is um not a lot to go off of so this is what you're working with chat now tell me where in the world are we all you need is literally one country and you tie this game up finland that was frame one i'm going there soulja boy told him ladies and gentlemen it is time for game five we do not need to play out your round because it's already been decided you guys are the victors congratulations to soldier boy telum for being the hero but now it is time for game five whoever gets the largest streak right now will win the contest i will start us off per usual we'll keep our order we are driving on the right a few homes few trees sun quite firmly wherever the hell that is first guess maybe united kingdom could be the netherlands but we are driving on the right so it can't be either they gave me a tough one this looks french i can't read a single word i think i have to go france here though but it could very well be the netherlands i'd be more mad if it was i'd be more mad if it was france than if it was the netherlands which is why i'm going to go france but if it's in the netherlands i'm going to be so mad and if it's something else then i'm just screwed [Music] again come on i didn't think the mountains were big enough for switzerland oh i didn't think so i didn't think i looked at chat after i said france everyone was saying poland so i think even chat might have missed on this one but all right chad you have literally one shot at winning all you need is to guess where we are let me tell you it's not great but you have some info god smiling on me right now i see this is the info you get all right robbie mcfly with 2y give me the country he says italy prage does match the mountains but i would say these trees are throwing me off a bit they don't seem too italian but perhaps you're right for 100 gifted and the title of winners is it italy could not be farther away an ocean and then another ocean separate you it was chile which means i get to go again my turn are you [ __ ] serious wait sticker no is that a sticker i don't even know what a sticker looks like anymore last time it was this type of area it was senegal i don't know this is the this is insane god must love you or something guys because this is nuts is that a snorkel maybe because this kenya perhaps just gonna go senegal was there a sticker it was that black tape that's what it looks like oh my god i knew this fact i literally brought it up a couple rounds ago and now it's the reason i might lose to chat oh please be a hard one surely you could have made it a little harder a museum at the lowest place on earth wow that is a fun one huh okay well you know who knows chad if you think you know the answer type pog champ in chat all right give me your guess srd who actually very ironically i believe is vip so can't talk in emo only chat so i'm gonna put all the pressure on you srd to tell me where we are he says jordan [Music] congratulations to twitch chat for winning wait geo wizard donated six dollars and ninety cents what the heck i blocked you on discord and twitter stop harassing me probably a fake account probably fake 100 gifted subs to chat man of my word i will pay out lowest place on earth must be ludwig's house you already won do not put salt in the [Music] wound [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,935,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: 8xP9dzxOOGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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