A Tale Of Three Nuzlocke Encounters

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[Music] if you spent any time in online Pokemon communities you've probably come across this quote from Pokemon Gold and Silver it's said by Elite 4 member Karen but nobody will tell you that it's complete nonsense faster than people like me who do hardcore Nuzlocke challenges in which encountering strong enough Pokémon is the difference between Victory and losing months of progress because you had to start over for the longest time the cynical gamer and me resetting on runs for hundreds of attempts would cringe if somebody brought this quote up in the comments of my winning attempts but today I want to tell you a story that while not convincing me that the quote has any truth to it changed my perspective on what it means to me forever maybe I can do the same for you please keep it in mind as I tell you A Tale of Three Nuzlocke encounters [Music] Act One The Frog Prince meet krun krun is my pelberg city encounter caught about 10 minutes into my second attempt of the Pokemon run and Bun hardcore Nuzlocke normally this is where I'm supposed to explain to you all the ways in which run and Bun qualifies as the hardest Pokemon mod ever made but really all you need to know is that at the time of recording this video only 19 people have beaten this challenge despite the game being out for over a year now these nuzlock take literal months to complete because the 400 plus handcrafted fights of the game need to be planned out one by one sometimes taking multiple days to just plan out one fight fainted Pokemon are obviously Dead Forever lose a single fight and get sent back all the way to the beginning just how I was on attempt one these games take so much planning that most players don't actually fish here in pelberg city like I did it's considered a bad play this is why krang's story is interesting you see most players opt to skip this ugly amphibian encounter table for the chance of catching a primarina here by surfing after they get their fifth gym badge remember in a Nuzlocke you can only catch the first encounter in every area the beautiful princess primarina is considered one of the best Pokémon in the game and has been present on multiple Elite 4 teams yes run and Bun players start thinking about the Elite 4 on the seventh Encounter of the game but not me this is my second attempt I've never even had five badges I'm young blood I'm inexperienced and I need all the early game help I can get enter the ugly frog delay here for froak or poo bro I ain't getting to I I'm not going to have surf you're never going to believe this but toxic croak has not yet made a run and but Hall of Fame but that's okay I'm here to learn not to stress over each and every encounter and if I can find a use for it well that's just an extra little bonus he came to the first boss fight of the game a useful poison type to have against the aqua grun on Route 104 and he picked up his first kill in the second boss fight the back toback against the two Aqua runs in Slateport Museum where the player goes next it was able to completely tank a venoshock from the lead Marini in the second fight and take it out with a mud shot it was also able to switch in safely on a roll out and prevent warped from doubling it and giving it to the next guy this was a a pretty rag tack group of encounters I had what Chimchar Runners consider the wrong starter I had the wrong pelberg encounter and the Brum whose IVs were my ZIP code oh my God bro didn't have to leak my area code like that what the is this but the Run kept on moving krog's moment to shine was in Broly's gym the first one the player takes on in this ROM and the first big reset point of this challenge my first attempt was left in a very bad position after Broly killed my starter here krang's access to multiple priority moves put him in the unique position of finishing Off hitmon Top by attacking over an incoming mock punch with fake out baiting in what is maybe Broly's scariest Pokemon L Poney the strategy implemented here by Broly is quite brilliant lony carries the move retaliate which doubles in power if the user just came in after another Pokemon fainted this is scary enough to deal with as a 140 base power boosted by stab is no joke especially at this point in the game but laon's held item is where the real magic lies the AI in this game does not like switching out so really the player would only have to deal with one booster retaliate per fight however L honey is carrying an eject button this means the first time Loney takes damage she's automatically switched out and Broly gets to choose a Pokemon with a better matchup and swap it in for free Keeping Loney in the back for a second retaliate lony had previously been sent back by my quish revenge and is sitting at a sliver of HP normally the extremely well-designed run and Bun AI would never send in a Pokemon that immediately dies to one of yours but it is not quite smart enough to know about priority moves this allows krun to pick up an extremely rare chain kill on both hitmontop and L honey and Dodge the dreaded second retaliate altogether all while sitting at full HP and managing to soften up Broly terrifying bulk up rest shed skin Scraggy the Frog might be ugly but he's got hands and while krun will be our main focus for this part of the story there are some other noteworthy encounters on this run brought to you by longtime Channel sponsor nordvpn my starter pick for this run is twick which is in line with my preferences for early game Power in this attempt it is the strongest starter in the early game but falls off later Chimchar is the best late game and Piplup is the allrounder being decent throughout Runners can pick between any of the starters they're all viable just like nordvpn users can freely switch between servers and dozens of countries to avoid Geo blocking on websites bavilon is perhaps my strongest early game Pokémon not just able to rake through Broly gym trainers but also one of the few Pokémon that gets protect which is a fantastic tool in double battles just like nor VPN can be a tool to protect you from admins of public Wi-Fi networks like the ones at cafes or airports seeing what websites you visit finally there's sizzlepede whose unique fire bug typing and early Evolution make it a perfect showing of The Power of gallar Pokémon the latest generation implemented in run and Bun and if you want to enjoy the latest TV shows and movies that your favorite streaming Serv has to offer nordvpn gives you the ability to access those streaming sites and see the catalog that they offer anywhere in the world so you get the full value out of the services that you already pay for nordvpn has a 30-day money back guarantee if you're not happy with them and 24/7 customer support if you run into any issues head over to nordvpn.com peell to get a huge discount and 4 months for free thanks to Nord for sponsoring this video last time the Run was already in trouble after Broly with two deaths including my starter after gym 1 this time I didn't lose a Pokemon until Rock sand who is the second gym leader in running bun and it was the eminently Expendable Del caddy you have to have some deaths in the early game of run and Bun if you want safe lines on these boss fights it is a general theme of run and Bun that sacrificing for safer fights is what keeps your runs going the only death in the Watson section came against the man himself I had to let rosar go down after using worc to get rid of electros is levitate ability opening the door for seiso to take it down with earth power with that i' arrived at the section of the game or split as we call it that decimated attempt number one the Norman split Norman is the fourth not the fifth gym leader in Pokemon running bun there's a y rival fight on the way to Norman and his septile took down my togaru with a critical hit leaf storm on attempt one the timing could not have been worse as toaru is one of the best Pokemon against Norman's normal type assault I needed some ridiculous luck just to get out of Norman alive and the Run was limping from then on attempt to's rival fight however was deathless easy man what who the said cycling Road rival was harder on Turtle even though Norman is still the most difficult fight of the early game I felt much more confident going in with toen dearu this time around I led the fight with claw witzer one of the reasons why this split had gone so well Mega launcher gives it crazy power enough to take down Porygon 2 with oros spere into Aqua Jet but things got awkward right away thanks to a pair of Thunder waves and I already knew I'd have to steer for now though things looked fine torta shredded a zal with gigar drains even finding a crit to stay at full health togaru turned Chino's multi-hit moves against it with iron barbs mushana s shock misarranged against Meloetta however and things quickly got very scary as Norman's terrifying buffed attack huge power Diggersby stared down my team seeing two at koos or one at koos on all of them I need to make a decision Tempo must be reset in my favor in order for torta to be able to stand a chance against big chungus and for a brief moment in his hometown out of all places the Frog Prince gets to be the hero that saves the run I won't have a primarina but at least I'll actually have a pretty good run past Norman and as the old nuzlock saying goes if you're sacking on Broly you have no heart if you're not sacking on Norman you have no brain with our first protagonist gone after having saved the run I still had to get out of the fight and I knew I was going to make another hard Choice clawitzer had been huge in the split and it's hard to match the raw power of Mega launcher boosted attacks but in the end I decided mushana might be more valuable down the line I also could have made a gutsy call and tried to switch in alolan Golem on the Pidgeot here but that was risking the whole run on a one and four because Pidgeot was using a random move and I was not willing to do that this deep into the fight it would have worked out but who cares despite how little faith I had in this run at first I was already past Norman and zooming towards my personal best just a few fights later my box was in much better shape than the first time I was here with a little encounter look I could turn this into a real run if attempt one was a dragon corpse at this point attempt two was like like a normal guy just like a normal guy walking around I don't know I'm not very good at metaphors it's out of the frying pan and Into the Fire though as I immediately have to take on the Wind Straits the gateway to the mid game this fourt trainer Gauntlet is just meant to wear you down for the last fight against Grand Miki pretty much anything that takes damage in the first three fights of this Gauntlet will be in range of her huge power mega meta Cham every decision in the first three fights has to be made with that in mind sometimes I make decision ISS in a Nuzlocke that I know won't have an impact for hours down the line this time I saw one of my decisions pay off almost immediately mushara was the perfect answer for the demon Meacham tanking high jump kick and healing off the damage with moonlight until metam finally took itself out with a Miss I was ready to admit it things were getting real and it was not in small part thanks of toxic rog's sacrifice the desert was the only thing between me and my personal best attempt number one died on the very last fight before I would have made it to fall over town and take on the next boss fight veto win straight last time I had to grind through these fights steering with with an all but empty box and trying my hardest to get as far as I could this time I breezed through S Raptor carried send a Scorch and to tomorrow put in work like they had been the whole time and I spent about as much time yapping about my Japanese dining experiences as I did looking at the screen worst thing you ate in Japan um there's like they're not called isekai but something that sounds really similar just like bars that also serve like bar food that was the only place that I went to that served like pretty food you get like a little compartment that you sit in with like four friends and they bring you like drinks and they're all it's like infinite drinks and like a it's like as much drink as much as you want for One Price in like a certain time span but they're all watered down as and then they bring you really shitty bar food okay maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration I had to cook to get through rich boy Santos and his choice scarf tyion and even then the only line I could find still forced me to dodge a double crit from Tan's eruption in the Sun and I used what I learned about double battle AI to cook up some pretty cool strategies pavilon was a menace in these fights and now it was time to take on veto let's do this hit the range nice very very nice I think this is guaranteed knockoff crabhammer please use your water gem okay that's a little bit bad I need him to crab Hammer before I switch good dead to crit very dead to crit okay that's fine the poison I think me cuz I get less leech life value now oh and I didn't use my Citrus and I'm probably switching into knockoff so he can Aqua Jet I think regardless this is the play unlucky here's the problem he sees like one killing Iron Head roll and two killing body press rolls from regular agon so if we go quilf it usually dies but we usually win vilon dies if he finds the one killing iron head roll he has to get the roll and then actually still pick the move over earthquake right and over body press in theory pavilion's too valuable man it [Music] EQ EQ okay I I I I take it I take it I take it it's okay it's okay it's okay ah it is what it is man it's a Bittersweet Victory bug flying types are really important but with that I'd set a new personal best I wasn't ready to believe in this run just yet but the win over veto opened up a good chunk of encounters and if I could just find a few guys this attempt could go somewhere I have something to help me out with encounters and that is magnet pull the magnet pull ability is one of the few ways I have to manipulate encounter luck when I lead with a magnet pull Pokemon in this case Magneton in a grass patch that has a Steel type like in this case corvite the game will first flip a coin if I win the flip the encounter will be one of the steel types from the encounter table and in this case since corvite is the only one that'll be my encounter corvite is one of the best defensive Pokemon in this entire game if I lose the flip the encounter table rolls normally a mere 5% for the corvite so I'm really praying for the magnet pull come on show me a guy come on man even beyond the over 50% chance I had of drawing corvite there were so many ways that this could have gone in my favor Romi and Talonflame are both very good Pokemon that I would have happily taken staraptor Roserade mud stale and surfetch were all duplicates which would have let me take my chances with magnol again vespin and lean were basically the only busts here a 20% chance after the failed magnet pull and a mere 10% chance including the magnet pull oh and this one's the worst one of the two what a joke huh this wasn't even the first failed magnet pull of the Run earlier while looking for Excadrill I got Onyx and btoy not the guys I was looking for at all I had opportunities to really build this run into something but the game just kept saying no and instead gave me a minus speed lean whose only good move in the entire game is Encore a move that's useless if you have bad speed letting in for this stage of the game for how brutal the difficulty is was a horrendous encounter how was I going to make this work act two the forearm Jester Maxi is the next boss fight here but every run and Bun Runner knows that the next true boss fight is actually Tabitha the fight before both of these fights have terrifying mega Pokémon as their anchors the Tabitha fight is scary right away she leads a toal threatening explosion solar beam earth power and of course Sun boosted flamethrower and if that wasn't enough it's holding a quick claw you can already tell this isn't going to be a riskless fight so a lot of sh can happen here this can be solar beam crit right Um this can be but this can be first turn explosion right this is so much can happen here um cayal you're so so so likely to die my friend it is like I cannot even list all the ways that you can die here the quick claw didn't proc on turn one but I wasn't out of the woods yet the worst thing that can happen here is quick claw solar beam High Roll okay give it give it to [Applause] me not what I want to see that's not what I want toing see man oh we lost we pretty much lost I don't have much of a choice but go to something that dies if toal quick claw activates again I go to carac Costa who can at least bait an Espeon next and keep me on track for the rest of the fight I just have to pray okay I need to dodge solar beam where we lose okay we're still in this I'm pretty sure this always kills with that I was able to stabilize battle armor drapion kept this monstrous Espeon in check barely surviving its life or weather ball with no risk of crit terator was able to wall out Victory Bell and mudsdale held off armaldo it was just down to Mega Absol with a little luck I was going to turn This Disaster into a one- death fight don't crit don't freeze unlucky sorry horse I couldn't save the horse but carac Costa held on and finish the fight I got pretty lucky here but with as bad as the RNG was I'm happy to have only lost two Pokémon including one that was proving pretty worthless in cayal look at what all these heroic encounters can achieve fighting for their life as lean watches from the the Box he's just not made for this run all that though was just the opening act now I had to deal with maxi to start I have to navigate around the hazards his Crustle wants to lay down and the red card is holding to force us into switching into them I led with Sur fetched knocked off the red card and have to bust out the ruler to make sure I execute everything properly so he's at like what 38 brick Breck does 33 to 39 knockoff crit with no item is 33 Max so this is knockoff then defog then brick break this is what I meant when I said we need finesse yep exactly perfect and now we just defog until he attacks us cool so far so good and the fight remained on track dreadn came out on Aerodactyl and knocked it out with liquidation mush got in on KO and took it out with four times super effective Moon blasts drapion switched in harmlessly rud's darkest Lariat and was able to heal off most of its damage with another four time super effective attack leech life and then an unexpected hero emerged all right fine lean didn't do anything here except come in and switch out its resistance profile was just kind of what I needed here but the dead vavilon in my box would have fulfilled this exact same role he's only here because of his typing saving me from being punished for my bad decisions on veto it just so happened to be the perfect pivot to bring in KRA which easily cleaned up the mega camerupt drapion was able to come back in and toxic stall Maxi's final Pokémon at potentially infuriating woba Fett and i' had taken down one of run and Bun's biggest run Killers it wouldn't be long however for the jester to pop up again right after Maxi the game throws a double battle at you luckily for me lean was born to switch into ground types like the lead glore in this fight it took the first and only KO with a U-turn to chip the final Health Point off of the focus sash Stone Jer that took its place from there it was simple to clear the two remaining Pokemon on the left side Leon even came in and ate a leaf storm from the final monster perior before I put the final nail in the coffin but this fight was so Niche and he would be confined to the box for the next fire Pokemon ridden section of the game my team did well in Mount Chimney but I still felt like I needed something else if I was going to get through Flannery yet another of run and Bun's major choke points luckily I still had one more encounter left before I made it to Lava Ridge gym it's going to be Dragon guys I had to break it to you which one is that o tough claws 110 base speed 117 attack he's a in lava Ridge I get an egg with a gen 3 starter and roll one of the slowest and squishiest tros possible not ideal but Tor tera's ground type makes it take too much damage from all the solar beams in Flannery's gym including three on Flannery's own team I'm glad to have another grass type on board and it also has one of the most useful tools that's not available to a lot of Pokémon at all in run and Bun detect detect and protect are invaluable for double battles in this game double battles like Flannery who is a nasty double battle that practically requires at least one sacrifice I couldn't find a way out of this one without two dread R's usefulness is limited Beyond this point anyway lyan rock is one I'd really love to keep around but Flanery asks for blood it's been a while Flannery been a very long time since I've seen you feels a bit different feels a bit different from last time all right hard Stone Excel Rock always kills and this is always sludge bomb into septile it sees fast kill so it can't fake out and we're not going to detect we're going to go into togara let's see if I did all of this right the candy on lyan Rock should lead to Talon flame coming in after Charizard cuz ente no longer sees a kill Sun is up we can no longer make this salazzle sludge bomb like ever okay that's one down sludge bombb the togi very very nice Excel Rock kills this fake this out to prevent the Heat Wave and break break the focus sash okay this is where things get very very very wonky I could kill salaza right now but I don't want to do that cuz I want to wait for ente to come out later I could High horsepower the Marowak for maximum damage but the issue is first if I CR kill second I go after cazel who's currently heat waving so I'm going to actually Accel Rock to at least get some confirmed damage at this Marowak before I get burned if I don't get burned on this or the next Heat Wave this sets up for rock slide to just kill both togi is going to spiky Shield Marowak is always targeting toga toaru it has a kill on lyen Rock but because I gave togaru the iron ball toaru is slower than Marowak and a i prefers fast kill over slow kill so it's going to use flare Blitz or bone club or it even Poltergeist into toaru so we just spiky Shield [Music] no burn no burn no burn okay good we have to dodge another one come on come on come on come on please please please please yes okay it's not over can get really really weird now but we need to sack both of these guys for this to work cleanly there's a lot of weird that can happen ente sees kill with like every move except extreme speed into um lyan rock incinerar sees kill with like every move but it's slower so it can fake out um dreadn is dead to solar beam so much random [ __ ] can happen um we just have to get as much damage on the ente as we possibly can so we're going to excel Rock and we're going to rock to getting this damage is actually like so so so good here okay that solar beam is dread see you later Turtle I think that's confirmed both dead that is honestly the best result that's so good actually incinerar using this overheat now is so perfect because now there's no overlapping ranges between overheat and darkest larat on um KAC Costa so we can actually perfectly pivot so this guy's going to come in he's like the only one I have that doesn't get one shot by ente he's going to chip away at the ente and the other side is just going to protect and pivot getting all the moves into it we need incin to see as many kills on the other side as possible because once toua is out it won't see any more kills and then it can dark larat into Tator and then Stone Edge can kill and then we can get cuz we have no more damage for ente Tator is just so good in this gym it was able to sit on Flannery's final two Pokémon and with that I'm through five badges with a pretty healthy box is it perfect absolutely not lean is stolen the box I still have no corvite I have no primarina I've lost some Pokémon a few that I really miss but with the win over Flannery I've unlocked a few new areas for encounters maybe they can turn this into a run a suing electrod gave me an amazing fast volt switcher with its grass type giving it much more utility than its original form Baris scuda another excellent fast but frail attacker a very useful Pokémon as long as I can use it carefully Lantern and its volt absorb give us a nice immunity to use for AI manipulation the the magnet pull Gods heard my prayers and I finally found the corv knite I've been looking for not a bad group at all Sharpedo felt like the only real Miss in this batch of encounters but I also didn't feel like I'd found the guy the Pokemon that would give this run the kick into gear that it needed well at least I have lean between drapion and all my steel types I'm constantly baiting ground moves and Leon actually has a fine enough base speed stat to take advantage of Encore but its biggest value definitely came in double battles even outside of gyms these typically take the most time at energy to plan and Leon had the surprising perfect synergy for multiple fights take psychic Dayton and ninjab boy tekashi for example a fight on the way to the weather Institute so we want fake out into the fake out technically does more damage than Focus blast here it's always fake out into draon because he sees I have fast Kill from shiftry and Oru sees a fast kill into togoro so he's going to focus blast we want Focus blast to go into Clif Fable actually the damage difference is so negligible I think I'd rather avoid the drop chance it's like a 1% damage difference so I'm going to have Cliff fa will take the fake out that's what I wanted that's also what I wanted Encore this Encore this moonblast you turn to [Music] kill torta to kill the incoming way Lord okay oo that's not good though let's go to lean I think cuz that gives me the most options the next turn and uh make sure that we kill this wayl Lord yeah now his Encore ends but it doesn't matter because we just urn and leech Life For the Kill easy Route 119 will not give me the encounter that will save the run but that's okay this is where I receive the cast form for taking down team Aqua inside weather Institute and in run and Bun the cast form comes holding a life orb the life orb grants 30% power boost in exchange for 10% recoil on every attack and that damage will absolutely be necessary for some of the fights down the line the next fight though is where I feel my poor magnet pullu coming back to haunt me I could really really use Excadrill against admin Shell's team which includes a niggo and a lantern I'll just have to get it done with my Excadrill at home a burn from sh's scalded Lantern into my kingra puts me in a terrible spot it's now dead to any crit ThunderBolt from this Lantern I know I need to keep this thing alive for the very next fight a nasty double battle against my rival but I really really don't want to sacrifice my quish here so it's between risk KRA crit before the one fight where KRA is really really really important or sack both Golem and quilf I decide to put my faith in the KRA [ __ ] it [Music] you're the goat he saved his boy quilf Golem finally goes down a Pokemon had expected to sacrifice much much earlier in the run and probably should have sacrificed on veto his sacrifice here enables torta to come in and take down Mega Blastoise with gigin into wood hammer and finish off lantern with an earthquake holy Jesus what a fight now you get to see why I was so worried about this next fight it's in permanent rain and electric terrain because it's a thunderstorm on the bridge right environmental storytelling this is why KRA specifically was required for this fight as I need a swift swimmer to keep up with all the beasts on the rivals team this is considered one of the hardest fights in Pokemon running buun with KRA around I have an absolutely nasty first turn that can put me on a strong path to Victory all right helist because this King is the godamn goat despite being minus sped F just barely doesn't see a kill with thunder here and because we pre-damaged plus life orb recoil always exactly sees a kill on Sur fetched um so surfetch is going to swap for seod into the incoming Thunder and then this is the big payoff we delayed cedra to after after veto until we were in Fall aror town so we could get ice beam to do this should be Metagross but due to the damage increase from the soft sand I'd equipped on seis toad last minute I'd misread what the AI would do after I brought it in on turn two and suddenly I found myself in a situation I was staring down the rival's blast to when I was expecting Metagross the Pokemon seism tood was supposed to deal with time to steer I don't think I can ever get back into a position cuz remember seismo is potentially switching into muddy water right now and because kingr ate the fake out it's also dead to heliolisk Thunder but it's like random move from heliolisk on the can surfetch slot too let's hope for no muddy water this turn or at least no drop on kingra [Music] good roll unlucky don't drop you're kidding oh yeah dry skin [Music] dude oh no terrain pulse one time man nice it's always Thunder here here I could hurricane cuz I skipped the accuracy check I think that kills I'm pretty sure 16 from Hurricane 33 from Thunder wait this is free oh wait Lantern is slower though I have to switch Thunder switch the Frog it's the only viable play every time [Music] dude come on it actually killed holy sh Lantern you're theing goat what that must have been Max roll okay Jesus we're like so not out of the woods I didn't even think about that okay that's good this is fine I think yeah I think you always Target Metagross um knock off the assault vest into Thunder always kills this was like the original plan okay I think this can kill if it High Rolls you're the goat you're the goat you're the goat you're the goat you're the goat Lantern can't miss Thunder skips accuracy check dude this Lantern did it get three frags crazy oh another riskless fight boys after a few much simpler fights in one of which lean really shows its full potential good job buddy it's finally time for a new encounter a new protagonist an encounter that would make the weak and Niche lean completely obsolete ending his middling story before it ever began act three the night in shining feathers not only does Hawlucha have ridiculous stats and access to Encore it also has the unburden ability which doubles your speed if you use up an item you can completely abuse this ability by applying a status condition to H Lucha before a fight and equipping a healing Berry to it this immediately triggers as you send it out doubling its speed this can outspeed anything in the game hucha made its first appearance in Winona's gym and showed just one small piece of what makes it so broken so yeah we have a really fast Encore user in a hucha now it's pretty sick yep switch AI completely fine we'll just do this again once this comes out again and we get some extra damage on Crobat that is so much wait Hawlucha is so broken what Winona would get the same treatment I had a great team for this fight and was able to cleanly navigate around her threats Reckless scarfs daptor a quiver dance Volcarona that can spiral out of control a ridiculously bulky celesa and Serene Grace Shaman Scot all went down without hucha I don't think any of that would have mattered her final Pokémon Mega Altaria is an absolute tank can recover with Roost and has great coverage moves but one of those coverage moves will be its downfall see this Mega Altaria has earthquake and that means Hawlucha gets to go to work the reason set of scorches here the only reason is it's the only Pokemon that only baits earthquake from Mega Altaria and I think once that happens I think you guys can guess how we're going to finish this fight all right [Music] earthquake and we win God this hucha is broken if I didn't have this I don't think I could have ever won here by the way how could lean ever keep up with this monster of an encounter letting off infinitely faster encour thanks to unburden resisting more moves having better bulk and most importantly the ability to actually deal an insane amount of damage I've already destroyed my old personal best and now I have six badges but let's put things in perspective Winona realistically is the halfway point of this game there's only two more badges left before the Elite 4 sure but there's lots of boss fights to take care of difficult rival fights and fights against ridiculously strong Team Aqua and magma trainers that take place in permanent Tailwind permanent magma storm and permanent Aurora veil hicha has a lot of work left in front of him to carry me to victory at least he have some help I had the best possible encounter at the scorched slab adding Litwick to the box I was already getting confident looking forward to the next boss trainer another rival fight in Lily Cove City it's a vicious team with Mal metal and gallerian Articuno joining that terrifying Mega Blazin I kept pushing towards Lily Cove rival on the way I got to show off Hawlucha at its absolute finest and now this is always earthquake and exactly only earthquake so we're going to go into this frozen chicken it's it just feels so wrong boom aspir Barry immediately triggers giving us unburden he earthquakes we Encore Fenix has thought and is now ready to fly and you know what why not give him a little bit of this I think this kills not quite beautiful another one for the Hawlucha data this thing is so broken bro before I take on the Lily Cove rival I get another encounter the next major choke point in this run is one that has destroyed many players attempts in the past the tag battle against Archie at Mount py where you fight together with your rival shell this fight forces you to team up with shell for a double battle meaning you only get to bring three Pokémon her Pokemon definitely don't carry their weight and you wipe if you lose all three of your own the most successful strategy for this fight is a simple one you go boom but I have a problem I don't have any Pokémon with explosion Golem was probably my best one and that was definitely a required sacrifice I decide to go for the surf encounter here in Lily Cove because it's my best chance of get alolan muck many Runners Boomer of choice for this fight it's a 75% chance pretty good [Music] odds me God damn it that's certainly not great but it's not going to be a problem for a while and all I can do for now is focus on the fight in front of me now it's time for that vicious Lily Cove rival fight it probably won't shock you to hear that Hollow Chi is a significant part of my plan for this fight but what might surprise you is to see this guy coming along I opened the fight with the tired and true frozen chicken Gambit get hollit to double speed and let it run wild on the lead Garchomp I pivot through magnone to get Chandelure in to blast the Mal metal with overheat and then I get surf fetched in to take get another first impression kill on weile so far so good time for the weak and Expendable to take some hits for our hero hucha because of the unburdened strategy hucha couldn't carry a prism Berry for the dynamic punch confusion here lean has to step in normally run and Bun AI will switch out when they're on cord into an ineffective move like a fighting move against a ghost type but this Chanel or has Shadow tag meaning Leon has just locked this Machamp into a two hit Koo from chandel's Heatwave and now it's time for the scary part [Music] perfect okay don't Calm Mind nice I'm Lum I'm fine okay so magnone guaranteed lives I think I'm not dead to crit it doesn't really matter and I have Lumber there's nothing that can actually happen this turn I was trying to see if there's a line where I can save Le in but it was just not all right I found no other line here than to sack Leon cuz the problem is if I go Dragonite now and he crits on one of the two moves he uses on him we just lose this will be the last appearance from the jester whose era is long over letan sacrifice secure as a guaranteed victory in the Diabolical boss fight bringing my second attempt to even greater Heights than I ever could have imagined I feel powerful as weak Pokémon in my box are being progressively replaced by strong ones it's time for Mount py the area that I'm pretty sure will be this runs grave if I can't cook up something absolutely diabolical for Archie at the Peak Mount py started off simply enough holla was still carrying my team and the first few fights went without issue but as soon as I approached the a grunts I knew things were going to get significantly more difficult Archie looms over everything but I can't Overlook the next three fights all these Team Aqua members on the Mountaintop benefit from permanent Tailwind meaning all of their speeds are doubled and if that wasn't enough on the next three fights the 12 Pokemon I face will have combined three Focus bands a bright powder a Kings rock and a scope lens even if your plan is on point this game has lots of opportunities to just say no and send you back to the truck how am I feeling about this one all right one more single battle with um oh Jesus fing Christ I start the next fight with my first mega evolution of the whole run it's been a turtle run from start to finish and it's time for Pokemon's OG Turtle to join the action the first opponent is an intellion with both lights screen to reflect I gave Blastoise a mixed set to try to bait the intellion into using both screens and it worked I was able to just Spam brick break as he fruitlessly tried to set up screens but the three remaining Pokémon a brutal guts facade luxury a King's Rock Closter that tries to Flinch you with multi-hit moves and Skilling and a horrifying sniper drapion that tries to crit you to death force me to employ my most devious AI manipulation strats yet it is flame orb guts luxray in Tailwind with insane coverage luckily we got this guy so this is always Zing zap which is the average result that could have happened here we need to account for everything though like this could have been random move and whatever we're battle armor that's really really or shell armor that's really really important for this because of how these damage ranges are going to work out so that's one Zing zap he's now in guts he wants to superpower me or facade me we're going to drop a draco there's the facade this can never kill me but it takes me really low but we equipped instead of citrus AAP Papa here that's really important AAP Papa always triggers at 25 instead of 50 but heals 50 instead of 25 because we're shell armor we could ensure that we always go below 25% without risking crits now we're healthy enough to where we're always baiting exactly facade or superpower still if we were lower Lux it could be like random move and then this wouldn't work so we go to Chandy now we can guarantee that he crunches take it like a beast now we're baiting in Closter shell smash Closter and Tailwind with skill link and King's Rock that's about as fun as it sounds to Cal against so this is almost always Rock blast sometimes icicle spear we had to Candy Lucario where candy to bring him over the level cap to ensure that he kills with vacuum wave here and we had to pre- damage him just enough so that if this is minimum rolls on all rock blasts we later still beta Kill from drapion that's why it's low HP and that's why it's burned because we want to take a little bit of damage over time from Life orb and burn after we kill the cloy um and because we're burned so we take the damage later instead of early this means that like even if he clicks icicle spear here and he crits like four of them we can't actually die I barely live life orb plus burn just barely I live on like 13 another day another Subs love this totally appropriate for South America schedule you're doing keep it up Sir Pokémon pogers 14 [Music] even random move never Swords Dance this is sniper scope lens drapion battle armor means no sniper crits I think we could have thought a little bit more about just no pre- damage but I was nearly at Mount pyro Summit just one more double Battle Before Archie anybody who's played VGC in the sword and shield era knows to fear a draco Vision Tailwind with a combination of strong jaw and fishous renss two times bonus for going before the opponent this thing can obliterate resisting Pokémon much less anything that takes neutral damage but that's exactly what I'll be facing in this fight thankfully I know exactly how to bait the AI draco's fishous Rend went harmlessly into tood maru's spiky shield and it dropped immediately to my Dragonite Draco toaru still only at level 62 is baiting both attacks here and dragon night's combination of dual Wing beat and extreme speed was enough to take out the basculin leaving the rest of the fight is an easy 2v one for torta to finish I'd spent most of the climb up to mount py dreading the Archie fight all right all right that was the last fight we win this attempt we are done it's over it's been fun I did my research watching basically every video of the fight I could get my hands on from other Runners I didn't like what I saw basically every successful fight was completed with Pokémon that I simply didn't have either cuz they died earlier in the Run I'd missed the magnet pull or the roll just didn't go in my favor like with Muk earlier even after the downright easy win against the double battle preceding Archie I just wasn't seeing it the Restriction of only bringing three Pokémon and relying on your tag partner's AI was simply too harsh Hawlucha however would be perfect here with unburden he outspeeds most of Archie's Pokémon in tailwind and oneshots more than half of the team but this would require me to lead with him and eventually reset Tempo by sacrificing hucha the strongest Pokémon in my box something I wasn't willing to do after an entire night of planning and calculating I came up with an unconventional plan that I'd never seen in any of the videos no explosions but safer than I ever could have hoped for not as safe as the Hawlucha sacrifice but safe enough to win and only sacrifice two more ultimately inconsequential and weak Pokémon from my box the plan was perfect turn one Archie would kill tag partner Shell's delcatty as M cable could take Oru off the field and bait dral sh's rip perior would kill draal as clefable took two moves from the enemy Pokemon using follow me and keeping rip perior safe clefable would die and I would send out Lucario who in turn would bait an Archie Sharpedo Lucario with an endure taking a close combat from the shark which would drop his defenses into to kill range from rip perior down at 1 HP Lucario's cep Berry which you only have one of in the entire game would allow him to move first the next turn to take out rodom Frost and die to hydreon in the process as Rip perior has yet another turn of being untouched finally surfetch could easily navigate the endgame position of Stack attack and hydreon securing me a relatively safe Victory even if some things went wrong I could probably recover the line wasn't safe but it was safe enough and most importantly protected the protagonist of our story which will continue in the next video documenting atemp to's Endeavors in the late game of Pokemon running bun except that's not how this story ends Hawlucha would never be seen again because while this line was very strong and protected the night it would not be safe enough to protect this run from some of the worst RNG I've ever encountered [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] strong Pokémon weak Pokémon that is only the selfish perception of people truly skill trainers should try to win with their favorites I still think this quote is [ __ ] if you're playing a challenge like this you will simply not win if all you use are your favorite Pokémon but I would lie if I said that I'm immune to picking favorites my emotions towards Pokémon heavily sway my decision-making when toxic cro was sacrificed I wasn't thinking of how much I'd rather have primarina at the time I was thinking of how crucial it was at beating Broly when I sacrificed lean on the Rival fight it wasn't just just a cold calculated click of a button this is what I had to say I can't believe I was disappointed when I got you and then you pop the off you're a real one am I really that heartless cynic that I give off when doing these runs ultimately my attachment and obsession with hollo's power is what cost me this incredibly promising run sacrificing hucha would have given me a safe line it was probably the correct play but I didn't that plan I've been telling myself that I'm immune to sappy quotes about favorite Pokémon that I always make the correct calculated decision that I'm different and calculated and cold and all while my box was filled with Pokémon whose necessary sacrifices genuinely made me feel something I wasn't able to face the fact that I was attached to hucha wasn't willing to admit to myself that I avoided sacrificing him because he was my favorite that my attachment was clouding my judgment toxic cro and lean's deaths hurt me I let them hurt me but I didn't have to to think about that because of how weak they were it was just a natural decision I made and even though they were weak and ultimately useless and I sacrifice them at the right time I still think about them to this day hucha though wasn't just powerful he was I'm realizing now my favorite and that's the real reason I didn't sacrifice him for the greater good of the run and the lesson to me here is not that it was bad that he was my favorite what was bad is that I couldn't admit this to myself instead I hid my emotions behind the the fact that I didn't want to sacrifice my strongest Pokémon he was so good he was so strong of course I don't want to sacrifice him his power gave me an excuse to not think about why I was protecting him had I embraced my feelings admitted my attachment and looked at the decision again through that lens maybe I could have bid Huch A Farewell with some sappy speech at the top of Mount py and maybe then aemp to would still be alive truly skilled trainers shouldn't try to win with their favorites but maybe to become a truly skilled trainer is to admit that you will always have favorites no matter how old and jaded You Think You Are
Channel: pChal
Views: 342,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, pokemon, gaming, pokemon challenges, challenges, pokemon challenge, pokemonchallenges, pchal, nuzlocke, pro nuzlocker, jaiden animations, smallant, ludwig
Id: wZbtUhAcn7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 19sec (3019 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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