I Caught Every Fish Except The One I Wanted

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[Music] hey y'all justin with kayak catfish i'm out on the water this morning here at first light getting set up to do some bank fishing for catfish i'm out here today on fort loudoun reservoir it looks like a fairly active morning see a lot of shad flipping out there and whatnot but uh i'm gonna be fishing off the bank today because we've got some foul weather coming in the you know weather report it's it's hit or miss you know who knows but they all seem to be pretty consistent in that we're supposed to get some heavy rains and some storms from mid morning to early afternoon hours and what i didn't want to do was get out on the main river somewhere in my kayak and get caught out there in a bad situation so i thought i'm gonna fish from the bank today there was something right there splashing i heard it behind me as i'm talking to the camera but i thought i'm gonna get set up here on the bank today and do a bank fishing episode for you so i've got my baits already cut up here i went out yesterday evening and got a whole cooler full of fresh skip jacks i've got some chunks cut up i've got three rods here with me and my plan is to toss a couple pieces of skip check out to start with i'm gonna do a head in the mid section and i'm kind of going to toss them here there's a little pocket here and this is a this is kind of a longer um there's a creek way back over there that comes out this here's just kind of a pocket and then the main river channel is over here and so there's a little pocket here in this area that's always got shad bluegill that was probably a bass or skipjack or something over there that we heard splash behind me and undoubtedly there'll probably be some catfish in this area too and i'm gonna try to catch them now it is early june here a lot of our fish are on the nest so that kind of that kind of hurts the bite here in the month of june it's a tough month to fish here in east tennessee for a large catfish but that don't mean you can't catch them i'll do it every year so i'm gonna try to get me a few here today from the bank as long as the weather will allow it's clear right now it's cloudy but there's no rain in the area right now so who knows i may end up wishing i've got out in the kayak today when it's said and dumb but you know better to be safe than sorry so anyway let me get this camera on my chest here we're gonna get these uh two pieces of skip jack out there and then i've got my ultralight rod with me i'm gonna catch some bluegill here while i wait on the cats to bite and when i get one of them i'm gonna put it on the third rod and throw it out and we'll have a live bait out there too just to kind of mix it up and give some options so let's get to it here is our first bait just a hunk of skipjack again those are good and fresh got em last night was really hoping to get out on the kayak today but i think it's better to just play it safe i'm just giving it a toss out there not very far because i'm expecting fish to work up into this pocket here and take advantage of this food source so i don't need to make a long cast out here let me get my over my professional overrun here sorted out and what i'm going to be doing here on the bank today is using my clickers most of these catfish reels or salt water reels whatever you use they have this clicker feature here so when you've got your reels and free spool you engage that clicker when a fish hits it can take line and you'll be notified with that sound and what that allows you to do is have your rod sitting here on a bucket or a limb or whatever on the bank you can leave them sit down on the ground if you want to and it keeps your rod from getting yanked off in the water when a fish hits because i sure don't want to be losing no gear out here today all right let's get us another bait on there i'm gonna throw that head piece out next and then i'll catch us a bluegill and we'll throw it out all right there goes our headpiece my favorite bait in the world kinda same deal kind of tossing it out there hopefully getting it kind of right on the edge where it starts to come up and get these fish on their way in here again i'm going to just set my clicker here because i sure don't want to be losing nothing out here today that will make for a rough day all right now let's get our peak up here got me some gulp minnows with me today that's my favorite bait for catching bluegill and just ultralight fishing in general come over here get my ultralight rod what i'm going to be doing is taking my ultralight rod and i'm going to be casting here around my lines and kind of in this pocket area that way i'm not the way i'm able to do both things without getting in the way of each other if that makes sense i'm going to take this hook and go through the sculpt man it's still low light i don't even know how well you can see me i know i'm having a hard time seeing this small hook and gulp minnow i'll get me some glasses or something all right so there's what i'm gonna use to catch bluegill with that's a very effective bait on all types of bait fish bluegill bass crappie you name it i'm just gonna make some casts through here there's a lot of rocks here you can probably see the riprap and these bluegill you know they all up in it as it starts to sprinkle good thing is i can leave them clickers engaged and go set in my car if we get some heavy downpours or something you know first thing this morning i'd really like to go ahead and catch me a bluegill right here get that on the other that other catfish rod there's just one they're swimming right at me that's perfect that's a perfect bait size right there let's get him on the catfish hook all right y'all got my bluegill i'm hooked him through the belly and i'm gonna cast him this is gonna be a shorter cast i'm putting him right here kind of kind of in this pocket here because again i'm expecting fish to come up in here what i'm hoping to catch anyway is fish working up into this pocket to feed and so i want a struggling bluegill out there kind of hopefully near near where they're coming in at we got here's a little bass i was about to reel it in and he smacked it a little largemouth i caught some largemouth over here a couple weeks back in a bass tournament i launched right here and i caught some decent got some keeper size largemouth under this under this boat ramp here this dock i thought i might throw this gulp here should have brought my ned rig rod i could have made some casts with it but i didn't think about it there he is finally get him unhooked there those usually in the summer months there's usually some better quality bass that gets caught in the morning and evening hours out from under this dock same thing with this little pocket over here where i've got the catfish baits something hit me right there up i felt him going may have been a small bluegill or something i thought i'll come over here and check out this dock right fast i've seen some surface activity some a little shad getting busted over here probably bass something's got me right here now whatever that is i don't i don't think that's a bluegill what is that oh don't get me in them rocks over i don't know what that is is that bass yeah that's a little bass largemouth come on shake your head there for us you hit it i couldn't tell what he was right away i got this ultralight here in two pound test lines so you get a fish this size [Music] and it's a good tie he threw my mentor off dog gone but uh you could have fished this size on the ultralight and you're in for a good time i've been seeing some splashes over here though they're up chasing bait this morning there was another one up under the dock there i heard him there's that little largemouth we may end up getting a video today even if the cats don't cooperate he's going back there you can see folks this water is very clear i mean we had some rain yesterday it's got it a little bit cloudy but there's probably three foot or more of visibility here and so when you got this kind of clear water and this kind of visibility these little finesse presentations like i'm using here this 164th ounce jig head and the gulp minnows light line techniques like this really excel on a variety of species in this clear water fish right there i saw my line swimming y'all didn't feel him just saw my line my old eyes were good enough to let me see that there he is a little bluegill throw him back i just got that one there for the live bait i got my bucket i could put a few more in it but i'm so loaded up with skipjack in my cooler there i really don't need any extra bait i just hope the weather allows me to use that skipjack this week the weather forecast is kind of looking the rest of the week like it does today with chance of rain and storms i don't know how much i'm gonna get to do this week there's always opportunities like this you know where you just come over here fish a boat ramp be able to stay close to the car well you can make a run for it if need be and there's opportunities you know i don't i if i had my drivers you know i wouldn't be doing catfishing here at this spot you know i'd be out on the main river somewhere today but there is an opportunity to catch fish here and i can do you know some ultra light fishing here while i wait on the cats and have a good time this morning even if mother nature don't want me to oh another little bass right there see if we can get him up here got a two pound line there we oh he flung the gulp off too oh gone these bass come up flying like that i want to fling that gulp off a little largemouth there he's got quite a the jump to get back down there in the water that's something i didn't think about today is how i'm gonna land these catfish assuming i get some down these rocks here i may have to walk them over there to the ramp just to be able to land the dang things oh something's got me coming at me that's a better bluegill right there it may be a shell cracker maybe i can't tell oh he's all in there look at that there he come let me see me i'm gonna break this thing off with the two pound line here trying to get him up he's in the trees there we come that's a shell cracker there y'all that's a nice one nice show cracker yeah you know what we just took a detour on this trip here y'all because i am gonna put this thing in the bucket and use him not not right now but i'm gonna use him as a live bait on a either tomorrow or wednesday or thursday whenever the heck i get to go next but the weather will allow he's going to be a live bait now people flop around there a second while get me some water in this bucket all right shell cracker in you go all right y'all well well i wasn't planning on keeping no baits today but uh i am now fishy is that another bass oh it is that's a small mouth this time oh smallie lift him up here again i'm playing with fire this two pound line doing that i got another bass i've got what couple largemouth now this small mouth shell cracker and a bunch about three inch bluegill i'm gonna have to edit out cause they are all over me out here [Music] yeah a little tiny small mouth yeah out here buddy it's a good time and once again that thing throw my gulp mint off go put another one on and catch some more while we wait on the kitties oh oh fish another bass right there boy he's a jumping amy that's another small mouth y'all i'm sorry we got a leaf sweeper man going up the road here if it ain't leaf blower man it's it's road sweeper it's always something background noise on these videos always never fails all right another little smiley though through the noise we still caught him yep y'all i've been seeing my line twitch over here not getting runs or nothing just twitching turtle turtle ate my bait i'll cut another piece of skipjack toss it back out hard to catch catfish when you ain't got no bait on your hooks where it goes you're fishing shallow like this it's gonna be a going to be a thing just got to deal with it might as well reel in my others too here when i'm done check them out as well yep a big headpiece we had down to the gill plates oh frustrating fortunately though i do have a whole cooler full of skips there that i got last night i just didn't didn't want to feed them to the turtles let's try it again i'm gonna toss it out there farther this time just to try to get it a little deeper and maybe away from these turtles all right let's see how that does us something got me a skip jack it is looks like i'm replacing that skip jack that i lost there y'all if i can get him in on this two pound line i walked over here i see him you can see them splashing they're up here feeding on the surface yeah that's going to replace the one that we got turtled out of over there we got here is that another one it's either a skip jack or a bass that's largemouth oh we got another largemouth right here you know i'm catching everything except what i come out here for that's how it goes ain't it it sure bait's not catching anything though i'd much rather be catching these old pickles and i skunk i'll see some more skipjack out there flipping starting to rain now i may have put the camera up for a little while we'll see it's just like this may not be too bad if it gets worse i may have to this rain may be turning the bite on a little bit too though the skipjack got active all of a sudden so as this weather moves in maybe the fish will turn on hopefully get some cats up in here and all my retrieve here on this gulp uh you know a lot of you all watch my catfish videos maybe don't watch my ultra lot videos so you know again what i've got here i've got a one sixty fourth ounce jig head one inch gulp minnow and the smelt color and an ultra lot set up here now normally when i'm targeting bass bluegill etc i'll cast my bait out and just let it fall down to the bottom most of my bites occur in the fall i'll film thump it i'll see my line twitch i'll see my lines start swimming and i know i've got a fish that's aided on the fall now if i don't get hit on the fall i'll usually just try to twitch it along bottom real slowly as i reel it in that's what i'm fishing most of the time with this setup now out here today i'm seeing the surface activity i'm seeing the skipjack out here so i'm casting out what i've been doing anyway for the last few minutes is just casting out and reeling it pretty quickly up along the surface here because these fish they're actively feeding up on the surface so that's that's where i want my bait there's little minnows and shad and stuff that they're up here chasing so i'm trying to imitate that but there's a lot of different ways there ain't no wrong way to fish this jig and gulp you can catch fish in a variety of ways and it's a very versatile lure it's one of the ways i like it look at that that osprey just got him something he tried to get him something got all kinds of activity going on out here except from the catfish heck with them what i was saying this this jig and the ultra light here it's just a versatile setup you can fish it a bunch of different ways there's no wrong way to fish it you can catch fish in a variety of methods on it which is why i like it so much it just it catches everything it's fun to catch fish like this yeah i could be sitting in my car right now waiting on cats to bite or in a lawn chair or i could be actively fishing so i got something right there i saw my line swimming never felt him just saw it swimming oh what's another bass that's a small mouth no it's a large that's a largemouth they just come flying up like a smallmouth that was a high flying largemouth right there y'all he's just a little thing but i you know again when you own this ultra light set up here it's a six foot ultra lot rod links to everything down in the description but these ultra light setups man everything's a good time they all put a bend in the rod well y'all i am currently sitting in my car it come a monsoon so i'm sitting here in the dry while it does its thing i got my windows cracked here so i can hear my clickers go off if a fish hits but right now i'm hoping a fish don't hit because i really don't want to get out there to reel it in but this rain here i got my phone pulled up here on the radar we've got some heavier rain here on me i'm gonna hit the fast forward button and it looks like it's rain is gonna be moved in here through well after one o'clock two o'clock it looks like so this is probably going to be the end of the video unless i have a fish go off out here and even still with it raining as hard as it is currently i hate to take the camera out there so this will probably end the video probably a short video today where i catch every fish except what i'm trying to catch but i knew coming over here this morning it was going to be a little bit of a challenge to catch a catfish just time of year being in the spawn and this really right now i need to be out on the main channel edges that's going to give me the best opportunity for a catfish and over here though it gave me the chance to be close to the car so when this weather moved through the last thing i wanted was to be out on the main river channel in the kayak and have these heavy rains and storms blow through and put myself in an unsafe situation but coming over here i can you know fish 20 feet from my rods here have my car 20 feet from my rods and be able to sit in the car here in the drive when this rain moved in and you know out here too i mean i got some fish this morning just not what i was after caught just about everything except the fish i was after but yeah i got me a shell cracker there in the bucket for my next kayak trip i'll save him for however long it takes for me to get out in the kayak again and got me some bass got me a bunch of little tiny bluegill got a skip jack so it's been a nice morning on a day where i probably wouldn't have got to fish otherwise but i wish i could have done a little better video and get some catfish today but nevertheless y'all i'm gonna ride it out here a little while longer see if i can get a catfish but if not we'll call this the end of the video and i'll try to do a little better in the next one i'll see you then thanks for watching bye
Channel: Kayak Catfish
Views: 19,073
Rating: 4.934833 out of 5
Keywords: kayak catfish, kayak catfishing, catfish, catfishing, how to catch catfish, catfishing tips, kayak catfishing setup, rigging for catfish, bank fishing for catfish, bank fishing, how to catch catfish from the bank, best bait for catfish, tips for catching catfish, catfish rod, flathead catfish, tips, techniques, night fishing, catfish baits, ultralight fishing, bluegill, bass, gulp minnow, skipjack, ultralight fishing for bass, best bait for bluegill, how to fish a jig for bass
Id: Bz1uVxP4CCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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