All I Could Do Was HANG ON When This BIG Fish Hit The Bait

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[Music] that rod right there man look at that go buddy look at that oh man heck yeah buddy we're hooked up here fish number one this fish just buried this rod this is a big skipjack head that he'd eat too he swam right back and got my line what are the odds of that that was a big takedown y'all i'm out here today i'm out on watts bar reservoir here at the tennessee river doing some drifting i'm on a main channel ledge the current flow today is it's flowing up at the dam they're spilling up at fort loudoun but i'm so far downstream that the current here where i'm at it's about point three point four coming down through here it's not bad so it's perfect dripping speed man that fish right there it ain't a bad fish but for the takedown i thought he was a lot bigger he just hammered that bait and took the rod over it sure got me excited though that's what it's all about all right oh goodness he's going to flop on me as soon as i get him in here man that's exciting y'all that was a big take down for no bigger than the fish is [Music] that was the bait that he chose right there skip jack head i've got of course the head piece that he ate i've got a body section for that same uh skip jack on that rod and then i've got a white bass head here back on this i'm drifting with three rods today just got my bait suspended a couple feet off the bottom right now where i'm at about 38 feet it's gonna be 38 to 40 feet deep pretty much down through here um probably for about the next hour or so at my drifting speed but this is the fish here let's hold him up the sun's behind me so we're going to have a shadow on him but that's all right yeah it got me excited though let's get him out of here boy he's grounded yo laundry thing with that adrenaline rush man that's why i'm out here that's what it's all about and that fish definitely got the blood pumping but yeah anyway guys this afternoon i got out here thought i'd do some drifting today and just take advantage of this beautiful day we're november what is november 9th today it's gorgeous out here it's about 75 degrees sunny no wind it's a weekday so there ain't gonna be a whole lot of pleasure boat traffic out it's like man i gotta get on the water and see if i can catch me some fish so i'm out here like i said just doing some drifting i'm going to take a long stretch of this main channel ledge here and just drift to dark that's going to be the plan right now it's 2 29 right now so i got about three three and a half more hours that i'm gonna fish out here today and hopefully we're gonna get on with some more fish during that time i gotta fix my bait back here i switched back here to my hobie kayak i've been fishing out of my old town for the last few months and i got some bass tournaments coming up that don't allow motors and so i got to get back in this thing and i wanted to get back out of here in this and put my catfish gear back in just to get out here and take advantage of my little torquato motor that i got because it's a lot faster than my minn kota on my old town so i could make a long run up here on this ledge and uh kind of get a feel for this thing get get re-acclimated to this kayak again before them bath tournaments come up but that bait there is still in good shape you can see it's still bloody and bleeding in air and everything so i'm gonna drop it right back down we'll see if we can get another one on it using carolina rig today carolina rig eight ounce sinker i've got forty pound mono main line that's the trilene big game eighty pound laters with the 10 odd mustad demon circle hook i know everybody wants to know about gear and stuff it's always listed down in the video description whatever video i'm doing whatever type of fishing i'm doing all the gear that i use on that particular day is listed and linked down in the video description if you're interested we'll get back over here in position and continue our drift that's going to be it's going to be a good day no matter what i mean look at this out here it's beautiful the leaves are turning it's just you couldn't ask for a better day here in east tennessee this is god's country right here where i'm at and i'm gonna enjoy this day no matter what oh here goes that head piece again oh man oh man he's a pulling too oh man he's pulling goodness gracious man that's another big takedown y'all it's been a solid hour out here with just a couple dink taps here and there nothing really going on before this fish but this one here nailed it again this is on that same head that we caught the other one on that's uh i think it's a little better fishing that last one this one here i think the i think the takedown or i mean i think the fish is going to match the takedown on this one man oh man i'll tell you folks if you don't if you don't get your blood pumping when you see a rod go down like that fishing ain't for you that's right that right there is what keeps me coming back love it i don't know if he's got my i don't know if he's got my back rod or if that's another fish on there either way i ain't fooling with it i'm gonna deal with the one in the hand i hope it's another fish but they may have just swam back there and got that line yeah this and this one here is definitely going to be better than the last one let's see it's been probably about an hour or so since the last fish i haven't covered a great deal of water just because i'm drifting so slow but uh just hasn't had a whole lot of action in the water that i have covered out here i'm just buying my time man just enjoying the day and just waiting on that fish to bite ain't nothing else i'd rather be doing this fish right here is just going to be a bonus on the day i'm seeing the bubbles come up out there we got to be getting close yeah we got to be getting close now i think this fish here has just got my back line i don't think it's another fish on there there it goes again i'm excited about this fish y'all i just want to get him up here and get a look at him he may surprise us and turn out to not be as big as i hope but he sure feels like a good one i saw his tail just then i didn't get a look at all of him it's a good fish yeah that's a good fish definitely better than the last one yeah he's in my other line it was him wasn't another one well i'll take him fish all day long folks that's what i'm after oh yeah buddy man i love it that's a good fish that's a good fish man i gotta untangle them lines i wasn't sure when i was bringing him in if that was another fish on that rod or if it was just this fish that had got in there it was just him but this is a good one tell you what let's do i want to get a picture with this fish i'm going to kind of spin myself around into the sun well we'll hold him up here and get a decent shot okay now that's better now i'll give a decent picture look at that now i'm going to be blinded by the sun even my sunglasses on i got spider web in my face hold on technical difficulties here okay now let's try it again oh man that's awesome he just annihilated that bait man that was a huge takedown love it that's so much fun so much fun and i'll tell you you know my other kayak my old tim kayak i love it man having access to spot lock and course heading and all that it's great but that kayak is so stable you kind of when a big fish takes the rod overnight you don't notice it as much as you do and like this kick which again is stable but not as stable so you still kind of get that little tippy feeling you know when the rod goes over and that's what man that gets me going that gets me excited all right well the current here is moving me back around to the sun behind me so let's tell this fish by we'll see him again someday okay let me get my other camera here there he gone oh i love it that was a lot of fun all right i'm gonna keep making my way down the river here i'm gonna uh that fish threw the the headpiece off so i'm gonna put me a fresh skipjack head on get my lines entangled here and we'll just keep drifting along and you know it wouldn't hurt my feelings today if it stayed like this because yeah i had a couple of dink taps uh between fish but nothing nothing substantial they weren't sitting down there just chewing you know and messing up my baits and i prefer that you know i prefer you know i want to get action out here i always want to get bites and catch fish but i more importantly i want my baits in good condition so that when you do come across a big fish like that it's giving that fish something that it wants to eat down there and enticing it to bite and uh yeah that's enough of me talking let me get these baits back down there i'm just excited i'm rambling next bait going down oh skippy my favorite bait in the world my video that uh i was talking about them old chicken baits it just aired today uh aired this morning and already people's on there i've had to block a few people on that video already because people think that you know i'm taking a shot at catfish dave or something that video wasn't no shot at him i like catfish dave i'm friends with him but i was taking a shot at all the people down in my youtube comment box that every time they see something happen in somebody else's video they immediately want to hop onto one of my videos and criticize me and complain and whine and carry on and all this stuff and uh you know basically this lecture me and all the crap they think i'm doing wrong when reality what i'm doing out here works it works for me and i'm gonna keep doing it and uh i got another i got action right here oh well he has swam i'm talking to the camera i'm distracted i'm watching that line go out through there i'm gonna check his bait because that thing was they swam with it a long ways but uh i didn't get my bait but anyway no my video my most recent video fishing from the bank air talking about using real bait ain't no shot at catfish dave ain't no shot at any of these other youtubers that use chicken for bait i don't give a crap what they do i did a little facebook post about that the other day mike if you on youtube you need to be catering to the masses because those are the people that's going to put dollars in your pockets everybody makes a big deal about subscribers and i'm thankful to each and every one of you who subscribe to my channel but y'all just don't make up that much that much numbers wise in the views and so you know again no offense to you i don't mean to come across like i'm ungrateful i'm not i'm thankful i like you people who subscribe and i get to interact with and whatnot it makes it fun but 75 of my views come from people who are not subscribed that's your casual fisherman that's your average joe my videos just pop up on their homepage their recommended page whatever they click on it because they're bored or you know yadda yadda so these people that are going out there and they're using these chicken baits and hot dogs and store-bought stuff it caters to those people because those people they're not willing to put in the work they don't want to put in the time to go learn a body of water and catch quality bait and do all they don't want to do all that they want the quick fix they want the shortcut they just want something they can just go out toss out at a local boat ramp or or boat dock or whatever and and catch a big fish and so those people are easy to market to they're easy to sell stuff to because all you gotta do is trick them into believing that there's something magical or something that's easy when in reality catching big fish consistently is not easy and not if you're not willing to put in the work for it so you know i understand why these youtubers do it you know because they're trying to get views they're trying to make a job out of this whole youtube thing and hey hats off to more power to them me this ain't my job it's just a hobby i'm gonna come out here and do the type of fishing that i want to do if people watch great if i put out a video and the views are terrible on it well guess what i still got to come out here and do the type of fishing that i want to do so i'm a winner either way so anyway that's my rant on it but these people just commenting today that i'm taking some kind of shot at catfish dave or any of these other youtubers i ain't a shot at him it's just a shot at the people the idiots who comment on my youtube comment box that's what i lecture me and and gripe at me and call me names and this that and the other i can't stand them people most audience who comment are awesome but a small percentage who are just so negative and have nothing positive to say you know when you got a channel and i'm fortunate that mine has grown significantly even though these people make up a small percentage of the overall comments just due to the volume of comments that i get every time i open my phone i'm getting exposed to something negative it's like god dang it you just get tired of listening to you get tired of seeing it but i don't want to turn the comments off because there are many of you who i like interacting with on air it's just the people that i don't so anyway i'm done rambling and talking and going on we're going to get back on the fishing here i got to get myself repositioned i've come up on this ledge a little bit i'm in 36 feet now i need to be out here on the edge of it in about 40. so i'm gonna get repositioned i'm gonna quit talking and we're gonna get back to fishing oh here goes the white bass head now there it goes oh man that's another hard pulling fish oh wow he's still going that's the first time that white bass has been touched all afternoon out here oh my god okay he come at me i thought he'd let it go i was about to panic there for a second this fish made a long run caught up with him again here now goodness man this is hard pulling too this is another good fish it has definitely been quality over quantity today the small fish have not plagued me out here i love days like this you just you just almost feel it in your bones that a good fish is going to come along any second i got two pretty good ones earlier and this in here is going to turn out to be a third one i'll show you here on my screen right fast call them fish down there right there i went through a pile of them this one here when he took that long run he's pulled me up a little bit more shallow than what i would like to be i was running in about 44 feet so he's moved me up on this ledge watch him spin me though man he's a he's a strong fish i'll reel these other lines up a little bit if i can sorry the camera angle is going to be terrible here while i do this i just want to get these lines up a little bit there we go this side don't get snagged as he pulls me up on this ledge i'm just hanging on and enjoying the ride right here y'all i love it this one here is on one of my cheap academy rods i've been using all summer 6.75 clearance rack i've caught some good fish on these things they've been worth every penny the guides on them i still think the guides are going to fail at some point but the rod blank it feels like a i mean it's basically just an ugly stick blank a heavier action ugly stick the handle is the same as an ugly stick reel seat's the same i think academy just put their logo on it's probably the same factory that makes the ugly sticks just with an academy logo and different guides i think this fish is about tired out i hope well i say that he's about to take off on me again there he's strong i really haven't felt any rolling it makes me wonder if maybe he's a flat head i don't know we'll see he kind of hit it like a blue that hard pull initially but i'm excited about it either way nope it's a blue that's a big one too it's another good blow man he got my other line dog doni that's all right i've said it before i don't mind the tangle for a good fish and that is a really good fish good ones today y'all oh another beast man that's another beast right there oh man i'll tell you what when they hit that suspended bait in a kayak they just ain't nothing like it ain't a more fun way to catch them on the face of the earth than doing this right here oh man oh yeah okay oh i love it [Music] that's a good fish man that's one of them a whopper size that's what i like to catch [Music] i don't know what to say about it it's just fun it's been all just an awesome day out here awesome day no wind warm very little pleasure boaters it's just perfect perfect day and this fish is just icing on the cake man all right well i'm gonna do what i do with all big fish let's let him go let's let him go now see ya bruiser they gone [Music] put that back down in there [Music] i mean he hit that bait and was gone with it well the head pieces have gotten it done today and you know them head pieces i know i'm beating a dead horse i keep saying the same things in all these videos but the head pieces i don't care what bait i'm using skip jack white bass shad red horse sucker carp those headpieces account for more of my big fish than any other part of the bait it's just uh for whatever reason i don't know why they like it but it's just a big fish bait let's get these lines entangled and get repositioned this is where i missed my spot lock on the other kayak i could have hit that button while i was fighting that fish and stayed in place but you know this kayak here it's a [Music] you know i know it sounds stupid when i say you know you kind of got to get re-acclimated to a kayak before this time i got this you know bass tournaments come up but don't allow the motor even though i got a motor today this is normally you know it's got a pedal drive there but uh you know you get used to fishing out of a kayak and reaching for things and knowing where stuff is and you get out there in a tournament and that's important you know so i got to put some time into this kayak again and get re-acclimated before this tournament coming up because it's going to be the it's going to be one of these tournaments is going to be the biggest tournament i've ever fished as far as competing for the most amount of money and against the most people so i don't know if i'll do any good in it but i'm looking forward to it so there's our white bass again we got it all situated so we'll get uh i'm gonna get back over here get repositioned we'll drop this down probably gonna fish maybe 20 30 more minutes here that sun's going down and i ain't got my light with me here tonight because i wasn't planning on fishing after dark dude that i'm having due to having some plans tonight so nevertheless i keep rambling on i'm excited i'm talking too much because all these dang fish let's get over here and get positioned got another beautiful skyline out here this evening ain't even six o'clock yet and it's already almost dark though that's just how it is since the time change but that's all right i gotta get out of here i got some dinner plans tonight anyway today's trip though absolutely awesome just coming out here i just went for a drift down this main channel ledge and got me three really good fish and i've said it so many times before i'll say it again now i will take quality over quantity any day of the week but as fun as this day has been i got to get out of here we'll do it again soon i'll see you then [Music] you
Channel: Kayak Catfish
Views: 71,430
Rating: 4.944407 out of 5
Keywords: kayak catfish, kayak catfishing, catfish, catfishing, how to catch catfish, catfishing tips, kayak catfishing setup, rigging for catfish, bank fishing for catfish, bank fishing, how to catch catfish from the bank, best bait for catfish, tips for catching catfish, catfish rod, flathead catfish, drifting for catfish, trolling for catfish, anchor fishing for catfish, how to anchor a kayak, tips, techniques, night fishing, catfish baits, old town, sportsman autopilot, kayak motor
Id: G8kamoVD6_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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