Use These Techniques To Catch More Summer Catfish

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[Music] a little action right here y'all there he goes he's on there let's let's get him really man can catch up with him here there he is this bait here is dragging y'all i'm mixing things up a little bit this morning just a little variety out here my motor going back the other way that's one of the troubles with dragon is when in a kayak these fish even smaller fish can get you spun around and going the other direction in a hurry and get your other bait out of wax so i'm gonna reel this in here and i'll get yous updated on where i'm at and what i'm doing today and what the plan is this in here is gonna be fish number one about i'd say i'm probably 20 minutes or so into the trip not been out here too terribly long we're still still here getting the fog burn off this morning let's see yep a little small blue cat there get him over here in the frame he ate a midsection of skipjack on the dragon rig oh there he went too just popped off good got the quick release all right let me get another bait on here and i'll get you the 4-1-1 on what's going down today all right guys i got my next bait on that's just a hunk of skip jack i've got that on a three-way rig this is my dragging setup if you've watched my videos the last few years you've seen it but that's a 10 odd size hook on about a four foot or so liter floating rattle above my bait there got that down to my dragging weights there's links down in the description if you want to learn how to make those and i'm just going to let out some line here and set that in the rod holder and i'm gonna keep making my way along i'm out here this morning i am working a main channel ledge up through here there's a a flat that comes off and then drops off and i'm kind of right on the edge of it right where it starts to come up so depth's going to vary right now i'm at 28 feet as i get on up through here it's going to get a little deeper though probably end up at about 40 feet today and so i'm using a combination of styles up here on the front of the kayak i've got baits suspended i've got them raised up just a couple feet off the bottom i've got a head piece and a midsection of skipjack skipjack is the only bait i have with me today so that's what we're rolling with now on the back of the kayak here i'm dragging baits i've got a headpiece over here and of course the midsection over here that i just dropped off so gonna be dragging to suspending to trolling out here this morning because well i don't have any current at these morning hours here in the summer months tva they just ain't generating so got a troll if you want to move and so i've got my speed here 0.4 miles an hour and i'm going to get on over here closer you can see where i'm positioned at the ledge is over here starts to come up i'm gonna get myself moved on over a little bit that last fish as i mentioned when you when you catch a fish when you're dragging in a kayak because these kayaks are so lightweight whatever side that that fish pulls you toward the kayak wants to veer around so you oftentimes kind of get off course for a minute there while you get it reeled in but it's out here this morning about 6 30 ish now first live got some fall got here this morning so hopefully if there is a morning bike going on hopefully that fog will help extend it a little while but i'm gonna again just work this ledge this morning fishing down here today because well my parents live close down here and they're going on a little trip and i gotta let their dog out today so it's more convenient for me to fish down here so that's why i'm rolling with it down here but uh hopefully i'm gonna catch some fish today let's do it oh man well that's a pulling now look at that that's on that head piece buddy that's a pulling well he took me around didn't he that one nailed it that's exciting man my suspended baits ain't been touched yet y'all i ain't even had a dink tap on them that's two on the dragon now that's how it goes sometimes you know they oftentimes will show preference oh now i got one going down i'm gonna deal with the one in the hand first okay i see him back there that's a that's a smaller blue man that was a nice takedown let's let him do his thing back there pick up on this one we doubled up my drag got messed up on that didn't it there we go must have hit it in the car there yeah i was just saying these suspended baits ain't been hit since about the same size as the one that hit the dragon rod all right i'm gonna let him tire himself out he didn't fight that hard this one back here ought to wore himself out on that initial takedown he had a little drag pulling there to start and so the one here that was dragging ate a head piece the other one body chunk all right let's bring the one that's on the dragon rig again get my bait back on that too and it still looks like it's in good shape so i'm gonna send it back down there in a minute there's the first one there oh blue kitty i thought he was bigger than that he felt like he was bigger than that and this one here didn't fight like he was as big as he is so that's two to one now two on the dragon rigs and one on the suspended again i say in these times when fish will show a preference toward one or the other i generally prefer to suspend just because it's well that's more fun in my opinion and when i go fishing i'm i'm about having fun but some days you know they just for whatever reason want a bait presented one way or the other all right there's that well that one threw the bait off so i'm gonna get another one put on and just keep making my way i've still got the motor going you can see here i got myself spun around here uh before i landed that one on the dragon rig again when i'm trolling like this whether it be i'm suspending or dragging it doesn't matter i like to get on the edges of the channels here this right here where it starts to come up is right here beside me it really starts a steep incline here and then there's a flat up there that's just a few feet deep so that comes off comes down and again i'm right on the edge here half a mile an hour which is generally what i like my speed 0.3 0.5 slow slow moving whether i'm drifting or trolling or whatever it seems to get me more more bites more success doing that so anyway enough of me yapping on let's get another bait on here get this back here thrown back out and we'll be fishing again fish well that's another one on the suspended bay we're two to two now and i think we're two to two on the head pieces versus mid sections also this is another one on the head let's see what we got here blue cap probably about the same size as the others just a small what i call a a larger dink size i think i'm gonna get the bait back on him too i see it he's got it choked in his mouth there i'm just going let's bring him in like that just to get him on in here get that bait back up quit quit that i'll let you go buddy if you quit i'm gonna let you go regardless but i'd prefer you quit there we go let's take a look at that oh yeah that's in good shape that's going back down all right blue kitty you were fine next time he bit my thumb on the way there they done tore up my nail all right bait again it's hooked good still everything so i'll send it right back down that one i've been 32 feet right now so i had that bait down there 29 30 foot off the bottom and again because i'm going the direction i'm going here my depth is going to change it's going to continue to get deeper as i go further and further up through here but i'm just as i make my way along but just lowering my baits as needed to keep them in that kind of two to three foot depth there off the bottom and of course the ones that are dragged that rod got hit there it goes there it goes that's why i love suspend fishing right there just seeing them rods just shoot down toward the water that's fun this one's gonna be a little bigger i think it's gonna be the biggest one in the morning right here i may end up just switching all my rods over to suspended baits before long just for just for fun i spent pretty much all of 2018 dragging just working on it trying to get better at it but when you get right down to it it's it's a matter of how you want to spend your time on the water what's the most fun way and it's going to vary for everybody you know it's all about personal preference but for me this right here suspending baits i don't care if i'm anchored or if i'm drifting and i'm trolling having these suspended baits go down that's a nice blue man i knew that was a good fish that's a really good fish man oh man he got my other front line up there and i don't even care that's a good fish we're gonna let this boat go by and i'm gonna land him yes sir look at that thing man on the midsection let's let this boat go by we don't want him to know i'm catching any fish then we'll land him all right let's land this thing get him on up in there he's made a mess and i don't even care oh goodness man he's ordering that thing's still green man let's get my other line wrapped around him here he managed to get in it that happens but it's worthwhile when you get one like this oh that's what he eat right there just a chunk of skipjack on the suspended bait and i got a good one here yeah i say we're in the spawn right now fish like this they don't come along as frequently but you can still get them and if you just got to put the time in you got to put the work in a lot of people don't want to do that they take the spawn off not me i keep going and every year i start getting some better quality fish just because my time on the water yeah all right well it was a good time i'm gonna let him go get these lines undone and i'm gonna keep making my way up through here nice man that was a good time get out of here fishing gone all right worthwhile y'all worthwhile i didn't want to come down here today i had fished recently probably the last video i think but i had put in same spot went downstream didn't do worth the crap a few small dinks and so i didn't want to come back out here but then i got the text from my mom last night reminding me i committed to letting that dog out today like oh crap so since it's convenient i'll come back down here but instead of going downstream like i did last time i'm gonna work my way upstream hit this section and uh so far paying off that bait there i mean it's still in pretty good shape i'm gonna just send it right back down [Music] ain't no reason not to send it down there and my other one it's wrapped around my transducer right now i'm gonna check it make sure it didn't get thrown off the hook in the fight i'm gonna send it back down let's take i'm gonna reel it up here and just take a look at it i'd rather yeah yeah it's still on there in good shape so drop it back down we'll keep going here that's good times man i like it i like getting them better quality fish especially on a suspended bait you know folks it has been a while since the leaf blower man has made an appearance in one of my videos and lucky for us he's out here today 7 30 in the morning out here doing some leaf blowing had weed eater man out here even earlier i guess he's finishing up from where weed eater man was and we also got hammering man up here too so they it had been a few videos i think since i had dealt with this so we're getting them all in one on this one yep look at it go down oh man he's going up under the kayak too well he headed backwards i think we got control of him here now he went he hit and went under me this one's another one on the head piece on the suspended bait up here and take a look at it i'm going to go a little further up here that's a little better it's a longer fish it's a dink but it has some length to him i was going to say though i'm going to go a little bit further up here and i'm going to reel everything in and replace my baits get some fresh pieces on here my dragon baits have been hit a few times so i'm not entirely certain what kind of condition they're in right now this thing's going to start spinning and thrashing around here well maybe not he's going to be calm for me that's a good fish right there that's a good that's a well-behaved blue cat thank you so much blue cat that is very nice of you to let me get that hook out of you very gently that's a nice blue cat y'all i want you to have a good day mr blue cat thank you for a good time what a courteous fish he didn't try to bite my finger off or anything well let's take a look at this if this bait's still okay yeah it's still okay i'm gonna drop it back down i'm gonna go up here to about the next buoy i think well then i'm gonna reel my dragon baits in and probably switch them out because i know they've been hit a few times [Music] and then i'll just switch everything out at once at that point dragon rod's getting hit here i think he's got it he does he's got it a little while on these dragon rods hooked up now though it's on the headpiece i was just about up here where i was wanting to go to just refresh my baits they just go ahead and do it now since i'm gonna have this one reeled in kind of thinking about getting up here in the shallows while we still got some fog out here this morning dragging up there on top of the right on the top of the drop on the edge of that flat may have something going on up there they do that for a little while anyway i'm just out here goofing off y'all it's the spawn my expectations are low already got a good fish this morning i'm just out here just messing around it's a it's a better quality dink right here he's too calm he's gonna show out here in a second he's gonna thrash around and act a fool before it's said and done no we ain't looking here this is another one that's real calm like the last one this is some i wonder if that ain't the same one as before so courteous this morning that's so nice of you oh well he got me he said heck with that i know it's too good to be true is it gonna try to thrash around take my thumb off or splash me on the way out okay well i'm gonna switch this bait i'm gonna go ahead and reel this one in i think what i'm gonna do is get up here because again i'm right here on the bottom edge of this drop i may get up here and get on the top and just run a stretch of it and see what happens it's only a few feet deep up there so i'll probably ditch the suspended rods while i'm up there because it's just a hassle and not going to catch much suspended right there by the motor you know in three four foot of water by dragging baits having them a good distance behind me going up through there maybe we will so let's just go check it out see what happens right here look right here oh boy he's a stripping drag look at him go out there this one y'all was not dragging well he's coming at me too they're coming straight at me that that's a cat yeah y'all this one wasn't dragging i took my dragon sinker off and just had that bait about a foot or two under the surface just under the under the bobber that's what this one eat might do the same thing with the other one just to keep them getting snagged and all the brush and everything up through here nice that's a better sized dink right there again that bait was just down just under that bobber there as i've been trolling along here about five foot of water well the thing wasn't coming free was there we go yeah y'all that's not a bad uh i'd call it a probably a smaller fun-sizer right there larger dink boy he was stripping some drag when he went off there wasn't he just let him go yeah y'all got my three-way rig here and when i put my dragon sinkers on i've got a just a snap clip here that i attach them with and so i've got one of them on my other rod over there but this one i was basically just letting this this float here is floating on the surface and my bait is just kind of down there just behind it so you know that's probably i don't know two foot so my bait's probably a foot under water when you factor in the drag you're getting pulled up there but let me show you where i'm at here now so right here you can see i'm kind of on the top of this drop right here i've got the shoreline that's flat that comes out and i'm right on the top right before it starts to drop off real sharp so i'm only five feet deep and so i got one of my baits dragging and i thought the other there i'm just gonna put under that float and just keep it a you know a foot or so under the surface because i mean heck i'm only five feet deep anyway so uh yeah that worked out so i'm gonna keep doing it i'll probably take my sinker off this other one here just because again it's it's so shallow here i don't necessarily need to be dragging baits to keep them down and just off the bottom because i could put them under a float and they're still just off the bottom [Music] get us another bait on here i'm just cutting another midsection of the skipjack that other fish they're throwing it off i'm putting out a fairly big piece here all right let's get that thing on there i'm gonna get myself repositioned and i think again i think i'm gonna reel that other one in and take the sinker off and just let it go under the float there we go there's another one on here this one is on the midsection again i was just getting ready to go out to deeper water the fog's burn off now sun's getting higher up in the sky so i wasn't real wasn't real sure this shallow water bite here was going to proceed not that there really has been one just got that one other fish here in about i don't know 30 minutes or so of doing it this one here just a tiny thing and kelly's been in shallows though he's dark up top or maybe it's just maybe just because i ain't got my glasses on trying to look at him i don't know if i bust out my glasses it's gonna be a sunny day all right there we go small blue most importantly though well he left the bait on us there as i said on my remote i'm just going to re-re-hook this thing and y'all when i've been up here in the shallows like this my suspended baits i've just kind of got them out of the water here i'm not going to suspend baits when i'm currently seven feet deep you know not gonna fool with that i mean these let me explain that these baits here are kind of suspended right just kind of under the surface here under the floats but they're not right next to the kayak give that a toss back there so uh so uh yeah so those baits under the floats are kind of suspended but there's a big distance between the kayak and those baits versus these i mean they're just a few feet away right here from the motor so i don't really have high expectations that those are going to get hit but these on the other hand they're far enough back to draw the attention but you can see now the sun's out here seven feet of water and water's got a little color to it but there's light penetration all the way down to the bottom so i'm probably going to give this just a few hundred more yards here in the shallows and then i'm going to get back out into the deeper water and probably turn around and start heading back because it's uh let's see 9 30 now and so i'm probably gonna fish two two and a half more hours and then i gotta go let the parents dog out so uh yeah that's probably what i'll do just fish my way up a little bit more here in the shallows then probably switch these up and just suspend on all four rods on the way back down on this ledge right here right here oh that thing took it down hard that took it down hard man turn that off there man i've went a while y'all without a bite it's been a long while i've started making my way back down this ledge here but it's been dead since that sun got up in the sky and burnt the fog off it's like i mean it's just i mean i'm not getting dink taps or nothing but then this rod went down here so i think that's gonna be a fun size i'm 45 feet right now bait was suspended right off the bottom that's a fun sizer i'll take that nice man long overdue on that fish y'all a long overdue okay let's bring it in happy to get it buddy happy to get this fish i wasn't sure i was gonna get another one the way it's been going i mean you can't even get a dink tap you know i got that rod in the line there in the way but it's all right so that's a darker color fish too nice all right there it is all right let it go there he goes and get back to it so uh what i decided to do these baits that have been back here under the floats right on the surface i said you know what i'm not gonna switch that out i'm just gonna keep going with it so you know i'm over here 47 feet here where i'm at i'm over 47 feet of water these baits here if they fish up there suspended they liable to snatch one of them things because they just a foot or so under the surface as i make my way along but i do still have my other two rods on the front suspended and so those baits are just you know a couple three feet off the bottom there as i make my way along so trying to basically hit two different depths out here right now well i get bit on these probably not but you never know and i'm just out here again just messing around today again during the spawn my mindset shifts you know every year i tend to get some better quality fish during the spawn but it's just not as likely so i'll mess around i'll try some different things you know today's just one of them days man let's get us another bait on here though i'm gonna fish for another hour or so here and just cover some more water down through here try to put my baits in front of another one well guys i am packed up and headed toward the car my return down that ledge did not go as well as the trip up it this morning that is for dame sure i got i think one fish on the way back down through there i mean it wasn't like i was getting dink taps or anything i mean nothing and those baits that were behind me under the floats you know suspended up over 40 feet of water i didn't really have high hopes from them it was just one of them things like you know i'm just going to try it and just see what the heck happens with it you know if i get a fish great if not well we tried it but my other two baits that were suspended right off the bottom as i made my way along i really thought i'd pick up a few more fish on the way down through there but it just didn't happen once that sun got up in the sky and the fog burned off that was pretty much the end of my bite and you know that's why i like to come out in the morning hours or you know fish in the evenings right around dusk those there's feeding periods feeding activity windows there around dawn and dusk oftentimes and so if you're on the water you can take advantage of it and i was able to do that this morning and get a nice blue and get several other bites it just when it turned off it turned off and so anyway though i had a good time this morning got me some fish and now i'm gonna go let my parents dogs out and and be a good son for them so anyway i'll see y'all next time thanks for watching this
Channel: Kayak Catfish
Views: 43,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kayak catfish, kayak catfishing, catfish, catfishing, how to catch catfish, catfishing tips, kayak catfishing setup, rigging for catfish, bank fishing for catfish, bank fishing, how to catch catfish from the bank, best bait for catfish, tips for catching catfish, catfish rod, flathead catfish, drifting for catfish, trolling for catfish, anchor fishing for catfish, how to anchor a kayak, tips, techniques, night fishing, catfish baits, old town, sportsman autopilot, kayak motor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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