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welcome to the blog guys how the heck are you we are at Brittany's of what was once every two weeks every once I'm Way off I don't look at the stain on my shirt what did you drop it's like a table now when you drop the vlog guys hope you're having a great day wherever it needs just check up right now and that's where our day starting it's beautiful it's almost nice out this is something you don't see much in my vlogs and that's sunshine you see that right there that's Ohio sunshine thanks for coming with me I know you could just stayed in bed play video games hung out but you came hey Kane do you know what these are those are ebooks iPads dude now I used to play because I usually do this by myself came do it I know it's a baby toy but it's really fun it's fun you don't want to do it mr. grown-up all professional watch daddy do it which way is it gonna go it's going red going orange look look at that influence daddy's influence look at that Go Go oh yours what yellow honey how far are 26 weeks right you're 26 and you're 26 26 weeks 26 that's crazy this is our baby right now 26 weeks oh you were worried she wasn't gonna have hair look how much do you weigh 120 pounds no you do not dude this is our baby right now keep them there how's it fit I mean I guess I can see outfits it doesn't sit like that no it's supposed to like this and really hold the baby hold her hold her if it don't hit the bit you're gonna punch the baby oh so what are we doing your doctor fundal height so anything within a few centimeters of how many weeks you are perfect when it comes to pregnancy perfect is the word you want to hear like is scary stuff won't come here for extraterrestrial life is that the Herbie okay well all went well which is so good pretty sees the longest wait of your life I promise you when you go through this if you go through this it takes forever is it a baby I love me like two years per elephant like a two year birth or this is only nine months something you feel that that vitamin D sunshine you know rare this is right now don't know it's like look at that I want you guys get a good look remember that you only yaw when I feel like it's like a shoot sleepy sleepy dust guys we're headed home right now and then I'm gonna jump in my car and head out take Noah to lunch and I just I feel good today I'm so excited about warm weather like it's coming it can't be cold much longer it's March well flashing Empire living the dream look at these guys it's just so funny to see it like just see him he's coming in for the green he's coming in for the greeting his he muddy yeah oh he's always dirty see I said so many of you guys sending these incredible ideas what to do with this table and somebody said like actually sanded out a bunch of people said sand it out finish it and put a sheet of glass on top so you can actually use it as a real she's taking her uh uh no imagine using it as a real nice table but inside is a racetrack I actually thought it was a great idea however your car flips all the time so if there's glass on top how would you get the car out well you have I cut holes in the table so you can reach in and our clay is cracking like crazy look at that this is the crack track the check crack track do you need to race me boy you need to race me boy all right guys get me old dust bunny out look at dirty this thing is it's always dirty going to get Noah to go oh my gosh Brittany definitely drove this last look how far the seat is up I can't even get any oh the world's slowest feet yesterday Noah text me says yo do you want to have lunch tomorrow I was like yeah Suns getting older man Noah dude like when you're getting up when you're getting a lunch offer from your son that's how you know he's aging man when you're getting like hey Dad you wanna have lunch tomorrow that's like I feel like I'm talking to an adult he's 12 we got a slow time down man he's not waiting for it is not I always said this time does not give a crap about you and when you have kids that's when you really see it because you watch them grow so fast right in front of your eye and it's like you haven't changed you feel like you stay the same but your kids keep growing even though you are changing it just it doesn't feel like this when you have kids you really really really hit you it sucks I want my little kids to be little but it is awesome it's awesome getting to do cooler things with the kids as they grow up and you know being a dad it's like the highlight of my entire life like forget everything else you guys probably see me successful in other ways and it's YouTube or whatever it is the real success in my life is my family and my children and like that is where my might my heart passion really is so to be able to go pick up and squeaky brakes again to go pick up my son for lunch is such an honor and the fact that you know you can watch that lunch with you even better you guys always ask where does know when he's not with you I want to show there is right there he is just normal pickup spot hey what's up dude you just hanging out on the runway I don't know when we pick up hitchhikers but uh what's up dude good to see you man I was just telling everybody people asked like where's know when he's not with you so it was nice to show him just kind of where hangs up yeah that's very sleeps all your couch is the tire is it the I can't tell if that's yeah right there oh nice okay do you bring your wallet cause you know when you invite somebody to lunch it's hurting you don't have toys but it's courtesy to buy that person lunch so did you bring your wallet we gotta go back in the woods so this probably not because you're 12 but you asked me to come to lunch made my whole week dude like it really did man you have no idea how like cool it is the text where we got a phone call we're doing some Mexican right now I just wanna know is this like one of your favorite spots yeah plus it's close to your little runway strip you live on so that's that's convenient kids if you're watching you have no idea how cool it would be if randomly you just ask your mom or dad or someone you love hey you want to go to lunch with me do it do it you put a big smile on their face I promise all right dude well I hate to like eat and run and stuff but I had a great time I loved it you good yeah you got everything you need for sure I'll sleep good tonight bond I love you give me a hug be the best thanks for going to lunch with me yeah so you got everything you need your like food and drinks and stuff I get you'll find it Lizza dude we got milkshakes on the way out so weird I went to hit record but I turn my car off because it's a red button and my brain just record that's so weird anyways I'm gonna move on that's all the time we have thanks for going to lunch dude I seriously love that see you soon I love you buddy hope that kid sleeps good tonight sure hate leaving him out here I love being a dad it's the greatest feeling Hey Empire flash what's up dude it's like how long is it gonna be before he realizes he can come to this backdoor Empire what are you doing bud Oh peek-a-boo I see you flash mister jealous mister jealousy you should ride him ride him out there I just want to dress like a big Shrek and run around the yard with him I wonder what people think daddy's a freak bud flash I'll be right back I think you've been home for like a total 10 minutes today like I'm in out in out we're going over my brother's house we're gonna rock it out was that shake good buddy least we're getting family time today like oh yeah now I get to see my brother I got to see Noah earlier of course see my little princess pray go machine all right Wharf bent over to my bro's house Oh what's up where's everyone at Oh God they saw you coming everybody hey all right I gotta see it we'd vote no what I'm talking about I gotta see it you guys think that um Dinah I am I gonna build itself I've proven that that I've graduated there you've taught me well I learned from the best I feel like together we could have taken this to a whole new level though no I think you would have just made it better and I would watch you could help me steer it on camera I'm not the only one with an hour see problem dude look at all your the RC graveyard of the family there's so many good like dude that's an original all right set one of our this is the Baja buggy okay me and Dale both built these from scratch it came as a kit but we built these together when we were 13 14 no younger than that we sat in our rooms together and built these gas-powered uh Baja beetles this what their hobby oh yeah this thing still worked like two years ago it still worked a couple years ago so we've done some cool things with our C's over the time Dale I think has taken it to the next level look at this full auto paintball gun RC truck and this thing works it's not like you have to pull a rope like I would rig it it's a full servo servo turns triggered thinking about pulling the rope though is I think we would have been breaking the law I don't think you can do this to a real gun well gun I think it's super simple and that is I just took the guts this is just a receiver that you would find in any remote-control car I have a battery pack in one servo that is this is the servo yeah now this is a special server this servo goes 360 so it's spin yeah it'll spin like a camera is that that's why it today I can drive around his arm activate the server from his remote you didn't like how much you filmed all this all right yeah I filled it full video I'll link it in the description but check that thing out it's ridiculous dude I want it it looked good on my wall bro if it was on a bigger truck you could do jumps while shooting you know the table that I did yeah let's do the same thing but RC boats just fill it with water and you just have a middle and yeah it's the pool right out back Oh kitchen table version back and then we put the big sheet of glass on top so you actually eat on top while you race not my idea your guys's idea but I'll take care this is my kind of night dude laying around doing nothing daddy style huh there's lazy lazy daddy I don't get the ceiling came on okay this is the new punishment when you're bad your head goes in the sea oh my now the train starts you're like an ice skater dude I see so I'm just gonna relax why uncle Dale where's kids out this is like this is like taking up to the gym [Laughter] [Music] they stopped coming they stopped coming we officially did it you kind of did it I just I just jumped in to the last second oh I just like crazy we are off back home had a good time just hung out a little bit where the kids out played and what Flash what oh you're all right then you're all right okay so this is a kind of crazy story that came in today and probably one of the craziest pieces of mail that we've ever gotten so Brittany's mom was like crying this morning like full-on bawling and we're like what is wrong she's walked in with this crying and I'm like somebody named Daniel Daniel demo tomorrow hope I'm saying that right he sends us I'm gonna try to talk about this because it's still a little soon if you're new to the channel we lost our German Shepherd a couple of weeks ago it's just devastating one of the hardest things that I've ever done in my life like truly devastating to the whole family and so Daniel he basically writes us a story and he makes it really clear that it is soon and he didn't want to you know upset us by sending us this but long story short he's the owner of Auslan German Shepherds and they breed world-class shepherds and he offered a free puppy to us a free German Shepherd puppy and I'm sure his puppies are super super nice I would like to offer you a gift I understand your grief is fresh and I don't want to overwhelm you at this time but in a few months when you're ready I would like to gift you a German Shepherd puppy and that is just so nice thank you so much I will say and you know you know I can tell that you know that it is too soon like I can't even consider it I really can't even think about I think you're the same way like there's just no way in my mind right now like you said in a few months maybe but right now I just I can't even imagine getting another German Shepherd or another dog in general it's it's great I think it's the kind of dog like this was loyal like he would literally take a bullet press slash he'd shoot us one flash but it is a different dog man you guys already know not to get into it but um I just want to say thank you Daniel the parents of his puppies coming are three-time champions in North America maternal flower omen is a two-time world champion these are like top shepherds so thank you so much I will keep your info maybe down the road but for right now I can just thank you um it means it means a lot but we just did even see in this carrier I was just like you guys all have pets or you've had a pet or maybe you'll get a pet and it's just so about it man Zeus taught me but like he literally taught me what loyal team truly is and that his you know it's it's unexplainable it's the greatest it's the greatest experience I was that dog taught me so much so I'm sure you've had similar stories even cats like people you really fall in love with your pets man that's it's been a couple weeks and still it is a constant daily thought my dog Zeus man like everything I do around the house I go outside art his bed is still beside my bed it's just it's still a constant thought of mine and I miss him so so much and but I know he's I know he's killing him tennis balls right now wherever he's at and I'm excited for him feels good and he's healthy again don't worry flash we talked about you - he just entertainer I swear he knows what the camera is because when I turn it on I mean just does something funny what is that flash what is it to me his baby cane Daniel thanks for sending Kayne a new bed I mean that's really nice you can you guys sleep good in there bud you got lots of room to stretch out it really weird ending the vlog on this like spot like I'm trying to lift you guys up all the time in a downer is there anything I can do to like nothing to rescue finding a miniature donkey rescue instead of just like buying one you're gonna rescue a donkey are you gonna do like a store you're gonna do like an incredible rescue like flat down in a cavern with a helicopter and pick up the donkey bring it on board what's the first question you gonna ask him how you know I mean like get out of here a flying talking donkey he can talk I love you guys so much thank you for being a part of this life that we live in man is awesome truly incredible a blessing to have each and every one of you a part of this life we love you we will see you tomorrow thank you for everything thanks for hanging out tomorrow tomorrow tomato tomahto tell me what pet you have what animal do you have what have you not only talked about any losing stories that's too much positive pest stories you got any cool fun pet stories I'm gonna I will be in the comments for a little while talking to you guys I want some fun Pat stories man like some cool ones you have a good pet story can be a good way to end this a fun pet story I have one my parents got my cat thumper before I was born right before I was born all right thumper black cat little white patch right here is my best buddy slept in my crib with me this cat was incredible yeah but that was back then everything was a while now so you can't there's a different day and age it was like 65 years ago 60 64 we moved across City me thought the cat was gone like we moved the cat disappeared for a long time like weeks and weeks weeks the cats gone we've had this cat our whole life after a long time the cat was at the old house he traveled from a new house all the way to an old house for weeks that's where he was so we found him at the old house leaders say that cat lived to 21 years old I was about 24 when that cat past 21 years old cat did for you were born Paul so I was only 19 dang it I don't mess the story you're right okay so the cow was older than me the cat died when he was 21 which would have made me only I wasn't three years the cat was older than me he lived in 21 I loved that cat thumper you can call me thumper if you want to him what movie love you guys beautiful you wanted a kind smile ma what flash [Laughter] you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 6,004,644
Rating: 4.9328256 out of 5
Keywords: atwood vlogs, funny, daily, animals, vlogs, Vlogs2017, family friendly, empire, ohio, roman atwood vlogs, kane atwood, Atwood, pranks, crazy, family vlogs, roman vlogs, youtube pranks, noah atwood, family fun, Roman, day, kid friendly, Natural Born Pranksters, kids, family, brittney, puppy, vlogger, flash, girlfriend, new, pets, everyday, kane, best pranks, Husky, vlog, vlogging, britt, Roman Atwood, noah, roman soldiers, family-friendly, kid-friendly, donkey
Id: tay_Q9KIAB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2017
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