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all right got another wild and crazy one and before i can start it i got to do a little b and e that's uh breaking and entering if you didn't know whatever i'll do what i want [Music] you know he's only doing youtube for free stuff and money right [Music] we interrupt our program to bring you this important message no i'm not i'm doing it because i'm an intentional all right so i happen to be driving through the local area here hi this is rachel from dealer services your file just came across my desk and shut up okay spam calls so i'm driving through this area and i noticed that there's this overgrown yard right by a school so i'm going to take care of it let's take a look at it boy i picked a wild one today that is one big pilot now this one is by one of our local schools i'm gonna come cut it this is absolutely as all my other videos absolutely 100 free i do make a video and from those videos i do make an income that allows me to continue doing this type of work so in today's video of this old crack house [Music] well i guess we could also easily be playing a game of in today's game of will i be sued for trespasses to cut this random ugly log now while i'm saying that i might as well tell you as you can see i walk through a gate so i'm not too worried about it but this gate over here does have a lock on it now i'm not going to cut the lock but what i am gonna do and it's a good tip for other lawn guys if they need it you know they got to have access to a yard because of the gate that gate's too small to fit my mower in i think so i'll probably have to bring my mower through this gate in which case what i'm going to do is i'm going to drop this hinge and i'm going to loosen that hinge and pull it up this will open up and then i'll have access to the yard let's go and take a look at the yard up here it's not too bad but i have seen things that are of noteworthy concern one is how high this edge on the sidewalk is um so i gotta be careful not to hit my machines but i notice there's a bunch of big rocks i mean like that's a big rock sticking up six or eight inches above where i'll be cutting and i'll definitely have to keep that in mind when i'm cutting the lawn so i don't destroy a spindle there are a few other things to be concerned about on this property there is a lot of poison ivy no no a lot right there it's all over so i will have to have some kind of caution when i'm in that area oftentimes the best precaution to that situation is just to be aware of what it looks like so right here's an example of poison ivy growing up through the fence and i'm sure it's all down that fence line and then through there so we'll have to be somewhat cautious because of that i will not be cutting anything growing up the fence if i don't cut it just assume it is poison ivy there's a lot of it on this property now this right here this type of grass this is a grass that you've seen in other yards that i've cut that gets real real real high head high and sometimes up to roof line level that's johnson grass and we've got a mix between that and just native weeds inside the lawn i did see a lot more poison ivy in the turf areas you know it's not just in fence lines that you'll see poison ivy although that's the common area because that's the area that's not as frequently touched so if someone doesn't have a weed eater that's oftentimes where you see it but all of this in here is the real dark green foliage is poison ivy so when i mow back here i'll be mowing wearing a face mask because that dust can blow up out from underneath the mower and you get the particles in the air and then you breathe it in so that's going to be miserable but it's just a small portion of lawn it kind of is what it is and then after i'm done with this property i'm going to go home and i'm going to take a shower and i'm going to use dawn dish soap to wash off that way i make sure there's no oil on my skin anywhere and i'll be safe and i won't have the edge for a few weeks but currently i'm fighting um it's a fungal infection inside my ear probably from this type of work i've gotten it every year for the last three or four years and i just you know assumed it was from the dust i went to a different doctor this year she said it's a fungal infection so i'm taking an antibiotic because it's swollen in this ear and i cannot hear out of this ear currently uh it sounds like i'm underwater but it's very very muffled and then my other ear is infected as well and so i'm taking prednisone early this morning i got a prednisone stuck in my throat worst taste ever man it started making me puke and stuff so oh here's another big rock sticking up i don't know what's going on that was pretty close to where it was over there maybe it was some kind of flower bed at one point in time or something could just be that was the natural stone that was here so first things first let's do a little breaking in arena i don't think it's breaking anything by the way it's very obvious that it's not lived in that's the gas meter and there is no meter there so it's just the gas lines uh it looks like they're doing maybe some remodeling stuff inside now let me show you this other side of the garage real fast before i start because it is wild i don't know what type of trees these are i think they're a type of i don't know i don't want to tell you because i don't know if you know what type of tree this is let me know i'm always interested in learning i see this all the time it's very very fast growing i've heard people call it fig but you know i mean i have no idea so i know i have a lot of people in here that are very experienced in botany and uh know the plants very well so if you know let me know the more you know the more you know to me it's weed tree weeds bidets johnson grass for days can't even hardly see the shed and like i said the city's over there i don't know why they're slacking the school's right there you figured somebody would have reported this but today i'm been cleaning it up and it's about noon it's hot humid and nasty and i imagine by the time i'm done people will be picking their kids up for school but uh traffic's gonna be crazy over here hopefully i finish before that otherwise i'll be sitting in the truck waiting until all these kids are out of school there is a gate unlocked here it's very clear it's unlocked but i can't get in through this way and there's some damage there just take note that wasn't me but uh i would have to push mow this yard if i went through this gate so i'm actually going to take the gate off the hinges over here and when i'm done i'll put it back on now we can just lift up pull out and now i have access all right the first thing i'm going to do on this property is i'm going to go ahead and cut the yard i'm going to use the mower then i'm going to wheaty the reason being is well it's not so tall that i'm super worried about hitting something but i know i'm going to have to we eat more than once i'm probably going to have to mow more than once so i'm going to mow it we d mode again if i have to which i'm sure i will so that's where we're at let's get to it [Music] gross there's a p bottle on every job and i just happen to hit this one yummy welcome back to the channel if it's your first time to the channel and you have not subscribed if you would subscribe that would really go a long ways to helping us out also i'd like to let you know that there's an alternative version to the same video that you're watching with very little talking just like the rest of my videos and you can find those on my other channel it's called the boring channel okay and on this channel i do commentary generally to help out my viewers or to feed a little light on the situation or you know just share motivational whatever's going on in my life that kind of stuff all right so the first thing that i would like to talk about in this video is there is somebody still in my content it is on facebook and um they are tricking people into buying monthly subscriptions so i'd like to let you know that all of my content is 100 free either on here the boring channel or on facebook under lawn care juggernaut we also have tick tock with lawn care juggernaut as well but nowhere there will you see any support me by paying me here or doing any of that stuff okay if i do start something i will have a link below in these videos only on youtube that is all anywhere else that somebody is asking you to pay is 100 a scam please don't fall into that um also if you could report uh lawn care v logs or anybody else using my content that would be wonderful other than that thank you so much for the support now moving forward there's quite a bit to talk about and i just want to help people out and that's kind of my thing and i've been getting a lot of requests about starting a business so let me flip my little book here i've got some notes for you okay and uh you feel free to take notes as well if you'd like now i normally don't take notes for my audio because i just don't function that way i probably would uh do better and and not go off on a weird tangent and training thought but since i wanted to get the point across help some people out i went ahead and took notes for this so the first thing i would suggest if you're wanting to start a lawn business or any other business is one you'll have to register your business so i'm going to encourage you not to get caught up in the plane business stage and just get right into business but there are a few things that you want to do just to make your life easier as you are starting and growing your business but keep in mind that these can be done over a period of time and they don't have to be done right away so if you want to get started you can get started and this is all stuff that uh has to be done but it's not you're not gonna die if you if you don't do it right away okay normally businesses have a startup phase about six months to a year and uh the irs isn't going to get onto you and that kind of stuff as long as you're tracking and you do report it you're all good okay so the first thing you want to do is register your business um with whatever state you're in it's a little bit different in every state and although i did say what i said a minute ago if you're in california or some of those other states that are really really really hard on contractors you might want to go ahead and you know do the play in business part before you get into business but here in oklahoma and much like the rest of the united states it's the wild west start your business and go okay but right now i'm going to suggest that you get your tax id okay so that'll give you your ein number when you register that's so that you can pay taxes track everything and it helps out the articles of organization is something you will also need because you're going to be able to want to start a business bank account so that you can get payments in the name of your business that way it's not just like you know for me it'd be kevin hanson you know for a check that says doing lawn care and stuff like that you don't want that you want to try to get away from that and it's a big big plus later on in your business but we'll get into that uh the other things i would highly suggest you do while you're doing those things that and these are all pretty simple they're just kind of a you know pain in the butt but once it's done it's done okay um so if you're not a computer guy i know it sucks to do the computer work but really in all of this you can get it all done in about a day starting your business account that depends on what bank you go to that might be an all-day event because some banks suck to work with but that's just my opinion i've had a few experiences with different banks getting off point let's get back to this you'll want to start a google maps listing that's going to be highly beneficial to you and all you need is your ein number and you'll be able to go on and go online just look up uh google maps listings had a list for that it's very very simple google is gonna send you a um like a confirmation code in in the mail and then once you get that in about a week or two you can confirm it then you're on and you're gonna want to post before and after pictures uh have customer testimonials on there little video clips if you can you can have a 10 second video clip but you're going to want to constantly post on there and then you're going to want to push for reviews on there the more reviews you get the better your business is going to do it's also going to streamline for advertising because nowadays the number one way people look a company up when they need it is on their phone it's right there google's the first to pop up so definitely google maps listings all the way now you'll want to set up a facebook business account and that way you can do facebook ads and stuff as well but you also want to post pictures on there and then just use it to stay active in your community it is a very beneficial thing for your business especially in lawn care a lot of our clientele is going to be an older generation and facebook caters towards the older generations so that's not an insult to anybody i'm part of that generation that actually likes facebook but you know um kind of bleeding into the instagram stuff now as far as instagram for your business i don't think instagram is highly beneficial but you can have that as well you can also be on other social media platforms and you know it just really depends on your business and how you want to choose to um direct your marketing but i would suggest those at a minimum uh the other thing you could do that's really pretty simple and easy is getting insurance for your business which is going to be like i said incredibly simple you just call a company i personally use his cox that doesn't mean that that's the company to go for i just used it because it was at the top of google look made an easy sell form it's about five or six hundred bucks a year and i think i've actually recently changed to a local company so i don't want to lie to you i don't even know who my insurance is through anymore i had to check that but anyways it's like five or six hundred bucks it's the same amount either way it's a two million dollar liability coverage policy which is pretty standard in our industry for starting out and what you're going to find out that it doesn't really do anything for you because in lawn care it's really really low risk so the worst thing that's going to happen is more than likely you'll break a window in which case you'll pay that out of pocket because it's not going to cost a whole lot but if something were to happen that was bigger like you ran a mower into a car or you know an ac unit or someone's house or something crazy that would be covered under that policy so you want to make sure that you have that just in case that way if something catastrophic happens you're covered and you don't go out of business and you don't get sued it's highly important and don't be the contractor that if something does happen you just ditch out like if you break a window fix it that's just scumbag crap okay now moving forward uh i would suggest getting a crm there's a lot of crms out there that are highly capable of doing whatever you need you could use quickbooks because quickbooks you're probably going to have quickbooks to track all your expenses and everything anyways which is very important you need to know your numbers on the business and the biggest part to knowing those numbers when people say hey you need to know your numbers that's just tracking your expenses in and your expenses out and having it all to where you can easily figure out what's what quickbooks is what we use it's super easy and simple we do have a crm for our business as well but that's not where we track all the expenses side now we do track our income in on there with um when we get a payment that comes in because we use card on file so it automatically tracks that for us and then it's integrated with quickbooks so that my wife can handle all of that talk with our bookkeeper and then at the end of the year with our cpa which we talked to our cpa throughout the year but you know it's whatever is best for you but a crm okay is going to help you handle the onboarding your clients so taking their name their their address their phone number their email any property information that you might need and then from there be able to send them an estimate for whatever service you're going to provide and it's going to be a professional looking estimate that gives you the edge through the bidding process because there's going to be a lot of people that might bid on that property you might be the only one if you're lucky and you have good communication skills and they can trust you and you know you're good at building rapport or when it gets to the estimate form that might be the deciding factor for your potential customer so they might get two or three estimates and then they you're the only one that gave them a professional one because for some reason with any services or any service based business it seems like people are there's a lot of like just you know crappy business owners out there and they don't realize how the small things are what give you the edge on growing your business so a crm something that i did not integrate into my business until about three years in and i wish that i would have done it from day one because it made a complete difference um now it can also do um your invoicing so when you have to bill them because you need to build your customer you can take card on file you can uh you know track all sorts of stuff like material and different things that you might need to but the basics are you need scheduling estimating estimating invoicing um on simply onboarding the customers and being able to charge your card on file now that's another thing if you uh haven't in your business or if you're planning on starting a business just integrate having a card on file system it's gonna make life easy most everybody pays stuff with the card nowadays so they're used to it it's gonna make receiving cash payments incredibly easy and you're not going to have to chase your money it's going to make it's going to make it simple but you have to just go with it don't be afraid of it just go for it i promise you it's a great decision in your business and it's going to do really well now uh depending on your size and where you're located maybe you're in a rural area and it's got like the people that are weird about cards and online and stuff you may have some pushback but i can almost guarantee you there's going to be hardly any push-up pushback because people are so used to paying with cards but not only that they don't want to receive a physical bill from you they don't want to write a check and send it to you in the mail where they have to take time to write out the check put it in an envelope write it write your address on the envelope put a stamp on it and put in the mail they just don't want to do that it's too much work we're in a society that doesn't want to have to do extra bs so cater to that be that person that gives a professional service and removes the headache it's going to make life easier now moving forward once you've got all that stuff you're going to want to be able to advertise if you have no budget for advertising my suggestion would be to knock on doors which is going to help you a lot in your business it's going to really help you with communication skills honing that in being able to build rapport in a short amount of time and just help you all around with communication skills so there are a lot of companies like chemical companies that do like pest treatments or companies that do chemicals for lawns that i have noticed in my area actually coming to this market that they're not even part of yet and that is their advertising um their main source of advertising is just getting guys out on the ground going door to door and then talking about their business trying to lock people in and they grow very rapidly it's it's a very good advertising method for them now if you like a more passive approach uh you don't like talking with people so much you don't feel comfortable with that yet another method might be flyers or door hangers because you can then you can just put it on the door move on go to the next door put it on the door move on go to the next door and just act like the mailman and walk right across the lawn boom boom boom boom knock them out it works great i promise you it it does work and it is effective some areas and different municipalities that's not allowed i get that comment every time but we're not allowed to do that in our area i don't know what to tell you um do what you got to do i do things that aren't allowed all the time and you know what nobody hardly ever says anything so for me it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission sometimes just do what you got to do part of being in business is being the guy that's willing to jump out an airplane and assemble the parachute on the way down so grow a pair of balls make it happen now i talked about this earlier but with your google maps listing every person that you work for you should be trying to get a five-star review and you should be trying to get it on google i promise you it will help you grow business it is the way to go so i would suggest that you can also have banded signs that you stick in lawns that's very effective it's almost like little billboards in the neighborhood other than that i would suggest uh next door app uh facebook ads being in facebook groups if you don't have the money to run ads uh because that's you know a low low dollar way to go you can talk with your power base which is everybody that you know and try to communicate with them or if you're looking for commercial in your area i would suggest a dream 100 plan where you actually write down the top 100 companies or people that would highly benefit you to work with and then you start cold calling reaching out to them send them a little gift basket whatever you got to do to get on their radar so that you can give them an estimate and move forward from there so these are just some real simple things that i would suggest if you're starting out that might really help you if you want to know more about that we are coming out with the course it'll be out in the near future and when that does happen i'll leave a link down below as well as in the rest of my videos all right i ran into a problem here the entire i ran into a problem here there's actually a big stump here if you can see it there and the inside's rotting out my tire my tire's sitting right inside that stump now so that's the edge on the back side there's a hole tire is completely free there so i'm gonna see if i can't get it unstuck and uh if not i don't have another mower with me i guess i could leave it there and go get one get a chain pull it out so we'll see all right so i'm thinking if i bounce on it i might get it to come loose we're gonna see here [Music] oh all right so now you can see just how big this thing is that's a huge hole in there when i do the first cut on these crazy lawns i take the deck all the way up to its highest setting which is like a transport mode that keeps me from banging my blades on stuff like this so if you're wondering why it looks rough when i first cut that's why and then i come back and generally i'll cut it again that's to smooth it out cut it at the right height get it looking good and then i'm able to spot stuff like this this thing's pretty well rotted out they could be busted out with a hammer pretty easy probably kick it out there i better not kick it out of there some people say i was damaging the property all right so i'd like to take a moment to just thank everybody that has supported us and subscribed to us followed us and between our two channels here on youtube lawn care juggernaut the boring channel and on tick tock we are over a million followers now and as far as i know we're the first first uh channel to ever do that on social media for lawn care so i think that's uh pretty awesome and it definitely shows how much you guys are willing to go to support us it really means a lot we're able to do a lot of really cool things for our community but even greater than that even people that are outside of my direct community we've been able to help quite a few people so you know over the past year we've helped support a few gofundmes this was one of the videos that i did on the boring channel that was actually for a gofundme and i believe over twenty thousand dollars have been raised to help that individual that had cancer and you know that means means the world to me that we were able to do that now i went ahead and i put down the first i believe three thousand uh dollars so that i was able to help pay his rent through the hard times through the winter you know a little bit of money really goes a long ways to helping a lot of people out there in need especially if they're in a situation where they've got you know cancer or just something going on in their life i mean everybody's got something going on it's like at the beginning of this video i kind of made some jokes about the property but the reality is i know that whoever owns this was incredibly grateful and that's enough of a gift for me to be able to do that kind of thing but to be able to do it consistently and have it supported through our channel it's been such an awesome blessing and a gift and it's been a really really cool turn for my business now if you're going into business and you want to do overgrown city violation type stuff which is another question i get asked quite a bit how do i uh work with the city and do that that type of thing where you're out going out and cutting tall crazy stuff um i will say it looks cool on video but for a business model it's really not the best route to go um there's a few reasons and one of them that i would say is probably the most important is it's going to put a lot of wear and tear not only on your equipment but your body but you know the stuff that i go through i hit things all the time rocks um they could bend a spindle or break something you know chains trash all sorts of stuff a lot of things that can add a lot of liability there's a lot of risk for personal damage and personal liability when you go through stuff like this so my suggestion to you would be to go towards reoccurring clients that are needing service versus some of these crazy clients look at my sticker yeah anyways uh [Laughter] but you know when it comes to doing city violation type stuff if you do want to do that it's uh called an abatement service and you can sign up with your municipality if they don't have a crew of their own here's the downside is it's going to be the lowest bid wins so it's kind of a race to the bottom and you know if you hit something it might be something that puts you out of business because it could damage and put your mower out for weeks if not permanently so you know just know that there's massive liability with this type of work and you're not able to charge very much with the city now the other reason i don't work with the city anymore although they still send me a list which is kind of cool because it gives me a heads up on on properties that i might be able to go help somebody the other reason is that i found out the way that they they kind of work when it comes to this stuff so what they would do is they would send out a request for bid and then from that you would go bid on the properties that they give you for a list of them sometimes it's one sometimes it's more they're all overgrown they're all nasty and crazy but from there you would put your bid in if you win the property keep in mind that you have to win the property by being the lowest bid so you win this property to be able to go out and cut this city violation loan uh from there they'll actually build that homeowner and if that homeowner is not able to pay that bill let me back up a little bit they'll not only bill that homeowner for the cost of your service but they'll also bill them for a paperwork processing fee which is typically going to be between two or three hundred dollars uh sometimes it can go more than that so it's going to be your price for service plus that okay that's what the homeowner is going to have to pay if they cannot pay that that property is going to go um get a lien put on it and if they don't pay that lean then it's going to go up for sale at an auction and it'll sell to sheriff's auction for however much they own taxes plus whatever somebody bids it up to so on one side if there is a neglected property that's you know maybe it's got an absentee owner or something like that they forgot about the house they don't care about it on one side it could be beneficial because that house could then go back onto the market somebody fixes it up either rents it out or sells it you know for somebody to live in so it could be beneficial for the community on the other side somebody lives in it and maybe they're in a hardship and they're not able to pay for it so for me the right thing to do is just go cut those things for free right but no really in all honesty the only way i'm able to do that like i've said is that you guys support my videos so it started out where the city called me and they're like hey do you want to do some abatement properties i'm like what's it a what's it an abatement property you know i thought they said embankment so i thought they were telling me to go cut hills and i'm like nah i don't like messing with hills they said no abatement i said well it's an abatement well an abatements when it's overgrown so i went ahead and put some bids in but once i found out how it worked that just doesn't vibe with me now it might be different for you if you're in business and you're needing to pick up work it might be great filler work for your schedule it might be something that you could use that income to help you out now i do get some people that object to me going out and cutting this stuff and saying hey you know you're taking work away from somebody yeah i might be but if they're gonna go under in business because they didn't get to cut one crazy yard for a low dollar amount they're probably gonna go out of business anyways you got to be able to go out and get work the best work for you to get as a lawn care guy go for doing weekly or bi-weekly properties take care of a property consistently for somebody that can afford it or if they're not able to afford it and you want to help people out cut bi-weekly and maybe you got a job somewhere else and cutting bi-weekly is fine for you my suggestion is if you get in business you kind of get in where you can fit in maybe that means you're cutting properties that are of lower quality for a lower dollar amount but as you grow you'll understand that you can charge more you'll build some rapport you'll get professional you'll have the edges with doing um you know a professional estimate and stuff like that when you send it out and you learn how to communicate to people you learn how to land jobs over the phone and not have to go to the property to give them an estimate and if you can get your phone ringing that's when you can start raising your price and when you can raise your price you can actually start getting nicer equipment and everything falls into place the way it should so it's really just kind of like beginning type work and i i figure i kind of balance it out by taking that work away from somebody by teaching people how to actually go into business doing it the way that they should so you know it just kind of is what it is it flows the way it flows to me i think the the good is far outweighs the bad of what i'm doing now a lot of people always find something negative in anything that you do it doesn't matter what you do in life and that's just that's their problem man they got a negative nancy mindset if you're going into business you need to be an optimistic person like when something bad happens you need to know that no matter what you're gonna figure it out you're gonna make it happen so losing something like this a crazy loan is not a problem to you if you if you got a problem with losing one property and that's hurting you that's not your problem your problem is you don't know how to get work so again i'd like to teach you how to get work the biggest way of doing that is advertising fill up your pipeline okay that's your work you're you're gonna feel broke even it doesn't matter how much money you have in the bag you know you can have this is the craziest thing my sister-in-law uh i'm sorry my um my sister-in-law my wife was telling me a story about my father-in-law long time ago right and uh it's probably 10 years ago she told me about how he was he was a gambler now i wouldn't suggest making gambling a career but if you do um just know you're probably gonna die broke or you know there's no gambler that ever ends their career in some glorious fashion it doesn't end good it's it's not a good career choice but i might be wrong anyways we'll move forward my point to the story that i wanted to say is that she told me whenever he had thirty thousand dollars in the bank he felt broke and that was because he wasn't able to play his game and when you don't have enough money in your bank you can't make the right decisions now that dollar amount is going to be different for anybody at different stages but you know you'll find out in business that if you don't have x amount in your bank you're going to feel broke and you're going to feel like you're desperate and you have to make bad decisions and you have to take on work that you don't want to or you don't you don't you don't feel as good for your business now the way you combat that is just by filling up your pipeline making sure there's enough new work coming in that you're not stressed about income because you have enough cash flow coming in so that's the other side is that you want enough new work coming in but you need it to be at the right dollar price the right the right price because you can work all day for you know a really low amount don't go into business thinking cutting lawns for twenty dollars or thirty dollars is the route to go it's not you're gonna go out of business if you wanna go into business cutting lawns free it will not work for you okay i am the exception it is very very crazy to me that i've built a business now and my business model is cutting lawns for free if i were to tell myself that or anybody else that in the past and say hey i'm going to be a business and i'm not a non-profit and i'm going to go out and i'm going to cut loans and i'm going to do it for free and make income and i'm going to be able to pay for all my family's needs and be able to do it a lot i would have been like now you're lying because it's it hadn't been proven now i'm the exception there are a few other exceptions that have followed my model but that doesn't mean everybody's going to be able to do it so my suggestion is if you go into business there is another proven round and that's to charge the amount that you need to get the amount of work that you need to stay busy and stay consistent and you're going to make it happen it's going to pop for you it's going to it's going to do really well it is much easier to grow a legitimate loan business an integral youtube business if you want to go that route too but you know that's all up to you and for the people out there like oh you make millions on mo no i don't um and oh you make money off of mowing video posting your your videos online yeah there's a lot of other videos that i can post on youtube and make way more amount of money and less amount of time so i i hate that argument it's so dumb to me and to me it's like something that just um you know everybody says something negative it doesn't matter it'll happen in your lawn business too you'll have people in your family that doubt you you'll have friends that doubt you they'll go oh that's a cute business you got you know you own lawns or whatever but the reality is you can make more income mowing lawns and having a legitimate lawn business than most people will probably make at their factory job or anything else and you can do it as a solo operator being your own boss going out on your own schedule now when i see your own schedule don't feel like you can make your own schedule you still have to adhere to i have to be at these properties this week at this time this day you need to knock that out but you can create your own schedule and if you have to take a day off you can and you don't have to uh do anything but communicate with your clients to do so versus i remember when i was at a factory man if i wanted a day off it could they give you pdos you know paid time off i can't get rejected and stuff you know your vacation would get rejected like come on man just trying to take a day off because i got to get this this and this done in my life so you know there are some flexibilities to being a business owner now having said that you're going to work a lot more hours than you probably would a a payroll job and you're going to be thinking about it whether you're at work or not which i know some people do that already with a payroll job but you know it's a little bit different in business and you'll probably be stressed at times because you're worried about this or that or you haven't come across a problem yet to you it's this new fresh crazy problem and you're really worried about it and you're kind of stressing about it but as you grow your business and you get into each year that problem you had had last year is going to be nothing to you the next year and it's going to get to be this thing where you want new fresh problems because that means you're growing and when you're growing you're making more money you're going to be spending a lot more money on expenses you're gonna have you know new mower payments or new equipment payments and you know payroll and everything else that comes along with growing but you're gonna you're gonna have bigger problems that you have before and you know that's just gonna mean that you're advancing your career so it's a good thing never feel bad about growing the business and don't feel bad about these petty problems and stop getting caught up in problems that you see online like if you're if you're serious about business and you don't want to just play business now is the time to start too okay that whether that means start by getting your you know your llc formed or whatever however you want to set it up or doing the things that i said earlier in this video to get started you can do all of that now before the spring breaks that way you're ready to go in the spring you can get your marketing material now so you're ready to go in the spring now's the time to start otherwise you're gonna put it off for a year and you'll be like yeah i'm gonna start this thing then you're gonna put it off again if you wanna do it just go for it it doesn't matter what it is just go for it build a plan now build a plan okay and actually have action points like if if i do if i want to do this i need to do this this and this to make that happen it's kind of like when you make your goals some people write i want to lose 20 pounds well what do you got to do to lose 20 pounds i want to lose 20 pounds by when what's your date that's how you would write a goal you would say i want to do x by x i want to do this by this certain date and then you're going to write the action plans the action items what what are the key indicators for me to get to that if i don't do those things i will never get there right so that's what you want to do for starting your business or growing your business or whatever you might want to do so if you want to make 50 000 more well what's that actually mean well if you run a 50 profit business by the way if you're going to be a lawn business more than likely you're going to be in the range of about 50 profit which is pretty decent so i mean you might be 30 to 50 but shoot for that 50 profit margin it's totally doable especially when you're small and you don't have a bunch of massive expenses so if you want to make 50 000 this year and you have a 50 50 profit margin that means you need to make a hundred thousand dollars in sales now what do you have to do to have a hundred thousand dollars in sales how many clients do you have to have what size of properties because that the size of property is going to dictate how much you're charging right so you need to do x amount of properties in this location on this frequency you know how often to make this much income i'm going to have to have these expenses i'm going to have to have this type of mower so if i don't have that right away so you're starting with the push mower but you want to get there what do you have to do to get to that that goal so if you want to get a bigger mower what do i have to do to purchase this mower i i hope those stimulate good conversation for you in your head someone's gonna say you're tearing up the mower doing this kind of worker popping willy's i bought this mower to be destroyed i'm gonna take it to the grave all right let's go ahead and get into the weed eating all right i don't know what was on my face your guess is as good as mine i think it was a sunflower seed uh but whatever right uh i just roll with it man everything's everything's chaotic and you know some people would be insecure about putting that out there i don't want to be seen a certain way is what it is so moving forward as far as questions i commonly get about the business another one is hey what equipment do i have to have what brand should i get what trucks the best and to me um what brand and all that stuff none of that none of that matters and what equipment you have use what you got get out there and get started just make it happen if you're gonna do it do it figure it out i mean i started with 100 bucks i didn't have enough to get the equipment i wanted i found stuff on the side of the road and fixed it i went to pawn shops and bought stuff at one point in time i traded service for a crappy weed eater from a neighbor that uh it didn't fix or didn't work so i fixed it and they just make it happen right what brand man if you're getting a top name brand they're probably gonna be good if you can't afford that right away don't worry just do what you got to do create the income and your business will buy everything you could have ever dreamed of getting for your business it's just going to happen create enough cash flow in your business that all those problems are money problems i just go away with more income okay you're busy you're gonna make a portion of what you you make and your business is gonna make a portion of what you make the best way to grow your business is take a small amount of income as you possibly can for the first couple years and put all of that money back into the business just keep investing it let the business take the money you'll get the equipment you put money into advertising never neglect advertising don't put equipment over advertising here's the thing you go out and you spend you know twenty thousand dollars in mowers and get five thousand dollars and accessories and handheld equipment and all this stuff and you go out and buy a fifty thousand dollar truck and a ten thousand dollar trailer that's the guy going out of business because you know what they probably didn't didn't budget into that marketing just getting the name out for their business they probably don't know how to sell a job you know like if you if you've got if you're leaving a job and you got some income coming from that or you're taking some money from your 401k or whatever it might be do not neglect marketing in your budget when you write your business plan which is incredibly important you know make a business plan it can be super simple but you need to make a plan like i said figure out how much you need to make don't neglect marketing make sure that's an important part of it as far as weed eaters and stuff i like using the attachment series weed eaters that uh accept you know by attachment what i mean is i can actually pull the front half of my my trimmer off and put on hedge trimmers i can use a pull saw you know there's a lot of benefits to having a trimmer like that and i've got multiple trimmers you always need redundancy that's going to find be something you find out as you grow because downtime is it is like very very expensive one because if you can't get to all the jobs you're not going to bring in the income two if you don't get all the jobs you might lose some jobs because people aren't willing to wait you're there to remove their headaches keep that in mind you're there to take all that stress away and what they don't want to worry about is their lawn looking like crap so you know as far as like how often should i cut the lawn you should be coming at a frequency that it looks like it never needs cut okay i would suggest weekly pretty much everywhere is weekly somewhere down south you might cut bi-weekly part of the year maybe in the beginning of the spring like here i could go from bi-weekly into weekly back into bi-weekly sometimes depending on the property most of them i just start weekly and go all the way through the season as weekly but if you need to ramp up and ramp down that's something that i used to do really just build a business around your area you know another thing i would highly suggest well let me go ahead and finish with the mowers and stuff i started with a push mower it didn't have a bag on it you know you can get a push mower you can get for me the ideal situation for residential properties that are like this not this high but this property size that are cut on a frequent level is a 36 inch mower a 60 inch mower two trimmers two backpack blowers uh pole saw and hedge trimmers you know you can have an attachment series that goes on your wheat eater and a smaller pair of hedge trimmers as well if they've got smaller ornamental bushes it's easier to cut them with those smaller trimmers but that setup right there you're you're golden you've got redundancy with equipment you do need backups of that 36 and that 60 if you can but if you don't have it it's fine because if that 60 inch goes down you can still cut all those properties with 36. if the 36 goes down that's the one you really need to have backup of because you don't want to be out there push mowing those properties if you have to if your backup's a push mower that's fine it'll get it done while you have to but ideally 60 inch 36 inch mower it doesn't matter what brand as long as they are capable of doing the work commercial or residential it doesn't matter just get what you can get starting out and you'll work your way into nicer equipment okay don't get caught up on that stuff do i get a ford or a chevy doesn't matter stop just stop that argument it's childish it's petty it's playing business it's not being business it's i'm planning for the best stuff well you might run into analysis paralysis where you you're planning on this stuff and you don't take action take action take action take leaps stop being scared stop being uh i'm not gonna get explicit on here but you get my point now uh i don't know what i was talking about a minute ago i was going to get on to a really good topic i better pause this and go back and listen and magically with no delay to you i'm back what i was going to say is i would highly suggest having a marketing plan that's also built around your schedule for the year your service calendar so a service calendar and a marketing calendar if you have a service calendar you know what services you're going to provide whether that's you know lawn service spring cleanups leaf removal maybe you're going to do some power washing different things like that uh overseeding aeration all that stuff right there's a ton of different services you can provide you want to pick a few of them and just go with those and then as you grow you can add stuff in and this that but really uh the the smaller you can hone that the more money you're gonna make the more profitable you're gonna be if you can hone in a few projects that you're really really good at and you just add in a few that are your big money makers that you're really good at advertising for and you can fill your schedule with so um i wouldn't go out i'm doing everything which in the very beginning you might be doing that just to fill the schedule because you have to like you might find yourself going into business doing lawn care but you feel like a handyman because you're doing all this other stuff just to keep yourself busy that's okay you got to do what you got to do in the beginning but as you grow you're going to find it a lot more profitable to just do one specific project and it might be that you start out a lawn business and end up becoming a house painter you never know there are some weird things that happen in business because you you're gonna evolve and you're gonna find out where you're best utilizing your time and what service you like providing and all of that stuff because in the beginning you may not know okay but having a service calendar is going to allow you to have a good marketing calendar that's something i never hear any guys talk about online because i don't put anybody out there man but sometimes guys out there talking about business aren't in business or haven't really been in business they they're they were in business or starting a business and they became more of a social media person like for me now i'm social media i'm out here uh doing lawn care on videos but now my business is actually making videos which is crazy but it didn't used to look like that for years almost 10 years now i've been in the lawn business so my points to you and my information to you is valid you can grow a successful business you can make 10 000 a month as a solo operator no problem dragging ten thousand dollars a month in revenue i guarantee you i've done it four years you can do it uh my highest month we made twenty thousand dollars in revenue you can do that consistently as well so by all this information that i'm giving you to you 100 free on here you don't have to buy a course although when i do make a course it will be more in depth and that way you can see it and if you're a person like me that's like hey i love it uh i know you're passing me the keys to the kingdom here but if you just give me the information to put the key in the damn lock that would really help so that you can skip the process right but my point is that i've gone through the battles so i feel like i can talk about them which i know a lot of people you know they get on and they talk about business as their first year second year and they're vlogging about it and they're like yeah and i'm like yeah you don't know yet buddy but you know some people do so i'm not out to judge either i'm not trashing anybody there are a lot of really really good um people out there on social media pumping out a lot of good information and i've seen them and i've watched a lot of them for years and i've watched them grow and i've watched their information change as they grew and so you know i just want to let you know that there is good information out there and you don't have to pay anybody for a course that is something i would say as well but when you do what you are doing is you are actually skipping the process of the pain of learning and trying to find it and weed out what's good for you and this and that right but even when you take any kind of information you have to take what's good figure out a way to consume what's good and beneficial for you consume it implement it and throw the rest away just get it out of there if it's not good for you just throw that away oh i'm gonna have to go back and fix that my bad anyways uh just make it happen for business right now uh that goes with everything and i would highly suggest that you also continue to educate yourself a big part of being in business is that you feel like oh i'm learning about the business and you know i i can just do my thing all i got to do is my lawns no you need to actually educate yourself uh one of the most beneficial things that you can do for yourself is to download audible okay and i'm not an affiliate or anything like that with audible i'm not paid to advertise them but is one of the things that actually truly helped me in my business was downloading audible and then starting to listen to either business books or self-help books while working and then ultimately it led to me listening to the bible which completely changed my life i would highly suggest you reading that too but i don't want to make you run off and click off the video because of that but it's something that helped me and even if you go into that book listening to it as a business book or a self-help book which it and was 100 percent is it 100 is a book about money it's a book about self-help and making yourself a better person and being a better person that stuff's going to help you okay other books i would highly suggest it's dangerous to listen to a few of them because you might go so far in depth that you actually kind of lose yourself but seller be sold by grant cardone was a great book um you know profit first was a good book although there's some really good youtube videos that are like 30 minutes long they can avoid you listening that whole book i really liked um i listened to books that were about how to reach reprogram your brain how it's like a computer i don't know the name of it offhand there's um a book called um dang it you know i can't remember at the moment but it's a success through a positive mental attitude that's a wonderful book the e-myth is a great book there's an e-myth for landscapers as well but my my point there is that there's a lot of good information a lot of good books oh richest man in babylon is a wonderful book as well you know obviously it's talking about money and investing and i found that to be a highly beneficial book for myself and it was like four hours so you can listen to it in one day while you're out working it's no big deal you might even listen to it twice which i've listened to that book multiple times the other thing i would suggest is that when you listen to books um listen to them and watch what your mind does because you're gonna find out that whenever you're listening to something you'll your mind will fade in and out try to guide your mind to focusing on what you're trying to learn there and staying focused being able to retain your focus and control that is going to be key to you gaining more information and being able to grow more and then when you listen to a book implement what's in the book if it applies to what you're wanting to do implement it don't just listen to it listening doesn't help don't be an don't be somebody that just takes information and doesn't apply it like apply it make it happen for you and it's going to benefit you you can also listen to podcasters too try try not to [Music] gear towards entertainment as much as you are gearing towards stuff that's beneficial to you geared towards information and i know some of it feels like a lecture or it's not that fun to listen to or whatever it might be but that's what you want to do try to stay away from like listening to twilight and stuff or whatever you're into or harry potter series it's just not going to help you out in business or you know make an income it might be entertaining you might really enjoy it might be a nice break but you're probably going to want to put some information in there about whatever you're wanting to grow in so if you want to grow in being having a good business probably some business books probably some self-help books probably some books on sales probably you know if you want to grow your marriage and make sure you have a healthy marriage probably listen to some marriage books you know some some uh uh what is that one book the five love languages that's that's pretty good book you know there's there's great marriage books out there though um a lot of people don't like jordan peterson i don't really get that but i would also suggest jordan peterson uh his books and lectures on youtube that are all 100 free you know his book's not free but his lectures on youtube that you can find there they're great and if you don't like the political side of crap stay away from the political side that's part of you know figuring out how to digest information so that it applies to you and helps you and benefit your life and throw away the garbage the problem is we're spoon-fed garbage all the time like that's what we've learned to consume we think that's you know like if you're looking at diet you know you're eating garbage all the damn time well it's the same way when you turn on your tv think of it that same way you're consuming that into your body whatever you listen to is what you're consuming so if it's crap for you get rid of it stop listening to it you know what i mean and get hyper focused on if you have a mentor that helps you out can you know consume that information and then once you've outgrown it you've outgrown it and that's okay you can always come back or you can go yeah well i've outgrown that and if you're starting a business you may outgrow the information that i'm giving because i give a lot of really basic information for business stuff that anybody can consume start up and apply i'd love to go in depth but people don't like listening to it and that's okay so if you uh you know outgrow me that's totally cool too man don't waste your time watching really really long lawn mowing videos unless it benefits you and if you just watch me because of entertainment you like it i appreciate you you are awesome and uh i get a ton of people that send me pictures of their cats watching my videos and their animals watching my videos are the kids watching my videos i want to say thank you for that it uh that's that to me that's pretty cool that you know i mean not only you know they're watching it and their cats watching it but the fact that they would take time to reach out to me and just say hey i really appreciate your videos and for whatever reason it uh resonates with you so you know i mean that's that's what makes this cool because i get a lot of negativity you know i mean i get people that bash it and stuff that's totally fine it's understandable somebody's always going to hate on something whatever you do in life right but uh all the support like as far as anybody i've ever seen on youtube my comment section on both of my channels is you know just incredibly positive and um i always feel good when i read my comments sometimes it's easy to to read through the comments and feel pretty good and then you get to that one negative comment you're like oh man that hit hard but you know if it hits hard to you it's probably because there's some truth in it and i have to go okay i gotta grow out of that what what's this issue that i'm really what's the deep down core issue that i gotta grow out of here why is that why is that bothering me because it shouldn't somebody wants to get online and talk crap on you whether they're trolling or trying to be serious or just pissed off about their own life why should that matter to me it doesn't you know what i mean but i mean i'm just like anybody else i get depressed and i get down like you know when i was shooting this video i was actually down so i'll get down and i'll get quiet and i don't say stuff but i still go out and i work and i do what i have to and you know that's that's part of life and work is going out and doing stuff when you don't want to do it man i don't want to make a video sometimes sometimes i don't feel good you know sometimes i i i don't feel like i can say something like that's a big part of on this channel why i don't put out content more i get a lot of people that love my content and they even go to like my parents channel by the way big shout out to them cabin on the hill if you want to watch their videos there's actually some really good power washing videos i went down there and taught him how to make videos and and help my dad with him you know editing and stuff like that so they're doing awesome stuff by the way but uh and i'd make um surprise you know visits and show up in their channel all the time so if you do want to check them out it's cabin on the hill i would love it if you go over there and subscribe it would mean a lot i'll leave a link in the description uh thank you for doing that by the way but you know i got off track what i was talking about guess it didn't really matter oh yeah sometimes i just don't feel like doing the voiceovers i i feel like i'm not into it or i don't have anything unique to say to you or i don't want to repeat the same thing over and over so i'll wait until i have inspiration or like right now i feel good i feel like i can actually say something and it means something i'm not just repeating the same thing over and over and i'm not um wasting my time and your time because your time is incredibly valuable to me i put a lot of time into editing the videos that they're smooth and they're enjoyable to watch and because to me that's it's very important i want you to uh enjoy the content and the results have shown you should do it's the same as my business i wanted my business to do good so i put in the time i put in the work i put in the effort and if you are watching and you made it this far i just want to let you know you're awesome i used to do a word or phrase of the day where i would say something and the people that have watched it up to this point put it down in the comments and it's been a long time since i've done it but i'm gonna go and do it again so if you've made it this far go ahead and comment down below do cabin on the hill and uh that'll be the phrase of the day all right i gotta take a second to show you this because a lot of people ask about it spiders snakes this and that i'm gonna show you whenever i do a job like this there are thousands of spiders this size on the property now i don't really know i just call him a wolf spider i don't know what that is there but you can see just how big he is she i'm not sure let's get real close anyways it's inevitable that i accidentally kill hundreds of them while i'm cutting you know the mowers the weed eater the blower all that stuff uh probably tears them up but i don't ever go out on my way to to kill anything it's just it's it's an unfortunate part of the job that things do die so anyways a little insect gets to be a little insect they leave me alone i've been doing this for years i've never been bitten i forgot to hit all that with the mower so that's coming [Music] [Music] they're surprisingly handling that real well i'm cutting trees there probably like this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i want to take a moment to be very clear i do not care one bit about that mower i'm going to absolutely destroy it on this channel and i bought it for your entertainment obviously you don't want to waste money but the channel made a profit and i was able to make an investment we're going to destroy it see what it can do man this is nothing just wait until you see what's next [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh we got a first i don't know what it break i figured out didn't take but a second all you guys tell me it's gonna i'm gonna break it i just wanna show you i don't care about this mower my ferris yeah thanks mark i'm ready to see it die but yeah this little spring popped off no biggie i'm just gonna say that engine is really hot i got the spring on the other side grabbing it on this side it's really really loose so the spring itself needs replace good thing i found it now because i could actually do that by hand if i wanted spring goes from there to an idler pulley on that side back to donuts 76 percent of americans like paycheck to paycheck 64 of americans that have businesses break even or lose money most people are don't have any money and have accepted the fact that they don't have any money they don't have any leftover money they're fearful of money constantly they overspend they don't know how to produce money they definitely don't know how to multiply it the the land of the brave and the home of the free it's not even close to the truth it's just important for people to understand that complaining has no value and if you complain about not having enough money work more if you complain about not having work-life balance spend more time on vacationing in your family it's super simple let your actions dictate instead of sitting there and feeling like you're not in control poor people say i can't afford it i can't do that i don't have time it's an escape you know i mean it's easy to say i can't afford oh i get too tired or i can't go to the gym you know when you could go to the gym but no i can't truth is i'm just too lazy to go to the gym money doesn't have value right and this is an important thing that most people don't immediately understand is that money itself doesn't have value money is is a vector for transmitting value it's how you express value but the value isn't in the money it's in the product or service you bought with it and it's in the labor you gave in order to acquire it in the first place that's where the value comes from there's nothing intrinsically valuable in the money people are stunningly accepting of anything if they actually believe that's the purest form of it i think i'd be less acceptable if i hedged i really do people will accept you people we accept everything just be you be you and clearly people like react when you're trying to fake something and you've got bad intent well then that's visceral and we hate but i actually think we we don't give love to the person that actually knows they have it and they're trying to fake it to conform hence why i won't adjust to this market all the way because i don't think i'll be respected i know what my intent is so why would i be scared i want to build the biggest building in town that's who i am and you know how i want to do that by building the biggest building in town and a lot of people want to build the biggest building in town and you know how they want to do it by tearing everybody else's building down poverty is passed on it's taught in your families and middle class is taught in families and so the people right now who are sitting at home who are struggling financially or worried about money or unhappy they may be making a lot of money but unhappy with what they're doing it was probably taught to you you know your super ego was taught get a job work hard or or you'll never be rich or the rich or evil or whatever and until you change your mindset money won't help you right right and we see that with people that win the lottery people that make more money they still have the same problem right because they have that poor man's soul great if you're poor you'll always be poor that's really hard for people to understand the money will disappear that fast just like most pro athletes you know they make millions of dollars and what 65 are bankrupt five years later it's because they come from poorer families now you tell them that they get very angry at you it's not it's a rich fault you know as you guys ripped me off and government ripped me off but unfortunately what mr lipton was saying it's passed down genetically that's the frightening thing and it's interesting when you commit to something little gifts just start automatically showing up it's a phenomenal thing it's happened my whole career when i fully commit somebody will bring me something okay and then look then keep your eyes open and by the way the package may come wrapped in a package you weren't thinking about hard work or like a voice or like a person or a you know maybe from a different direction than you thought or an offering where you're like you read something about this and that's not the thing like all throughout my career it's come in weird kind of ways if you ask for help and and somebody shows up at the door maybe let invite them in okay regardless of what the packaging is or what you've heard about it or whatever that's really been beneficial okay how old are you 44. think i'm 40. do you know how young we feel it's when you were 26 did you ever think that this is what 44 felt like no you thought that that was finished yeah how old are you like you think of 40 years like when i was 25 years old i thought a 40 year old was finished i don't even feel like i'm starting right yeah but when i was 26 i was in a rush i understand all those uh guys and girls on the streets last night they when you say that to them like their face kind of goes blank because all the stuff they watch mtv music videos this it's all about the bling now and the this now and this now you know and mtv's tame you start following people on instagram and it's a disaster they're all pushing like you know it's all about champagne and private planes and you can get it too and just and everybody's falling for it so i'm coming out and i first of all i want to be historically correct nobody in 100 years is going to watch that video and say that i was full of crap i like that right number two i want my legend to grow i'm always fascinated by politicians and world figures like winston churchill his brain continues to grow right i want that when i'm dead i want to be in the ground at peace knowing my legend's growing like i want that i want that in the business world and so i'm giving real advice and real advice looks like this when you're 19 and you can spend seven full years learning your craft meeting people that are mentors being patient and you wake up and you're 26 years old you have your entire life in front of you and you've done great foundational work to go on and then be successful you know i have bad luck too i've i've had financial crashes i've had people stab me in the back but they're all good because i grow from it that's spirituality you know people who are afraid of making mistakes like they teach in school they don't ever grow because spirituality is there's good and there's bad there's right and there's wrong there's up and there's down most people don't want to be right they only want to be positive well you can't have that that's not reality and the average person the reason they're poor is they haven't failed you know they play it so safe they haven't made any mistakes like they taught in school that means they don't learn anything that's why the school system is actually fundamentally corrupt it's anti-education don't make mistakes and don't ask for help and if i didn't ask for help i have my accountants my attorneys my bankers and all that you know i go into business like a rugby team you know boom boom and we kick butt but the average guy is standing there oh i'm an a student i'm going to do this all on myself and a bunch of rugby players run you over and you go well they're not playing fair yeah well you're not you're playing stupid you should have a team you have accounts attorneys and bankers and all that stuff but that's not the game i want to play i said then don't play the game you know the game of business has played with accounts of attorneys bankers i hate to say it politicians you know you got to know the game [Music] like i don't want to hustle i want i want to prosper i don't want to grind i want to create a machine that monetizes you know i'm not shameful of money i want money i want a lot of money i want to give money away i want to raise a lot of money you can't do that if you're broke [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] believe i did all that work and i forgot this little bitty bag normally i pull out the trimmers it's a man in money it ain't gonna matter well what do you think of that it's actually a pretty charming little house and everything's cut and cleaned up we end up with a lot more grass clippings than i anticipated this would have been a good one to tarpon and haul them away but i'm not going to do it uh if you are in business and you're tackling something like this and it's the first time cut i would suggest cutting it like this cutting it multiple times you can bag if that's in the deal but if it's not i wouldn't do it i would uh cut it clean it up pretty quick and easy like i did and then from there sign them on with weekly service they want a weekly service when you come back each time you cut it it's going to clean up and look really nice and really sharp so i know some of you guys like bagging and if you're wanting a channel that does baggy uh you're at the wrong place i did invest in a bagger system uh but you're not gonna see it till leaf season so uh yeah there's that little little sneak peek i guess so it came out looking beautiful and i just want to say thank you to all you guys who support the channel it really means a lot to me and you know by leaving a comment and subscribing to the channel if you're not and giving it a thumbs up it goes a long ways to allow me to do this and to help more people so not only do we help whoever owns this which you know i made a joke in the beginning but i don't know who owns this they might be on hard times it might be abandoned it might be somebody that got an investment property and they got in over their head uh maybe they got an investment property and cobid hit and they lost their job and they weren't able to do what they needed to do to flip it who knows who knows but i saved somebody you know about four or five hundred bucks just now especially if the city would have came in those bills are pricey so yes i did it for free because i didn't send out an invoice you need to chill out if you're that person if you're watching this hey i wish you the best two even the people who leave negative comments on here i wish them the best and i say that oftentimes when you see me in the comments i might come back with a little playful comment to some people but when i say i wish you the best that's actually me saying hey i'm done with this conversation i'm done with you i feel that it's at a loss this is if you're arguing with me i feel that it's at a loss and that you're not at the maturity level to have a legitimate conversation i wish you the best and your growth and your happiness in life and when you're ready to come back around i will be ready as well so that's my opinion that's how i handle some of that hate and criticism uh and then the other thing is all the positivity that really goes a long ways to help me out so when you guys do leave a positive comment it does boost me back up because man some of those it just feels like you're getting punched in the face but that's all right it's all right everybody goes through the flows man not everything's on a high point sometimes you go through a low point in fact i got quiet on the channel did you guys notice just because i was in a low point i felt like i had nothing to say that could further your life and bring you positivity didn't mean i was not working it means i got quiet i want to wait until i have something to say to you you know people think i talk a lot i'm actually a really pretty quiet dude i uh stayed quiet for a long time until i felt like i had something to say all that said thank you so much for the support you guys are awesome you stay in there and stay supportive i'll stay in here and keep working we'll see if we can't help some people [Music] you
Channel: Lawn Care Juggernaut
Views: 599,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lawn Care Juggernaut, random overgrown lawn, TRESSPASSING on RANDOM OVERGROWN PROPERTY | CUTTING LAWN for FREE .....WILL I GET SUED?, TRESSPASSING on RANDOM OVERGROWN PROPERTY, CUTTING LAWN for FREE, WILL I GET SUED?, lawn care tips and tricks, lawn care start up business advice, lawn care start up equipment advice, lawn care start up equipment, city violation cut, city violation lawn cut, overgrown abandoned lawn
Id: k-HR0YbAC2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 8sec (5288 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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