I can't believe GROWN ADULTS buy into this trash - CORPORATE CRINGE | #grindreel

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i picked up my christmas secret santa gift which was brilliant however the message on the tag was very special to tim you deserve more than this little gift then why don't you give him more than this little gift every day you've shown me strength and grit i'm proud to call you a friend merry christmas love secret santa well it doesn't sound like something that should be on the workplace christmas tag um what's going on today i figured we'd start the week off by looking at people on linkedin who are pretending to enjoy their jobs but josh how do you know they're pretending we all know they're pretending because you can't actually say i don't like my job you wouldn't have a job anymore the first video we're gonna look at is from a recruiter and what i've started to kind of figure out here is that recruiting companies are the worst corporate cringe offenders i am so excited to share that our team is growing the project solutions team here at prince pearls and this is our high volume division and arguably the fastest pace division here i mean these are kind of red flags but if you say them like this with a pretty smile on your face then it makes it sound like a positive thing we are looking to add an additional recruiter to our team so i wanted to share a few of the reasons why i love working here and believe it or not it has less to do with the fully stocked break room the smoothie bar oh fully stocked break room and the smoothie bar it's not about these low-key flex you know but the big open windows wow big open windows congratulations who cares the optional work from home fridays optional work from home fridays everybody works from home right now and way more to do with the people that i get to work with and the opportunities for personal and professional development nothing about how much you get paid sure that doesn't matter at all it's all about the people i work with so whether you are somebody who is just starting your career and looking to get into talent acquisition or recruiting or maybe you have a few years of experience i would love to chat it's official boys uh we now have recruiters recruiting recruiters recruiters recruiting career recruiters okay it's my first we get q2 and this is our new hire box what oh my god oh my god it's stickers when you start during a pandemic send you stuff literally every company sends people a box of stuff now when you start you get a backpack a hat socks a cup pen pencil maybe a little baby ruth or something let's see what she got hi and welcome to cute two congratulations on your new position we're excited to have you on the team and we've no doubt you have much to contribute to our mission and can't wait to work with you welcome aboard q2 and you baseball hats socks a desk plant stickers a tumbler a notepad i mean i mean you shouldn't have done this it's a [ __ ] desk plan it never fails to blow my mind that people are bought in with this stuff this costs like five dollars to do this like the shipping to send this box costs more than the stuff that's in this box you know what i mean suddenly you're like oh my god i will never leave your company ever again because you gave me this baseball hat and a pen q2 peeps rule let's see oh my gosh these are funny these are great aren't those great i love stickers i love stickers for my cups and for my computer what are you 10 years old socks is a funny thing right sucks box is a funny thing why is that funny thing i of course needed a q2 hat hello excited about that one a pin hello we'll get a pen of course confetti youtube notebook nice for all of my note-taking yes that's that's what a notebook is for lady didn't it say what else tumblr and a desk plant yep there's more stuff there's more stuff let's see all the stuff right all right [Applause] i can't help but think that this would be a lot easier if she were to just set her phone down stop filming vertically and you know lean it against the wall somewhere this would be so much easier to do but oh sorry this is when i'm drinking my coffee sitting at my desk one day in the office again i hope right i hope right no no lady nobody hopes that they're in the office again drinking their company branded coffee mugs nobody but you isn't that what we want to do isn't that what we want to do be back in the office no we don't karen one moment i will be back with a live plant unboxing ah here's the plant that you get what a lovely surprise to be awarded co-winner of the bpc group star of the quarter thank you to my colleagues for the award and to my co-winner work doesn't feel like work work family team recognition thank you bro this literally looks like a a war kindergartner would get or a first grader would get like the stars on here aren't even little sticker stars they're just printed they don't want to give you the sticker stars because that would cost more money how does it feel to be treated like you're back in preschool man hold on kindergarten awards let's see what they look like no are you serious bro this is isn't this the same one oh boy how much did this award cost seven dollars seven dollars i thought this was an interesting video she basically just brags about not having a life for the past eight years i've been to a lot of different places and i mean san antonio's home my responsibility i'm kind of like the mom here like i i just always want to make sure like it's still like a comfortable environment but that's not your job you're the sales lead you're not the mom of the office i'm sure we all know that person in the office that thinks they're the mom of the office and it's not even close to what their job responsibilities are do you have any hobbies gosh i haven't had time for hobbies i've been doing this business for about eight years and dude goes do you have any hobbies and she goes oh i haven't had any time for hobbies i've been doing this for about eight years you've lived eight years of your life without having any hobbies or anything that you like to do outside of work why are you still bragging about working here lady i love water and i love the sun eckmer is extremely glad to reveal that we have observed the highest monthly sales in march 2021 we are thankful to all our employees for their effort and dedication that they demonstrated towards the company your hard work is really appreciable it's like that meme of the boss say you know keep working hard and i'll buy another lamborghini this is a slap in the face to everyone there thank you a lot for making me a bunch of money i'm gonna put your picture on linkedin to show everyone how how great you are making me money all right anyways that's all i got for you today for corporate cringe if you enjoyed the video smash that thumbs up leave a comment let me know what you think if you got more stuff you want me to look at dm it to me on instagram discord email whatever you want to do that works and there's some links in the description to help support the channel i'd appreciate it thank you so much see you in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 46,175
Rating: 4.9403157 out of 5
Keywords: joshua fluke, code bootcamp, javascript, how to code, web development, brand, developer interview, developer jobs, corporate cringe, divorce, story i dont talk about, entrepreneurship, digital brand, corporate cringe classic
Id: 39tL500InJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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