I Came Back Early from a Business Trip and Found My Son Home Alone—Confronting My Husband!"

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hey Eric Mommy you're back yay where's Daddy Eric got uncomfortable with this question he looked down and said um I don't know what's going on love you're keeping secrets with Mommy Eric did not say anything but kept looking down at the floor anxiously I sensed that something was wrong I called up my husband David where are you I came for a vacation with our son I hung up the call we immediately packed the bags and left the house hello my name is Caroline and I'm 40 years old I'm married to David who is 42 years old we've been married for the last 10 years David and I used to work at the same office which is how we met each other we fell in love and got married we were a happy couple after 2 years of our marriage our son Eric was born and our family seemed complete Eric is now 8 years old soon after our marriage David got a better opportunity from a different company and switched jobs I continued to work at the same company and now I'm in a senior position I have to travel for a few days each month for business trips when my son Eric was 3 years old I was offered a promotion at work with the claws that that I would have to travel for business purposes a few days a month I was reluctant to accept because Eric was too small to be left alone but David supported me don't worry honey I'll take care of Eric are you sure Eric is too small absolutely he's my son too besides it's just a matter of a few days okay then I'll accept the promotion David was always supportive of my work he used to take care of Eric when I went on these trips I was so grateful to David for being so caring and supportive our life was pretty smooth until one day my father-in-law called hey David I was thinking of stepping down from the business I can no longer take on the stress of business all okay Dad yeah everything's fine it's just that I'm getting older you know it's time for you to take over the business David replied politely dad you know I have worked hard to make my identity now you just want me to leave everything and join your business David you knew this was coming I've let you do everything you wanted until now but this is one thing you should do for the family dad you can't force me I'm not forcing you think about it how long would you work out at the job the business will give you the flexibility to enjoy the later part of your life but Dad you are my only Heir if you refuse to run the company then I'll have to sell it off as I can't manage it anymore I didn't mean that okay then why not work in a month and join the business but Dad you've run the business so efficiently for so many years I'm afraid I won't be able to manage it so well you would learn as you run it I too didn't know anything about business until I started doing it on my own okay Dad I'll give notice to my company and wrap up my work there although David was happy at his job he knew that he would have to take over the family business at some point so he was prepared for this just that he did not realize this would happen so soon soon after David joined his family business I noticed a gradual change in his attitude he would come home late spend the evenings all by himself on his phone and was mostly away on the weekends this continued for a few months after a while I could not take it any longer and decided to confront him David is everything fine with you yes what happened I've been noticing a change in your attitude for the last few months change what are you even talking about I wanted to have this conversation with him so that we could fix it but he simply ignored that anything was wrong I got furious at his ignorance don't act as if you don't know what I'm talking about you come home late almost every day some days when you're early instead of spending time with me or Eric you are busy on your phone David replied in a Stern voice this is happening because I'm busy I no longer work for a company where I can wrap up my work at 700 p.m. it is my business now I have to give time to it even after coming home I have to coordinate with other departments over the phone what about the weekends yes sometimes we have work on weekends too I didn't know what to say so I went out of the room to calm down although David's reasons were legitimate I still wasn't convinced I could feel the coldness growing between us which I just could not explain to David I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and give him some time to settle into the business besides David was a caring father to Eric and would take care of him while I was away he used to take his time off and take Eric for small vacations when I was on business trips two years passed David got busier with his business and now he sometimes does not come home at all although we lived under the same roof we barely spoke to each other I kept wondering to myself if my work was the reason behind our growing distance sometimes I felt too lonely I had no one to discuss my problems with my parents were in their late' 70s so I didn't want to stress them out with my problems I lost touch with most of my friends as I got busy with my family and work David's presence in my life was almost negligible my only hope was my son Eric although he was too young to understand my problem spending time with him made me happy and relieved it kept me going recently I observed that Eric was distracted his grades were falling in the monthly test and he was spending way too much time on video games David had been pampering Eric a lot with all kinds of video games automatic car toys and whatnot the next time when David brought expensive video games for him I resisted David Eric already has a lot of video games and toys this new one is unnecessary what do you mean now I can't give gifts to my son Eric's grades have been falling and he is too distracted these days he's always on video games which is not good for his mental growth he is my son he will find his way you don't need to worry about him well he is my son too I need to ensure that he's raised to be an educated and responsible person are you trying to taunt me that I'm an irresponsible person I have been taking care of Eric since he was 3 years old when you left him at home for your business trips I was shocked at his words it was he who volunteered to take care of Eric besides he is the father of Eric so he has the responsibility too wasn't it you who asked me to take the promotion and you volunteered to take take care of Eric yes it was me you should be grateful to me for supporting you but all you do is complain I have always been grateful to you for supporting me that's the reason I'm still with you in this house despite your cold Behavior towards me saying this I broke down oh please don't try to play the victim in front of me I lost my patience and shouted at him you know what I'm done with you I no longer have any affection or gratitude for you whatever you have done for taking care of Eric it was your duty as a parent I don't owe you anything for this David yelled back at me you are such an ungrateful woman women like you can never be happy and neither keep their husbands happy David had never raised his voice at me like this even if we were not talking properly he was never mean to me he was a Chang man now these words pierced my heart like a knife and I was howling in pain I locked myself up in the bathroom and cried my heart out Eric overheard the fight between David and me he saw me locking myself in the bathroom and when I didn't come out after a long time he started knocking on the door mommy come out I heard him crying outside the bathroom I washed my face came out and hugged him Mommy I was afraid when you locked yourself for so long my bad honey I was taking a bath but your hair is still dry I cracked up and pulled his cheeks aren't you too smart for your age do you want to have some spaghetti for dinner Eric got excited on hearing this yes spaghetti seeing his smile I forgot all my pain all this while David was lying down on the couch busy on his phone I made dinner fed Eric and put him to sleep I had a flight for my business trip the next morning so I packed my bags and slipped a note of my travel details to David on his study table ever since our relationship got cold I slipped a note of my travel details on David's study table so that he made himself available for Eric or dropped him at my in-law's house the next morning I went for my scheduled trip however the recent confrontations with David kept haunting me I was not able to concentrate on work it was a 3-day trip but on the second day I started feeling feverish and weak so I decided to shorten the trip I called up my manager and told him that I felt sick he coordinated with the travel department and scheduled my return flight immediately on the same day I returned home thinking of having a good time with my son I saw that the main door of the house was locked and the lights were also off I unlocked the door with the duplicate key and went inside the living room was dark I switched on the lights and went upstairs to Eric's room I saw Eric playing with his video games lying on his bed hey Eric My Love what are you doing here and why are all the lights in the house Switched Off seeing me he got excited and ran toward me Mommy you're back yay where's Daddy Eric got uncomfortable with this question he looked down and said um I don't know when did he leave the house I don't know Mommy dad asked me not to tell you anything what do you mean honey what's going on Eric are you hiding secrets from Mommy Eric did not say anything but he kept looking down at the floor anxiously I sensed that something was wrong I called up my husband David where are you I came for a vacation with our son I was shocked David was lying that was the last nail in the coffin the phone was on speaker and Eric too heard everything I hung up the call I stared at him and he started sobbing after this Eric told me everything it was so horrible to hear Mommy whenever you used to go for a trip daddy left me alone in the house what he was still sobbing I sat him down on my lap and hugged him sweetheart since when has daddy been leaving you alone when I was small daddy took care of me never left me alone but now he locks me inside the house he keeps the food in the fridge for me to eat and gives me video games to play when does your father come home Daddy comes late in the night and goes out again in the morning I could not believe what my little son was going through while I was away I blame myself too for leaving him at David's disposal honey why didn't you tell me first dad used to leave me for a few hours but he brought a lot of chocolates and toys for me but now he is away for the whole day dad asked me to promise that I wouldn't tell you anything I could not see him crying like this okay calm down now mommy's here I'm sorry Mommy Dad got me the latest video games I kept my promise and didn't tell you anything I'm sorry baby that you had to go through so much I could not believe my ears what kind of father would do that David was rewarding Eric for hiding this secret I felt disgusted I could no longer stay in that house or let my child see that horrible man we immediately packed our bags and left the house I hired an investigating agency to investigate David after dropping Eric off at my aunt's place I went to David's parents and narrated The entire incident my mother-in-law could not believe that David could do such things Caroline don't get me wrong perhaps there can be some misunderstanding it is not wise to take such a big decision based on Eric's words he's a small kid what do you mean I understand what you're going through but you can talk to David once there might be another part of the story although her intention was not bad she was just advising me to confront David before taking any decision but at that moment I was too Furious to understand her intention do you think that Eric is making up all these things if David was not wrong why did he lie to me that he was on vacation with Eric well he might have been busy with work I lost my patience and told them everything this is not the only incident your son has been giving me the cold shoulder since he joined the business he comes home late barely spends time with Eric and spends his weekends away from home are you trying to say that all these things are happening because David joined his family's business my father-in-law interrupted Brian stop Caroline is right I never thought David would turn out to be like this after he joined the business a few of my senior employees gave me a hint of David's growing closeness with his assistant what why didn't you tell me about this I brushed it away as gossip people tend to enjoy these types of Gossip at work I thought David was too mature to have an affair he loved you and Eric so much I should have taken it seriously I regret it now please forgive me Carolyn I sat there numb I didn't say anything Brianna was shocked too they both were devastated David had a reputation as an ideal son Ideal Husband and ideal father he has disappointed everyone I was not angry with my father-in-law because I too never doubted David of having an affair despite things getting colder between us I thought that we had fallen out of love because of our working schedules I was so naive to think that when Eric grows up David and I would be relieved from our parental duties and work commitments and then we'd spend our retirement days happily together again after I left my in-law's house I started getting calls from David probably my in-laws called and confronted him I ignored his calls and blocked him I moved in with my my aunt for a few days and started looking for a house after a few days the investigating agency sent the reports it was true David was having an affair with his assistant Lily he used to skip his office and spend all day at her place when I was away for a trip I hired a lawyer and sent the divorce papers along with a copy of the photo evidence I got from the agency Lily was a single mother of a 5year old girl she was divorced by her ex-husband on the charges of an extramarital affair when she was pregnant while applying for the job Lily played the victim card and told that she divorced her husband because he was cheating on her while she was pregnant seeing her helplessness as a single mother my father-in-law gave her a job despite her low qualifications she lied to everyone at the office to get sympathy probably she said the same story to David but her true colors were revealed by the investigation agency the agency fetched the details of her ex-husband too Lily was divorced by her ex-husband without any alimony or child support because her husband alleged that the baby was not his the DNA report also proved the same I sent all these details to David through my lawyer my lawyer told me that David was devastated to see those details and he broke up with her and he accused Lily of breaking into our house David was not ready to divorce me he loved Eric and couldn't lose him he told the lawyer that he got influenced by Lily and pleaded for a second chance he also admitted that it was Lily's idea to lock Eric at home because her daughter stays alone at home home when Lily goes to work I might have given him another chance if it was just me who was hurt but now it is the question of my child's safety and upbringing I can't raise Eric with a father who bribes his son for lying after suffering for so long I was adamant about getting a divorce it wasn't a matter of a few days or months David cheated on me for so many years yet I never doubted his loyalty I could never forgive him for breaking my trust I did not agree to any settlement but divorce my father-in-law apologized for David's mistakes and stood by my side all this while everyone at the office knew and gossiped about David's Affair and the divorce my father-in-law could not take this shame and threw out David and Lily from the company he ran the company again for a few years before selling it off to another businessman for a hefty amount he has cut off David's name from his will and instead gave his inheritance to Eric David was disowned by his parents as he had broken their trust too David shifted to the other side of the city as everyone in the neighborhood looked down upon him for cheating on me with his assistant meanwhile I took a transfer to a different department where I didn't have to travel now I can manage my house and work efficiently I've hired a full-time Nanny to take care of Eric I'm planning to quit my job in a few years I have saved enough for my retirement I want to enjoy my life to the fullest with my son I wish Eric grows up to be an educated and responsible person
Channel: Revenge Reverie
Views: 843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: problems in relationships, reddit stories, reddit, relationships, divorce stories, revenge story, relationship stories, wife cheat, wife cheating, love advice for women
Id: D1y6MkJDaZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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