Hubby Called my Business a 'Money Losing Machine' & Made Fun of my in Front of Everybody....

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hey I am Susan a 32-year-old single and proud woman who is at the helm of a whopping 25 million doll business let me tell you this success was not just handed down to me you were part of this journey my now ex-husband Ryan though not for the reasons you would think he was a real champ at making me feel small and worthless and weirdly that motivated me to prove him wrong The Saga started when I was 26 fresh out of four years in fashion school I hopped over to Portland excited to dive into the fashion scene well reality check breaking into that world was like breaking into Fort Knox still I did not give up I landed a job as a brand consultant for an art and antiques company I met Ryan at an art museum he was flashing his cash picking up fancy pieces and even though he was not the type I go for we somehow clicked fast forward two years and we get married I packed up and moved into his plush mansion He was the head of a luxury Adventure travel company raking in six figures a year what else could one expect he was still all about chasing girls I've always been super driven by my career and of course fashion so while Mr Adventure travel Tycoon did his thing I was juggling my job as a brand consultant and my fashion side projects life felt like it was stuck on repeat the same 9to 5 routine during the week hanging out with friends or throwing dinner parties on weekends when there was downtime Ryan would find me sewing away I had this Vision I had been playing with fabrics for a long time and it was time to take things up a notch back in college I would whip up custom dresses for people and I was not too shabby in the design department but launching a fashion label that was a whole different ball game it was massive sure I had some savings but starting a company required extra cash I wanted to take my brand to the big leagues so I asked ask Ryan for some help hey honey I've been doing some thinking I want to start a business I have been shoving my dreams aside for a while and since we are not planning on having a baby anytime soon I think now is the perfect time if that is what you really want you know running a business is not a walk in the park right it's going to demand some serious hustle yeah I get it I have thought this through the the thing is I need your help I know it is a big ask but could you help me out with some money are you kidding me the day I married you I promised that we would be in this together too bad you forgot about our wedding vows huh no I remember everything are you sure about this what's mine is yours remember I love you you are the best and so With a Little Help from Ryan I took the plum and started my own company those first few months were hectic to say the least and it was a bit overwhelming to be honest the workload caught me off guard but I was powering through I was grinding day and night even on weekends months rolled on and I'll admit things between Ryan and me well they were falling apart our jobs were swallowing us whole leaving barely any room for each other we barely talked and if we managed to have dinner together it was a rare feat I brushed it off thinking once the company found its Rhythm I could balance things better but as life often goes things didn't pan out like that the company wasn't doing great we poured so much money into it top tier materials the best designers but the buyers just weren't showing up I couldn't put my finger on what went wrong maybe the marketing wasn't clicking my confidence plummeted I felt like I'd made a colossal mistake I figured I needed a breather that's when Ryan tossed out the idea of throwing a dinner party and reconnecting with our friends it had been a while my Social Circle had basically become the company crew so I was like why not we decided to invite two couples who were pretty close to us for dinner Daniel and his wife Margaret and Logan and his wife ariela considering none of us had the time or energy to cook we went the Practical route and ordered from a steakhouse I managed to whip up some brownies for dessert though as our guest arrived the conversation started flowing and I could feel myself easing up it was like a mini vacation from all the stress just catching up with good friends hey before we begin I just want to say thanks for hosting us Susan you're the reason we're getting this dinner treat to celebrate your success oh thanks guys I'm lucky to have friends like you you've come a long way Susan cheers to your amazing business Journey absolutely hey Ryan how about that bottle of Don Peron we got let's pop it open to Mark the occasion of course let's make it fancy you guys know how to turn any Gathering into a celebration that's how we roll here we go the good stuff to Friendship success and the little moments that make life special cheers all right let's dig in everyone help yourselves Susan you've really created something amazing with your creativity I saw some pieces lying around the back thanks Logan it's been a while ride seriously you're like a business Guru now I wouldn't go that far but you've got that drive Susan it's going to pay off soon I'm just trying my best you know guys Susan's whole business venture sounds Brave and all but in reality running a company takes more than just passion we have invested so much money in this business but let's be honest it's a money losing machine dude that's harsh just being real here gave me a nice stack of cash and I could have done wonders Ryan seriously hey Susan you know not everyone's cut out for the business grind honestly I was a fool to think you could handle this alone maybe you should have just stuck to making those dresses that look like Grandma gowns huh all right enough business chat guys remember that epic road trip we took a while back when did the GPS think it would be cool to give us a Scenic detour through nowhereville oh man that was something I was half expecting dinosaurs to show up and turn it into an adventure flick and just like that the whole vibe of the conversation got awkward real quick I was sitting there thinking did Ryan seriously just say all that it was like I didn't even recognize the guy anymore did he really mean what he said something had been off between us for a long time but I didn't realize it had gotten to this the tension between me and Ryan was practically its own entity throughout the whole meal I figured I'd need to have a chat with him once the others went home so after the party wrapped up and everyone made their exit I helped into a quick shower and then I headed to bed hey can we talk about what went down at dinner tonight uh Susan seriously I'm wiped out is that really how you feel you think my company is just a joke babe I had a bit too much to drink earlier Logan egged me on to chug three beers while you were hanging with the ladies Ryan this is serious who are we we barely talk or connect anymore I need some honesty here you want honesty fine your company's tanking big time it's the worst investment ever remember that time I splurged on that crazy expensive vintage golf club yeah this beats it in the dumb Department honestly you're not cut out for it I'm struggling to believe this you were so supportive when I shared my business idea honey as your husband I could not exactly shoot down your dreams wait so you're saying you faked it sometimes yeah you know how you can get a bit dramatic then honestly if i' been completely honest at that moment I thought you might hold it against me forever you never told me that just putting it out there think about it you did end up getting what you wanted didn't you take when we cross paths at the Museum you were all in work mode setting up the show but instead of sticking to the tasks you managed to bag a dude like me who's pulling in six figures so you genuinely think I married you just for the money let's be real for a second you were stuck in that underpaid job until I invested in your company you were and are nothing without me I had other options girls doing better than you but I picked you instead of complaining Maybe show some thanks you know what Ryan maybe we should take a break I was seriously bummed out and hurt Ryan was supposed to be my biggest fan but instead he acted like he was the one who made me I started questioning the guy I married taking a break seemed like the smart move to clear our heads and stuff Ryan always had this huge ego you could tell by the way he talked to our family and friends but treating me the same way that was a shocker so I packed my stuff and crashed at my sister Megan's place for a bit she had her own spot and needed a roommate so I just moved in some of my work was done at home not just at the office we rented for the company so I ended up hauling a ton of stuff over to Megan's too through all this drama Ryan did not say a peep to me it was like a silent standoff or something setting up shop at Megan's and sorting stuff out was kind of confusing that first week but you know what they say things sometimes happen for a reason I got deep into work grinding day and night no man in the picture meant I had plenty of time to hustle Megan hooked me up with some folks who introduce me to more folks and my network started expanding I rethought my whole company strategy and decided to hit reset Ryan totally underestimated me with the right support a positive mindset and encouragement my company took off the demand for my clothes shot through the roof everyone wanted my clothes social media influencers were all about repping my brand I was on Cloud9 the truth was that Ryan had been trying to get in touch with me at after I moved out he was calling me nearly every day but I was ignoring his calls so I thought it might be time to sort things out I plan to swing by our house to grab my stuff and maybe just maybe patch things up with Ryan and consider moving back in I got to the house but Ryan wasn't there I went into my old office first gathered my stuff and then I figured I'd leave Ryan a voicemail hey I swung by and used my spare key to grab a few things but you know there's more to it I wanted to see you too I might have gone a bit overboard and I was in the middle of leaving that voicemail so I hit pause real quick walking into our bedroom my jaw practically Hit the Floor there were chick clothes all over the bed a silk black robe a couple of dresses even makeup scattered on the dress and it hit me like a truck Ryan had been seeing someone else on the sly he was getting involved with someone while still married to me and to top it off he brought her into our sacred bedroom I snooped around a bit hoping maybe there was a legit explanation but deep down I knew better the truth was staring me in the face I dug through the closet and guess what it was a straight up collection of some other girl stuff bags bling shoes you name it I took the long route home needing time to process everything when I finally got back I broke down in front of Megan hey why the tears did things not go well with Ryan my life with Ryan is done Meg no what happened did he say something it's cool we can talk to him and sort things out cha it's not about what he said Meg it's about what I saw I walked into our bedroom expecting just to grab my stuff and what do I see another woman's clothes are everywhere wait a second are you saying he's been messing around with someone else like cheating yep you got it and not just anyone else Meg he brought her into our bedroom our freaking personal Sanctuary can you believe that oh Sue I'm speechless that's like a whole new level of mess I'm so damn sorry you're going through this honestly Meg I'm not sure if I'll ever be okay again I mean here I was second guessing my decision to take a break from him thinking I was overreacting and then I walk in Sue listen to me you're so strong and you deserve way better than this we'll get through this mess together step by step look you've got that big Fashion Event coming up promise me you'll focus on that okay don't let this mess with your head you know what Meg there's just one step I'm calling my lawyer tomorrow to get that divorce ball rolling and the next time I'm facing Ryan is when I'm handing him those damn papers I just can't find the words to say to him the disgust is too real are you sure about this I mean maybe you're rushing into it nope mag I'm sure he had the nerve to diss me and act like some hero for choosing me over better girls but cheating and fooling around with someone else sorry but that's a deal breaker for me whatever you decide to do I've got your back your call your life I'm in your corner all the way I stuck to my word and called my lawyer so the whole divorce thing was in Motion in the meantime I had this massive marketing event for my company big shots and major names were going to be there so I had to keep my head in the game and trust me my company was in full bloom not trying to boast but let's just say I made some pretty lavish purchases for myself anyway I made sure to invite all my friends to the event and the big day came famous faces social media stars and just regular peeps like my friends were all in the mix I was running around making sure everyone was having a blast but then the security gu pulled me aside and told me there's this drunken dude at the entrance causing a ruckus his name is Ryan I was blessing he got wind of this through our mutual friends I made my way to the entrance seriously Ryan is this who you've turned into I could ask you the same thing just go Ryan there's no room for you here and what about you look at this whole spectacle you've created what exactly are you trying to prove Ryan can we just you thought throwing a party and Gathering people would magically make you important and successful you are a screw-up this is a screw up let's not do this now okay we can talk tomorrow sure go ahead and do what you're great at find another rich guy in there and bleed him dry you vampire I reached my limit and finally had enough I made sure he got escorted out the whole night was ruined for me my mood hit rock bottom I decided to keep the incident to myself I didn't want to spoil anyone else's time time anymore I'd grown so much stronger by then I knew what I had to do the very next day I sent him a hefty check why just to prove a point and deflate that mercy of ego of his he tried calling me for days afterward but I gave him radio silence finally the divorce papers came through I decided to give them to him face to face and let me tell you it was not just one paper I wanted to hand over it was two he spent ages tearing me down making me feel like I was worth nothing he wrecked our marriage and even succeeded in reigning on My Parade during my big day that was the Tipping Point for me no more humility no more pitying him sometimes you've got to show your true self and stand up to these self-absorbed types I headed over to our place knocked on the door and Ryan answered we stepped inside honey I'm sorry for everything you know it started as a joke and got out of hand yeah we had our differences but enough Ryan you think you're innocent in all of this I know the truth Ryan what do you mean you've been cheating on me while I was away and I don't even know did this happen before I moved out too is this why you kept saying you weren't ready for a baby who told you that who snitched on me wow I can't believe this what's wrong you know what I don't even want to know our marriage has been a complete train wreck you weren't here and things got messed up but what we have is real Ryan real Ryan you don't respect me you don't love me you just care about yourself is that what you think marriage is I didn't even cash the check you sent me I want us to be together let's move past this you know what you should cash it in it's just money and honestly it means nothing to me but you made such a fuss about it all these years come on Susan just let it go What's your deal I'll tell you what my deal is I have two things for you check this out what's what's this divorce papers it's time we put an end to this mess wow so you're really leaving me you think you can just walk out like this Ryan it's not about thinking I can it's about knowing I need to come on Susan you're not seriously doing this are you we've been through so much hold up what's this oh just a little something I thought you might find interesting my balance sheet for the $25 million business you thought was a joke wait a minute you're telling me this is your business ding ding dding you got it Ryan the same business you called a money losing machine but how the heck did you well that's the thing while you were busy doubting me I was hustling behind the scenes making strategic moves and building my Empire surprise no way this is insane you did all of this without me yep without you it turns out I don't need someone dragging me down with their negativity I can't believe it you've outdone yourself funny how success looks good on me huh Ryan was seriously shaken I've never seen him so speechless in my life his whole Mr know-it-all Vibe was gone he seemed like he'd swallowed a lemon or something with the divorce paper signed I finally feel a sense of relief I am officially single and ready to Take On The World starting with New York the fashion epicenter next month the word on the street is that Ryan has turned our old place into some kind of Bachelor hangout apparently he's constantly moping around wallowing in his own regrets meanwhile I'm out here totally owning the success game it's like this constant high of proving him dead wrong there's no need for someone else to Define my worth I've got that covered thanks
Channel: Revenge Reverie
Views: 1,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: problems in relationships, reddit stories, reddit, relationships, divorce stories, revenge story, relationship stories, wife cheat, wife cheating, relationship problems
Id: cqus7wURb8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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