Husband Demands Divorce After I Reject Transferring Half of My Salary to His Needy Sister Abroad"

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my name is Lacy and I want to tell you guys about my horrible marriage it all began when Aaron and I crossed paths 5 years ago setting the stage for a story that I never saw coming I was thriving in my career working as a senior Marketing Manager for a prestigious tech company my job not only provided me with immense satisfaction but also paid me handsomely I was the bread winner of our household for a while as Aaron faced intermittent unemployment Aaron was chasing his dreams of becoming a writer and I was his biggest cheerleader Aaron let me tell you had this charm that could make anyone smile writing was his passion and I knew he would make it big someday I had my own career but I made sure to support his dream all the way we would often stay up late chatting about the life we were going to build together sometimes he would pick up odd jobs to help out but I always told him not to worry I was more than happy to keep the lights on while he figured things out we had this unshakable faith in each other's dreams and we're ready to ride the ups and downs together now let us talk about hazel my sister-in-law who resided in the captivating city of Oakland New Zealand while we were were not extremely close I still considered her a part of our extended family Aaron had always been fond of his little sister despite the age Gap she was young just 23 Aaron had often shared stories of their childhood and it was clear he cared deeply for her though Hazel and I had not formed a particular type Bond I cherished the moments we had shared during family gatherings she had that youthful zest for Life Hazel's ision to study abroad had been a bold one and everyone supported it one fine day when I had just returned from a grueling day at the office my heels were killing me and all I wanted was to kick back and relax but Aaron that cheeky devil had other plans Lacy there is something I need to discuss with you of course Aaron what is on your mind it's about hazel her health has taken a serious hit and the medical expenses in Oakland are astronomical she reached out to me for help can we send her some money absolutely Aaron what happened to her though she's been dealing with some stomach issues and the doctors are running tests to figure out what's wrong oh no poor Hazel I will definitely help her thanks babe I hate to burden you with this but she is my sister and I can't stand the thought of her suffering well you know know I have been between jobs for a while now and my savings are running on empty Hazel just graduated and she has been actively looking for a job but it's not easy for her to come by one in her field family comes first Ain and we will make sure she gets the help she needs how much do you think she will need just send her $5,000 oh I know it's a lot we'll tighten our belts if we have to it's the least we can do you're amazing Lacy I promise I will pay you back as soon as I find a stable job I hate that it has come to this but I'm so grateful for your support don't worry about paying me back Aaron family sticks together no matter what without a second thought I agreed to send the money it was a decision made out of love compassion and a belief that family always comes first I believed I saw the genuine concern in Aaron's eyes for his sister's well-being and I could not bear to see him burdened by worry after all what good was the money I earned if I could not use it to help the people I cared about the most I have always believed that wealth holds no real value unless it's used to make a positive impact on the lives of those you love it was not about the amount or the inconvenience it was about standing by Aaron's side and showing solidarity with his family so I transferred the money to Hazel little did I know that this simple Act of generosity would trigger a series of events that would turn my life upside down a few weeks later Aaron informed me that his mom Sherry was making a spontaneous trip to Oakland to be with hazel he explained that Sherry was deeply concerned about her daughter 's health and he needed to drive her to the airport as soon as I heard this I knew I wanted to accompany them I wanted to meet Sherry before her flight offering her some support and comfort during this stressful time even though Aaron said I did not need to I did anyway so Aaron how's Hazel doing exactly what is Her diagnosis well it's a bit complicated Lacy she's been having these issues and the doctors are still trying to figure it out yes dear they could not pinpoint the exact cause it's been quite a struggle for her stomach issues that sounds vague but she's been going to the doctor regularly right uh yes she has seen a few Specialists but they have not concluded yet it has been frustrating darling but we are hopeful she will get better soon I'm going there to take better care of her that's all a mother can do you know I hope so too it's just strange it's been a while and they haven't concluded yet there is no diagnosis and for a young person like her to have such issues Let It Go Lacy let us just focus on getting Mom to the airport right now while Sherry was away in Oakland life went on as usual I headed to work while Aaron stayed home working on his novel another month another request asked for money Aaron approached me once again he explained that Hazel was relocating for a new job and needed a little financial help for her new apartment Sherry was still in Oakland with her and by all accounts Sherry was wealthy enough to support Hazel comfortably yet I did not voice my doubts I could not bring myself to question Aaron's family even though the situation seemed increasingly perplexing in instead I quietly sent Hazel the requested $3,000 hoping that this time it would truly benefit her but then one week later he dropped a bombshell of a request that left me utterly flabbergasted Lacy I need to ask you for something something big what is it Aaron I need you to send my sister $50,000 $50,000 Aaron that's half of my annual salary why on Earth would Hazel need that much money the thing is Hazel's health is deteriorating rapidly it's a serious stomach condition and the doctor recommends surgery she's in pain and we can't wait any longer I get that Aaron but why can't you just tell me exactly what is wrong with her it's so frustrating not knowing you always being so vague about it a why couldn't Sherry help Hazel with the $3,000 last time it's so confusing first it was for a diagnosis then an apartment and now a surgery Sherry has her own expenses Lacy she's been helping Hazel too but this situation is just beyond what any of us expected I understand but it is just so hard to keep giving money without knowing where it is going it is complicated Lacy I wish I could explain it better but it's a medical thing and Hazel's privacy matters too I'm not asking for every detail just something more than some stomach issue Lacy please this is about her life I can't believe you're questioning this I'm not questioning Hazel's health I just want some proof you think I would lie about my own sister's health I cannot believe you are being so heartless about it I not being heartless Aaron I am scared I need to protect our future too I can't drain our savings without knowing you know what Lacy if you can't trust me on this maybe we don't have a future together I would want a divorce if you don't help me Are you seriously threatening me with divorce over this I just thought you would support me when my family needs it the most I want to support your family but I also need to know I'm not being taken advantage of if you will not share the truth I can't keep sending money blindly you're unbelievable Lacy fine do what you want but remember you are making this Choice do not go around telling everyone that I left to you when it's completely your fault I plopped down on the couch feeling the weight of Aaron's request pressing on me thoughts swelled in my head like a blender on high speed I mean seriously why all the secrecy first it was for Hazel's diagnosis then an apartment and now it is some kind of surgery it just did not add up I sat there wrestling with my thoughts on one hand there was my undying love for Aaron I did not want to see him hurt or upset and of course family always came first for me but on the other hand something just did not feel right I needed some proof some clarity but all I got was vague explanations in the end my love for Aaron and my sense of family loyalty won out I made the payment to Hazel she texted me with a thank you text as the sun rose in the morning I broke the news to Aaron I'm sorry for doub you Aaron I transferred the money to Hazel you did Lacy you are the best I'm sorry for last night the divorce thing just came out of my mouth I did not really mean it no matter how hard I tried to play along something just did not sit right even after sending Hazel the money I could not shake the feeling that there was more to the story than met the eye Aaron had threatened me with divor the previous night but once I sent the money he transformed back into Mr Charming I could not ignore it why all the secrecy about Hazel's Health why wasn't Sher stepping up to help her own daughter when she was struggling I loved Aaron and his family but these nagging questions would not leave me alone in an attempt to clear my head I decided to meet up with Amani my best friend Amman and I chose the Cozy Cafe we always met at our Haven for heart-to-heart talks I needed that comforting Ambiance more than ever to ease my troubled mind so did I miss anything exciting at that dinner party you mentioned last night I asked oh you missed out it was a blast Jenny wore this stunning red dress that would make anyone jealous you know the usual stuff food gossip and a lot of dancing typical Jenny always making an entrance why weren't you there by the way actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about Aon and I kind of had this fight no way Lacy what's going on well you know my sister-in-law Hazel in New Zealand right she's been asking for money claiming it's for her health issues yeah I remember seeing her at your wedding she was a baby then what's her deal it's just something feels off I sent her some money before but now Aaron's asking me to send a huge chunk of my salary and he threatened to divorce me if I didn't oh wait that does not sound right that was a shitty move on Aaron's part did you try talking to Hazel directly I did leave her a few texts but she was so vague about it just thanking me for the money and stuff I don't know much about her anyway you know sometimes people spill more on social media than they intend to have you checked Hazel's profiles what is she up to Hazel is not exactly on Facebook or Instagram she's always been quite private hm it's just strange for a 23-year-old not to have any social media presence let me put my stalking skills to some use sure I took a quick break to grab the blueberry muffins and coffee that we ordered from the counter hoping to ease the tension when I returned Amani's face looked like she had seen a ghost I leaned in and couldn't help but ask what's got you looking so shocked isn't this Hazel oh there she is strange how I couldn't find her on Instagram well maybe she blocked you why would she do that take a look at her account you're not going to like what you see I started scrolling through Hazel's Instagram immani you will not believe this Hazel is at a Dua leipa concert and this was just a week ago what on Earth is going on not to mention how expensive those front row tickets would be my heart sank as I scrolled through Hazel's Instagram profile there she was living a life that seemed far from the struggles Aaron had described fancy restaurants designer bags and clothes trips to Europe photos with internet personalities nothing about her life appeared to match the dire situation Aaron had painted the final blow came when I opened her Instagram story showing Hazel having a luxurious lunch with Sher at what seemed to be an upscale restaurant Just 4 hours ago her follower count stood at around 20,000 a number that would make her a budding Instagram influencer how could someone with a substantial online presence who seemed to enjoy a life of luxury and hobnobbed with internet personalities be in dire Financial Straits as Ain had claimed girl she's flaunting a Gucci bag and your husband claims she's broke you definitely need to have a serious talk with Aaron you're right mon I need to go see you later I dashed back home my head swirling with thoughts but Aaron was nowhere in sight I couldn't sit still so I restlessly paced the living room my heart racing finally Aaron walked through the door hey baby how was your day with ammani you're home early it was very educational I learned about a lot of things today that's different I just went for a walk to hit my daily step goal nice you seem upset is everything all right with aani oh come on Aaron did you know about this or not know about what I pulled out the screenshots of Hazel's photos that ammani had sent me Aaron's face turned pale as he gazed at the screenshots I could see the regret in his eyes uh where did you find these it doesn't matter where I found them the question is did you know look me in the eyes and admit you've been keeping things from me Aaron nodded reluctantly yes I have why in the world would you lie about something like this and where did all the money I worked hard for go it's a complicated situation I'm not accepting that as an answer you better start talking well Hazel needed money because she didn't finish college she dropped out what and who was going to tell me that you said she graduated yeah I never told you I lied she wanted to become an influencer and needed money to maintain that lifestyle I thought I could help her out so you sent her money so she could splurge on designer clothes and bags and build a fake social media life you don't understand Lacy she realized College wasn't for her so there was no illness no surgery no new job and no new apartment you lied to me took the money I worked hard for and threw it at your sister who just wanted to live a glamorous social media fantasy what about Sher why did she fly out to Oakland she's no saint and she comes from a family of liars while they are actually planning to fly to Paris for an influencer event on mother Mother's Day it's a thing where everyone brings their mother as their date I can't believe you tried to sell me the story that your sister was seriously ill when in reality you needed money for these first world problems please forgive me Lacy and then you threatened to leave me ha Aaron you are such a manipulator I'm sorry I seriously did not mean it babe please can I do anything to make it up to you you want to make it up to me okay let's divorce you can't be serious yes you threatened me with divorce but you know what now I genuinely desire a divorce life got really messy at home Aaron and I were living in different corners of our own house I needed a break from more than lies so I booked a flight to my parents' place my flight was in 2 days but then just when I thought things couldn't get crazier Hazel herself rang me up one morning as I was having my coffee I stared at my phone wondering what on Earth she wanted and then I finally answered her Lacy you must listen carefully you have no idea what you're getting yourself into Hazel what are you talking about if you think about divorcing Aaron it won't end well for you you'll regret it I can't keep sending you money for your so-called needs you don't understand the situation Lacy I have plans and they involve you staying married to Aaron the moment she started talking I had this brilliant idea out of the blue I activated the recording feature of my phone making sure to capture every word she said you have no choice Lacy be a supportive sister-in-law or face the consequences threats won't change my mind you think you can just walk away away Lacy you have no idea who you're dealing with if you dare to divorce my brother I'll make sure your life becomes a living hell I have ways and connections you can't even imagine well Hazel it seems like you have your bag of threats but I have something too you see I've been recording this entire conversation recording what you can't be serious oh but I am and now I'm giving giving you one month to return every cent you took from me otherwise say goodbye to that online Empire you're trying to build I'll leak this recording and make sure each one of your followers hears the truth Lacy please don't do something drastic okay okay just give me some time and I'll pay you back I promise one month Hazel don't test my patience again in the end I did get the money back from Hazel she wired it to my account the day before the one month deadline expired Aaron and I well we could not fix what was broken so I went ahead and filed for divorce which let me tell you was not a walk in the park but hey sometimes you have to do what is right for you being single again has its perks let me tell you work is more exciting socializing is a blast and I'm living life on my own terms I bought myself a new apartment a place I can call my own my family and friends often ask me how I manag to keep my spirits High through all that craziness I just give them a huge smile and say when people cross lines with you sometimes you have to cross some lines too don't play the victim take control of your life and your happiness
Channel: Revenge Reverie
Views: 2,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: problems in relationships, reddit stories, reddit, relationships, divorce stories, revenge story, relationship stories, wife cheat, wife cheating, askreddit question
Id: Gy6lB-T6TiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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