"My Mother-in-Law Got Jealous and Told My Husband to Choose Between Us, So He Kicked Me Out..."

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my name is Michelle and I'm here to tell you my story I'm only 28 years old but have already gone through hell because of my mother-in-law this story is about the time she tried to kick me out of my own house it happened last year and we are still dealing with the consequences I'm a humble small business owner who has been married to Logan for 2 years we met in college when I I was 20 Logan was one of the sweetest and most caring people I know he doesn't have a single mean bone in his body his friends also loved him a lot due to his extremely caring and helpful nature I used to be extremely lonely in college and finding him was a dream come true my own toxic family had it drilled into my head that I could never succeed in life I got into my dream college on a scholarship but still had to work two jobs to manage the expenses Logan was my crutch throughout my college life it was Logan who pushed me to start my own business while he was an exceptional boyfriend there was one problem I had to deal with his mother Kate Logan's mom and dad were divorced long before I met him however Logan had a pretty good relationship with both his parents and his mom was his favorite he always said you know what Michelle even though my parents are divorced I love them both equally my mom is especially an important part of my life I know that Logan honestly it makes me very happy to see that your family loves you so much it makes me miss my parents even more I replied a few of my past girlfriends had a problem with me being so close to my mom they've had many problems with her I just want you to know that she's important to me as well I have no idea why they had a problem with your mom I said she seems like a great mother and a good person I mean she raised you and you turned out so well don't worry I'll try and have a good relationship with her back then I thought it was extremely sweet of him to look after his mom when he joined his father's business he started to send Kate money he was pretty generous with his family and I absolutely adored it he was equally caring towards me but I always insisted on splitting bills evenly we moved in together at the end of my final year at his insistence things were going really smoothly until it was time to meet his family I had already met his sister who flew down to see us during spring break the moment I met her I knew we would be best friends she was just as sweet as her brother and always stayed connected with me through social media I met his mother and father when they came to his graduation his father Robert gave me a big hug and was genuinely excited to meet me his mother Kate on the other hand was the complete opposite she barely acknowledged me and kept calling me Logan's friend I tried to make small talk with her but she simply looked in the other direction when we were alone for some time she actually told me that she thought we were temporary Kate was convinced that Logan would break up with me after joining his business she said I don't know why Logan is making such a fuss about you it's not like you two will last forever looking at you he can make do with a girl like you until he joins the business after that he would need someone more suitable Kate what are you saying Logan and I are very serious we're actually thinking about getting engaged I love your son Kate and he loves me too oh please don't give me that I know you are nothing but a gold digger I have met a lot of trash like you you should ask me how I chased them away from Logan Kate you are Miss Miser understanding me I'm not with Logan for his money I tried to explain Kate interrupted me and went on a tiate about how I am a witch and don't deserve Logan the amount of Venom and nonchalance she showed honestly surprised me I tried to ignore her words and put on a happy face for my boyfriend inside my head I was thinking about whether I should talk to Logan about his mother when we returned home Logan and enthusiastically asked so what do you think about my parents have you guys gotten along your dad is an amazing man Logan you saw how we bonded pretty quickly I can see where you got your kindness from and what about Mom I saw that you two were talking privately you must have hit it off instantly he added I didn't want Logan to worry so I told him Kate and I were good he seemed satisfied with my answer and didn't press any further eventually the days passed and Logan joined the business he often went to visit his mother and asked me to accompany him but I was pretty uneasy after our last meeting and refused that year during Christmas I unexpectedly got an invite from his mother they were going to have a grand celebration with all his extended family Logan seemed pretty excited and told me that I should come since Kate sent me the invite I thought she might have changed her mind about me now I know that I was extremely foolish to think so we excitedly visited Kate and prepared ourselves to meet the guests Kate again ignored me the entire time and even made some rude comments about me when I met Logan's grandmother she praised me and said my grandson has chosen quite well you are a delightful girl Michelle I've heard a lot about you from my grandchildren I know you have a successful business that you started from scratch you're an inspiration for your peers out there Thank you Grandma your grandson really helped me a lot as well he is the reason why I put so much confidence in my business I replied you mean how my son gave you money to start your business right I know you struggled to make ends meet in college I wonder how much my son gave you for your business your parents bailed on you so you decided that my son would be a good Financial replacement Kate interjected Kate what is wrong with you Michelle is successful because of her own efforts I think you are mistaken Kate Logan only gave me a small loan when I started I actually paid him back the entire loan a few months after opening my business my family wasn't very supportive so I had to cut them out of my life I am with Logan because I love him and nothing else that's what all gold diggers say Michelle I'm starting to understand why your family abandon you for good it would be a shame for anyone to be related to a gold digger like you Kate retorted I was on the verge of crying and had to excuse myself from the party Logan found me crying on the porch after some time he profusely apologized for his mother's behavior and asked me to forgive him even his grandmother came outside and comforted Me Kate was inside the house screaming about how I ruined her Christmas party Logan quickly went back and started berating her for being so mean which shut her up very quickly I did not want to go back inside but Logan pleaded with me Michelle please let's just go back inside please forget it I don't know what has gotten into mom I can assure you that she won't say anything else if she does I will stop her fine I'll go back inside but understand this Logan I'm going back for you I don't want to ruin your day I know Michelle I'm so sorry for everything let's go in and we'll leave early to make it up to you since that day Kate became even more bitter towards me Logan tried his best to maintain peace but she refused to be civil with me at all Sherry even called me up to say that Kate was the reason she didn't go to the party she also said I saw this coming long ago Michelle I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner mom has always favored Logan and neglected me because I'm a girl I tried my best to gain Kate's love but gave up after suffering for years that is horrible Sherry I had no idea Kate was such a bad mother to you is this why you don't talk to her much yes Michelle I have no interest in talking to Mom I am genuinely happier being away from her I should warn you though Logan is a good man but he tends to be too soft on Mom and her toxic Behavior Sher story stayed with me for a long time it even made me question my relationship with Logan but I loved him too much to leave I had no one and Logan was the best thing that ever happened to me so when Logan surprised me and proposed I said yes at that point I knew that no matter what I would always be by his side we called his family to tell them about the engagement everyone was super were happy except Kate she congratulated us but quickly ended the call Charlotte then called to tell us that Kate had gone ballistic over the news she said I have some bad news for you guys mom has absolutely lost it after you announced your engagement she's calling up every family member spreading lies about Michelle's character mom is trying to convince everyone that she is a bad person she wants every want to pressure Logan into breaking the engagement what are you talking about we spoke to her just yesterday and she didn't say anything to me why would she Logan she knows you won't listen to her right now so she's bringing people to her side now everyone in your family thinks I'm a horrible woman I'm pretty shocked with Mom's behavior and don't know what to do but I'll stand up for you Michelle you're going to be my wife I'll do my best to protect you our engagement was almost spoiled by Kate as she tried to turn everyone against us thankfully no one paid heed to her and actually supported us instead Logan was crushed and tried to talk some sense into his mother he visited her every day and tried to tell her how happy he was with me everything fell on deaf ears she cried cried and screamed about how he doesn't love her and wants to marry a gold digger I was getting annoyed by her constant taunting Logan and I sat down and discussed what we should do about Kate I said Logan your mom's behavior is seriously wearing me down I just can't take it anymore sooner or later you will have to do something about this I'm so sorry Michelle I'm apologizing on her behalf I promise that I will distance myself from her she is my mom so I don't want to cut her off I understand that Logan I see where you're coming from Kate might be nasty to me but you can't just let her go however we need to go low contact for a while Logan then talked to his mom about our decision thankfully Kate stayed away from all the wedding preparations she was busy telling everyone how bad I I am and how her son is a lost cause I tried my best to focus on the wedding and ignore Kate's malicious actions she did everything from threatening to boycott the wedding to showing up at Logan's office to cause a scene when nothing worked she set her sights on our wedding she called up our venue and canel the date pretending to be me the venue unfortunately went along and cancelled the booking we tried our best to negotiate with them but they refused to give back our deposit they were willing to refund the money only if we pressed charges against Kate for impersonating me Logan as usual did not want this to happen he said please Michelle don't make me file a report against mom I can't do that you have to understand what about the venue Logan we literally lost m I don't have a place to get married I'll fully pay for a new venue completely on my dime I don't want you to lose any more money than you already have we may have to book a smaller venue because of the money but I promise you this won't happen again fine but you need to talk to Kate about her behavior I don't want any more drama I've lost enough money and energy because of her I was extremely pissed and wanted to scream at Kate Logan promised to handle the situation and dealt with Kate on his own after this incident we put passwords on all our vendors Robert took pity on us and actually covered the cost of the cake as a wedding gift we were thankful because we had just put down a deposit on a house and didn't have much spare money on hand at our wedding she sat in the front row and cried the entire time no one paid attention to her and the ceremony continued we actually requested the priest omit the objection part because we knew she would cause trouble Sherry later told us you know what guys you were right mom was looking forward to making an objection she was so pissed when that part didn't come you should have seen her face how how did she know about this Sherry I was genuinely hoping that this hadn't crossed her mind she told me at the reception I guess she somehow thought I would support her I mean you do remember what happened at the reception right at the reception all she did was drink and cry at the bar she even flagged down Robert and cried to him about losing her son by the end of the day I was exhausted by everything and honestly felt like the day was spoiled Logan also looked pretty embarrassed and kept apologizing to me a few months after the wedding we moved into our new house since we lost a lot of money on the first venue we never got a honeymoon nor a housewarming party however we were happy to finally get married and own a house one day after work Logan told me that Kate had fallen down the stairs at her apartment she apparently had a sprained ankle and needed someone to help Logan informed me that he told Kate she could stay with us until she got better I was again pissed because he didn't even consult me before making the decision he didn't even hear my side and rushed to get Kate from her apartment I prepared the guest room feeling defeated and hurt when Kate came to our house she immediately started to cry about how how Logan was spending too much money on me Kate continued her rant saying I can't believe how fast you abandon me this woman has you under her spell first you pay for her business then the wedding and now you gifted her a house you spent so much on this cheap woman while your mother is living in a small apartment how are you not ashamed mom we paid for everything together Logan interjected all expenses for the wedding and the house were split equally this is why we're both on the deed of this house I didn't pay Michelle's part she can earn for herself oh my God you even got her name on the house she's going to ruin you Logan this house is yours not hers Michelle is going to divorce you and take all your assets Kate exclaimed that is not going to happen please pleas stop insulting Michelle for no reason Logan replied trying to diffuse the situation Kate went on blabbering about how gold diggers like me cheat on their husbands and take all their money Logan and I ignored her words and concentrated on settling her in the guest room she again complained about how she should be in the master bedroom and that it was the least we could do for her Logan just looked defeated and kept his eye down the entire time he begged me to behave and just put up with Kate for a few days one thing I noticed was that she was not walking like she had sprained her ankle when I informed Sherry of the matter she was suspicious of Kate as well she told me to keep an eye on her since Kate had faked injuries in the past Kate was already whining about how I should be cooking her meals and pampering her she knew I had work but was convinced that all I did was sit on my butt after 2 days of putting up with her Antics I finally caught her casually walking down the stairs like nothing had happened I accessed our security camera from the living room and found more proof that she was faking her injury I patiently waited for Logan to come home and confronted her with the evidence when Logan saw the footage he was super angry angry he confronted Kate and asked her to explain she was ready in tears and said Logan how could you doubt me like that you know I am in pain I can't even move a few steps without falling and my ankle is swollen and I'm taking pain medications every day that Witch is manipulating you Logan why would I lie to you about something like this we can clearly see you roaming about the house when I'm working your legs seem to work fine when we are not looking there is no need to keep lying about this Logan said firmly how dare you accuse me of lying I'm not a lowlife like you my son loves me more than you anyway I have no reason to lie you're just jealous he is paying more attention to me Logan do something about her mom I am having a really hard time believing you right now you have already pulled this stunt before I wouldn't put it past you to try again why did you lie to me about the injury you have to believe me Logan I mentioned I need your help your Witch of a wife just wants me away from you if you are seriously injured why didn't you go to a doctor where is your doctor's note I'm scared of hospitals so I couldn't go but my ankle is really sprained I'm telling you the truth in that case why don't we go to a doctor and get it checked if you really are in pain we need to get a test done on your leg anyway at this point Kate started to hyperventilate and cry she kept screaming at me for being a scheming witch and begging Logan to listen to her Logan just kept his head in his hands he said Mom I love you but what you are doing is very disturbing I thought I could trust you why did you do this I'm telling you the truth Logan this girl destroyed our relationship as soon as she came you used to be so doting and caring towards me now you're accusing me of Faking my injury you don't love me anymore I'm your mother you should be taken care of me you have to choose between her and me I suggest you think wisely if you don't want to lose your mom what are you saying I can't do that I'm never going to see your face again if you don't divorce this witch she is a snake and that is exactly why her family abandoned her you're wasting your time on a gold digger who doesn't love you she is just using you for money she can't stand that you give me money so she wants me out of your life you need to get rid of of her before she baby traps you today you need to decide Logan Kate went on and on about how I deserve being mistreated by my family she said so many hurtful things that I started to cry I couldn't take it anymore Logan looked at both of us and then Rose from the couch he went upstairs and returned with packed suitcases after some time when she saw this Kate started to smirk at me I was too upset to even look at Logan when Logan finally reached us I saw that he was carrying Kate's bags instead of mine Kate looked shocked and started to sob Logan simply said Mom for years I've seen how you have treated Michelle I kept quiet because I didn't want to lose you I told Michelle to put up with you you kept on calling her names and even tried to sabotage our wedding still I thought you would change and accept her as your daughter-in-law clearly I was wrong Logan I only wanted the best for you you have to understand that Michelle's plan is working against us I'm your mother you cannot kick me out enough mom Michelle has already been through enough you attacked her character and achievements you were Cru enough to talk to her about her family I have had enough I'm done with you take your bags and get out Logan you can't do this I am ashamed I hadn't stood up for Michelle for so long but I'm going to fix this now she is my future not my manipulative mother who destroys my relationships get out and don't come back here Kate kept sobbing and holding on to Logan for dear life he paid her no heed he simply removed her from his arms and escorted her out he came back and comforted me because I was still crying Logan profusely apologized to me and promised that things would change I was just mad at him because he never kept his promise after Kate left Logan spent the next few weeks making it up to me he blocked Kate and everyone who tried to advocate for her Robert called called him and gave him a Stern scolding for letting Kate hurt me for so long Sherry was also pretty angry with Logan he slowly came to realize how he was pushing others away to accommodate Kate he had to undo a lot of damage that Kate had caused in his life we both started to go to personal and couples therapy he has come to recognize that Kate is a narcissist and only want to control control over him our relationship has improved a lot and we are happier than ever hopefully Kate will stay away from us Logan is contemplating a restraining order if she doesn't all in all things are good and we are finally happy
Channel: Revenge Reverie
Views: 2,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: problems in relationships, reddit stories, reddit, relationships, divorce stories, revenge story, relationship stories, wife cheat, wife cheating
Id: mZwLoBBCgV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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