I Busted EVERY Minecraft Myth..

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today i will be busting the weirdest minecraft myth from dropping an iron golem all the way from space to being able to mine a block of bedrock this video we will see if these are myths or not leave a like if you enjoy and let's get straight into busting myths myth number one looting works in your offhand okay so obviously we need to get ourselves a looting sword so let's do that quickly uh looting sword and anvil all right looting three perfect get rid of the amble we don't need that anymore and we'll get ourselves a bow with an arrow alright apparently if i put this in my offhands we'll just click f and then if we put a cow down if we kill this cow it'll make it so that uh look at this man we've got our sword in the way apparently the looting will work right three two one oh we didn't even kill the cow all right let's see oh two three bits of pork all right myth confirmed that is not a fake myth it actually works all right fair enough fair enough on to the next myth all right myth number two if you use a totem of undying and fall into the void you can live now i don't know if this is true or not because i i've got a good feeling that if you're falling into the void uh you're dead but we're gonna give it a go okay let's assume we've got a lighter and you can live so let's go down to bedrock and find out okay so we're on the final level of bedrock let's put this in here and then obviously we need to go game mode survival all right let's have a look if i fall into the void that's right in front of me here will i live for longer than i was meant to live let's have a look three two one okay let's see please i'm so scared i'm dying dying okay no the tone of undying didn't even go off myth busted if you fall into the void you die all right myth 2.5 if i use the total if i'm dying and do slash kill i will live okay let's have a look slash kill ready three two one all right myth busted as well i didn't think that one was gonna work but it's confirmed totems undying do not save you from the inevitable myth number three you can put a mark on a map using a banner so we've got a map here okay lovely beautiful minecraft world if i put down a banner supposedly there's meant to be a marker left behind i mean there's a little like dot but it's definitely not a mark like it was shown in the video that i saw so this is myth busted it does not work unfortunately that'd be really cool though that'd be a cool addition all right myth number four frost walking boots work on an armor stand so i want to see if i put frost walker on a pair of boots okay let's go to get an anvil grab those out now let's go find some water we need to find water around here here it is let's see if i put my boss walker boots on this okay because obviously if i chuck them on you know the river turns to ice it's pretty self-explanatory if i chuck it on an armor stand does it work let's have a look okay so right now no it's not working let's get a piston and let's put it down like that and let's have a look will the frost walker boots work if we activate this piston let's have a look myth busted they don't work myth number five iron golems cannot take full damage i'm very interested to see if they can or cannot okay we're gonna go all the way to max height so let's see where how high up can we go come on mr iron golem you're coming up here you come to the top you can actually feel really high up i don't even know this okay there we go height limit 256. so now we're all the way up here let's spawn ourselves a nice little iron golem okay uh obviously we're gonna have to do the summon command summon iron golem hello buddy how's it going i'm sorry but i've gotta i've gotta be mean okay you must fall to your death well apparently not ken iron golems take four damage just find out are we ready three two one all right oh there he goes he's going let's have a look he's gone he died hello oh he lived all right well that's myth approved he uh didn't take any fall damage he's chilling me and he were just vibing out even though i punched him earlier i'm sorry buddy oh oh i'm sorry oh buddy i didn't mean to do it okay myth number six lightning hitting a mooshroom turns it brown so this is the myth that i'm actually very interested in because i know i've seen the moonstream ground but i don't know if it's actually true i don't know if you can do it so we're going to find out here together let's make a little cage for our mushroom buddy and now we've got a we've got to spawn a lightning bolt on him so we need to get a trident i've just killed the mooshroom all right now it should work let's have a look does lightning turn this poor mooshroom into a pretty normal looking cow i'll be we killed it well i i don't think we need to charge it up that much can i like throw a weak one at you there we go it's true i've never seen this in my life you're a handsome fellow all right that's myth approved myth number seven you can spectate mobs so if we go game mode spectator we've got our buddy here let's have a look can we spectate you can we um i mean i'm clicking on him oh if i left click on him you can you can go third person on him too look at him yes you can actually indeed spectate so that is myth approved myth number eight villagers will turn into witches if hit with lightning i i literally don't even know if this one's a thing i did some research okay and i found some myths and a lot of people believe these so that's why we're doing them today will you turn into a witch if i hit you with lightning let's find out three two one dude okay mate i'm even learning stuff here with the proof villagers get turned into witches if they are struck by lightning that is crazy the more you know okay i didn't know that but hey we're not together now myth number nine cats that spawn in a witch hut will always be black so first mission i need to go find a witch hut i'll be back with you boys when i find one all right well i just remember that there's a locate command and we found one so here we go didn't have to go too far excuse me which i need you to disappear please you know how witches have their own lucky black cats i need to see okay oh wait they actually every single cat that spawns in here is a black cat what about if i go outside nope nope they're not they're not black cats and then as soon as you spawn them inside they're all black cats i don't even know what to say that is such a random bit of knowledge that i didn't need but there you go myth proven every single cat that spawns inside is a black cat get me away this noise is horrible myth number nine if you use two different types of fences players can get through but mobs cannot now this is very this is an interesting one to be honest with you the amount of times that i've made an animal farm and the animals are getting out okay i need an officer's roof so let's use two different types of fences we've got we've got a wide variety so we're gonna get some more fences and some crimson fences all right and then we can use our mushrooms why not let's have a look so if we go like this they shouldn't connect okay yeah perfect and then we'll do like that and then all right sorry can i walk through it yes i mean it's not the best design but you know it's possible you could definitely fit this into something i want to see can the animals get out we get a lead i think this is the best way to test it can you get through or not come on buddy out this way we've got a journey to go on oh hold on i'm going to spawn a bunch in it it didn't look like you wanted to go through what about a baby mob though surely a baby mob can get through here yeah yeah so baby mobs can but by the looks of it big mobs can't all right well that's myth proven quickly before we get on to the next myth if you guys have any sick myths that you want me to try comment them down below and i'll put them on screen in the next video if i if i choose it and decide to see if it's real or not i want the most interesting myths you can give me so be be creative number ten a vocalist turned blue sheep red i i don't know this is so random but i i need to see if this is true i saw it on tick tock okay so some of these are from tick tock but i just need to see if this is a true fact okay so we're gonna get a red sheet i mean a blue sheep and see if he turns red all right sheep bang red sheep okay number one acquired and then we need to win the vocal and then we've also gotten a vocal let's see will he turn you in wait do i need a red one oh this one he was meant to be blue oh god there we go now we've got the right color you've just gone through every color of the spectrum hello buddy i want to see if there's a vocal turn you read i'm sorry let's have a look why that is the most random thing i've ever seen but hey evokers make sheep red myth number 11. you can die science now i know that you can make like uh colored signs with plugins and all that sort of stuff but apparently you can make a colored sign subscribe to mal and like the video okay so this is a very truthful sign and something that all of you guys should do apparently if i right click with die it'll change the color of the writing let's have a look three two one oh it actually does work how do i not know that these things exist i would like to point out that i haven't used to play minecraft okay i've played minecraft for upwards of 10 years now i haven't played it consistently but when did they add this like it's news to me but fair enough there you go myth approved myth number 12 you can smelt shulker boxes and i saw this and i couldn't believe my eyes you know you know the traditional way of you get coal you get your oar and you put it in a furnace chuck it in here like that and then it starts melting and you get iron ingots if this works i i refuse to believe anything anymore now obviously we need to go into survival which isn't ideal because i am underwater let's get some orders okay let's get some diamond doors let's get ourselves some redstone a little bit of emerald and iron some gold you know we just had a pretty good mining trip sure we'll get all of these so now we have our shulker box filled with all of our oars apparently i don't think this is a true myth and i think that i've been debated but if i put it in here it'll smell all the ores within it let's have a look myth busted it does not work myth number 14 placing wet sponge in the nether dries it out now if i've been sitting here smelt my wet sponges to dry them out when i can just place them in the nether i'm going to be filming let's head over to the nether now okay let's see is this a myth or is it true three two one there's no way i've been lied to my entire life i've been cooking my sponges when you could just put them out in the nether like you just go through the portal and they're all dried out how have i not known about this that is that is honestly one of the coolest myths so far okay well onto the next myth already i can't believe my eyes okay for our final minute if you have haste 10 000 and efficiency 10 000 you can actually break a bit of bedrock in survival i am 99.9 percent sure that this is a load of rubbish because let's be real you can't break bedrock unless you're in creative or you use a glitch but i've got to try it nonetheless so let's get into it put down a bit of bedrock and let's let's find i'm going to give it a good chance i'll try and mine although it does say is haste level one it's not okay look we can literally just go on like even the dirt inspiration everything breaks okay let's see is there any possible way we can break this bedrock let's find out three two one go it's got particles but nothing's happening i don't think we can break it that is myth busted unfortunately all right that was mythbusters number one if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to click one of the other ones on the screen and subscribe and i'll see you guys in the very next video peace
Channel: mau
Views: 1,210,214
Rating: 4.8485737 out of 5
Keywords: Mau, minecraft myth, minecraft myths, busting minecraft myths, i busted every myth, busting every minecraft myth, myth, myth minecraft, myth busters, minecraft myth busters, minecraft challenge, minecraft facts, minecraft fact, minecraft tip, minecraft update, minecraft info
Id: usenI83D52Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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