I Broke IMPOSSIBLE Minecraft Records..

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in this video i'll be breaking minecraft world records some are set by other youtubers and some are straight up and possible how many records will i be able to break stick around to the end to find out also please subscribe the post notifications on as it is completely free and you can change your mind whenever you want alright let's get straight into the video okay the first world record we're going to break is alia's minecraft challenge now he managed to build the tallest staircase which ended up being 17 heights look at ali my man is looking like a literal grandmother while building this thing look at it this record was also set in 2015 so we're getting a little bit of slack record to beat is 17 staircases placed in a minute and i am more than confident that we can beat this all right so obviously first thing we need is a stair so we're going to get oh we'll get cobblestone we got we got the og stairs now i'm going to get a timer up and we're going to see how many staircases i can place in a minute three two one let's go okay so i always want to go a different approach because earlier was doing it in survival i feel like this is almost more efficient all the staircase needs to be it needs to be working and i feel like this is way better than flying around again with different angles i know it might seem a little bit slower i've got a feeling that this is the method oh that's our first mess up that's fine oh okay okay that's that's a big mess up oh god we're choking okay it's actually a lot harder than i thought it would be i don't know i feel like we've already broken it but i'm gonna keep going anyway oh yeah i don't know what your record was man was looking like a 76 year old grandmother crossing a road um how long have you been 18 wait i've still got so long we're smashing earlier's record out of the park get this world records hit me up please i will happily take this record follie hey give me a controller i'll still do it on there final five seconds we can get a couple more in let's get at least one more coming okay that's time this time oh my god look at that okay that is definitely more than 17 and just to check we can obviously run up the whole thing all right well you can run up the whole thing which means it is a continuous staircase so let's see how many blocks i've placed down one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen so that's ali a's record right there 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 staircases in a minute we almost doubled ali a's record i will absolutely be taking that all right the second world record that we're looking at is the highest distance reached by flying straight up in minecraft so if you didn't know that is the y coordinate right here which means that this guy managed to get to 23 million blocks high in the air so this is gonna take a while but if i'm looking at the rules here must use creative mode must follow the game rules and must provide video evidence now i'm not trying to set no official record but they never said you can't use teleport i'm gonna see how high up i can teleport and i'm pretty sure it's around 15 million blocks if i'm not mistaken and then after teleporting i'm gonna fly the other eight million blocks which is still a lot of blocks either way so let's get in game and see what we can do okay so obviously to teleport ourselves up let's just do this and let's see can we go to one two three one two three okay that's 10 million buying okay so we're currently 10 million blocks in the air can we go any higher than this that is what i want to know what about 15 million can we go up to 15. all right so we're up to 15 already about 20. okay you can't do 20. surely you can do 19. okay so we're currently at 19 million blocks in the air but it still means we need to fly another four million blocks okay with 20 million blocks in the air we can't go any further than this i'm gonna start flying and let's see how high up i can get okay you know what on second thought whoever has this record can keep it okay i've been here flying for just over an hour we've just ticked over to 20 million 100 000. i cannot be bothered to sit here for another 30 days flying straight up congratulations mate you can keep your world record of 23 million blocks in the air all right the next world record that i'm going to be attempting to break is by dom now i saw this guy's video and i honestly really really liked it and it's honestly one of the reasons that's why i wanted to try and break some world records myself but i saw one record he broke and i thought that there was actually a way more efficient way to do it than what he did yeah there we go so in one minute he built 36 iron golems now i have a feeling that i will be able to break this record i have a technique in my head i could be wrong it might not work but i want to give it a go either way so i'm going to get in game and try and beat dom's record of 36 iron golems in one minute all right the first thing that i need obviously is iron blocks is going to solve some of those and obviously pumpkins now we can do whatever technique we want i checked there is no official rules we just need to spawn as many iron golems as we possibly can in the minute so he had gold blocks to keep track of how many iron golems he spawned which i actually really like so i'm gonna fly up and do this now my technique is because he had it so it was all in like a line and he had to fly across and there was gaps and everything so i'm just gonna put down a bunch of these okay and we're gonna see what i can do in a minute i need to get a timer up keep track of time let's see what we can do three two one go here alright so my technique is i'm just gonna put a bunch of iron blocks like this in a row okay the reason i'm doing this is because instead of constantly having to move like over and over and over you can just do it all at once and obviously you can't spawn angles right next to each other but if they fold down and just make it a lot easier so we still have 40 seconds on the clock let me get all of these down now i don't have the technique down perfectly we could obviously work on it a bit but i think this is pretty good to be honest 30 seconds so i'm going to do this many and now i'm going to go on the bottom and do this row i got a spam click okay we've got 26 seconds on the clock let's see how many iron golems can we get down i this is my first attempt so what i'm thinking is to go like this [Music] because you can't break you can't place them all perfectly so we need to do it like this okay oh god we're misplacing we've got eight seconds left let's see how many angles we can get oh oh god go can we get this last one no i can't get it okay i want to see how many iron golems that was because for my first try i think that's actually a pretty good technique let's see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen gonna miss this one twenty twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty five twenty six twenty seven twenty eight twenty nine thirty i think we've got a record 31 32 33 34 35 36 that that's the record right there 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 iron golems in a minute i don't think that record is going to be broken let's get straight into the next one okay the next record that i'm gonna be trying to break is the fastest time to run a hundred blocks in minecraft so the current record is 0.85 seconds as you can see and i am almost certain that i can break this because there is a new soul speed enchantment which this guy did not have at the time so we allowed to use any sort of potions any sort of armor we just need to run 100 blocks as fast as we can so first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to set this bottom layer as soul sand and the next thing that i want to do is get ourselves some very very overpowered soul sand boots there we go we have soul speed 1000 boots which i'm gonna put on i'm also gonna give myself the maximum amount of speed we can have and no not speed the drug all right just so just so you know okay let's see how fast i can cross this 100 block gap i'm almost certain i'm gonna get like point one of a second as you're gonna have to be really good on the timer all right three two one let's go bang and i'm already there so that is a hundred percent a new record set by this skin look at him he is something special okay the next world record is the most beacons placed and minecraft now the current record is 10 000 beacons i'm pretty certain i'm gonna be able to beat this all right now we do not need to place the base blocks so i'm gonna save some time and make an entire world of diamond blocks so now we have our entire world of diamond blocks we need to get facing on some beacons and obviously for a beacon to work if i'm not mistaken i don't think what okay we've got a farm here mate i don't want that now i'm not sure but i don't think you can place beacons right i didn't know that you can now that i know that you can place them right next to each other all i need to do is place down 10 000 beacons this is going to take me a while and then if i do this command and set this this is 100 by 100 which means this is 10 000 beacons obviously we need to do more but this is what i need to hand place and i'm going to get placing [Music] change of planes after placing 4 500 blocks in that square as you can see it has started making my computer lag if you look in the top left when i get close to it look at how bad my frames get i can't do this anymore what i'm going to do from now on is i'm going to place an entire line because we have the statistic we can keep track of how many blocks we've placed let's keep going [Music] all right i've been placing beacons for just over an hour now it might even be longer that it might you know what i've just checked the recording it's been an hour and a half of placing beacons we've done multiple different methods and i'm finally ready to see how many blocks i've placed please be more than ten thousand because if i'm gonna place more beacons i'm gonna cry three two one let's have a look 9950 beacons i need to place 50 more beacons to be tied with the record but i'm gonna place even more because we're here to break it not tight 50 more to go one two three four five six seven eight you know what i'm counting i'm just placing okay and if i'm not mistaken that should be over 10 000 beacons i'm gonna check the statistics to see the exact amount but i've been facing for over an hour and let me tell you it was not easy please tell me i've broken a world record three two one let's have a look oh ten thousand one hundred and sixty three beacons placed and every single one of them is lit because it was on a full diamond world that is a brand new world record broken but we've done it let's get on to the final world record all right for the final world record i could only find this video and it is for the biggest nether portal now if we go here honestly this is a weak effort considering he even uses world edit but this is the portal he makes and we are going to make a portal that is infinitely bigger i am going to be the world record holder for the biggest portal in minecraft so that's what he built let's go build one bigger let's do walls obsidian and see what happens okay that yeah that is a bit big i'm not going to lie to you we are definitely going to be a world record holder after we light this portal look at the size of this thing is that the end over there okay no it literally doesn't end it's a never-ending wall of obsidian it actually just does not stop please is that the edge oh my god we've actually found the edge okay okay how big is this portal going to be please i want to know how many blocks of city and this is let's cut out this entire square right click here let's do cut 500 000 blocks of obsidian have been cut can you even like this i don't know but let's get ourselves a flint and still this is going to be the biggest nether portal in all of minecraft history thank you guys for watching let's light this portal three two one go oh it doesn't light okay well you know what i'm making it light bang i don't care oh god i mean it's kind of a portal i don't know it works all right well we kind of blew that nether portal i don't know i'm not gonna count that as a world record but thank you guys for watching this video either way i appreciate you guys a lot if you enjoyed this video make sure you click another one on screen right now and i'll see you guys in the very next video peace
Channel: mau
Views: 1,047,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world record, guinness world records, minecraft, minecraft world records, minecraft records, breaking minecraft world records, i broke minecraft records, minecraft record, minecraft world record, minecraft myth busters, I Broke IMPOSSIBLE Minecraft Records, mau
Id: gjr6WW_ffkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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