Overnight in the World's Most EXTREME Hotels

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hotels are boring I mean wouldn't this bed be so much cooler if it was hanging off the side of a cliff or in a room made entirely of ice or floating in the middle of shark infested waters if you're a shark call that breakfast in bed well you don't have to imagine because these extreme hotels actually exist and I'm going to stay in all of them whether it kills me or I live to tell the tale we're going to be pushing the absolute limits of where humans can sleep and having some fun along the way and our first extreme accommodation takes us to Cusco Peru this place is absolutely insane it's at 11 ,000 FT elevation that's high enough to even give a Wyoming boy altitude sickness but we're going to be gaining even more elevation because tonight's accommodation is on the edge of this here Cliff this looks like it's either going to be the most epic experience of my life or the start of a Mr Ballin video but either way I'm here for it this is Sky Lodge Peru the worst hotel in the world for anyone who sleepwalks these polycarbonate sleeping pots hang 1200 ft above Peru's sacred Valley and the only way up is by climbing a super steep via Fara so after a quick safety briefing with my guide Brian we Cent her on up and while this climb might look horrifying it also is horrifying there's no if ANS or butts about that but it's totally safe because I have two carabiners on my harness one of which is always connected to a steel cable good thing I'm not scared of heights the only thing I'm scared of is elevators which is why I've been taking steps to avoid them there may not be any decent jokes on this Cliff side but there is a sky Bridge which was crazy and looking at that drop down really got me thinking about how fragile and precious life is it got me asking the important questions wonder what it would be like to drop a deuce off of this thing I see it that's where we're staying we are so freaking high up right now and our first stop was the big dome which is not only what they called me in high school but the sky Lodge's kitchen wao it's like a Latin American igloo so this one right here is the dining pod and this is where we're going to have all our meals [Music] and and from the dining pod you can see all three of the sleeping pods out there and I do believe I'm in that top one yes you're in so I made the climb over to my room where I'd be having the most suspenseful sleep of my life all right welcome home we made it to our little glass bubble in the sky time for a room tour first off this thing's like 80% bed how many people do they expect to sleep in this thing holy smokes I could sleep here I can sleep there I could sleep near I could sleep Square bars watch out Dr Seuss that is one heck of a drop right there goodness we have these curtains all over the place that you can close but I feel like that kind of defeats the whole purpose of this I mean you might as well just buy a greenhouse back home and cover it in bed sheets if that's what you're going to do we have a nice little foldout desk here I guess you could get some work done or do your taxes on the side of the cliff if that's your cup of tea or if your cup of tea is a cup of tea there's a nice little tea station right here with a thermos full of hot water some kind of balls of tea interesting choice and we have a walkie-talkie so we can radio Brian and yes there are some LED lights in here and those are powered by some solar panels on the hill Over Yonder and just through this door is the bathroom we've got your pooper right here which is literally just a garbage bag you pinch off a grumpy into and all the solid the next day the housekeeper has to pick it up to move it down got Alex honold housekeeping this place come join us and this is where you pee it's literally just a pipe that goes down and onto the Rocks might as well just pee out the window it's going to the same place this toilet is so exposed I feel like the birds flying by are going to judge me peekaboo I actually got an injury while playing peekaboo once they sent me straight to the ICU and we can also climb up here onto the deck which has an amazing view of the entire Valley and you better believe I spent the entire evening up here taking in the beautiful sunset until it was time for our next order of events just going to dinner on the side of a cliff in the dark as one does yeah I had to Traverse to dinner in the dark the chef is on duty our boy Brian was cooking up some absolute heat Gordon Ramsay's been real quiet since this dinner dropped so tell me a little bit about how this place was built so we carry all the pieces in backpacks you know wait you carry the pieces for this up in backpacks everything in backpacks yeah oh my go and then we emble like a big Lego that's why we have to be climers to work here cuz we need to everything you know got to say this place is an inspiration definitely the best tiny home in the world during the zombie apocalypse man let me let me tell you I actually heard about a magician from Peru and he said he was going to make someone disappear and so so he said Uno dose and then poof he disappeared he vanished Without a Trace so so dumb what a day we climbed a mountain in the Peruvian Andes and now we're just chilling in a sleeping pod 12200 ft off the side of a cliff I feel like my brain isn't even processing what's going on here also it is so windy up here the glass is shaking that doesn't make me feel great you know those dreams where it feels like you're falling off a building but then you wake up midall yeah I feel like those dreams would hit a little different here now let's get some sleep because we have a big day ahead of [Music] us welcome to the big day ahead of us it is an extremely rainy morning but let me tell you if there's one place to be during a rainstorm it's here it's an absolute Vibes so cozy now have you all heard of Scooby's cousin cockadoodle yeah cockadoodle do let's get this day started y'all I started off the Morning by making myself a cup of tea then I drank it while looking into a rainy window like I was in a luminer music video then I poked my sleepy little head out of my cocoon and headed to breakfast it's a lot easier making the climb over when it's light out we got our fruit bowl we got our coffee it's about to be the most scenic breakfast in my life holy smokes looks like Switzerland out there breakfast was delicious as expected but I wasn't sure I'd be holding on to it after seeing how we were getting back down this SK is the best is like half a mile half a [Music] mile I can't even see him anymore yeah the only way down is by taking a series of zip lines to the base and I've got to say this is the coolest way I've ever finished a hike up a mountain all right where does this one go all the way to Norway to Norway so then I took off and held on tight and zip lined all the way over to Norway it's what your austral and friend will be saying when they come here and see how beautiful it is nor why anyways let me show you where we're sleeping tonight this is soraa igloo hotel the northernmost Ice Hotel on planet Earth it has 28 rooms an Ice Bar a chapel and over 26,000 Square ft of usable space and as someone who's been building Igloo for over a decade I couldn't wait to see what these crazy Norwegians were cooking up oh my gosh holy Moses I mean clearly the camera's inside that was a reenactment that's bad acting that's what that was but on a real note walking into this Igloo feels like walking into a whole other world you enter a massive Labyrinth of pillars and ie sculptures Each of which is so intricately sculpted it feels like some kind of Nordic wizard turned a bunch of real animals to ice I don't think one did because that would be messed up but it's impressive craftsmanship is what I'm trying to say the amount of detail in each of these sculptures just shatters my mind probably shouldn't use the word shatter around here and after admiring all this hard work I got to chat with one of the builders responsible for it so out here in Norway you put barcodes on the side of your Navy ships huh it's that you can Scandinavian sorry and thankfully Freda has the same patience with the igloo build that she has with my nonsense because it's quite the process we start the building process in November we are around 20 people building and seven artist we produce the snow from the Ala River with the snow Cannon and we take all the ice from the local Lake like we cut it with a chainsaw and we drag it up and all that snow gets packed around these wooden molds that get removed once the structures are set and every year the igloo has a different theme this year is being Africa I like how you captured all of Africa you have like the serengetti all the animals but you also have a bunch of Egyptian stuff going on got freaking King Tut back here kind of spooky honestly he wakes up in the night it's like night at the mum he just comes alive at night and haunts the place speaking of haunted hallways let's go see the rooms so this is what the standard rooms look like it's really just a room made out of snow and all the beds in these rooms are covered in reindeer hides this is what Santa does with the reindeer that misbehaves and each of the five suits is totally unique so I'm just going to show you all five this is the first of the five suits it's like an African tribal Suite the second Suite is the Egyptian suite and it's actually my personal favorite do you guys hear about the two pharaohs who farted at the same time they had a toot in common you got the ghost of Cleopatra just lurking over you as as you sleep so uh I guess that's pretty hot this is the African safari Suite it's a mama giraffe kissing its giraffing on the head is that what you call them okay I don't really know what the theme in this one is but I dig it the last Suite is the mother earth Suite that's her in the flesh right there Mother Earth that's how I'm going to be sleeping in this place tonight like a baby but first I need to check out the Ice Bar hi hi I'll have one silly goose juice on the rocks on the Rocks I mean this entire bar is on the Rocks but and they serve all the drinks here and glasses made of ice soé Norway juice this is also pretty cool they have an entire church back here dude if you want to go to church here you got to get baptized in an ice bath by Wim Hoff himself and after a long day I headed to my room for the night better watch out I think moto moto likes you it's time for bed y'all as you can see here we have a really uh high security door now that nighttime is hit this place is starting to feel really cold I mean at least half the problem is that I look like I'm dressed for the Bahamas not Norway but so when you book a stay here they actually give you a mummy bag to use keeping with the Egyptian theme we love to see it and this thing is rated to -4 so I think it's safe to say we're going to be sleeping toasty night night sleep tight don't let the mummies bite I mean of course I'm already awake it's not like I left the camera rolling all night just to get that moment and now that we're all done in the Arctic we're going to head to our next destination in the most Norwegian way possible which is on a pair of Cross Country Skis got to say cross country skiing is going to be much easier now that I'm in a smaller country and like some kind of Scandinavian Forest Gump I just started skiing and I didn't stop once until I was in North Carolina home of the right brothers and I must be the wrong brother because it would take a certified lunatic to State this next place speaking of which we have a boat to catch and this one isn't even in the US it's 30 Mi off the coast in international waters I can't even begin to describe this place we're going to right now so I'll just let you see it for yourself once we're there and after a 2-hour long ride on a fishing boat we were there there she is our accommodation for the night this is the frying pan Tower a lighthouse built by the Coast Guard in the 1960s to warn ships of shallow water water's so treacherous that this stretch of ocean has caused hundreds of shipwrecks nicknaming it the graveyard of the Atlantic these days the tow a restoration project where volunteers and guests can come out to get away rebuild the tower and hang out with the hordes of sharks that call this place home my only question is how the heck are we getting up on this thing going ride the chair ride the chair [Applause] yeah this is wild that one un employed friend on a Tuesday what is up you are come on in you didn't see the sharks like they were like going and this is Richard the frying man at the frying pan after the lighthouse was retired Richard bought the tower at a Government auction in 2010 and has been its Chief caretaker ever since with a goal to preserve the tower and share it with others and I don't know whether I'm most worried about the rusty walkways 70 ft above the water or the sharks that lurk below but either ways I'm here for it now it's time for a tour so first off we have our common area and it's kind of like what you'd get if your kooky old grandpa and a middle schooler designed a room together there's couches telescopes whatever this is Holy Smokes this is actually the original pool table from the 1960s and the Coast Guard who were stationed here played it to stay entertained I got that on camera and hanging all around here are some of the American flags that have flown up top so we're actually out in international waters we are are so far off the coast that this is not America but I got to tell you out of respect for the Coast Guard guys and all the effort that's been put into making this country just a country we're proud to fly the American flag right here we've got the pantry complete with emergency drinking water that have to be one heck of an emergency this thing looks like it was canned by Thomas Jefferson this here is the kitchen the frying pan tower that won't make it through a hurricane I just got to tell you washer dryer a hardly know her don't you even think for a minute we're about to get through this video without one of those there's a ton of different rooms all up and down the hallways including the original bunks the Coast Guard slept in and this is my room this feels way too bougie to be a bedroom in a rickety old sea Tower and there actually is a bathroom with running water all thanks to the tower's freshwater collection system you know out here on the tower there's a bunch of salt water around us but we need to drink fresh water and rather than trying to treat it we just capture the rain water so you can see it there it is right there it runs right down here down into to one of the tanks below that holds 14,000 gallons and we treat it purify it and I think tonight we'll have some sodas with ice in it it's made out of the rain water so how does the plumbing work out here Gravity Man you got to watch out for them brownie oh yeah speaking of what's lurking beneath the tower let's take a look underwater so it's hard to see anything under the water from up here so Richard has this nice little rig where we're going to drop the insta 360 cam down into the water and see what we can see down there we're going camera fishing fishing for cameras I'm the one who's supposed to make the dad jokes around here gosh I got the gr hair down she goes so what kind of fish are you used to seeing down there wet ones as I sank my camera into the water it saw all kinds of beautiful fish little did I know it was about to encounter something that makes this barracuda look like a slim gy that's right the seafloor was absolutely swarming with these massive sand tiger sharks meanwhile up top we didn't have the slightest clue what was going on below there there's seagulls when they fly over the sea but if they fly over the bay they turn into Bagels they got curious about the camera and started giving it some playful boops but at some point they must have decided the camera looked like a tasty little treat because this is what happened next yeah that's a POV I never hoped to see in my lifetime that's horrifying but our sweet boy must have realized it's not food and spat it out how nice of him and that's how I captured the coolest 360 cam footage I'll probably ever get in my lifetime I actually can't believe this happened all right we didn't lose the camera I don't know what kind of cool footage we got you guys already know you know something I don't could have gotten a turtle but if we were going to be catching dinner we needed to be fishing with more than just cameras so I sent down some bait gravity is fast and we didn't have to wait long and the crazy thing about fishing here is you have to reel the fish 70 ft up to the tower My First Catch of the Day was a black seab bass and this is actually the first fish I've ever caught in salt water so that's pretty cool but I wasn't the only one having luck today we got a chunker on the line a oh we got one bud and call the Fish Smashmouth cuz they just kept coming and they didn't stop coming a white grunt I got a white grunt that's what they used to call me in high school oh that's a good fish there we go in the words of DJ khed another one how are those for eating they're fantastic yum yum and this is Dirk DK's mayonnaise is awesome you like mustard on your French fries too w we love Dirk you'll be seeing a lot of him what are you making there Dirk a banana and peanut butter sandwich and some mayonnaise I put it on there but oh DK mayonnaise is of the devil I didn't know mayonnaise was of the devil is that like bapst or Methodist despite my absolute hatred of mayonnaise I thought I'd give Dirk's recipe a try and I knew just the place to eat it oh yeah we are going down I saw this old dive chair in the shop and it looks exactly like a picnic table so Richard suggested we should dangle it off the side of the Tower and have lunch on it the last time I had a lunch this sketchy was that time I ate the food at Arby's most extreme lunch in the history of the Atlantic baby people eating lunch in the Titanic dining hall might disagree but it's up there and having seeing what's in the water below makes this an even crazier experience woo yeah well done Philip's head what's up with that well yeah you fill it up with uh orange juice and other particular condiments and it makes a Phillips head screwdriver that's so dumb and that's coming from me being out in the middle of the sea there's quite a few things about the mainland I miss but one thing I especially Miss is being able to go on runs but that gave me an idea what if I run the first ever frying pan Tower 5K so I built a track around the top of the tower using a bunch of old junk that was laying around and I measured it out to be 60 M for one lap around meaning to run 5 km I'd need to run 83 laps set go I was a running fool Jenny I think the altitude was getting to me I mean this is 80 ft above sea level running a 5k in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean to be honest one of the hardest parts of this to just keeping count but I was also recording the run on straa to make double sure I did the full distance and it felt so good once I was done 5 km we ran it in 25 minutes that is so bad but hey for being on a tower in the middle of the ocean and carrying a 360 cam for half of it I'll take it as long as we're up here on the helipad let me show you some of the crazy things happening up top starting with the massive solar array that stores power in this entire room full of batteries this Powers things like the light Tower which is what Richard showed me next w we are on top of everything up here is this safe yeah 50/50 50/50 what 50/50 safe you ever get Pirates out here I I think they're too scared to climb up well what' the pirate say when he turned 80 years old I matey that was so bad how old are you again that's a dad joke y'all ain't going to believe what I just found Richard just randomly happens to have a giraffe unicycle out here and I just randomly happened to ride a giraffe unicycle I'm slowly realizing that Richard is just me in 35 years I mean we even wear the same hat you know in all the years of doing this I think you're the only one that's actually been able to ride this big tall thing you think could ride that DK no but it's all right I'd rather just ride two wheels I'll watch you do it I'm not just a clown on the entire Circus the reason that I adore this place is I look outside and the sun is coming over the horizon over the ocean which is incredible in the evenings the Sun is going down over the ocean it's amazing and then we look out in the water and we see these enormous sharks and huge Sunfish I live on land on dirt in ordinary place but we come out here and and everything is extraordinary here if you're not doing what it is you think is the absolute best thing you can do with your time you're wasting that day mhm you just never know love your family care about people be nice to others that's really what the tower is all about never once in my life did I think I'd be enjoying a sunset on a giraffe unicycle from the top of a sea Tower in the middle of the ocean that was not on the bingo card for David's lifetime but I'll tell you what is on the bingo card for David's lifetime cooking dinner Rob here was trying to teach me culinary excellence and I was just trying my best it all over no way I can mess that up he says as he messes it up remember we're trying to eat some of this tonight we have to eat some of this there's got to be at least one green bean per person four of us here all right this could be oh now that's Perfection thank you Lord thank you Lord and welcome to David welcome to the frying pan Tower sir yeah stoked to be here this fish went straight from the water outside the frying pan the sauce inside the frying pan this is some of the best seafood I've ever had which isn't saying much since I live in the middle of the mountains and I did the dishes so I could at least be useful for something around here got dad jokes and I can do the dishes one of y'all ladies husbanded me up was that a good one Derk yeah you think they'll be coming for me for our movie night we watch Jaws cuz that seems like a great thing to watch out here we voted between this and Castaway then I brushed my teeth with some tooth sauce washed my hair with some shower sauce and got ready for [Music] bedtime I was supposed to look like a fish this has been such a cool experience you can just tell how much Richard loves this place he wants this place to have a positive impact on everyone that comes here and you can just tell his heart's in the right place sounds so cheesy but it's true for a fell named Richard he's kind of the opposite of a dick been cooking up that one since the moment we got here anyways it's time time to go sleepy [Music] by okay I don't sleep with the lights on like that come on now you know how I like my coffee lobotomized Dirk you might be the most southern person I've ever met so I've got some Southern jokes for you okay what did the Buddhist Southerner say I don't know what in reincarnation and you know what you could tell me as many Southern jokes as you want but Civil War jokes I generally don't find those funny no is that southern I thought Southern J was like how many Southerners does it take to scramble an egg how many does it take it takes one to catch the chicken one to get the egg and another one to fry it in the pan that's three so one thing you got to know about the frying pan Tower is getting on and off of this thing is so insanely unpredictable the weather doesn't care about your schedule there's supposed to be a boat coming out today to get us but Richard always says not to get your hopes up cuz you never know and I know just a thing to keep us busy while we wait for the boat so another fun thing you can do up here is hit golf balls off the top and you can do this without being a terrible person because these golf balls actually dissolve into fish food once they hit the water and as always when golfing I brought an extra pair of socks just in case I get a hole in one that makes no sense up here the only hole I'm going to be hitting this into is a fish's mouth hole if you play golf you might want to look away for a second my swing is so bad it will actually make you throw up that was so bad I got to keep the ball woo the fish are eating good tonight that's kind of fun it's like hockey for Rich Suburban grandpas and that's when I saw it our rescue was on the horizon we were making it off this thing alive finally getting off of here you wouldn't know it from this video but we were actually stuck out here for 8 Days five more than planned and to say I was burnt out is an understate last time we'll be seeing that hun of metal for a while and as we rode back to shore thoughts of the tower filled my mind there were so many memories made dad jokes told 360 cams eaten but it's good to be back made it back to shore I'm just glad I'm no longer on a tiny living space in the middle of a dark [Music] abyss
Channel: David Rule
Views: 3,032,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9mUdNGSm7ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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