I built Ruhr Valley in 500AD and it made my production EXPLODE

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hey spuddys pateta mcwhiskey here and welcome to civilization six where we are rushing the rue valley and we are in the end game we are close to picking up the river valley only a matter of turns away we just need to finish this industrial zone grab ourselves a workshop and then it's basically home free it's we're a valley time i'm sitting on four envoys it may be good to take season 3 of summer camp and designate a city as a trading city i could possibly do that in rappacoom i could make this into a trading city alternatively i could turn this uh river city into a trading city as well i could fill this with trading domes and just make a ton of money that kind of appeals to me so i'll put i'll put a point into taruga and two points into summer camp grab myself some susan t and we'll kind of like we'll play around with that idea go ahead and harvest out another settler we're kind of running out of choppable tiles so locust locust babylon is coming to a close well that's something we need to keep in our in our minds in our back pockets i think i'll harvest the wheat on the furs to finish the infrastructure in this city slightly faster because the extra food and growth will actually you know pay dividends over the long term in terms of improving the city i don't know if getting rice improved matters it would give the city plus one housing i think i'd rather improve the camp the extra gold uh means a big deal to me here i do actually have strategic or luxury resources to sell nobody wants my furs though unfortunately let's go ahead and harvest out another settler 10 turns we've got a couple of like actually pretty good far out shops in this city so we'll be feeding a lot of gold into volume knob here it would be ideal if i had something i could harvest for gold i might have to make do it selling off strategic resources for raw gold so 270 gold from russia is perfect 73 gold from uh gogo is also perfect is it worth it for me to plug in i mean land surveyors i'm not spending that much gold to be honest so pick up that and that yeah lots of choppables now um let's quickly finish the granary in the city i'm just gonna yoink away this rainforest boom and then we'll yoink out another settler so great i think i have one two three more settlers is all i need and i can probably get one more out of this city and then we're firing on all cylinders which is very exciting i haven't had a game go this well for me in a very long time uh i've been kind of having some pretty hard gains lately i am going to build walls in happy thanksgiving eve to provide this city with a little bit of defense i i border russia and the the congo so if i can make sure that they stay friendly with me these walls aren't actually necessary and since they both just declared friendships with me i don't need those walls anymore there is an argument to be made for building a plus six adjacency holy site in here um a little bit of extra faith it could be worth a little bit of tourism long term holy sites aren't bad at all there is actually a pretty good religion in the game i assume one thing to consider is buddhism is spreading throughout the lands as is eastern orthodoxy buddhism allows me to get extra culture from my holy sites which is quite powerful as well as science and eastern orthodoxy gives me a lot of food and production so building holy sites isn't the worst thing in the world with the local religions that are around now you could argue that theoretically this holy site is actually worth more culture than the theater square and that means i'm going to build the holy site first i need to build one lumber mill so i'll probably crack down a lumber mill somewhere nearby i'm starting to run out of things to do with some of my builders either i don't have tiles to improve or don't have anything to chop i definitely need a builder over in duracoregal zoo or durkhergaldo yeah we just unlocked machinery so we have access to crossbowmen now so we're quite a bit better defended than we were just a few moments ago these cities now have pretty good ranged attacks i'll go ahead and one turn that campus and i'll almost certainly go for the aqueduct in here as well so campus aqueduct and a diplomatic quarter wouldn't be bad i would also like a theater square i can probably put a couple of theater squares over here so it's less necessary for this theater square to belong to the capitol when it can belong to animal untamed and but yeah i think i think campus aqueduct here campus just so i get that little bit of extra trickle science it's a plus four campus plus it's worth a little bit of error score we well we are in our golden age that little bit of error score is worth it and then getting the aqueduct also reveals knighter knighter is a powerful tile anywhere that i just find nighter tiles those cities are instantaneously improved we'll go ahead and work on the workshop and by the time we finish this workshop this city should be ready to build its factory and its coal power plant and then ready for river valley so we're we're on that we're on track for our goal this game which is the hit river valley plus the second i get this workshop all of my minds are going to be another plus one production which is going to be absurd i place a lumber mill grab myself the beauty of mass production so i can theoretically build the venetian arsenal here this game if i so choose i may not choose to do that however it all depends on how how nice the viewers are to me okay do i want a plantation in the city i think a plantation is a reasonable thing to do uh it's quite a bit of food it's quite a bit of production it's quite a bit of gold so i think i will keep a plantation because harvesting for food isn't the most efficient thing in the world then we will go ahead and slap down another chop on the settler we'll get them out next turn so i think i will hold for one turn they'll attack me i'll get a promotion and then i should be able to clap back and you know absolutely destroy those cheeks those galli aquatic cheeks plus three error score for finishing the first campus with plus four adjacency in the city of animal untamed perfect and i think some of my builder charges now need to actually just go towards building mines in the city khaka is doing okay i think we just need to get the palgum and the granary in here and the city will be cranking away just fine he didn't actually attack me that's annoying why won't he attack me is he waiting for me to attack i'll attack first he'll attack me and kill me that's what's going to happen there i guarantee it watch even though i sat there and waited for him to do it now he's going to do it watch oh no he didn't actually attack me never mind all right i'm wrong delete the footage morbis hide my crimes what mod gives you the color on the drawings this is the colorized historic moments mod it's just a night nice cute little mod i you know i don't mind them without the color but a lot of people really really like how this looks and it has zero gameplay implications so it's just kind of nice to look at so i decided to have this be one of the default mods that i run because it just makes the game look slightly more thematic and nice and it makes people who watch my videos happy which is kind of like my main job is to make the people who watch my videos happy in a sense not it's not like entirely but like in some respects that is somewhat true i think i can crank out one more settler at a volume knob we had a major float it's a bit unfortunate it's actually kind of funny because flood is not an uncommon name in ireland for a second name so theoretically there could be someone in the army called flood and who rises to the rank of major he could be major flood just i think that could happen quite a fun little meme a cheeky little meme one might say oh what why would he why would he still be here why would they still be here well i guess i can't build this holy site anymore because there's barbs on the other side of the universe just causing problems right we have mercenaries which means we're right on the door of picking up our next government level i'm a little bit scared about getting too close to this absolute mess over here two galleys and a quad uh maybe i can choke point them and bait this guy into attacking me sitting on two on voice i've got to keep those two envoys locked up i'm gonna go ahead and pop down another settlement here this city in particular is a trading city i think that's what we decided to make it um we'll want a farm triangle in here ideally next to the river so i think a farm triangle yeah here just seems fine so we'll put that commercial hub right there palgum granary palgum monument granary i think is the order for a river city palgums are just so strong that you want to get them up as soon as possible we'll go ahead and harvest here we'll pop in over here we'll harvest here there we go four turns until the settler is done we'll pop in here grab ourselves a mine looking very very snazzy and volume knob it'll be able to finish that settler in four turns and then i just need two more so i'm feeling very happy about the locust opening build it's one of the more fun ways to play and the hilarious thing is the locust build look how strong it is and this build has been nerfed like multiple times the locust built it used to be the only way you could realistically play the game um but now it's been it's been nerfed quite quite a bit to where it's only an okay strategy and even then it's it's like you know it's a choice you make between other various builds the question is am i going for a holy slice in here as well i think i'm going a little bit too heavy on holy sites and i need to start thinking about my my my commercial hubs and i need a diplomatic quarter i need my theater squares do i go for a diplomatic quarter in this city i think i'll go for the dip of my quarter here i mean there is like an a giga hyper uber industrial zone here but it's not really necessary one two three four five six it is out of range of this one but i think this is too much of a meme the city is too exposed on the front line and for me to do anything other than maybe like a casual encampment yeah i'm feeling like a diplomatic quarter is like a necessary thing for me to pick up here it's quite valuable it's on my front line which is quite useful too or sorry it's quite vulnerable here which isn't useful but i think having it in general is probably the right move i think i'm going to bother harvesting these nanos let's go ahead and settle the city perfect awesome we now have three more cities than our biggest rival which also gave us a bunch of error score so we're looking quite happy on that front this city i think will definitely get a harbor and it'll almost certainly cooperate with murray so there'll be farms here i think for sure like there may be a dam a dam here and then a bit of cooperation between these cities like i think i'll probably put an entertainment complex here is that in range of the capital one two three four five six no it won't be in range of the capital but it will hit one two three four five six it'll hit four cities with this entertainment complex and then i can do theater square theater square theta squared theta squared and a theta square and like i could do something like this is that what i want to do and wrap a comb wrap a comb yeah i think three plus three theta squares from a single one of these is quite nice it gives me a very kind of likable situation i can put a farm triangle right here in fact i will put a farm triangle right here to get the city growing growth is going to be its strength usual build order palgum granary monument or pogo monument granary whichever order you get those things down nice and quick i will place the harbor in here and i think more or less we've kind of settled in to a very nice place but things are going to be disrupted next turn because we're about to finish this second workshop and that has unlocked industrialization giving us access to factories the river valley and coal power plants as well as coal and because i believe over here there is a chunk of coal we have already got access to coal so we can start our coal power plant basically immediately so i think i'm going to go for the factory this is a ton of production we'll finish the aqueduct first because that'll give me a little bit of production but things are getting very exciting in here i have room for another trade route why do i have room for another trade route where am i getting that from it's cause people are trading with me because of the uh thing so in baby shark we don't really have much to do aside we'll be able to place another district here in the near future i could go ahead and grab myself an aqueduct but i think i'll just go ahead and crank out two extra settlers because i have room for them i may as well just settle as many cities as like is unreasonable i think i actually only need one settler out of my capital and i think we are basically done settling turn 107 and we have a massive giga huge empire the likes of which is rarely seen which is an important part when you're going for the biosphere strategy is one of the most important things is you just have a lot of land to build solar farms and wind farms on not really much else matters too much so i definitely would like to get a theater square in volume knob now is the time to do theater square stuff because culture is now my biggest bottleneck uh i've already hit the rear valley so that's not a concern for me so it's 330 production in my factory let's have a look right if i were to improve this quarry this would be probably plus two production it would only take 40 turns to pay off honestly probably better off i'm probably better off just improving that but i'm not actually working it as a thing make sure we work this extra food to get the city growing hard yeah that's the thing i'm not actually working it is the reason why i was going to harvest it because i have so many mines in here it will get plus one with rural though i you know what it probably is the right move to keep that stone actually i think it is with the roar valley in that city it is definitely the right move any resources oh my god that is way more damage than i thought would be done to this city excuse me uh yeah i need 260 gold to get a man in arms here hang on does anyone want my luxuries 220 gold from russia perfect we'll make a mountain arms boom city's combat strength is now way higher so we should be safe i need an archer over here i was not expecting the city to be taking that much damage think about this logically if we're not careful in how we approach this if i get attacked twice if i attack i may die that's the problem i have here so i need to let them attack me and then i'll get a level the city is dead no it's not i i just look i just doubled its combat spread so it'll survive quite a bit longer until i can get a unit over there to defend it it should regenerate fast and they can kill it granite monument in the coastal cities always go granary monument that's because these cities have no food and you need food to grow therefore granary we just got a nighter mine which unlocked rifling for us which is pretty deep into the tech tree but it also means we can maybe go for steel in the near future um in order to get steel all we need to do is build a coal mine and an iron clad and to get iron clad we just need to build steel uh steam power but we can actually start unlocking this now which is kind of exciting if we wanted to we could work on that but building two shipyards shouldn't be the most impossible thing in the world oh when you said get an extra farm in the capital this isn't my capital this is my capital baby shark is my capital she wants to buy my iron i'll sell it i do need to think about where my national park is going it'll probably be here if i have the range for it did you really not level up let's step back one tile can i do it here one two three yeah i can probably do a national park using mount everest which should be the most easy and reasonable way to do it that'll secure the national park for me very happy with that lovely nighter mines are huge because they just improve your city so much you should discover the map right now too many saves on met i don't have any tourism right now so not having met sieves isn't the worst thing in the world um i will want to explore once i get caravals though for sure but i'm pretty sure they'll probably find me soon um they must not be far off finding me themselves lovely lovely lovely lovely so i've been attacked which means i can now promote with emblem so i'm much stronger against enemy ships sitting on four envoys i could take susan three of vilnius which is probably not bad and i really should actually think about alliances i'm gonna go ahead and pick up civil service before i go for exploration alliances may actually be a really big deal for me this game for my relatively high adjacency on a lot of my theater squares that extra adjacency will kind of shine quite well it'll shine bright like a diamond one might say um let's commit to buy a mare and quickly just grab a trader to trade with the capital get a little bit of extra production and stuff step back to heal so with this garrison now the city should be healing almost as much damage as it's taking every turn which will be fine and now three episodes deep into this series we have finally built our last settler and our two last cities are heading i could theoretically get another city down here and this is really good land for it actually um you know what let's give it the old college try this is like so many hills that i could build wind farms on it's like game over for the ai if i uh if i get it i could trade with hatusa to get another envoy but i think i think i'd like to look for production in this city i'll go ahead and trade with baby shark i don't know what i want to do yeah internal trade route gives me a nice road gives the city food and growth perfect for getting it set up really quickly i know it looks like a really tempting city to get chichen itza in but the problem is that i want to destroy all this forest and replace it with windmills yeah the city is now healing just as much as the damage is taking so we like this city is protected i can very easily just walk a villager over there archer over there slowly as a villager did you hear me playing so much age of empires 4. i got my diplomatic quarter which is really important to get as babylon because you actually get the first building in your diplomatic quarter for free so this consulate actually has really good value so it's probably a good idea to actually prioritize this more than i did i would like more trade routes wouldn't be a bad idea to get a commercial hub in here i wouldn't mind getting getting an encampment or two here as well getting an encampment feels like an okay move plus three industrial zone right there it's not bad considering it's just like random tiles we will be completely locust harvesting this city in the near future um speaking of let's go ahead and reassign magnus too by a mayor yeah let's um let's get the commercial hub well no i want the commercial hub to be nah let's get the commercial hub we want to we want to build a commercial hub for the extra trade route because uh the second we finish a commercial hope we get the market for free because it's the first commercial that we built in the game and that'll net us some bonuses and you're actually yeah you're coming down this way perfect we almost have the factory complete do i have any sellable resources i do no one wants to buy anything off me no he's even going to sell me great works very cool i like that great work amazing i actually have room for more great work so it's perfect i don't have the city state that gives me mahavarias i don't have uh i don't have nalanda these are trade domes it's like really confused there that's weird there's a drought happening here but i can't see it weird in terms of promoting people pingala is the most logical choice because great works but actually rayna is really really good because of this renewable subsidizer ability here she not only does she give you extra gold for your trade routes passing through the city hint marry she doubles the adjacency of things gives you extra gold from unimproved features is a tax collector and will give you extra power from your renewables like your renewables and since this is going to be a uh trading slash renewable city i think i'm going to go ahead and grab reina and appoint her into marry and marry is where i'm going to do all of my international trading as well because in the ideal case i would like to get some kind of configuration like this in marry with all of these trading domes maybe some kind of farm triangle right here and then every other like remaining tile will be a solar panel boosted by rayna so i think this is going to be a very very powerful city in the late game for tourism and stuff like that i can even do a couple of extra trading domes in the city too i think this is what the city is going to look like late game go for petrodomes and replicum how much are chops worth for me right now does anyone remember does any remember what non-magnus chops are worth we do want to make hydro hydro dams as well this game that's something to consider because hydro dams are actually worth tourism when in a biosphere game so chop is worth 80 production plus 50 one two three i have enough chops to get petra i actually have enough chops to get petra in rappakum if i wanted to do that and then i could make this my trading dome city like i could do which would be kind of fun to do it's rare that a petra city is like actually useful i mean if i've got to do that i'll buy a builder down here and immediately reroute builders over there i'll grab magnus and reassign magnus to wrap a comb i'll delete these trading domes because this is no longer going to be my trading city i kind of regret this commercial hub now and now all these desert tiles and stuff like that can get trading domes on them i could probably you know squeeze out maybe one or two more trading domes i think this is a relatively efficient way to do it and then it'll just be every non-trading dome tile will have a solar power plant on it that's fun i hope you guys enjoyed that i know you guys are big fans of that kind of thing where you make those nice cool cities we got our theater square in volume knob it could be a holy site in here i don't have buddhism in the city which means it would be hard for me to get the extra culture that i would be looking for let's have a little bit of a look at the tree and remember what we need here own three tanks so really a lot of what we're gated behind is just culture here it might not be the worst thing in the world if i were to get a entertainment complex here i know i'm i'm building a lot more of these than i used to in my games but one two three four five six i mean it would basically cover another four cities in my empire that aren't currently covered by a planned entertainment complex and there's not really much else i can do in volume knob right now plus it would boost the culture out of these two theater squares so i think this is actually just a totally reasonable thing for me to do well there's no point in meeting all the ais right now because i haven't actually started generating tourism yet i'm making like nine right it's not a big deal that i haven't met them yet it will be a bigger deal in the near future but right now it's not a big deal so what am i building in baby shark this city is essentially completed in terms of its short-term productivity it just needs to grow a little bit i could get ancient walls um that's worth plus one tourism throughout the game it's not a bad little bit of extraterrorism for two turns of production i don't think i care about ancient walls i think the big thing would be maybe to spam builders in the city i could get the extra factory this factory wouldn't really hit that many more extra cities but it would give me extra great engineer points i'd be essentially building this for plus one great engineer point which isn't worth it i think i'm gonna go ahead and get the aqueduct because that will actually boost this um by plus two adjacency which is perfect i can put another mine here as a priority and get that back up to where it should be i can get this up to plus five no problem i'm pretty sure right oh it's plus nine eventually oh yeah well yeah we'll be we'll be building that one up definitely want at least two harbors thankfully the city has enough production to make that happen it's not worth it to meet a city state that gives me colossal heads chat because i'm not building colossal heads this game this is a this is a biosphere tourism game so if i were to build colossal heads that would defeat the purpose of of the build that i'm doing you understand there is a there is a plan set in motion and to deviate from it the entire point is is to do it biosphere game where we can turn production into tourism very efficiently with renewable power what game modes are active this game no game modes i left all the game modes off to make it harder because having game modes on actually makes the game a little bit easier i find i think there's no game modes active at all yeah i don't remember we have our aqueduct and baby shark which means this is now a plus five coal power plant which means it's absolutely worth building because it's five production it'll get doubled once i have the works craftsmanship card we're 31 turns from aurora valley how much to buy a coal power plant 1200 gold nobody has any money do they you have like a little bit is everyone just broke russia is not broke i would have liked to have built this a little bit quicker i could put some turns into the yeah here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put turns into the rear valley and then purchase the coal power plant on the way up i think that's the right way to do it so river valley is already on the way which is fantastic let's go ahead and unwork these prioritize production 26 turns on the roar valley slightly slower than my test game but damn if it isn't perfect it's a beautiful thing tur like it's literally 25 a.d and i'm building the rear valley tell me that this isn't perfectly balanced okay and i'll call you a liar did i never actually upgrade to crossbow i think i forgot to do that i need to find things to harvest for gold that's what i need to do i need like just a little bit of extra gold here in the mid game here would be perfect is this tile here the maze i could buy and shop in here as well there's like a forest here do i want to do that no i think i think i'll just hard build a brewer because i'm in the middle of trying to get a a giga petra city over here the giga trading dome petra city which is going to be a really exciting thing to play around what i love about playing as babylon is even if your cities aren't very strong like look at the city the city is working objectively terrible tiles it has two good tiles still has 16 production because i have such an early factory and i'm able to build a theater square without ever really having to improve this city um it's just it's just fantastic babylon are just they're they're kind of i don't know if game breaking is what i want to say here they're game changing they just change how you play the game which is just really interesting and refreshing next city name better be tax invasion or it's all going to come tumbling down what so i think that's where i want to put my petra ideally if the petra is here it'll be adjacent to two theater squares giving them extra adjacency which is perfect i have finished my harbour earned dura currigalzu which has given me access to another trader i would really like to get my shipyard in here i need two shipyards in order to unlock steam power which will give me access to iron clouds and if i can get an iron cloud i can get access to steel which means i can get access to the eiffel tower although i probably don't need the eiffel tower here but it would be kind of nice it's not something i'm like super i'm not something i'm finding super necessary so maybe i don't need this shipyard right now do i maybe it'd be better to get the builder in here as per usual i think i've said this before but remember to go granary then monument in your newly settled to coastal cities that's because these cities have terrible housing and it'll outgrow its ability to grow before it needs the extra tiles from the monument conceptually monuments get you more tiles for a city if we're thinking about local infrastructure on an empire wide scale culture advances you through the civic tree but on a city level uh it expands the borders of the city granary expands the population of the city coastal cities have less housing and less food so granary first cities on the river monument first because you're less likely to outgrow your housing russia is still bankrolling my entire economy with its money here 118 gold here very very close to purchasing the coal power plant in animal untamed what if you're playing as australia well obviously if you're playing as a sieve that modifies any of the information that i just used to make that decision then you would modify your decision right i've given you the logic behind the decision when it comes to a specific circumstance in which those circumstances will be different you must think for yourself a little bit just a little bit okay like for example if you have mohenjodero suzeranti that means you have full housing in coastal cities so maybe you don't go granary first aesthetics would be really really good for me um it's only five culture but i feel like five culture would be worth more than 14 production i know that sounds mad it sounds like total madness to me having said it out loud but i think it's actually true i also think 19 gold is way more valuable to me than plus two envoy well envoy points are one of the most important influencer is like one of the strongest stats in the entire game actually 100 theater oh my god i completely forgot to take out the colonization card to be fair i only just finished making settlers a little while ago but that's okay because that gives me room to plug in aesthetics and merchant confederation no i do think that i do think that influence is actually one of the most powerful stats in the entire game it's very hard to turn this up i do like the extra 20 gold per turn like that's a massive amount it's a massive amount of gold maybe if i was plugging in conscription and merchant confederation to get the double whammy of extra gold but i think just yeah this feels right to me this feels like the right kind of government because i am building more theta squares i'm slowly upgrading the adjacency of my theater squares let's promote reina with harbor master yes because i'll probably get like a crappy little harbor in here maybe we'll figure something out we'll yeah we'll probably do like a harbor i'm sitting on a whole bunch of free builder charges and not much to do with them oh i forgot to get alliances congo what kind of alliance would i like with the congo maybe a cultural alliance let me have a think about this i think a cultural alliance with congo makes the most amount of sense to me because they have a pretty good culture and a good bit of science and then maybe with russia a scientific or economic alliance or religious alliance yeah i think a research alliance that way i'm getting a little bit of extra passive culture and gold from them trading with me and it makes trading with me more attractive to them which is exactly what i want i'm hoping that harvesting this maze is worth more than buying the tile it wasn't at all worth it but i'm gonna do it anyway because i'm a psycho i'm a crazy crazy guy wacky potato they call me down at the range i vote for myself twice for trade routes and then i want buddhism to actually be stronger because buddhism is the better religion for me because it gives me extra culture if i can build my holy sites moderate floods hammurabi so i succeeded in both of my goals which is perfect we're very very close to having the gold that we need nobody wants i really do need to now think about meeting other sieves i'm 11 gold away from where i need to be anyone anyone have any amount of gold in their bank you what would you what would you do if you gave me 22 gold what would it take nine diplo favorite no i just want the 22 gold perfect so now i have the 1200 gold that we were saving up for and we can plug in the coal power plant now boom this city is now powered and we have access to refinings we've found oil but most importantly because the city is powered uh the factory is powered giving me an extra three production in all cities within range as well as essentially doubling the adjacency of this city's district and if i come in here and i tell the city focus on production again these um these guys here are worth actually quite a bit so i was going for like a sub 150 turn reer valley and i think we're on pace for that i did get a one a 137 rear valley before that's the fastest i've ever done but this is a pretty okay pace like i i wouldn't turn my nose up with this right your very last city i believe in the entire game has just been settled and we'll be moving magnus over here in the near future so for now i might just crank out an ancient wall then go granary monument in here ancient wall for defense because it's right at the border with greece and greece actually if i get an if i get a friendship with gorgo yeah friendship with gorgo that means i don't need ancient walls here so we're good we're fine got so many good tiles here in volume knob it's actually insane the city needs more housing above anything else so now i can promise not to settle near people because i don't plan to settle any more cities unless i find like an island somewhere that has like an attractive place to settle but now we're generating electricity for our cities which is perfect 18 turns until the rear valley amazing could probably fit a trader in the city i might squeeze out a trader here and try to do something with it it's really annoying um i think i'm going to pick up ancient walls in the city so i can slowly shoot this mounted arms away because he just seems to be stuck inside here which is blocking me from building my holy site because i'll build the holy site and he'll immediately be lined to it and then murder it which is really what not not what i want right so time for the petra we need a little bit more gold in the bank before we can get the petra in here but it is what we're going to be working on next get these builders heading over to the petra city boom there's the coliseum that's an extra eight culture across my empire as well as a whole bunch of amenities it's fantastic not only that but it's extra extra adjacency on these theater squares which is perfect uh immotep yes baby that is an absolute god-tier engineer to pick up now here's the thing what if what if i used immotep to make the mausoleum he has two charges okay hear me out boys and girls i use immotep to build the mausoleum i get my charge back and then i double whack the rear valley with mo tap it's actually a flawless plan or i could just use them to make the petra super fast without shopping i'll probably do the shopping so my limit right now is how fast i can research the urbanization technology that's when the wind condition begins there's definitely a harbor city anyone got gold yeah you just need to keep selling as much as we can to the ai to pick up as much gold man there's so much oil around here it's perfect buy the tile for the petra come in drop i can chop out the petra i should save emotep well i can probably put one charge into the petrol with a motep it would save me a bit of money all right motep boom basically insta finished the mausoleum which is amazing three turns we got our factory in the capital let's get the coal power plant as well partially for that extra great engineer point quite valuable and an engine a a great engineer point by the way is worth about 16 gold per turn depending uh on how much you value it eight to 16 gold per turn in terms of purchasing a great engineer because that's how much they strip off the cost of these things per turn quite valuable uh and it's also plus five production which is pretty good for building the thing now the biosphere if i recall correctly only the biosphere needs to be adjacent to the river the neighborhood doesn't need to be adjacent to the river as well so i'll probably do a biosphere here and then crack down the neighborhood like that so i'll probably build it in animal untamed just because this is my strongest production city it's going to have 58 production right now it's going to be going up higher once we get that rear valley up this is going to be one of the cities that builds my aerodrome so there's not much left in here for me to do let's check and see if there's any text we want to unlock build an armory owned two crossbowmen two crossbowmen i can do two universities built two harbours doable your two neighborhoods for sanitation two shipyards industrial area while we're working on that national park alliance three musketmen yeah we can work on some of these things so i think the big thing would be money in volume knob let me see if i'm building an aerodrome i need to save a well do i maybe it would be a good idea to build a district that also gives housing i gave up one mine for an aqueduct for the extra housing plus two housing for an aqueduct yeah okay i'll take that potential extra good industrial zone if i want in there too just opens up my options slightly so i'll take it so we will do one shop in the city of rappacoom boom and then immotep will finish this easily so we just got merchant republic now merchant republic is really really nice for a few reasons first of all unlocking it got us access to castles which gives us access to the courser as well as the alhambra most importantly it adds two extra cards a military card and a diplomatic policy card we can for example plug in merchant confederation for an extra 20 gold per turn we could also take republican legacy that's seven housing and seven amenities across my empire quite powerful quite powerful i thought that merchant republic obsoleted urban planning oh the enlightenment makes it obsolete now oh my god when did that change i don't remember anyway urban planning is basically obsolete as far as i'm concerned at the moment so i'm going to go ahead and take republican legacy plug in merchant confederation for the 20 gold and then retainers is a nice little boost to my amenities as well so we can optimize now using garrisons in certain cities that we really like high amenities in uh to be able to you know sort of use our military as a way to sort of alleviate some of our amenities issues and also gives us an extra excuse to expand our army slightly it's probably unlikely this game that i'm never going to build two universities so i may research that technology we want to go ahead and pick up humanism because there's a reason i want to build humanism has something to do with art museums and archaeological museums i think i want archaeological museums because that will give me combustion then building tanks will give me composites yeah that's perfect interestingly enough i'm currently third on science making 31 signs per turn pretty based pretty awesome why can't i shoot over the mountain i feel like i've been able to shoot over mountains before i thought cities no i thought nothing could obstruct a city's line of sight for shooting am i mad i thought that was a rule in the game i don't know maybe i'm maybe i'm mad maybe i'm losing it maybe it's maybelline i just wish i knew how to get rid of this man at arms built an encampment across the mountain just to get rid of the mounted arms you know what tunnel tech is too far away right let's go ahead and get imotep moving over to petra i'm actually going to rename this city it shall be the petra city you got to have you got to have the petra rename that does mean that we can go ahead and grab magnus and pop him down in tuttle now because he's no longer required in petra if he moves onto the tile where you're building the encampment can you still build it no but he won't move on to the tile that i'm building the encampment because he sat in this corner for the entire game are you kidding me where did these boats that attacked me even i guess they probably came from the barb camp that was over here yeah that makes sense actually and i think about that for a moment got another drought in the city ah mausoleum at halicarnassus plus one science fiction faith and plus one culture on every tile on the coast look at that great barrier reef oh my goodness we're not even remotely finished wait until we get a shipyard in here and everything oh amazing love it you love to see it and the most important thing too is it gave me one extra bill charge on immotep here so i can finish the petra on the same turn look at these tiles oh this is just if you're at all a person who enjoys entirely ill porn oh my god is this the is this the game for you look at these trials i'm not even they're not even improved yet boom done check them out boys oh disgusting absolutely rotten and then we'll pop him over here to finish river valley as well rotten um do i want to harbor a commercial hub great merchant points are more useful than great admiral points however the food from the harbor could potentially make a significant difference in this city's ability to feed itself um and actually work all the petrol tiles plus harbors are worth housing i love how fast my builders move i need to save my faith now for a national park could be my next be next milestone for me right we got our aqueduct and volume knob not much to do in here i guess i'll crack out a couple of builders and uh reassign liang over to volume knob the reason i didn't put the encampment on the desert is because the encampment's job is to protect the city if you think of the line of protection that an encampment gives you have to think of the hang on maybe i can use my um my city overlap tool here right if you look at where an encampment where is the most likely vector of attack from greece right it's if you draw a line between these two cities there's probably a city in here so the most likely vector of attack is through this lane right this encampment better intercepts any of the attacks from these directions than this encampment this encampment is good at protecting from attacks from like this direction but that's not where the potential enemies are if greece is going to attack me it's going to be from the southwest and so i want my encampment southwest plus it also provides an angle for potential other districts oh i missed the golden age oh well i don't think there was much i could do for that golden age i'll take money mentality here i'm building a reasonable number of districts this era oh he wants to sell me another great work i'll take it all right reyna is officially up to the tax collector promotion we can now grab her and slap her into petra if you do she belongs here this is her home there isn't another no there's not one of those older uh national wonder or world wonders that i want to get i'm just going to pop immotep in here he'll shave three turns off that rear valley and theoretically i'll actually get this on turn 136 which is one turn faster than my test game we're doing way better than i thought we were uh where do i unlock cartography i need two harbors i'm three turns from unlocking carto so i'm gonna start bringing these galleys home to be turned into caribbeans to be sent to explore and find other players we got our encampment in happy thanksgiving we'll go ahead and shoot that city we could finally get rid of it i do want to build a single armory this game in order to unlock gunpowder because gunpowder gives me plus one production on my quarries and i do have a couple of quarries in my empire not a huge amount we're going to do some infrastructure shopping in the city next turn ideally we'll wait until the monument is finished coal power plant in the capital very nice i think we would like to get the intelligence agency or the grand masters chapel plus five faith isn't bad this number means i have four different types of luxuries and that i have nine total copies four different types nine total copies if it was four or four it would mean i have four individual copies of of luxuries this is an at a glance idea of how good my empire is doing in terms of amenities right now we're pretty neutral same with housing positive bad worse neutral bad worse good great so if i were thinking about how uh which government plaza building helps me win the game the most usually the intelligence agency is really good for stealing um gold but i don't know if i'm going to be doing much stealing i don't know if i have much to steal i guess one thing you could argue for is if someone is slightly ahead of me in technology i could steal their tech with the intelligence agency and i think that is the reason i'm going to go for intelligence agency question is do i want to build this dam in baby shark or in animal untamed i think i'll build it in baby shark yeah the city is ready to build a thing and the dam is actually worth quite a significant amount of production and i guarantee you who wants to take bets that this will flood before i finish this dam who's taking the bet that's what i want to hear the fact that i have placed that damn down has basically cursed one of these cities to get flooded now uh would you want the happiness mechanic from save five back i don't know i think i think the amenity system works quite well here in this game the happiness from civ 5 i never really liked global happiness there's cartography boosted and we have access to humanism which is perfect we can now get art and archaeological museums we will be pre-building a couple of art and archaeological museums um to pick up some nice things because there are boosts associated with them in particular archaeological museum is actually quite important here so we'll pre-build an archaeological museum so that we can go for natural history and then finally conservation we are in the end game here we need to go for these wait do i want to go neighborhood first it might be better to go neighborhood first but we need a lot of these art and archaeological museums right now i do need to get two copies of banks um this is also worth nine gold which is crazy good why wouldn't i go na i think going neighborhood first is actually the move here because i need to actually get the biosphere uh wait two aerodromes yeah yeah yeah yeah i need to get the neighborhood first that's right do i want an art museum or an archaeological museum archaeological museums to seem better chop out the harbor one two those of you who are wondering um the way that district scaling price works and how um chopping works is that if you have magnus in a city it will almost always cost you exactly two forest chops to make a district or four three to four jungle chops so that's something to consider um when you're playing the game that's another rule of thumb i need to like add into the series on shopping that i'm doing and the video i'm working on i don't know how this arena got damaged but i'll accept it i think i have a tech boost for getting two crossbowmen so i'll go one crossbow and then two crossbow there's metal casting beautiful you save up now for caraval upgrades oh here it is the roar valley what we've been hunting for the thing the beautiful rur valley this is a turn also we've unlocked flight by the way on turn 136 it turned 136 rear valley we even beat we beat our goal we absolutely hammered and smashed our goal ruhr valley on turn 136 now that's something to be proud of in terms of science i'm second because i've researched 35 technologies now look at that now in order to build the biosphere we need neighborhoods so culture now culture is huge which means we're going to be building our theater squares over the next few turns to try and boost our culture probably should have got my theater squares a little bit earlier this game but i mean can you blame me it's not like i'm it's not like i'm slouching on culture here i'm actually quite high up like it's the renaissance era and i'm like and through this i'll be in the industrial area very soon this is an absolute banger game right now i'm having a brilliant time playing um but i'm going to call that the end of the episode i love you all very much and i'll see you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: PotatoMcWhiskey
Views: 80,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civ 6 Babylon Blitz, Civ 6, Civ vi, Civilization 6, Civilization vi, Civ 6 Babylon, Civ vi Babylon, Your ma, Civ 6 Biosphere rush, Civ 6 Biosphere, civ 6 Ruhr, Civ 6 BAbylon Renewable, Civ 6 Babylon Potato, Civ 6 Potato, Civ 6 lets play, Civ 6 tutorial, Civ 6 Babylon tutorial, Civ 6 gameplay, Civ 6 tipos, Civ 6 tips, Civ 6 information, civ 6 gudie, Civ 6 guide
Id: qY-SEk4pM8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 13sec (2653 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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