I Built Mortefi To Be A SOLO BOSS KILLER | Wuthering Waves

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Mori is such a fun character to play we're going to hop into hologram 3 here and Tackle this solo now even though he's a buffer right he gives 38% heavy damage bonus to anybody you want right with his outro skill so you can be buffing GN pretty crazy and that is why he is his best support but when you're playing him DPS he does pretty good damage as well because his skill actually refreshes once his Forte meter is up right so the more instances of attack you deal he's going to build up that meter and then you're going to be able to completely refresh that cool down of your skill and it's going to do an increased multiplier of damage as well so as you can see once every single time that Forte meter comes up we get an extra skill and now once we can dodge if we have enough time we can actually trigger The Inferno Rider right that's the echo I chose for this the four cost boss and what it does is if you can actually hit the third hit right you're going to get a 12% Fusion damage bonus plus a 12% basic attack bonus so for a normal Mor more Tey right you wouldn't benefit from it too much however in a DPS Mory you definitely benefit from the basic damage too perfect now we do want to make sure we only do those uh Inferno Rider hits when we do have a good opening so either after the cfab boom or after the Kamehameha the purple version I don't know the alien uh the dark Frieza Kamehameha whatever it is but yeah since he's a pistol user we're not going to be able to actually Parry at all so we're just going to have to dodge counter everything beautiful Cal ult no detonation going on there now his ult right is going to make every time we do a basic or a heavy attack we're not going to do heavy attacks in this case but we're going to be doing an extra instance of damage so those smaller numbers those 230s 270s that you see those are going to be that uh marato damage or marata damage from the ult little coordinated hits kind of like a official you know let's do this another way beautiful now now here what we have to do is Dodge a couple more times and we should be in the clear come on Morey oh that's really okay come on we're almost there we're almost there finish the oh skill issue skill issue skill issue's boom there it is solo more Tey so here is the morte that we used for the build now he has 120 energy regen not that it really matters too much inside the solo run and he's 46 over 227 with 1300 attack now we achieved this by not only using the static Mist right so this is the five star pistol I would actually recommend once you guys do get that five star selector if you guys don't get a festar weapon earlier uh go for the pistol or the sword right uh I really like those options because you can use them on just a ton of characters and comparatively to the other three I think these two have uh quite a bit of value now here for the echo cost we actually went for a five set of the fusion and The Inferno Rider here crit rate is better right I would prefer crit rate but look at these rolls I mean look at these rolls I don't know how it rolled like this so I just I'm using it I'm using crit damage I don't even care now for the fusion damage one uh to get a fusion damage on set is hard so we kind of have to settle for what we get so I haven't even gotten a second option to see if I can get better than this one now we went attack it is a little bit worse than two uh Fus Fusion damage bonuses but it is not too bad especially if the rolls are okay and I'd like these rolls quite a bit now for the one costs the attack percent obviously really want to aim for crit rating crit damage now specifically on Mory right you can actually go resonance Liberation damage bonus too because that is how he's going to be doing a ton of his damage when he's normally supporting now when you go DPS then you want more attack crit rate um you know crit damage just mainly for his uh increased skill damage and just more for those basic attacks as well and for the final one this Fusion Warrior here uh same thing you know attack resonance Liberation and the crit damage doesn't hurt as well now for the rest of Mor Tey as you can see if we hop into this kit here right he's got his normal basic attack uh nothing too special going on here he can do the midair attacks because he is a uh a pistol user right so those are kind of fun to use now when it comes into the skill he's is just going to pretty much launch fire towards the enemy but the cool part is is that this skill can get refreshed with his Forte right now he's going to gain up up to a 100 annoyance every single time he deals um either a normal attack an intro skill a resonance skill or um well that's pretty much it right uh also the passionate uh variation right so this thing too everything he's going to gain this annoyance especially if you're running him on field and then you're just going to be able to refresh just like you saw in the run this skill a ton of times for some extra 209% damage multiplier if we look at the difference here that's about like a 70ish you know 170% increase uh just in pure multiplier when it comes to these two attacks now ult his ult is so good so great it's pretty much like an off field support you're going to have him attack every single time you deal an instance of attack so when the onfield character Basics one heavy attack equals two that's why he's such a good heavy attack support not to mention he's got this outro skill that the next character that you bring in right is going to gain 38% heavy attack damage for 14 seconds pretty damn good amazing actually now for this uh first skill that you're able to unlock after casting the skill the damage of the Forte is going to be increased for 25 SEC uh% right for 8 seconds so we are going to get some pretty nice hits on this uh Forte damage Fury Fugue Fury fug yeah now if we hop into the resonances for morte now I got pretty lucky on gian's banner I somehow missed all of my dungeons but we do rock the C6 Mory now his idolon are great C4 is the best we're going to run through them though during residence resonance Liberation burning Rap City uh when morte launches coordinated attacks the onfield character performs uh the resident skills you're going to be dealing a two extra Marcato damage so on top of the basic attack and the heavy attacks getting the extra attacks now skills will also get the same heavy attack damage increase with a coordinated damage now his two is after the echo skill he's going to gain an extra 10 energy a ton of other characters have this it's pretty standard during the ult the crit damage of the extra hits is going to be increased by 30% pretty damn good this is the good one 7% increased up on your ult 7% extra is pretty crazy because if we hop into the duration really click here you're going to notice that it is 10 seconds 10 to 17 is almost just a double in the time that you have it's actually crazy uh his C4 now his C5 right when you use the skill or the uh what is it the Forte four more resonance Liberation marado hits will be fire dealing extra damage but these will be reduced so that's pretty damn crazy because if you have his ult up and then you skill or do his Forte you're just going to get a ton ton of extra hits and a pretty standard the C6 for a bunch of these supports once you use your resident Liberation everybody's attack increased by 20% great supporting idolon great for his own damage great for the DPS is damage just overall a great character wow Mory is genuinely so so fun to use but that is the video let me know what you guys thought join the Discord comment you know like the video and uh thanks for watching adios
Channel: WyattSkyy
Views: 22,216
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Id: TOj0hhkDxMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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