SOLO Mortefi & DPS Sanhua | Experimental Zone | Wuthering Waves

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going to go into sonwa get the damage boost now from each hit of the echo Dodge perfect into janin now can we get her out show up yes we can switch into Sona get that residence Liberation damage bonus and 21k wonderful damage there here we are in the tower of adversity we're going to use solo Mory for the first side and then switch over into DPS Sona very interesting team because she's usually a sub DPS but her energy regeneration is so crazy and her damage is so good that I kind of just wanted to have some fun and use her as a main DPS very fun team the second side however for this first side it might just be the simplest team to ever exist it's all Basics you just Spam Basics spam skills spam your Forte once it comes up like immediately as fast as humanly possible and then his ult is really good because it's such a good buff for other characters because you deal that coordinated damage right if you do Basics Heavies or skills he can also trigger all his coordinated attacks himself so him as a DPS honestly Works quite well I have not tried chiia or chisha I don't know how to say your name but I have I'm assuming that they're extremely similar I mean both Fusion both uh you know fire same thing DPSS that state a range spam their pistols and then they uh you know use their skills and ults once they are off cool down anyways when it comes to this Echo here we oh he kind of screwed it up right there as you can see there's only a few gaps we can actually get that third hit in comfortably without taking damage and that third hit is very important because it's going to give us 12% Fusion damage and 12% basic damage if you didn't notice that's all the damage that we're doing it's basic damage pretty much I way skills do a crazy amount of damage too so that is a good portion toi interestingly enough can be a good partner for a DPS Mory because all you have to do is just buff up his skill damage with her outro and then you can get some pretty wonderful skills and his Forte counts as resident's skill damage as well so very very good combo I recommend trying that now we're almost there only 20 seconds left and he's got like 8% 9% Health left if my Optimist is not you know screwed up I guess okay broken wow three hits Inferno Rider let's go 6,800 4 seconds 3 seconds 2 seconds turn to Ash time stop one second oh oh that was close that was close this side is a little bit tougher just because of these monsters in the beginning that we have to clean up before we can actually tackle the boss so what we're going to do is we're going to trigger all of our Echo get that damage from the whole buff from the whole battle now we Clump everybody together with Jan Shin's ult and we're going to keep smashing him with our echo on sonwa get the Curt rate from her E1 and then we're going to trigger the ult which is going to do a good amount of damage not fully because does not buff the resident's Liberation from jhin however now swap cancel into Vina swap cancel back into sonwa attack just a little bit more we're just waiting for the cool Downs to refresh there it is skill damage a little bit getting that Echo back and now time for the AOE smashes wonderful going to go back to this use our highest dealing damage attack our ult it is AOE so if we can get them all together it is wonderful however if we can you know what can you do pretty much 40 seconds have gone by and one more hit the boss is here we've got 80 Seconds to take care of it take care of it take care of it cake bun cake I just had red velvet bunt cake anyways Verena time for healing and can we get her outro no we can't but we're going to go into sonwa get the damage boost now from each hit of the echo Dodge perfect into janin now can we get her outro up yes we can switch into Sona get that residence Liberation damage bonus and 21k wonderful damage there then we're going to trigger the breaks and perfect a little bit of basic damage as well that fifth attack does have a good multiplier we can actually uh cheese it out faster by holding and then doing two basic attacks afterwards but I don't know if I do that too much in this run because I'm not too good at that yet you have to let go very fast after the first hold one more ult and 16k not bad again so we've got 40 seconds left what can we do swap cancel into xenin and ult mainly for the concerto energy and back into finina using our Echoes constantly want to swap using all of our Echo every 15 seconds it Stacks three times up to a total of 60% damage and 60% defense for this power of diversity buff for the stage you do want to take advantage of that I perfect now we got 18 seconds left come on oh what happened there stay behind me okay okay almost almost oh it's getting close Jesus Christ oh it's getting really close sh beone oh wonderful wonderful sonwa for the builds Mory is abysmally low on crit rate genuinely not even 40% what is this crit rate wow but five star sword or pistol rather you know it looks kind of like a sword right you get 12% energy regen and you're going to give 10% extra attack to the next switched in character so the only thing this is really giving is a ton of base attack and a crit rate but it's fine on a DPS anyways you know now for the eeko this needs to be crit rate but look at these rolls so I just I could not use it you know it's rough but Fusion no crit Fusion no crit rate Fusion good crit rate Fusion no crit rate so we need a lot of crit rate I'm suffering but what can you do anyways five piece Fusion set so this 30% you get for 15 seconds is going to be 100% active because his cool down is less than 15 seconds perfect his E6 actually is a buff 20% attack to the whole team also includes himself you know so a bunch of these characters have this similar E6 for that team wide buff now sonell for the second team 61 over 176 much better crit rate because she's going to gain 15% crit rate for 10 seconds on the fifth basic attack you can also trigger this with hold basic basic very good for some quick crit rate as for the rest of it Emerald of Genesis uh selector sword 12% energy regen and now this actually does give us some stats so a little bit better than the pistol for the character it's on as for her Echo set we're on crit rate two Pak Frost two piece energy she doesn't need energy regen though because she has just in so energy efficient so energy efficient wow but yeah this is the son one now the Verina was kerto kerto weapon very very good five piece all level zero only leveled these two and yeah that is the team Jan chin is the one character I just almost skipped ton of energy regen love that conto weapon five piece moonlit clouds all level zero I believe O Level 10 here all level zero the rest of it but it works because outro skill extra attack you just want to give all the attack to your DPS very very good character and this ult damage is going to be helpful for nukes and son was nuke ult is a nuke great damage great damage J chin that is everything thanks for watching let me know what you guys thought please do comment below any ideas you guys have for future weathering waves videos join the Discord subscribe and I'll see you guys next time adios
Channel: WyattSkyy
Views: 2,896
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Keywords: star rail, sparkle, black swan, jingliu, blade, hoyoverse, bronya, ruan mei, misha, acheron, aventurine, sam, robin, boothill, star rail guide, genshin, genshin impact, dr ratio, dan heng, gacha, how to, Honkai Star Rail, tectone, mrpokke, volkin, mtashed, honkai star rail, acheron honkai star rail, honkai star rail tier list, honkai star rail guide, honkai star rail 2.1, honkai star rail exe, honkai star rail gameplay, honkai star rail reaction, honkai star rail f2p, honkai star rail tips
Id: SoCo3df9r9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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