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crow town time that's right everybody we are back in kowtow if you don't know what it is well it's the minecraft series where we troll the crap out of each other and by we i mean jelly and josh that's those two people and today is a very special episode because i'm finally gonna prove to you guys that i can keep my pets alive for more than one day i actually built an aquarium last episode where i keep floppy toppy and ploppy all safe and sound i can't wait to see how that went you see the guy behind me look at how sad he is he just lost all of his diamonds that's right hit that like button in three two one come on there we go that's good you fixed it also if you want to make me just as happy as that guy go to the craner store craneostar.com to get some merchandise and let's get right into the video so i was gonna check to my fish first but uh jelly's house is blown up what happened here dude i'm guessing that maybe josh has been on and that's why this is blown up but i think i see some signs let's check it out hi jelly mr builder here you forgot to pay me again hope you enjoy your new house no way i mean look at how jelly's living right now no roof and also there's just this giant hole echo wait wait let me try to yell something else subscribe to crainer what the heck what a weird echo anyway so it's not josh that actually did this it was the builder which is really extreme but i guess you gotta pay your builders right wait that reminds me we left our diamonds once again what is that is that a doll bell was that there what was that there last time i don't remember i guess we got a ring at first what a strange sound hello i did ring the doorbell but i'm just gonna go in anyway you're not josh even though you look like him get out of his home anyway as i was trying to say we always hide our diamonds in josh's home because it's so big that there's no way he will ever notice let's see if he noticed so far it's been working it's been working quite well for us to hide our diamonds in his house i guess you guys have been quiet about it and not told him thank you has anything new been going on here i guess there's a bathroom in here is that a top i know what to do [Music] jelly's bedroom wait hold on is jillian josh living together without me i feel left out dude that's not fair at all wait jelly has a giant room which one is josh's room then does he even have a room is this josh's room hello oh this is josh's room they're living right next to each other without me unfair dude but you know what it is actually okay because i have my awesome base that i built last time so let's go visit it ow i should not have done that what is that no no floppy oh wait i'm doing it wrong i gotta enter the right way bow time i'm coming for you i'm coming for you floppy let me in oh god okay somebody's been here there's also a boat already here and why is there a button right there somebody's definitely been on i can't believe it he survived how did you survive floppy i don't know if you're talking or ploppy i don't know who you are but you survived we need a bucket we need a bucket asap um all right bucket just give me two of them oh god i can't believe you're still alive buddy i'll save you give me give me water he kind of saved himself did he you're an idiot you were in there get back here dude oh wait but what about the other two now ah as you can see over here this was the aquarium of floppy ploppy and toppy however we only have one left and i think it's tubby tubby was my least favorite and we got some science here what does that say notice from cow town we have found a leak in your new fish tank please fix it asap or face a lot fine guys there was no leak in my fish tank when i left remember why would cow town just go out of the way to make a hole in my thing you know let's keep reading also your fish are flopping around sorted out mate mate that doesn't seem like something kowtown would say i don't think this is cow town guys i think we're dealing with somebody else here hello there mate i would like a cup of tea i think with my 200 iqrum it might be josh i like how he's so pretty she even writes with an accent that's that's impressive and also i'm pretty sure the jelly hasn't even been on because his entire house is gone josh you do not mess with my fish i only have one left and it wasn't even my favorite one dude all right well before we deal with josh we do need to fix this issue so let me just grab some glass we should have some here we go wait wait where did my fish go but no wait i just had a fish in my inventory and now it's gone are you kidding me am i literally the most cursed person in minecraft when it comes did it just bark out and die in my inventory what did i leave it somewhere what just happened chubby i didn't mean it you're i like you too dude where did you go i lost all my fish once again i have not been able to keep a pet for more than one you gotta be kidding me you gotta be kidding me 30 seconds of silence for floppy toppy and plobby we will we will get you back we will take revenge on josh today anyway silence time [Music] i don't know what happened to you the last fish i had in my inventory and now it disappeared but all i know is that it's josh's fault and we will get revenge for you floppy top and puppy we will i'm gonna need a lot of water for this revenge i'm gonna need a lot of water first thing we need to do is fix my aquarium it might be empty right now but we'll put something in there i don't care i just want a pet okay now there's no more leak cow town can't get mad i know it's josh but i'm still calling it cow town wait guys wait it's an invisible fish i hear it flopping around what i don't see listen i have an invisible fetch it's right here somewhere what where are you fishy it just died am i the most unlucky person in minecraft you've ever seen my fist turned invisible how was i supposed to keep it alive well i guess if i can't keep you alive you can always just have a dead fish i think this is the most responsible pet i can have there's no way this one can die right my fish used to live here but now they are dead this is really sad to look at to be honest anyway payback time so what i'm thinking is that i'm gonna do payback on josh the way a fish would do payback on george because he's the reason that they are there that they are dead is what i'm trying to say actually i'm gonna move it a bit closer how would a fish do payback maybe slapping with its tail that's not something we can do but what we can do is water so right here on josh's plot i am making an infinite water sauce and i'm gonna need a lot more buckets than what i have josh you do not mess with my fish when i say a lot of buckets i mean a lot of buckets for ploppy floppy and choppy i missed but it's okay this is for floppy this is for ploppy and this is for choppy even though i didn't like him that much oh wait i'm making infinite water sauces i'll be here now look i just keep spreading i'm around this is great a few moments later oh my god i made a swimming pool above his house this is great dude and that ladies and gentlemen is how you flood an entire base and give payback for your lost fish that's it we did it oh i'm missing a spot actually and done great all right let's go look at this from the bottom i guess all right that should be it now let's remove this two there we go and let's step back and turn around in three two one wow check that out dude he basically lives inside of a giant aquarium like this would be great for floppy ploppy and toppy check it out check out the backside too okay we got him good this time let me go put some signs in front of his base so he knows what's up you killed floppy ploppy and tubby so they took revenge the only way a fish can with water ps you are evil yep i agree with myself he is evil okay you know what i've decided i can't be living with this like i lost the dead fish too are you kidding me i was just about to say it's too sad that we have a dead fish in here we need a live fish but i couldn't even keep the dead fish alive i need new fish i need new fish and i need them right now shhh i see fish ooh they kind of look like my old fish a little bit actually oh i can't wait to capture them okay here's the thing though if you want to capture fish in minecraft you gotta be extremely quiet and relaxed let's go oh crap it always happens when i get nervous i'm sorry i'm sorry so okay sneak up on him okay i got one i got one now we sneak up on this one oh pretend like you're a fish trainer [Laughter] and you're mine we got him all right let's head back home we got new pets i'm so excited all right floppy you're going in first and ploppy you second there we go okay now let's make sure that we actually seal this up so i don't lose these fish uh floppy and ploppy version two i don't know how many we've had at this point don't tell the fish yeah i haven't had any other fish that died don't worry guys you're the first you're the first ones now for my diamonds where am i gonna put them in josh's house this time to make him look like a little dum-dum hmm looking for a place maybe upstairs never mind all right there's too many zombies why fix something that ain't broken they're going back in there now make sure you don't tell him you guys have been doing a good job do not tell him okay because if you do then i'll be very sad check out these two videos if you want to see some more stuff for me and let's hope that floppy and ploppy stay alive this time
Channel: Crainer
Views: 1,597,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PG, Child Friendly, Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Slogoman, Jelly, Crainer, Slogo, Minecraft
Id: EiPYNqBSg00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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