I built a ZOMBIE CLONE ARMY on Roblox zombie wars tycoon

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minigun time make them leave the game he's dead already I killed him long time ago there was a scientist that done a virus deep in the forest look I don't know what's happening oh there we go so I can chop them up I've got to kill them I'm gonna stop this music I'll go kill them with the shovel yeah what I meant to do I'm hitting them because I need to smack him to take a sample nope I'm trying to smack her but it's not smacking them oh there we go now I'm hitting them yeah take it zombie take it like a man you need to get all these zombies to take a sample and then I can build my zombie army we're gonna build a huge one yes yes oh look he's got a round head like me I know what he's gonna say I know you're gonna say don't say it don't say it smack I have to turn off the music because it's gonna be copyrighted 100 man times have been copyrighted by music is unreal get out I'll try to kill him it's so hard to kill him with a shovel so difficult oh finally now it says I can press that button I can start building the zombie lab Yes sounds good to me build this bad boy why is headlights of army soldiers outside by place [Music] there's those aren't army soldiers though we've got to start producing the virus take them army soldiers out eat their organs yes yes why is all my zombies look like blue tack asks on the blue base that's why how am I meant to turn off this music I want to turn off the rubbish music is there no thing to turn this off okay yes yes I understand it it does blue the little Globs of poo and then we use that poo to make more zombies I don't think there's any way for me to actually switch off this music oh hang on there might be there might be oh thank God thank the heavens Okay so we've got dropper it's dropping this poo down this goo and it's rolling around here and it's going into that zombie Mass machine here I'm guessing it collects it and I can make more zombies collect it I'm gonna sneeze I haven't sneezed yet it's coming though we could Target a base oh say bless you then don't be rude bless you oh yeah remember to leave a like on this I have to say this because if you leave a like on this it actually helped like really helps the channel massively it really does look at my face you can't say no to that and use code Elite this time it don't look like a barcode it's lovely oh my God why is that like so expensive this must be cheaper oh my so this is to defend can I send them I've sent them to attack so I'm hoping they actually make me money or small cash we can build a wall Donald would be proud windows and whatever that is it doesn't do anything for me we do need a door though the gate we can't do lasers though we will purchase some bits to make me stronger I think are they attack local here I'm attacking oh they're attacking the village then poor Village folk oh well that's a shame isn't it what can I do absolutely nothing okay we need more cash so I think inside the shop oh my God you can get a flamethrower and a Minigun game passes two times money we need that we need that I might buy the minigun at the end the chainsaw looks good but I think the minigun will be better wouldn't it strongly recommend her yeah strongly want to take my money there we go I'll do it to myself I think a new dropper we could get one of those bad boys okay we've got two of them now this actually looks really good laser door we've got VIP see I like that minigun I really do the flamethrower looks good as well we've got double XP so we should be able to get more XP evil level number one about to get that higher Armory come on please I've already got loads double money's already on we need even more money okay we got to buy these super droppers we have to know what you're saying oh there's a Mega Bot there's some alarm going off it's like a fire alarm there we go we've got both of these droppers they should pull out something oh okay they give quite a lot when's that gonna pull out there we go hang on yeah they do we need more money on that come on we've got lasers there we need lasers here to stop them coming in can't even buy a door a door a door be a good thing to have door there we go we need another door but the whole thing's open anyway so it doesn't really matter does it my zombies are attacking that Village over there this is an Armory [Music] so where's this big boss man is that over there someone's lobbing like missiles at them [Music] did I make money from that or anything I did we've got Special Forces coming in in a minute I think I could have some more zombies we need more zombies more zombies cause more Havoc what's better not for not for me or them do I mean we're helping them we're helping them with life it makes it just a little bit better doesn't it makes life a little bit better zombies eating your legs and stuff imagine if somebody's come along and just started eating your garbage you know like oh thanks mate thanks for clearing up good zombie and what is this at the front of here extra Commander why is this costing me so much money these games cost me so much money we're gonna have the most powerless Army he looks insane all of these are like painful ones oh look at him there's such Evil zombies what's this pay for another big one okay we shouldn't need any more of these I think we've got the most we can there we go we've got the commanders we've got all the other things we need to start using the money up to start buying some more what happens when the evil level goes up we make more money I hope so we've got four thousand let's do another one of these and a big dropper there we go our droppers are coming along we've got droppers the other side as well we've got loads of droppers to do come on make me the money so we can guard rewards up 20K I wish I would have seen that sooner that would have made my life so much easier can't believe this can't believe they've done this okay this is armor and RPG and Desert Eagle that looks good we're gonna quit one of those in armor 19k for armor bad I got a gun though I could shoot them when they come to my base they always come to my base my base has got the jam you know what I'm saying it's got the jam boy 5K port an upgrader why is it like zombies inside that they use Nim zombies to make more Gunk more of this poo that comes along here I don't know it's making me money that's all I care about I don't care that someone's stuck in there like this poor zombie that could have been someone's mum in there let's turn it to a zombie oh well Zombie's going up to town I'm hitting them from here is that a player I need more run speed I was obviously just walk right through it didn't even exist they're attacking this town up here I could just shoot people I guess well my I'm trying to make money we're going towards the police station so there's a little town here what's this tsunami base that's their other zombies special forces are on the way oh no zombie they're special forces I'm shooting them they're attacking my base head on what zombies they're attacking them as well go on zombies go on zombies take them out go on our pay to win chop them pay to win yes yes we make like a straight income from this like SCP right now where's my big guy oh he's there I said more special forces ow there's more special forces this way we need a minigun we need more we need more zombies they can't walk in here because I've got my lasers it'll explore more of them here five there you go even more zombies we've done it another zombie that is well expensive oh I see you need a certain level try and take him out Special Forces of shooting Him special forces are nothing ow actually it hurt my hurt my feelings so just shot me oh you think your special forces okay your special forces he's coming so let me take him out why is he still be so dumb take him out I paid for you that's it that's it there we go see we're getting there we're getting there we need more money though we're not making enough and not enough money means not enough guns and other things that we need oh another one two next one no we haven't got enough we're not good enough we need more zombie goo when do I start this side though or even a roof you know maybe I have to upgrade the Armory to make the roof oh hang on I reckon we're gonna get the roof soon I sort of want the roof it would be nice 13k for that my zombies are taking them out out there where are my zombies we can attack any place that is so funny well somebody's just going out attacking anyone at the moment what's fine so we can actually get a gun for the front of here to make the place here stronger actually so we might have to do that hang on a sec we need more gunge 13k very good yeah come on these are not very quick for the price of them I don't feel happy about that in any way what was that deleen for what was it they killed someone important that's a lot to a certain level so things are locked to certain levels that's what you'd get your levels up for and as it kills more people and infects people you get more of this XP and then you can unlock all these different guns I don't know if there's anything else to unlock after this because I'm trying to make money for the next dropper what's over here or 17 17 000. I've got all these different things and literally and I was like I have all of these except from obviously them maybe I have to go out and actually Target people if I go to someone's base and shoot them I should try it really shouldn't I see this it's got loads of damage is that RPG it doesn't tell you how much damage stuff these do though I would like the RPG but don't want to spend the money oh well oh no oh hang on oh this is just hand tools just spent all that money okay let's go to someone else's base we'll go to the red team's base I think they're attacking me he said yeah he is maybe we can get inside a tree so they don't know where I am I'm a tree man he's so proud of shooting guess what I thought it's all military we're gonna take him out that's the red thing that's why I've been dying he's running out look at him yeah boy I took him out he had bear guns and everything look at his Building compared to mine his his zombies are all kitted out how do I count my zombies he's got a big gun up there look I get close to my get shot he's not making money if I'm killing the zombies for me in here hello zombie oh he's a Tripper take this guy out as well he's got some super zombies too that's it you run little boy you want to keep shooting my stuff he thinks he's Pro look at him he's not firing from a distance he's like hey hey hey you want to stay back man I have massive Powers oh all right we need to increase our stuff minigun time make them leave the game that's all I can think we've got 30 odd thousand how do we actually upgrade the zombies that's what I like to do I think it's is it here by uniform does it go on the zombies hang on a sec I said would you like to buy an RPG minigun minigun I mean this is a good game no joke it's like a really good game now with the flame folks the flamethrower sounds a little bit more fun than the minigun it's a value pack as well so it's definitely high value I'm gonna do the flamethrower I'm gonna give it a try so when you get close when we convert him from the inside oh hang on okay because we've got all that money we've made our droppers drop even more what's good let's go over to the red side to start burning things I'm thinking that the flamethrower would probably be the best option there's no reload nothing just run up to him he doesn't see me yet oh he does now hello I am coming for you boy look at him run look at him run run boy run run so quickly it's so funny what was that noise [Music] there's zombies dies so fast look I'm burning them yeah burn boy what about everything you can walk through let's hit you run boy you know what's going on as long as they all stand together I don't care it basically just does damage in front of you just got unlimited ammo he died too oh that flamethrower is good it's good but bad in the another sense like as in uh it's bad as in you have to get really close to them very close what's not good we've got a gunner zombie now so it should be a bit stronger in that sense okay I think what might do is attack a Target and attack the red so he's they're gonna go straight across there and start attacking I'm hoping and I could buy some armor here oh I stood on the wrong thing it's got the same damage he's pretty annoyed with me sending all them people towards him I think we need to make him leave that's what we want or make an alliance with him why is it recalled Back special boss I'm just shooting him from a distance they look like that guy didn't they how do I give them armor and stuff I see his ones have armor how do I get armor don't even know our upgrade for the well expensive everything's so expensive we need armor there we go now I'm a military Soldier look don't worry I'll help my my fellow team get too close burn boy all right we're doing really well the distance is not that good though on this call Deb yeah yeah yeah that's what I thought [Music] that's it all stand together it makes it easier for you to cook oh I smell that smells like cheese bird Soldier bird [Music] there we go we made our mark across to the red team and hassle him for a little while we're literally targeting him as well like 100 you think we're not we actually are look he's our Target our health is regening he might shoot me and kill me straight away who's this he's just having a little walk around oh my God the whole Army's after me it's got a massive Army oh is that how he wants to play it okay that's fine that's fine I'm ready to do this he doesn't even understand what he's getting himself into another one it's cost me a lot but it's worth it we have loads there is loads going that way as long as he gets destroyed I don't care you have to equip this over here quit this we're gonna buy this RPG it says it's a minigun but it's not and it is why does it say RPG well I'm glad I bought that it says that bonus one over there okay now now we're laughing because now we've got a minigun as well who does loads of damage and has loads of shots and very accurate so that's good we're not one of those let's go let me respawn all of them I'm gonna have them guard me that means they'll all follow me I see him over there yeah dead already I killed him all back bye everybody hey where you running to guys what are you running to uh yeah where are you going pay to win boy who's paid to win that's probably what's going to be writing why are you attacking me don't attack me all these zombies to die look at this I don't even know what that one is in the Hazmat suit is it's like a super strong one I have the best pay to win that's all it is who has best pays to win me there we go equipped my minigun it's all you need is a minigun I wish you would have knew this beforehand he's not very happy that guy he hasn't written nothing though he he ain't that unhappy lucky enough they're all coming back to me look don't worry we'll spawn you here he comes we know he's coming because these zombies follow their master are we having fun this is good oh zombies let's do this we're doing it together ruining someone's game that's what I like to say look at him that's that you run boy we are destroying all his army and he's just run away the laser ones you've got watch out for because they can shoot you from a distance look how big his army is is massive it must be really high up the thing he's got so many kills six rebirths that's why get sniped kill the quad bike that's a purple hang on same sort of levels me someone's already killed it it spawned outside the house it's all mine there we go I've got a lightsaber all right lightsaber does nothing so lightsaber actually does nothing wow what a nice lightsaber I was expecting to chop him in half and stuff got my minigun lovely minigun where's the next thing to upgrade come on now we've done quite well where's the next thing that a great must be out here garage can we buy like a tank and stuff [Music] I say so we could drive we could drive over and shoot him that's even better I'm driving in my car room or sweet God not the best driver [Applause] do more damn shoot them in the head normally the Hazmat guy is quite strong hello what up yay I'm shooting up all this stuff he doesn't seem to be bothered though he hasn't come out and being mad at me he's been probably been playing this game for like ages like a week and I've been playing the game for like five minutes I'm shooting up all these zombies yeah zombie look at him oh and that Hazmat one that one's like looks insanely strong the commander is so strong but these are all got like nice gear on that's the one thing I I really want I don't know where he is I think he's hiding inside ow I think he is he's hiding inside well that's a shame I was having a battle with him and everything I can unlock more stuff I'm hoping yes yes no oh here we go second floor I don't understand what these are these are four though but it looks like it's become together quite well special forces are here attack attack the Special Forces try and get as big as I can foreign there we go now it looks like a proper place doesn't it I don't know what a super scientist does like what is this they make me more money what would they do I'm guessing they're making me more money we're literally Gone full pay to win right now oh they do okay they do so this is a way to make more money so they fall down down this tube here and gets pulled into there okay we've got 20K that costs that for that cap on there that's not good we can't even get Windows Windows is nine grand plus I spy on you my soldiers are doing really good actually I've noticed not these ones either I think that you unlock them when you rebirth the flamethrower is good I don't think it's as good as the minigun the minigun is the best but if you're gonna buy the minigun do it this way it's way way easier said buying the pack I'm helping just shooting into the crowd I love how they're lagging coming down they're like falling down really slowly a little raindrops it's a red team gone no he's still there he's still there it's hiding they're lagging out the whole game's lagging out let's go upstairs quick I'm gonna try and upgrade a bit more before I gotta go we've got to go in a second my zombie army's coming to really strong though and I've spent so much money you would not believe everything's bought mostly everything's bought except from the hacking here but I've got the mini gun already so it was meant to be an RPG but instead they sold me something differently this doesn't look like an RPG to me looks like a minigun but anyway I'm about to go now my I know my zombie base weren't completely done because I was too busy trolling that guy over there but yeah you guys have a fantastic time today and whenever and I'll see you guys soon [Music] [Applause] thank you
Channel: Elitelupus
Views: 164,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox tycoon, zombie wars tycoon, roblox zombie, zombie wars tycoon roblox, roblox zombie tycoon, roblox zombies, roblox zombie games, roblox zombie tycoon codes, zombie apocalypse, I built a ZOMBIE CLONE ARMY on Roblox zombie wars tycoon, ZOMBIE CLONE ARMY, I built a ZOMBIE CLONE ARMY on Roblox, I built a ZOMBIE CLONE ARMY, roblox zombie war, roblox zombie war tycoon, roblox zombie war tycoon codes, roblox zombie warfare, roblox zombie war game, elitelupus, roblox, zombie
Id: HWpG7I589MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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