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these are six couples but one of them is fate my daughter Sailors will lead them through a series of elimination rounds when was your first kiss W if she's able to identify the fake couple she wins $1,000 but if the fake couple fools her they win $1,000 let's play first round in three each couple will come up and act as if they haven't seen each other in one week couple number one let's see you oh okay watch this Oh that's oh oh okay and now they're looking at each other awkwardly but they might be awkward just cuz they're being filmed you never know we met on Zoom during Co 2 and 1/2 years ago we fell in love before we even saw each other in person I don't know about this one I'm going to go maybe an Rowan and Dell set up this entire thing salor and I have absolutely no idea who the fake couple is couple number two oh wa he's being really cool though oh okay oh oh oh that looked natural to me actually that was a real moment I mean 70 years strong from East Coast West CO Coast to West Coast I love him sometimes I would put them very real you're either a real couple or great actors when we are not filming we are separating all the couples so there is no chance they will unintentionally give it away even the other couples don't know which one is fake couple number three that's walk she oh look he's got the hand in the pocket oh oh what was that little signal oh wow even though that we are just 3 weeks together I feel that we will spend long years together 3 weeks is a couple nowadays maybe like there if I was a fake couple I might say 3 weeks so I would excuse away anything I didn't know yeah thank you very much couple three fakers they're faking it sorry have you guessed the fake couple yet you will will not believe the huge twist at the end couple number four look he went right into the Nook see how he's in the nook this is the Nook Little Neck Nook you put your face in there okay no [Music] weird don't why would you do the hard step we're a couple cuz we're always supporting each other we're always there for each other fake couple did practice an hour in advance so they got a little time to warm up and get to know each other a little but an hour is a lot shorter than years I thought the Embrace was very real that's just me I'm going to put them on maybe I guess you didn't convince her that you've been together for a year yet next couple cup he made sure that she was okay you know he looked back at her when she was walking really you want to change your vote oh that look couple number five come on let's see what you got oh yeah they give a VI they're a couple and green and green if you're not a couple you should be oh oh oh yeah there A vibe they're a Vibe do you wonder if we're a real [Music] couple they're real you got a real Vibe uh-huh if they're a fake couple they're going to be real by the end of this video like you're real that's all I'm saying you got all the way to the edge of real that's as real as she goes okay couple number six oh that was a weird look I'm going to watch oh okay I'm going to guess they've been together for like 10 years yeah we're a real couple because we've been married for 23 years together for 27 27 kids friends would you share a life yeah have a great life yeah they're real mhm everybody feels real to me couple one is the closest to fake yeah on the round two every time this buzzer goes off Salish has to make an elimination since we have no idea when that's going to happen she has to be ready to make a decision at a moment's notice next round rapid fire question do you snore I don't think so does he yeah do you snore can I tell the LIE yes does he yes does it wake you up no okay who's more emotional she her more who's more emotional her him okay already having some fights okay um who's more emotional her what so what's that about you're both pointing to each other I don't know I don't know why she points to me but definitely when you get upset you get upset that's not emotional upset that is emotional 27 years of dating there's going to be some fights who gets more emotional oh yeah no she does no one can agree who gets more emotional HSP right here that was a real reaction you guys are laughing together they're definitely real oh okay so you guys have been only dating for 3 weeks when was your first kiss in the car when the first day yeah okay say tell me the story what happened no I don't want to know you don't want to know what was your first date gathering for music what kind of music does she like she likes Bata and she sings in Spanish oh okay guys what are you talking about oh what is this they're definitely dating definitely dating or definitely not dating I still want to know what are you guys talking about we don't really know when our first kiss was you don't remember your first kiss yeah that's like a little bit of a problem what was her favorite color like a magenta what's your favorite color maybe like a light green oh that's not okay now you cover your ears what's his favorite color like a dark blue what's your favorite color like a light gray oh these guys are so suspicious they don't know each other's color they can't remember when they kiss but they have dating energy no yeah they're dating that they're either dating and they're going to be what would you change about his outfit right now uh everything where would you go on vacation bu what would you guys want to do in Paris jel Baguette did you just say I am baguette my name is I don't know about these guys I've got to be honest somebody's getting this $1,000 if you make us think it's them and they're real then you might end up winning the $1,000 look at me in the eye does he have any tattoos he does what is it Hercules on his calf a word on his forearm what's the word it's overcome can you show us your forearm please of course it says overcome guys how did you meet uh on set four music video I'm an actress here or there what's your favorite thing to do together say it on three 1 2 3 sing oh same thing let's pretend it's cold will you put your jacket over her shoulders oh okay okay oh are you guys married we're married why don't you wear a ring I don't wear jewelry how do you feel about that I mean I don't care you good yeah interesting cuz you have a r and he doesn't yeah that's how good okay okay okay I have one more question it is really important so no no that was so important each elimination has to be whoever you think is most likely a real couple one is acting like pretty real but also kind of fake don't do one two they're acting pretty real I think it's so obvious who's real three is kind of fake I think I this can be the fak number four oh oh oh okay at the end we'll find out if they are real or fake comment below what you think next round trust ball oh my God hold on one sec do you trust him to catch you who wait here's a Twist trust fall off of this okay you can choose not to but if you want to prove your trust it's up to you the game of a trust fall is to let them go as far back as possible so they have the experience of thinking they're going to fall Ready set go oh that's the trustfall game all right number one oh off the chair oh okay okay get down I'm not even there obviously if you've been in a relationship you've probably played the trustfall game three two one God that was not very trust was she supposed to like fall into my arms and stay on the chair she didn't trust him but maybe they just have trust issues as a couple I think think I'm going to stay all right number two don't drop me three two one W that was incredible she trust him a lot wow wow that was serious trust these are my biggest babies and they are really suspicious so I'm going to leave them there for now but let's see okay oh um um they are definitely not dating oh you just went all the way to oh the edge of fake the only thing I'd say is this 3 weeks though 3 weeks you might not learn trust the 3 we thing could be a great cover for how you don't really know all the answers or it could actually mean that you can't do a lot of these things this is smart the 3we thing number five she looks nervous okay he wanted to make sure her phone was safe three 2 one oh was that too Clos or was matter wa wait are you kidding me why did that we didn't even do a full round the rules are the rules oh I wanted to see them do the trust fall so bad drum roll please this is so easy I know who's a couple ready y go ahead number two number two step forward you have been eliminated and we will find out at the end of the video if you are a real or fake couple they're such a couple come on are you kidding me look at them if I was going do a photo of a couple I would just take a photo of you guys that's how sure I am there a couple next round couple's photos back in the day I was a photographer pretty celebrated kind of awesome I had a photo CH all you had to do is click a button it's literally not that hard it you grab your camera you look and yeah I'm going to take a photo of each couple we going see what kind of energy we have couple number one look look what's happening oh he was trying to help her a dad they totally should be a couple if they're not one wait what's your name melique what's your name Morgan melique ship name I did a lot of wedding photography in the day there's the classic dip pose let's see how it goes I can dip you if you want it a holding hands and looking to each other's eyes let's hold it for an uncomfortably long time imagine you're in a wedding dress imagine I'm in a wedding dress closer saish look at this photo [Music] oh okay they did Flinch but I really think they're a couple they're so cute together go little bit more maybe three is pretty fake I think you got to kill this to make her D or else you don't make your thousand bucks yeah ready they're really awkward a dip they're not into it at all that was awkward right yeah it's like massively awward it was like this if I could put it any further I would but like it won't stick here we go all right next the most obvious couple ever do whatever you would do as a couple for a beautiful photo oh that's cute oh oh that's cute they're comfortable they're so comfortable they're obviously going to get married they're going to get married listen if you guys need a wedding photographer I'm available go five is such a couple they're so real like it's a Vibe it's a Vibe you guys are a Vibe okay couple number six well since you're married I would like you to recreate your engagement moment okay oh this is very interesting it wasn't big it wasn't like a big to-do this is wait a minute when he proposed did he get down on one KNE no how did he propose we were laying in a bed and he just said hey we should get married that's suspicious right let's go lay down on the ground are we serious y I want you guys to recreate it for me I think we should I we should get married or move out okay okay if this is real you're one romantic dude no what cuz it might be faking I don't hear a buzzer moving on next round women step forward men walk away now now each of you has to give me the Starbucks order for your man wait wao Sandy Replay that expression I want you each to write down their order without saying anything and then we'll see if it's right V see the interesting thing is the fake couple did sit down at Starbucks so they might have already figured that out oh and she's just pounding through it she knows almost 30 years you should know this wa this is taking a while that's really specific let's move on to the next round we'll be waiting for those Starbucks next round emotional questions we know say loves that say you ready uh-huh if the fake couple has already been eliminated they have won $1,000 if one of you is fake and salor picks you as fake she gets $1,000 couple number one what is a secret you've never told your partner I'm kind of scared to buy plane tickets for a vacation a year away oh oh they're very real but after this video they might not be do you want kids yes do you someday okay I think they are 100% real number three they are very fake right now on the board when did you know you were in love after a kiss after the kiss you fell in love yes that's so romantic if it's true when do you want to get married together that's such an awkward question because they have only been dating for 3 weeks right can you imagine Maring him yes could you imagine marrying her I didn't know what no I'm just kid him he can just be messing around with her I have no idea did they change your mind ah yeah was good they were joking around a lot and they look really familiar and they speak the same languages number five come forward we already know this we don't even have that I mean yeah how long have you been together 6 months since March have you said I love you yet he did he said it first did you say after yes can I hear you guys say it to each other now I love you I love you oh that came out easy okay you know no more questions thank you number six come forward there's a very real a very real and two maybe nobody's fake yet that proposal really threw me what Buggs you the most about him cold water in a dish sink that's so interestingly specific that's the kind of thing that you would only say if you're a couple right because that's the kind of like little thing that or she has a different husband and her husband actually does that what's your red flags about her I have none that is not 20 okay I guess we're moving on to Starbucks I thought there'd be a buzzer now you each get to taste the Starbucks order and see who got it right what would you have ordered from Starbucks like a caramel macchiato how are you feeling right now well she got you a venti matcha let's see see you drink that I love this here you go okay it's not um I mean have you ever had that before way you're drinking it looks like you've never had it before she ordered that for you like you have it all the time interesting they're suspicious again what would you have ordered from Starbucks keep your eyes on me I don't know tea iced or hot uh hot oh no c c what was that cold you would have a cold iced tea m i did yeah 2 and a half years and she ordered you something you've never had before 3 weeks and she got you the right order oh iced tea what would you have ordered from Starbucks uh I don't drink Starbucks and I'm fasting right now so technically nothing I knew you were a couple okay next what would you have ordered from Starbucks listen you're not going to believe this uhhuh I'm fasting too so I wouldn't be ordering anything today first day day one of fasting huh that's weird that you're fasting today and your wife of 20 something years ordered you food I would eat that though that's exactly what I would eat if I was not if I wasn't fasting this is what I take get from Starbucks every time I can't I can't eat this though okay no buzzer okay I guess it's time to break for lunch guys one completely missed the order still real yeah three got it right a little bit of like an unusual order I guess if they are fake they spent the morning at Starbucks together I'm going to keep them right there five she knew he was fasting absolutely I can't put her any higher dick they look so good together I'm going to put them in maybe but I just can't tell lunch break but we're going to be observing them with a secret camera see if we can find out anything from their body language we let them all be together only for lunch so we could spy on them okay okay okay where's he going he's very suspicious to me number six oh he just went and got her number six just R got her they're sitting at their and then they went to sit alone oh look and now she's getting him wait what happened oh they're laughing he did she send him away no oh oh is she she he went there and then she went there she's looking for him three is talking to his partner they're together so the only one that's not with his partner now is five he's not even eating lunch oh he's fasting that's a real thing it really is fasting who are the two suspicious ones six one and three all of them are suspicious right ready for the next round it is going to be a blindfold round and this round no we didn't even start around I'm going to eliminate drum roll shocker number five you guys are out big surprise there you guys are his couple as couple gets thank you very much I want to point out one thing we thought she got the order wrong but he's still drinking his Starbucks maybe they know each other better than we thought but look at something else remember how he got the exact order he didn't even touch watch this now I think yes suspicious suspicious that's just me I don't know for the next round number one Stay The Other Women please leave there you go this is the blindfold round find your partner switch up your orders please get in different orders you're going to touch each man's hand and you are going to pick your partner oh my goodness okay are you almost ready yes that's the first person okay oh wow I don't think this is Morgan huh maybe possibly sorry no I don't think so okay next this is the last [Music] one oh are you kidding me we have to make another decision I want you to take off your blindfold oh no oh no wow one blindfold and you got it wrong and now you have to make a decision this is hard cuz all three of them are suspicious right no I know who it is if you get it wrong you don't get the $1,000 drum roll please ah number one is real how are you eliminating her she just missed his hand I think they're real I don't know I think it's number one because he knew her rings toone yes that's her phone oh shoot oh he knows her phone did he say oh that's her phone how did he know her ring and they just act like a boyfriend and girlfriend so I'm going with my instinct it is down to two couples everybody comment who do you think is the fake couple did they get eliminated already or are they standing right here next round slow dancing Sandy cu the [Music] music okay what do you think the these guys are laughing but who looks more comfortable with each other who looks like they've done this more couple three is having fun the whole thing friends do you ever go on dates yeah yeah but you don't go dancing no how does it feel awkward and cut the music are you ready to make a decision yeah too bad cuz there's no buzzer all right what else could we have them do wa they want a kiss all I hear you I hear you the masses have requested a kiss you do not have to do it if you would like to kiss then that is going to be part of her decision-making process couple number three come forward here I don't think they've had their first kiss yet this is awkward this is awkward kiss me okay okay a it's so funny C did that look like a kiss has ever happened before Oh okay you've now moved into fake territory we never kiss in public that's a problem it's the first time in public I mean truthfully it's a little awkward to kiss in front of a bunch of people screaming couple number three you can step back everybody comment what did you think of that couple number six how excited are you right now yes bring it up you good I'm good okay you good I'm if you're comfortable giving each other a kiss 26 years of marriage go for it oh no oh we have to make a decision we only had one day to put this entire video together and you've probably notice they are all male female couples if we do the video again I would love to include more relationship diversity in the video so please email us right here if you'd like to participate all right time for decision somebody's about to win $11,000 is it Salish or is it is it a fake couple one of these two Salish pick the fake couple first of all you guys I don't know if you're real I don't think so because that kiss was really awkward but then I also don't know about you guys cuz you don't wear the wedding ring who do you think is the fake couple I think the fake couple is you oh okay okay I have $11,000 in my hand I'm about to give it to Salish or the fake couple it is time for the final reveal will the fake couple please step forward right [Music] now what what they were eliminated first at that moment I thought it was all over but I had no idea there was another huge twist coming this is what happened next all right we thought the video was over over but we just discovered due to the scheduling conflict we actually had to use a second fake couple and they pretended to be a real couple this whole time wait what will the second fake couple please step forward what no way no way there is absolutely no way they are not fake if I was going to do a photo of a couple I would just take a photo of you guys they're obviously going to get married they're going to get married so this is my wife Lauren of 21 years and I hope this video inspired all of you to find the love of your life and be happy forever bye comment if you want us to do another video this was so much fun
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 12,585,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, challenge, salish matter, saysay matter, hudson matter, dating, guess the couple, real vs fake, love, kiss, sidemen, airrack
Id: -pu8z6rMWDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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