LAST TO LEAVE Mall Wins Mystery Prize

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today my daughter Salish and her friend Payton compete in nine Mall challenges never have I ever kissed a boy on the lips see who who would get whatever is in this Mystery Box have a spin wheel for round one each of them is going to style themselves they get 10 minutes Salish you go wait why me no no no hey look at some of them got 10 minutes 10 minutes that's really good come on yes it is I'm really happy that I can get Hot Topic or anime what do I get that they're each gonna spin the wheel and then have 10 minutes to buy clothes in that store we're gonna post both outfits on Instagram and see which one gets more votes what's this no this is kind of cute looks kind of big though eight minutes I don't know about this shirt should I try it on no no I don't know it's English you can do it you can't do it you're running out of time okay it's cute or not maybe I'll just try this stuff on wait let's see these absolutely not oh Peyton what are you hoping to get definitely not Hot Topic not Hot Topic this is definitely giving Barbie Vibes another jacket okay New York T-shirt oh okay we're going to the dressing room come on first outfit come on let's go let's get back no I don't like these jeans they're way too baggy and this is too big who do you think is going to be the last person to leave this fall Salish or Peyton comment below and I will pick one Subs comment to pin there's like a sweat set down there I think they're for boys I would need a tank top to wear with the sweat set we'll try it they got me Sandy when you walk yourself out of the dressing room do you guys do that too okay [Applause] the first person to win five rounds wins the entire Challenge and gets whatever is in the mystery box okay this is the best I could do boy sweats now it's my turn I'm excited for your turn I'll help you I'm scared do you guys want to peek into it's something all of you would want what am I gonna get at anime store needle loves the anime you know a lot about Nadal I feel pretty confident about this outfit and I definitely want to be the last one to leave this mall I'm gonna be the last one to leave yeah you want when you're ready press the button [Applause] s that we're so close to anime we can work with forever 21. I also love that we made bracelets together and both of ours just fell off Forever 21 used to be my favorite store I don't even know what they have Sandy's falling down the stairs okay this is Olathe except do you want anything like that I don't know it's cute but let's keep okay let's go downstairs this could work no that could not work okay Jake black black sure oh shorts wait these are way cuter than mine lucky I'm just gonna pick them out for you oh my goodness we have to hurry try this this try this okay let's go to dressing room I'll leave you turn oh boy take a hard right there we go I think I need you to hurry we're running out of time that's really cute but I'm gonna go see a couple more things cute we're getting a dress option another if you really want to win if you want to win I'm not wearing that yeah I'm sure her parents would love this one more thing if you want your parents to hate you forever my parents would never let me wear that really I had no idea 30 seconds what should I wear we're the first outfit it was so cute oops I broke it when we were running the Barbie one no it was yours [Music] you know what she just did I made her a bracelet she just casually said yeah yours broke that actually like deeply penetrated my heart because we made these together she made me the daddy one and then I made her a say one also she came in probably one is this the cutest one I like that one 20 seconds four three two one it's over you're the fashion music now I'm gonna take a photo post to Instagram and you guys are gonna decide who wins hold it ready working the girls yeah we're gonna wait five minutes for Instagram to decide in the meantime take a guess what's in there slay this is the first video we've done with a120 what do you think's doing all right because her outfit was way better and I was wearing boy sweats and the answer is oh 58 to 42 oh the second round next round handstand challenge very simple we're here I'm terrible Let's see we got this oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay there we go okay I'm holding it oh no she's definitely gonna win this I think I got this I'm pretty sorry guys this is crazy it's getting hard we've been holding this for a long time okay I saved it I got this no I think I lost Sandy replay [Music] I'm gonna give you guys a hint now Sandy to the graphics one of these is what's inside the ball which one do you think it is next round a trending Tick-Tock ice cream challenge they each have to feed the other an ice cream cone whoever's face gets less messy the person that was feeding wins a sandwich I don't know where she is is cleaner than Peyton's was then Peyton wins this round one minute ago yeah we need new shirts I guess they're getting new shirts but Peyton kept say it was his face cleaner so she wins this round remember how I said every video they would twin they're doing it again next round Starbucks taste test here we go they're going to take a sip of each drink and then say their guests together I'm scared I think I know what it is I know what that is yes you are right I definitely know what that is I don't know if I know what it is a white mocha Frappuccino this is good hey Starbucks spawn to this channel don't listen to the last thing Santa said hey so you're exactly where Courtney don't get oh so you're gonna show drinks I know yeah cut that do you share our drinks with no we're not sure frozen hot chocolate no it is a chocolate cookie crumble Frappuccino by the way if none of these have coffee it is all tied up drink number four I was getting scared I don't like it you know what that is I think so oh anyone have any mouthwash I know what that is one two one two strawberries it's a big drink what you both just had one there's nothing you know how the pink Drink yeah they forgot to add the milk again the guess you guys just had was actually the last drink and because you're tied up we're gonna swap it out for something better final drink Sandy Q what's in this oh yeah that's horrible do you want to take one more drink to guess all the ingredients no I'm okay isn't that nasty matcha yes Strawberry yes oh raspberry how many of those ingredients can you get matcha yes ice yes that was smart one more for the win for the win pineapple pineapple this is all tied up and it is so exciting next up the lemon challenge do you guys like lemons no first person to Flinch loses I like it oh I wouldn't be able to do this at all that was really sour mind and I'm dying I like this how I'm feeling I'm finished too [Music] Hayden wins this round let's see any play it back [Music] okay fine okay you still look good next challenge is going to be called The Stranger support what is that I have to find a stranger willing to let you give her a makeover what let's go buy products in Sephora and each do half the face that stranger will then who won this round are you ready do you like talking strangers no well one two three this is so embarrassing perfume break thank you I have a question would either of you let us like give you a makeover like a makeup no problem thank you excuse me hi would you let us give you like a makeover with makeup thank you hi [Music] um they're not stopping excuse me um if she has a question I don't sorry never mind thank you would any of you guys want us to do a makeover on you for a YouTube video we'll take like 15 minutes this is so embarrassing do you want to try like a concealer sure yeah maybe a little too late yeah wait that looks really good I think it's this one 100 they can't go this is my favorite blush I think it will look amazing on you it looks kind of like lipstick but yeah lip gloss it's really pretty I need a minute I can't I can't I can't I can't oh that's pretty good four three are you done yeah yeah okay here we go all done what do you think of your chances to get good makeup it says it all I'm good at makeup I'm gonna go for a clean look with glossy lips I'm gonna go with a natural look and more matte lips you only have 10 minutes to complete complete makeup moisturizer can I use that oh shoot I wait I use too much is that lotion Joe it's color correcting treatment get that off get that off okay I guess I'm just gonna go in with sunscreen sunscreen it's okay I'm gonna use this primer uh I don't know what to conceal there's nothing to conceal which I guess is a good thing oh this is looking good you're five minutes left oh my goodness oh that looks really good with your skin that's so pretty on you I don't really know what my strategy is it's kind of just to go for it I love highlighter and blush could you rub that together a little Don't Panic I'm making it a lipstick oh shoot Don't Panic you have one minute left I don't know about makeup I don't want to lose this round yeah cover up that redness five four five three two perfect real quick I have no idea who won I think you did you're gonna get to keep all the product they used on you today which side wins the right side or the left side come on please please I really like the lips on the side and I like the blush I'm so sorry you still did really well next round Fruit Roll-Up challenge what's up for a roll-up challenge I have no idea oh this is the Fruit Roll-Up challenge the first person to finish eating wins this round one two three go how do you do that if Peyton wins one more challenge Salish has to leave them all next round is a mall game of never have I ever there's a bunch of Instagram questions in here if they answer yes they put a finger up the first person to have five fingers up loses this round okay if Salish raises her hand right now she has to leave them all and Peyton wins the entire challenge never have I ever eaten whipped cream straight out of a can of course I have never have I ever read an entire book in a day I have I technically have like tiny books Never Have I Ever screamed during a scary movie I have never have I ever kissed a boy on the lips um did you put a four no whoa wait we just saw the number four I was joking my mom's watching this very close okay we should get a shot of Ali get us out of alley no kissing boys she's way too little never have I ever stayed up all night no I haven't bro you have never have I ever been somewhere I was sure was haunted oh yeah we did a video about that this is scary We're Not Gonna link that video by the way you'll have to search for it we're not linking it never have I ever Googled myself the final question never have I ever gone on a date without my parents knowing dude oh I mean what do you call a date fall into the final round Taylor and Peyton went to the Barbie Premiere together on Payne's Channel you can see them get ready for the premiere and then see everything that happened the final challenge whoever loses this round has to leave the mall and the winner gets to open this mystery box and beep we are going to play a game of find the parent Ali and I each gonna hide and the kids have to find their parent and the first one to bring the flag back and hand it to Dell wins this entire competition we will each hide in our favorite store in the mall how do I know what your favorite story The Big hint three two one go he's either gonna know how to express Nordstrom or Starbucks my mom's gonna hide out either like Lululemon because she loves her leggings Bath and Body Works or Sephora what makes a favorite store my favorite store is memories with Sailors for example it would be Urban Outfitters or Zara shopping for makeup with my wife it would be Sephora my personal favorite store however is Express Express is where I get every one of my black t-shirts so let's hide and express okay she knows I like athletic clothing so I hope that she doesn't find me too quick thank you I'm gonna win I think but good luck good luck okay come on we're gonna look in Sephora because my mom was a makeup artist for a long time and she loves makeup so maybe she's in there do you guys care if I use a locker to hide for hide and seek I think that's fair I'll put my name on the door but hopefully she won't find it I just gotta hurry okay maybe he would get bath bombs I don't know because sometimes he likes to Bath have you seen like a six foot person in here not recently thank you I think she's gonna be in there so they're letting me hide in here thank you I don't see her anywhere let's check a different store I think that my dad probably went to express but we have a lot of memories that are so I'm gonna go there first and I'll see him I knew it's at least not my favorite story was a lot of memories she's in here because she does love jewelry I don't think she's in there I've never seen this store but it's really big I have a bunch of plain black t-shirts and my dad loves that we can do them once in our life Sailors what are you doing that's not my favorite store I'll check Lululemon because my mom loves to work out and she also loves her clothes I don't see her stores are going all the time it's athletic stores but I'm always trying to keep up I don't think my dad's really ever been to the store so I don't know why he was out here I don't know I don't think she's in here but this is the last place I can think it's my mom's name on it hello when the challenge is over go subscribe to Sailors new Vlog Channel first video drops next week I see him no no no no no no no no no no I got him okay sailor's gonna win she's gonna oh my God no way wow Salish my little girl I'm sorry you gotta step over the line oh last chance to comment where you think the prize is are you ready yeah Peyton open them open the box two are you kidding me it's bubble gum bubblegum that's pretty good you get 10 minutes no no I'm spending twice the money now I did not say that foreign [Music]
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 13,677,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salish matter, say say matter, say matter, nidal wonder, nalish, payton, jordan matter, mall challenge, last to leave, sephora, zara, overnight in a mall
Id: pfLM6dtAM0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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