I Built a REDSTONE FACTORY in Minecraft Hardcore

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I built a massive Redstone Factory that generates over 33 000 Redstone an hour it also generates 400 000 emeralds 30 000 gunpowder 30 000 glowstone dust and a ton more items including infinite totems of a dime the factory also has a super fast working vault door Redstone Golems to protect the place and a ton more secrets and the first thing we need to do of course is find a spot where we're gonna build this and I'm thinking I want to build this thing in the ocean because first of all it's less land to clear out and second of all I can make a really cool custom Island that I can make look however I want so I went back to base and grabbed some dirt and built a small circular island in the middle of the ocean okay this looks pretty good now the first thing I want to do is actually build the main building that the factory is going to be in and I want it to be kind of like this semi-modern industrial Factory kind of theme so let's get some materials for that first I'm gonna get some great concrete some slabs some red stained glass some andesite we'll use some deep slate as well and then a couple material to put a redstone dust logo on the outside of the building okay this should definitely be enough materials if not we can always get more okay first I'm gonna build the front half of the building so I can get a rough idea on the design foreign good sized entry now I'll add two Wings on the side that kind of go downwards a little bit [Music] okay I think this looks pretty good now what I also want to do is I also want to have like an automatic door what where is this guy is he underwater where is this wandering traitor wait I'm actually so confused [Music] oh he's selling Nautilus shells those are pretty rare but here's the thing I don't give up anyway as I was saying I want to do like an automatic Redstone door that like slides open to the left and right so let me grab some glass some Redstone pistons and we'll use bricks as like the center of the door we'll build up like this put the Pistons like this and then if we put glass I believe it's like this oh not like that and then put Redstone like this [Music] then it should yep boom now obviously we don't want the lever there so I'm gonna dig out a trench here move this Redstone for a second place everything with this concrete that I think I'm not 100 sure if I have a pressure plate yeah it should power the stuff under it put these here like this and then of course put these here like this actually we'll put these here and then under water I just have to figure out how to do this I guess connect the Redstone like this and then oh crap and run it above ground like this I guess I don't know I don't know if you can tell I'm not the best with redstone but like here here here boom boom and then of course I have to remove all the water so I guess and I can fill these water Pockets with dirt like so and then I think this should work hopefully I might have to use a redstone repeater boom boom boom well it works what the f hold on ow Jesus let's just Crush myself see one of those hydraulic press videos uh it kind of works I mean but in Reverse I just gotta figure out how to um okay after less than five minutes of research I realized that you can do something in Minecraft with circuitry called a not gate that essentially has a zero on the input or no power on the input and then uh so the redstone's powered on that side I'm gonna pass out this is so boring what I'm trying to say is I figured it out so let's go back to the world and fix it and all I need to fix it is a couple Redstone torches I do this I do this and it works it's actually so cool okay now that we got that working next I'm gonna put like a redstone icon so literally just like a picture of redstone dust like right here and I have those materials now we build this up all right this looks really good already now all that's left to do is obviously the rest of it because this is this is just a wall and uh yeah I need a little more than just one so let's speed around the rest all right I'll put some windows here to add some extra detail I'll put some campfires if you didn't know if you put a campfire on top of a hay block the smoke that comes out of it actually goes significantly higher which makes it look a lot better and there we go it looks really good okay now that we have the main building done we can start getting our Redstone and there's a couple different ways to get redstone without Mining and the first one I can think of is doing villager trades so I need to get some villagers over here I guess we can just use this villager breeder again and then build a mine cart rail that takes it all the way back to Barham that's gonna be really long but it's all good oh I didn't mean to do that all right go out there go oh okay you know what dude uh screw you and screw you let's just do this instead I'm pretty sure past the factory just over here okay I thought there was a village around here but now I'm lost oh my God this is a disaster I went in a complete circle okay I just checked on the chunk face website and there should be a village literally directly this way yeah here we go so now what I can do is I brought with me a bunch of rails I'll take one of these out put it here I only want four of these guys I guess I could take the babies too get in the cart come here bro listen I'm just trying to abduct you man is is that really too much to ask like my brother boom boom boom that's three and then I just need to trap one more baby like this bro get in the big metal box come on come on come on there we go finally Jesus okay now that we got these four guys in these mine cards I'll take the rest of these blocks and rails and literally build a track all the way back to the factory so uh give me like two minutes sure this won't take too long foreign wrong way nope bro okay as I was saying just push these villagers all the way back to base go go go go go go go go go go and then to push these guys along I actually have a use for the furnace mine carts I'll play strong enough to push them I think it should be awesome okay now I just meet them back at the base okay to get villagers to trade Redstone I need a brewing stand which I think is just blaze rods some Cobblestone and then I think it's like this yeah then we just put this here put this here or this here and put this here now yep there we go one Emerald for two Redstone deaths it's not too bad okay so now we have a way to get redstone but I don't know if you can tell it's not not the best way okay first of all cost emeralds don't really have too many emeralds and second you don't really get too much just from Trading so I think I'm gonna have to build something a little bit bigger to get this to work so we're gonna build a raid Farm which will net us over 30 000 Redstone an hour as well as a ton of other extremely useful byproducts like I don't know 50 000 emeralds as well as gunpowder low stone and a few other pretty useful links so let's go gather all the materials foreign [Music] okay we got pretty much all the materials for the raid Farm the last thing I need is like four beacons and I've yet to kill the Wither but luckily last episode we built this Wither Skeleton farm so I have more than enough Wither Skeleton skulls to get pretty much as many beacons as I want but instead of fighting for where there's myself let's instead set up a bunch of iron golems and see if 10 Iron Golems can take out one wither oh that's that's not how that works I was gonna do 40 Iron Golems at once versus 40 Withers but I think if I spawn four Withers at the same time all the Iron Golems are gonna run up to it and then when they do like the explode thing when they spot in they're just gonna wipe out all the Iron Golems instantly which uh would not be good so let's set up 10 Iron Golems and one wither for them to battle let's see how this goes if it fails then let's step in all right let's go see that's the explosion I was talking about come on get him oh oh this is uh not ideal shoot they're too high up thank you [Music] oh okay got it okay well that's in uh exactly go as planned let's try that again but this time we'll do 15 Iron Golems because you know I actually do need the the nether star so I prefer that the iron columns win these fights all right round two here we go I won't help until it gets a little bit dark oh look at them oh he does not stand a chance it's too easy it's too easy let me heal these guys up [Music] go go go don't let him get too high up come on oh they got him they got him all right I need one more star spawn a couple more golems and we should be good all right last wither [Music] all right that was actually really really easy okay maybe I'll do that in the future it seems like a pretty good way to take out Withers okay now I just craft this up boom boom boom boom okay we have all our materials for the raid Farm but the last thing we need is 36 millimeters so I'm really quickly gonna build a villager breeding chamber right here so that we can breed them up and immediately load them into the farm okay the Farm's done and luckily we got these guys earlier which like I said probably never gonna use so we can give them a better job let's get rid of these things first okay now while we wait for this villager breeder to produce villagers we can start building the red Farm which I have to build out in the ocean over here because if I build it too close to the land then when I activate it the Raiders will spawn here and you know Farm won't work which is uh not good so let's get to work [Music] chambers that the villagers are gonna sit in now I just have to load them in one by one from the farm to here so let's take some dirt and build a little road up there so we can bring the villagers up [Music] okay we finally got all the villagers loaded in now I just need to build the storage section and then the killing chamber and we're done with this farm this should definitely be way easier than loading all these villagers though okay we have the storage system done and our beacons now all that's left to do is the killing chamber and then we test the raid Farm It better work I swear to God all right and our raid Farm is pretty much complete last thing I got to do really quick though is first mark down these coordinates right here and then light this portal and go through now I take this out divide those coordinates I just marked down by eight and then I need to build a big cube right here in the nether all right now let's see if this portal lines up properly should come out at the top of the red Farm yep we're good the point of this box is so that the ravagers that spawn and the raids get teleported into The Nether and then burned by a bunch of lava because there's pretty much no other way to kill them quickly and without this thing the entire Farm just wouldn't work so I need to put lava on the top here okay I don't know how I'm gonna break all this dirt so this lava falls down without killing myself uh I don't see this going well oh I'm so dead I'll get fire resistance right oh my God bro I I literally my heart just stops oh my god get me the out holy 30 seconds of fire resistance wait I should have just done that to begin with what I play this game for a living how do I not this is like basic Minecraft knowledge bruh I have another totem so I might just tank it and um see if I can get the rest of this dirt removed Jesus I'm so dumb I didn't realize with fire resistance you could see through the lava more that's actually really useful [Music] Jesus okay that should be good now before I test to the farm what we're gonna do actually is because of course we do have the Redstone Factory down there we don't want everything stored up here I'm gonna build custom tubes that will basically whenever a shulker box full of items gets dispensed it'll shoot it out of the tube all the way down into the ocean and then up into the heart of the Redstone Factory where it will be sorted in separate chests so basically I can run the farm and have everything be sorted down there ha ha okay now that we have all the collection pipes done we can start working on the storage luckily I don't have to make any more sorting systems since it's already sorted I just gotta connect each pipe to an output foreign [Music] ly done with the storage and now all that's left to do is test the factory to see if it works so first I need to get the bad Omen debuff should be able to get a guy to spawn here there we go okay Moment of Truth now I turn this off drop down in here click once jump out and a bunch of guys should spawn right up there come on come on yes now I turned this back on type in this command to have my player Auto attack and it should work okay it's uh it's not working okay let's try this again okay I have no idea why it didn't work last time I did everything right there's only one possible issue I could think of and I really hope it's not the one I'm thinking of turn that off step in Click oh oh okay I found the issue this slime block is touching this slab which makes it so it can't move so this set of villagers isn't getting like swapped around or whatever I I don't know how it works technically but that's the issue that's gotta be the issue I mean that's an easy fix though I just destroy this and this got a glass block here and that that should fix it I think that makes sense to me let's try tapping it again wow that actually worked that was the issue look at all that loot holy crap all right and I'll leave this on for an hour and see how much loot we can get okay I'm back an hour later and let's see how much stuff we got let's check the Redstone uh uh bunch of emeralds and glowstone where's our gunpowder and Redstone that's not good I have no idea why it's not sorting properly but there's something wrong with the storage at least that seems to be the case okay I moved a couple blocks around in the storage system there was one block that was out of place and another block that was missing then I reset the whole thing so let's run it for another 30 minutes and see if that does the trick thank you okay 30 more minutes later I really hope it works this time because I do not know what the problem is if it doesn't Moment of Truth my brother what is going on again more emeralds and more even gunpowder this time everything except Redstone which is what this video is about come on dude what is going on oh oh wait it does work huge why is it why is it getting stuck there then what we pop into free cam it's supposed to come up this tube and run across here how did it get stuck there interesting I wonder if it's because this water column is pressed up against these Hoppers there's like a strange hitbox Collision that caused it to get stuck there I mean that's honestly a pretty simple fix all I have to do is remove this column of chests and Hoppers and replace it with solid blocks and I pray to God that fixes the issue because let's be honest when am I gonna fill up 21 chests full of shulker boxes of redstone I I don't think I'm ever gonna do that so let's remove this and hopefully that'll fix our little issue but hey two shulker boxes that's good enough for now wait hold on but then why doesn't the same thing happen on this side oh because it's not touching it okay hold on I know I'm now I'm gonna put this back I think it's the tube itself that I need to change yeah that's definitely the case okay there we go now we shouldn't have that problem anymore okay now that we have the factory complete in the storage setup the next thing I want to do is build a big vault door that goes right here because of course we want our Loop protected and that's uh pretty much the best way to do it is by putting it in a vault so let's grab some Redstone materials and we'll get to work making this place look really awesome [Music] let's build our vaults okay then when we want to go into the Vault we just click this oh that closes it then boom open boom close looks really good perfect now I'll just cover all this up so we don't see all this ugly Redstone and make it look like a proper secure bank vault [Music] okay the Bunker's done looks really good actually flip the lever go inside access to all of our loot okay now we have two more things that I'm gonna do or actually maybe it's three I want to put like some Gardens over here and like some nice trees and some grass and stuff to kind of contrast the industrial feel of the entire Factory also I'll make this path just look a lot nicer I'll cover up the Redstone here and then I want to build redstone Golem assemblers kind of like the same way you would assemble an Iron Golem but of course you know there's no such thing as a redstone Golem so and then after that we'll see how things are looking but let's first do the Gardens on each wing of the factory thank you [Music] okay this place is starting to look pretty nice next I'm gonna do a little housekeeping and cover up some of these ugly walls and also part of the ceiling here but I'll leave part of this Skylight exposed because it's a good source of natural light so it looks pretty good [Music] okay we got these exposed walls covered up and I also went ahead and filled out the top of the Vault to make it look like one big structure now I want to assemble these like Redstone golems that would like hypothetically protect the Vault so I'll just set them up like a normal iron golem that looks good put one over here it'll also put some of them right here I also think it'll be kind of cool to like run a design of wiring across the floor on these empty parts to kind of add some extra detail that also matches with like the Redstone Factory theme this looks pretty good okay I don't know what I'm talking about this looks horrible what is this I don't know what I thought this would look good in my head let's just do a carpet design instead yeah that definitely looks a lot cleaner okay this is looking really good now we got to do is this episode's subscriber build every episode I pick one comment from the comment section of a build that you guys want me to build and I'll either pick one that has a bunch of likes or one that I think looks just really interesting this fear suggested that I build a big windmill that kind it matches the theme of my main Log Cabin so let's grab all the materials for that I think building it on this hill right here is a good spot [Music] and our windmills done looks pretty good remember if you want something built in the world leave it down in the comment section below and let me give you a tip alright don't make it like insanely complicated or big because chances are I'm not gonna pick it all right I'm trying to scatter this place with smaller builds that then come together to make like a large town or city or whatever that just has a bunch of different stuff so if you have any ideas leave them below and if you're lucky I'll pick it okay now the very last thing I need to do is just spruce up the front of this area with some spruce trees get it see what I did there and then we'll be done [Music] finally I ran the farm one last time to make sure the pipes working properly this time and it seems yep everything's good perfect if you enjoyed this video I know you'll want to watch another so pick one of the ones on screen here and if you haven't subscribed subscribe to the channel and I'll see you guys later have a good day bye
Channel: Wildez
Views: 281,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #hardcore #farm #minecraft
Id: QkFoRcVeFqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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