- I'm sick of buying junk from Amazon, so today I'm going straight
to the source: Micro Center. Does Micro Center have what it takes to build a high quality keyboard or is it better to shop online? Jake will be using the
internet to build a keyboard while I only get Micro Center. Here we are on the Micro Center website and we'll see what we can find. Gaming keyboards. There are so many options,
so many prebuilts. (gasps)
There's a custom keyboard. It says I could buy it, but
it says in store pickup, so screw this, let's go to Micro Center. To the car! (soft music) After arriving, I realized they had a ton of pre-built keyboards, weird stuff like this
Logitech pop keyboard, or this huge Alien red dragon keyboard that we upgraded a few months back and tucked away in that lonely
cave in the back of the store was a custom keyboard section. I almost didn't see it,
it was so well hidden. The GMMK pro. It's not the best keyboard,
but it was the best chance I would have at beating
Jake's online keyboard so I was sold. I ended up picking up the GMMK pro along with a bunch of other accessories for a grand total of
(drum roll) $380! (grunting) My heart. Here are all of our
packages from Micro Center. The first thing I got was the GMMK Pro in white ice. The store associate even said this is the best custom
keyboard they have to offer in their store. He even showed me his own
GMMK Pro on his phone. It was sort of awkward. (metal clinks) Sticker. I've got a knob and I think
that makes me an ultra winner. It's not the best, but
I can make it better. This is the secret to
making my GMMK Pro amazing. Oh yeah. This is gonna make my
keyboard sound floppy. Here are my switches of choice. Glorious links linears,
prelubed of course to save time, and they're $35 each. That's really expensive. These are my key caps. They look beautiful. I got G-lube. This might not be the best
option, but it was all they had. This was super awkward to get, 'cause you had to bring
the entire box of G-lube to the front and then they
would give you one singular bottle of lube and
they'd look at you funny, because why are you buying
something called G-lube in a tech store? Seriously though, that's weird. Now that I was finally
ready to build my keyboard, I had to check up on the competition. I took a sneak peek at
what Jake had ordered, and I was shocked. He had a truly custom keyboard. If I wanted to win this competition, I would have to take this keyboard build a lot more seriously. We had decided whoever made the best sounding custom keyboard would get to pick wherever we ate dinner, and I desperately wanted
sushi in my mouth. Sushi. The worst part is his keyboard
costs way less than mine did, but I could have saved money
too if I had shopped online using today's sponsor, Honey. Honey is an online shopping
tool with a little magic button that I press every time I shop
online for instant savings. I mean, look at it. It's so cute. Honey will scour the web
looking for promo codes that will saved you money
on your purchase right now. Whenever I purchase a
keyboard or modding supplies, I make instant rewards. 40 Chinese yuan. Wait, what? Instant savings with the push of a button. I mean, who can say no right? Now I can get even more keyboard stuff. It works for things that
you're already buying on the internet using stores
that you already shop at. It's super fast and easy to use. Just click a button. Start dancing little coin. Cool, money saved. Get Honey using the link below at joinhoney.com/switchandclick. It's totally free and helps
us make content like this, so why not give it a try? To get started with my build, I searched for every
GMMK Pro mod I could find to make this thing sound better, and what I found gave me a lot of hope that I might actually win this thing. I thought about doing the tape mod, but then I remembered that
might not be the best idea. On stream, I attempted a tape mod and almost caused an electrical fire. My house almost burned down, so is that a no for me, dog. Things go so weird while
building this keyboard that I started singing this
song called Keyboard Mutilation, sorta like the Power Rangers theme song. Some of these mods required
some intense surgery, like cutting out bits and
pieces here and there, and I sure hope this is enough
to beat Jake in the end. Keyboard Mutilation. So now that my keyboard is
done, let's check up on Jake. Apparently he's been done for a while now because he didn't even do
that many mods to his keyboard so it only took him half the
amount of time that it took me. It's time to see if Micro Center can beat an online custom keyboard or not. To decide the winner, we recorded sound tests of our keyboards and uploaded them onto Twitter
to be judged on sound alone. We thought about doing looks too, but it would be pretty obvious who would be the winner there. Me, of course. And after a whole day of waiting, it was time to tally up the votes. (beeping) Twitter. The votes are in. This is my finished keyboard, the GMMK Pro that's been
heavily, heavily modded, and this is what it sounds like. (keyboard clicking) And this is Jake's keyboard,
his online custom keyboard that's only been through a
few basic mods like foam, stabs, and pre-lubed switches. (keyboard clicking) - [Jake] What do you think? - It's pretty nice. With 60% of the votes, Jake ended up winning with his Nova 65. (keyboard clicking) And it sounds pretty dang nice. But in terms of looks,
I am the clear winner. So where do you want to eat tonight? - [Jake] Uh, I kinda want sushi. - Perfect, that's where I
wanted to eat too, I'm a winner. Watch this video right here where Jake and I fought neck
and neck in another competition and get Honey using the first link in the description down below. (upbeat music)