Custom Keyboard Killer? GMMK Pro Review

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this is the gm mk pro is it perfect right out of the box no but it's pretty dang good and we'll find out more coming up [Music] hey guys this is betty from switching click and today we've got the gm mk pro in the white ice colorway with the glorious gpbt keycaps on it i've been using this pretty consistently for about a month now and i know you guys are super excited about this so we're just going to jump into it right away [Music] inside the original gmmk pro packaging you do get additional gaskets you get a usbc cable it's white it's braided honestly it's not too much of anything special you get a plastic keycap puller and you get a really small metal switch puller as well but none of those accessories are anything i would typically use because glorious is selling a lot of additional accessories which we'll talk about closer to the end of the video but i'm pretty excited for all of them and yes this is a bare bones build so you do need to provide your own switches and keycaps not stabilizers though we're going to start with talking about the different plates that are available because this build is super customizable so the case itself does come with a stock aluminum plate but there are other plates available such as brass and polycarbonate as well i tested the various plates with the same novice cream switches lubed with crytox 205 g0 and you'll be able to hear all three sound tests back to back to back to determine which ones that you would like more [Applause] with the gaskets the aluminum plate still felt really springy the brass plate was very stiff in the sense that it was like why do i have gaskets in the first place and it just doesn't flow well together the polycarbonate plate is the most flexible but it's also the most loose when i was pulling out keycaps switches just came out with it it's not a good sign and i did tell them that in terms of springiness or flexibility it would be polycarbonate as the highest than aluminum than brass and the plate that you go with will just depend on what switches you're using and what kind of feel and what kind of sound you would like polycarbonate plate is 20 and the brass one is an additional 50 and the aluminum one just comes with your board it's a very heavy board made of cnc'd aluminum with a very big deep glorious branding on the very back on the side there are rgb diffusers that really allow it to have a smooth flowing rgb transition rather than being able to see each individual led and where light emits from so that's a really nice upside the case design itself reminds me a lot of the kbd75 especially from the side and from the back as well the usbc port is right in the middle it is slightly recessed but there's plenty of room here to be able to fit any cable that you would want to on the back you see that there are a lot of different screw holes and perhaps they did use too many screws for this build because when you're taking it apart you really have to be careful not to lose any of them and there are a lot of screws keep them separated and keep them organized there's no kickstands on the back just for rubber bump ons and because the case is so heavy these four rubber bumbons are enough to keep it from sliding anywhere on the front you can see that it's an exploded 75 percent layout and what that means is that instead of all the keys being crammed together you have a different cluster for your arrow keys and you have a different cluster for these keys on the side here and of course there's that rotary encoder knob that some of you may hate some of you may love it comes in a silver on the white ice edition black on the black edition and you have the option of buying a gold colored knob as well i've tried it on this board and it just doesn't look good from all the sides you can see that the keycaps are just slightly raised above the case you can see the switch just slightly but it's not high enough to really see the stems or anything beyond that when the rgb is on everything does bounce up off of the plate and it projects up quite nicely even if you have keycaps like these that are not shined through however in dim lighting it is hard to see these keycaps and looking inside we do see that there are five pin hot swappable sockets and they are south facing so no need to worry about any of those cherry profile keycaps interfering you can pretty much use any mechanical switch in here that you'd like and any keycap profile as well and there are goat stabilizers in here these are glorious proprietary stabilizers and looking really close at them they do resemble the rock or everglide stabilizers except they have all clear housings there are no feet at the bottom to clip they are pcb screw in and i would say all of them sound pretty decent except for that space bar i did re-lube all of my stabilizers but that space bar needs a lot a lot of additional lube to get it to sounding pretty decent and yeah those stabilizers are not the greatest of all time but they are pcb screw in so you know just just toss them out and replace them with your preferred stabilizers and then you'll be good to go i mean at least it came with stabilizers right a lot of a lot of kits don't even come with stabilizers you have to buy your own and provide your own so i guess that's not too bad so the past month i've been using this a lot like a lot a lot for gaming for typing for work for pretty much everything there are some downsides there's no manual in the box so it is difficult to be like what's on the secondary layer or how do i change my rgb lighting and things like that but with the glorious core software it's pretty easy to use it's it takes a little bit of tinkering with but overall it's quite intuitive and it's not boggled down by a ton of extra features either you've got three different profiles that you can edit on the software itself i believe you can only save one profile to your board at a time by pressing that save button you can do perky lighting you can change overall lighting effects you can modify different layers of the board by remapping things if you'd like that and then you can change the polling rate from 125hz to 1000hz and with steps in between and that's pretty much it it's really simple software i've hot swapped this keyboard about four times now trying out the different plates trying out different switches and the sound overall is pretty good sometimes it's a little bit hollow especially in the middle portions of the keyboard the different clusters sound very nice like the function row and the arrow keys it's just the alphas the sound a little bit more hollow there's just a lot of space there overall i think it's pretty good and it can compete with custom kits like kbd75 or the tofu 65 at sort of the same price point too while offering you know a few more features as well is it perfect though it's not it's going to require you to open it up test it out maybe mod it a little bit more try it without the foam try it with the foam try double gaskets dry single gaskets you know it's going to take a little bit of time to get it the way that you want it to but at 170 dollars it's really not a bad deal it's not gonna be any of those customly crafted beautifully designed custom keyboards out there but it will be widely available and maybe you won't have to wait as long to jump into the hobby it's a good stepping stone for beginners yes 170 is a little bit steep or beginners but it's a great way to experiment with the different plate materials gasket mounts all those things that weren't widely available for people to just purchase there are really budget friendly customs nowadays that are gasket mounted that do offer different plate materials that offer get all those great things maybe not with an aluminum cnc case though so it's just preference it's what you want all right so glorious also launched a ton of different keyboard related accessories with the launch of their gm mk pro and we'll be going over them really fast prices will be on the screen if you're interested in how much they cost i do have concerns about some of these accessories but it's nice to have the option to purchase it from one store all right so you've got a switch opener and i didn't personally like it because it feels cheap and plastic and flimsy and i definitely prefer an aluminum switch opener but for a price of ten dollars it's pretty affordable you also get a switch puller that resembles the rama one a whole lot it functions very nicely but be careful because the paint at the ends will chip and sort of will go onto your plate of your keyboard and you'll just have to rub that off but it gets a little bit annoying so maybe you can pre-chip all the paint off and then you won't have to worry about it there's also a keycap puller but it's really tight at the opening so i personally don't like using it you get a cleaning kit with a rocket blower a cleaning cloth and a small brush pretty nice i use that rocket blower a lot there's also a carrying case which is pretty cool the handle is really nice and it's got a pocket on the inside that can hold some of your accessories like your keycap blur your knob your switch puller things like that but personally i don't use it often because my board just sits on my desk all day and as i mentioned before you get the option of purchasing that gold colored knob or that black colored knob or the silver colored knob depending on what board you get they also have a lube station and their g lube for all your lubing needs it fits 36 switches the lube brush is pretty cool it's got an ergonomic grip if you put it down the brush tip doesn't touch your mat or your floor or your desk or whatever so that's pretty convenient there's a palm rest it looks pretty amazing but it is way too large for me to use you got coiled cables of different colors i've got the white one i do have some concerns for its plastic end and fitting into more variety of keyboards though but overall it looks pretty good and that coil is really thick and then you can buy the goat stabilizer separately if you choose with all that being said you can think wear shields if you want i've personally already gotten enough hate and i'm sort of over it if you want to hate you know take it take it somewhere else just take it somewhere else take it to your closet think what you want do what you want it's your money purchase what you want don't spend money on the gmmk pro if you don't want to spend money on it if you want to i don't really care keyboards are a super subjective hobby and it's all preferential and that's why it's so much fun you don't need someone else telling you that you're wrong there's no black and white answers everything's gray everything's gray you can make your board sound the way you want feel the way you want look the way you want not how i want it how you want it so go out there and have fun and don't hate on others for liking what they like but if you do want to go and get the gm mk pro check out the link down below thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one this video was hard to film and to be honest i didn't even want to go through with this review and i know it's widely expected and all of you are really really excited for it but with a lot of the toxicity and the hate and the judgments that surround a board like this it's like i'm afraid to even put myself out there on the internet i'm also a human being like i put on a strong front i'm independent i'm i'm strong i'm resilient you know and like words words are words but you know things still hurt like if you're if you're gonna say something bad about someone and do it on the internet like there's still a person there's still a person behind that screen like that's and you see my face too like i'm i'm i'm not some robot thing that that makes videos i have feelings too and all the creators do we all have feelings so when you say bad things it like it hurts people you know and and having to deal with that over and over and over again it's it's hard yes you sort of get used to it and you instantly just want to like report delete whatever and hide whatever it is and that works that works but you know i still saw it and and even if it it's gone and no one else can read it like i still saw it and throughout the day you know it sort of bothers me and it's like that nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you think about like that hateful comment and it's hard and it adds up so just you know think about what you're typing or what you're saying before you judge someone on the internet it's it's hard to say i like the gm mk pro you know and i feel like i can't even express how much i like it because then i'm like a sellout or a shill but but i like it and i like using it but but a lot of this makes me not want to like it i don't even know what to say so uh anyways i'm sort of thirsty and losing my voice so i'm gonna head out now and i hope you enjoyed the video consider supporting us on patreon if you want to help us do what we do for the long term thank you to our patrons for making this all possible and remember you're human i'm human don't hurt other humans thank you see ya bye
Channel: Switch and Click
Views: 326,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmmk pro white ice, gmmk pro review, glorious keyboard accessories, gmmk pro sound test, gmmk pro aluminum plate, gmmk pro brass plate, gmmk pro pc plate, gmmk pro polycarbonate plate, gmmk, gmmk pro, glorious gmmk pro, glorious gmmk pro review, glorious gmmk pro white ice, glorious gmmk pro unboxing, glorious pc gaming race, gmmk pro keyboard, gmmk pro unboxing, gmmk pro sound, gmmk pro typing test, gmmk pro glorious, glorious gmmk pro 75, gmmk pro accessories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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