I Built A FIRE TROLL Inside A TREE HOUSE! (Minecraft)

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welcome back to some more minecraft that's right today I'm gonna work more on my house which is this one wait a minute what's that I was gonna say that I was gonna work on my house but what is that it kind of looks like a security camera but guys I did not put a security camera in my house okay are there more there's one upstairs too I thought this was gonna be a nice friendly episode but somebody has put security cameras in and outside of my house did this was actually kind of creepy it's like overlooking the bedroom area okay where are they who did this who's behind this stupid idea it's somebody spying on me oh my goodness there's another one ladies and gentlemen I've got to do some research to see who is spying on me I don't like this at all okay first things first let's go to craner's house in case you don't remember in the previous episode I built this nether portal which was a troll if anybody went inside of the nether portal they would have been stuck in the nether so I'm guessing it might have worked because clearly somebody has trolled me okay so I made it to creators treehouse that one right there and the tall one in the back and let's actually have a look inside to see if he's the one with the security cameras I don't know it could be Josh too I guess I guess we'll just have to check him out and we're inside hahaha guys I feel like James Bond doing this but I don't really see anything super suspicious he's got redstone I'm looking inside of his chest but nothing too crazy hey Bob I don't know doesn't really look like it's Craner maybe we should go to Josh's house what's that it's got a mine okay craner's secret chest weight camera monitor what is this oh my goodness guys oh my this is the security camera on the front hey let's try out the other one oh this is the one in my bedroom are you kidding me dude this thing is crazy it's like zooming it and stuff too he can literally see everything that I'm doing and then the last one is in the secret test room which is not so secret cuz he found it okay well uh great craters put security cameras all around my house I've got to do some kind of payback I've got to do some kind of payment okay listen up I've got an idea when you press the like button underneath this video this mystery wheel with a bunch of trolls on it will start spinning whichever one it lands on is the troll I am gonna build on Craner today are you ready to press the like button three two one go go go go go oh my goodness it's spinning its spinning burned-down craner's house guys that's a bit too much we can't burn down craner's house he's only put security cameras down like it's not it's not that bad okay you can see everything I'm doing and see all the trolls on building fight burn down craters treehouse I mean what if Oh what if we turn this chest right over here into a trapped chest and once he opens the trapped chest to grab the camera monitor he ignitions a dispenser which sets his tree on fire so basically I'm not the one burning it down if Creina wants to see what I'm up to yeah he's gonna have to sacrifice his own home ha ha ha I like that I like that alive okay let's start building that but before we do that make sure you press on the subscribe button down below for more trolls like these oh so go through the jelly store you know what to do and where to find it let's start working on this troll the things we need we need redstone I saw some redstone in this house so I'm gonna take that thank you very much crater I'm gonna use this redstone to burn down your own house I need a flint and steel oh thank you crater haha okay guys I'm sorry I'm stealing from crater but I think I think he doesn't mind I mean it's not like he will ever find out okay well the rest I've got in my own house okay let's go back to my own house prepare the troll and then build it alright back home by the way I've decided to leave the cameras there just in case just in case okay let's grab some Flint to make it Flint of steel let's grab some cobblestone to make a dispenser okay we got to get this iron cooking so how do I make a dispenser again I'm a bit dumb hook guys help Oh oh this is going really wrong and also how do I build a trap chest oh god okay this is going wrong wait do I need a tripwire for this one ah there we go tripwire and trap Jess okay what is done flint and steel that was easy to boom and dispenser oh wait I need an arrow or I mean a bow I need a ball of course of course of course okay like that maybe hahahaha dispenser I'm a genius okay I think we need a repeater two guys I'm really bad at redstone things I don't really don't know why I'm doing this like that No okay maybe I need actual stone okay I found a couple more bows upstairs as well maybe it's a good idea if we actually make multiple dispensers just in case one doesn't work properly you never know it is redstone at the end of the day okay so just like that okay that's two three should be enough right okay let's let's just save one bow it just in case I needed to defend myself repeater yes that's all I need I've done let's go build destroy all right first things first we're gonna put down the trapped chests okay so let's take these things out let's break the chest and then replace it with a trap chest perfect Twitter's probably not gonna notice that you see a little red edge now he's not gonna notice that's gone is we could even like remove a torch or two so that you can barely see it it's a little bit darker you know alright now we need to get behind here we're gonna be putting redstone right over here let me quickly test this if I open the chest it doesn't work great okay I put the repeater there how about now it works yes okay this is good obviously we're not gonna go that way we need to put dispensers underneath or next to I I don't know how we're gonna do this okay so the way we could do this is by putting a dispenser lay here but instead it's looking up I think I work or wait wait better idea better idea we're just gonna put it right here it's not like Craner we'll find out let's be honest here we'll put a flint and steel in there it's gonna set this piece of wood on fire and that's it that's all we need okay this took me a little while but I think I think I managed to set this up now I haven't hit it properly yet I'll do that after but the flint and steel is inside the redstone wire seems to be okay and the trap chest is working too so we got to test this out and I don't know how should we just test it if we set craters Tree on fire now that would be bad I won't have to do it not me okay that works come on come on oh it's work tag it's working and will it set the tree on fire let's give it a second it's gonna set the tree on fire come on tree okay I'm a little bit scared it's not working why is that Sydney the tree on fire wait I think it was oh yeah it's working okay that was really scary that was really scary no no whoa oh god it's spreading oh did I stop it oh my goodness I accidentally set the tree on fire already I want train her to do that not me that was a bad test I mean it worked yeah it definitely worked okay is that tree fine or is he gonna keep burning down now I think it's okay okay we got it I don't have an axe we got to fix that part and then we're good to go we just got to do some cleanup though we gotta clean this thing up okay wait no that's not an act there we go I'm very sorry crater but if you open that secret chest yeah your your house is gonna burn down buddy all right let's replace that one perfect and that one okay who seemed to be good now let's use the cobblestone and do we have dirt yeah we got dirt the dirt to hide this thing perfect oh no that will work I am guaranteeing you that he will not find out seems pretty good actually yeah I really like this I really like this look it's hidden it's God and I only needed one dispenser I think anyway I mean it should further down completely fire spreads ooh there we go fix the inside there we go and done oh wait no not done and done ha ha ha oh man this is great crater the next time you open your secret chest to spy on me well you'll burn down your own house sorry not sorry ladies and gentlemen if you want to see more troll builds like these leave a like in the video give me more ideas in the comments and go to the jelly store I'll catch you the next one which might away you'll have to click on the screen for it that's the only way you will be able to watch another video so click on the screen right now to go there do it please what are you waiting for
Channel: Jelly
Views: 4,588,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, minecraft, survival, troll, friends, game, games, gaming, new, funny, tree house troll, fire troll, I Built A FIRE TROLL Inside A TREE HOUSE
Id: ntH543LBKSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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