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welcome back to my solo minecraft world that then got hacked by slogo and he built himself a house and then i invited my friend crainer and well a whole bunch of other things have happened since then but in the previous episode i built a tax office look at this little place now i pretended that the mayor of turtle town put this tax office here and he claimed three diamonds every week from crainer slogo and myself little do they know i'm the one stealing the diamonds the tax office so obviously i'm not gonna pay any diamonds all right i'm just collecting so let's enter our secret little tunnel and have a look if we have got some diamonds oh that's right down here we go and there is our chest now before i open this test if you want to see more minecraft episodes like these where i troll my friends make sure you press the like button at 100 000 likes i'll think of a new cool idea and i'll upload it and subscribe down below if you're new i just passed 20 million subscribers and i'm going for 25 million within three months so press subscribe and jelly store.com you know where to get it shall we open the chest oh my god we've got three diamonds that's really good for somebody oh there we go i just got an achievement those are my first diamonds but also really bad for somebody else okay let's have a look to see if somebody left any signs because i have to figure out who these diamonds came from because in case you don't remember the consequences are that i'm gonna burn down one of their houses with flames and fire an explosion oh there's signs hello mayor of turtle town i have paid my three diamonds tax thank you very much for this lovely town it's logo oh my god look at that so slogo is the one that paid three diamonds good job slogo that house yours is looking good and it's there to stay and well crainer considering he hasn't paid his diamonds in the book i said you know turtle town has the right to burn down their property and they'll be forced to move out however i i still do want diamonds so we're gonna burn down a part of crainer's house and then i guess we'll just uh ask him again like with the warning because we need him to pay diamonds okay we need him to pay diamonds okay uh where is my flint and steel clinton clinton do i not have a flynn steel are you kidding me am i going to have to find gravel again all right well uh i guess let's hide these diamonds in our very secret chest which probably has been found by now by the way in case you missed it yeah my house is partially made out of dirt i didn't do that and i'm gonna fix it today don't worry i'm gonna fix it later there we go diamonds are safe i know that those are safe let's just go and get ourselves some flint and steel and here we go come on give me some flint come on there we go we got one oh well we already had the steal so let's go and create one boom and well we'll just set his house on fire just a tiny little bit i don't want it to completely disappear but we'll just we'll just let it do its thing all right there we go now please remind me to to check out his house in a little bit okay i don't want it all to burn down now for today's video i thought of a great idea we are going to remove our house from this world slogo trolled me the other day and he replaced my house with dirt i've started building it back up as you can see but i thought why am i building this house in wood again it's too easy to break you can burn it down it's just weak and new stuff so i'm gonna grab my axe and my shovel and i'm gonna destroy my house and build a new one yet i'm gonna build one that's stronger better and faster now first things first let's remove the lectern because well i don't want the guys to seem like i haven't been on the server where's my piece of carpet did i leave my piece of carpet anywhere well let's just start with dismantling our house and then once that's ready we'll just build a new one right that's that's that's a pretty good idea i'd say that's a pretty good idea all right there we go why is there a hole here and why is there a torch there what is this hold up i do have a flynn of steel why don't i just burn my own place down okay should we check this out real quick wait did somebody build something underneath my house nothing oh my god no way i think i found a secret basement oh i did oh my god i think this is uh it is this crater's little hideout we're just gonna keep this here guys please in the comment section right now tell me a really cool idea that i could troll crainer with all right and don't tell him that i found his secret basement oh okay my house is burning the diamonds the diamonds my house is burning the diamonds oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god my god the diamonds please tell me the diamonds are still safe the damage is still safe oh my god oh my god the chest is still here oh my god i i almost lost my chest with diamonds all right so let's get this video to 250 000 likes if you want me to troll potentially blow up crainer's secret basement of his alright that's underneath my house now let's start removing all the dirt because we have a lot of work to do like a lot we're starting to make a very good amount of progress here as you can see about the the the the half of it the huff what about half of it is gone the feeling of steel is coming in pretty useful as well i've been using it on some of the trees that have grown on my dirt house although this is very boring why did josh do this out of dirt could he not have done it with a different type of wood like would that not have been fine ah 20 minutes later by the way looks much better apart from the floor so this little piece of dirt right here that sticks out is uh where crainer's basement is and i decided to leave some of my chests because while i'm using it still i think now we can use some of the dirt that i've got to just cover this area up and we can make a beautiful new entrance to a brand new american suburban house this is gonna take some time luckily i think i have plenty of resources like i said i don't want it to be uh made out of wood yeah i got plenty of stone okay i might need some normal stone like this kind of stone though maybe we should get a couple furnaces going and then we can smelt stone and make a lot of really pretty stone for our new house there we go seven furnaces is that good we'll we'll get eight oh i still had iron in this one okay uh all right let's take all the stone that we have we're just gonna grab all of it i mean it's really easy to grab stone right all right one two three four five six seven eight i guess i have nine now all right there we go let's uh let's fire it up i have uh way too many furnaces unless i split it up a little bit i guess i guess i can do that all right let's takes half of this and off of this yes all right now our furnaces are smelting stone let's fill this very important piece up with dirt and then make a new house can't wait to build new house that gets burnt down within three days all right not too bad not too bad let's make ourselves a nice little pathway i want to build my house a little bit further away see i like what they did with their walls so i'm just gonna copy that yeah copy paste i think this right here is going to be the foundation of her house a dirt let me just replace the ugly farm dirt or shovel the dearth with the normal dirt we'll get grasser over it it'll be okay we got a lot we got a lot of stone yes all right first things first let's make some stairs and they're gonna be right here yes oh wait we can also make andesite stairs will that look better here for the contrast oh i can also break these still these stone stairs and those stay stone stairs oh that looks good now this is going to be our entrance yes i want to try something out just to make it look a little uh different what if i oh give that a little stripe color or this one what looks better the light one or the dark one maybe the dark one i don't want to spend too much attention to detail on this house because if it gets burned down they'll be very sad but i wanted to make it look good okay that's that's what i'm about making things look good okay okay we got a good start over here it's turning out a little bit bigger than i want it to be honest but i i went for two floors and i decided to put some windows in and kind of it kind of looks cool right also i made some stone bricks because well since we're smelting normal stone anyway we might as well use some of the pretty bricks it doesn't cost anything more i do like the way this look it's very robust very good powerful and i might need that in my life okay so let's finish the front and then i don't know we build backwards i do kind of still want a garage so i'm gonna have to add a garage to it and we'll do the interior in another episode uh another like good 20 minutes later i think we're starting to make some progress here although i think it looks a little bit too bricky i might change things as we continue but this is what it currently looks like from the front i like what i did here with the windows i added like a little bit of detailing on both sides and i started to work on the inside guys welcome to my new house so over here there's gonna be a double door to this nice room and uh same on this side yes very nice room and then over here we've got a humongous staircase bringing us to the second floor and these are just slabs uh i gotta fix this issue i don't know how and then here we'll put some chests and stuff here will be the bedroom and here will be our uh bathroom i've literally ran out of iron i'm using a stone pickaxe now because i actually started to chop more cobblestone in the distance as you can see i got a lot still smelting i had one cool idea right what if i use trapdoors as window blinds all right wait this is going to transform this house oh oh last one i want to see what this looks like not too bad not too bad at all although they don't work but i think it's about the looks you know it's about the looks and i think that's how i'll continue i'm going to continue for 20 more minutes and then i want to stop because this is taking a lot of time ah okay i'm i'm so done with this this is a really really big project i didn't really think that it would be this big considering the site i think i'm gonna add another garage here i think i'm i'm building the biggest house in the block that's clear wait i'll show you what i did inside real quick so obviously room one room two we'll have to fix this wall and then we go up oh yeah the big window big window you see nice big window i'll break open that mountain so we can actually have a proper view because we got snowy mountain tops which looks cool and yeah i think that's about it for today um wait let's quickly check on crainer's house because i did start a small fire and i want to make sure that nothing uh uh well his his beds are still there and his beautiful fountain don't tell him don't tell him it was the tax office not me in the next episode i'll make sure my house is done i hope you enjoyed this video if you did make sure to click on another one on the screen right over here this was a lot of fun this literally took me over an hour but yeah click on another video do it now
Channel: Jelly
Views: 2,400,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, minecraft, troll, troll server, cow town, turtle town, trolling, funny moments, slogo, crainer, I BURNED Down My FRIENDS HOUSE By ACCIDENT
Id: ZI1avR-iRJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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