I Crafted A REAL Sphere In Minecraft...

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Minecraft is all about blocks or is it today I'm proving the whole world wrong that's right we're gonna be crafting circles and Spears you might be like jelly that's not possible well it is if you press the like button in three two one uh -huh my head is a circle now what have you done go to the Jelly store for merchandise did you guys know that you can make circles in Minecraft wait Circle Josh yes that's impossible I can make a circle right now have you looked around the game is literally about blocks Circle that's that's is literally a square okay look take a name tag out from your chest okay okay I took daily go to the Anvil and then just name it Circle okay do you guys know how to spell Circle K I okay follow me follow me here we go I did it in your own time guys did you spell it wrong follow me okay help I have Circle yep is it with an S did you put an S in there jelly it's not with an S okay that's good good job okay so we're gonna be doing in the first one over here all right so what are we gonna do we grab sand can I do it only one person at a time a crater grab the sand I'll do it first you want to go first okay so basically get your uh name tag in the offhand yeah I knew that okay yeah just like that in your right hand yeah and then over a bit okay ready no did I spell circle wrong oh my God for me yet did I no I didn't that's right I just did it do it I did it I think he put a Capital C that's bad look oh it's a circle it's a perfect circle guys how does this make sense what um I want this in my bedroom hey hey stop the damage you can see out here oh my God there's an outer layer too you're ruining it perfect circle here okay but what if I told you guys we could do that with literally any block oh my God it's it's a pillar in the circle apparently I spelled it wrong I wanted to show you something else well I just need the right name okay we'll wait for the guy okay I spelled Circle right now so it should work I mean you can try oh try with that yeah okay okay that looks weird here over there by the way guys we can delete them by just tossing it oh no Josh this is ugly now I like the circle much more I've got an idea we can add a couple of uh oh what it's a hot tub hey guys I'm in a Jacuzzi it just needs the bubbles what did you do I was farting for bubbles all right guys I made a more perfect one over here okay I will not fart in this one that did not work out great okay all right let's go make some weirder circles guys all right oh what about it's not going to work that is not going to work well I don't know how that would work [Laughter] but guys I have an idea why don't we try to do this with some like more special blocks I mean this character's not special jelly no come on like something that blings something that has something that has value not something that stings oh wow wait a second guys do you think this would work this is genius we're coming I'm coming okay till you have to watch this happen where is he uh he's over there there what are you doing what do you have he's got a bear what the heck this is so glitchy man that does not look nice don't do make it with cobblestone hey okay I mean that works too I mean that's still pretty boring yeah what we need something more blingy non-stingy like Josh said okay like turns that's not blingy dude like that whoa this is actually really nice look at this guys that's the coolest one so far I think that is cool whoa what else can we do really I I I I mean we could try iron yeah oh there's iron down here boys okay why don't we try a bucket of lava or something I don't know something wait I don't know if that will work oh yeah wait you don't pick up the blocks anymore jelly yes oh no wait wait wait wait wait you're using a wooden pickaxe why did you break it with a boy how many years oh wait I've got an idea fire too now why do I play Minecraft hey I was working on that why do I play Minecraft yeah you've got loads of crafting games Josh oh you can use this one there you go no no no no no no no wait guys I think we should go and do the ultimate thing wait what bedroom wait but you can't grab Bedrock I can't find Bedrock yes you can guys there's a special method I'll show you wait what yeah come with me all right we're here oh my God okay wait let me get it can we shape the Bedrock yeah let me just okay so I need to do this whoa oh wait we need to use Bedrock jelly yeah we need it we don't okay there's a specific tactic to mining wait I think it takes two days oh he's cheating yeah all right did he just cheat well no no no what do you mean no no he didn't Josh you always give yourself bread or something not special but if you put Bedrock on this okay okay to try to do Bedrock I guess [Laughter] hey hey come on I don't have any blocks yes what if I told you we could also make spheres what's his fear do you genuinely no actually if I have to type a sphere right now I wouldn't know how to do it it's all right guys here we go okay hang on I was check this out though wait hey guys guys oh my God that's cool wait I made the ultimate Circle guys I want to try the I want to try this is not what we're doing great I know I'm confused one sand sphere hey you're inside of it oh it is laggy because he put it in the block TNT didn't make it go away oh there it is it did oh okay maybe we need some like blocks to build up yeah and then remove it I have a good idea what about this one what are you doing jelly oh oh hey what is that didn't we say build up it's wonderful would you not Kinder get rid of it somebody throw TNT on this uh hello welcome to my Hut Josh thank you thank you guys it's time for the ultimate whoa yeah yeah yeah okay how are you so good at things see you guys that looks so weird this is technically a planet Earth and we live somewhere there I want to get some glass I can't walk here this is painful okay I'm gonna cross my uh Circle it's not a circle oh god oh whoa oh that is awesome so cool that's not what I expected look inside of it guys it's beautiful I also got glass panes remove that one first George yeah before you do that I do have an experiment I want to do myself are you guys ready for my experiment look at this oh no I like real glass more this is weird yeah real glass was better Josh there's one later okay I have a better one I have a better one in three and two and one hey yeah actually that's an egg not a block oh jelly it's not gonna work wait let me get it how cool would it be if we could make a giant egg you know what I mean yeah just now guys I got one more thing okay it's your mom's birthday you haven't gotten her present what do you do flowers mean this is what you call a bouquet all right guys I'll tell you what we've got a a chance to finish okay Mommy okay this is enough that's what I would say so you guys are allowed to go into creative mode and pick one item okay okay whatever could create the best thing it won't be you okay okay I got one creative all right all right all right I'm gonna look around I'm gonna look around you guys select myself I started craters all right first we have some podiums I wonder what you picked for your spewing area it is your grandma's birthday and you didn't give her a gift so what do you do you make it all right craze doesn't work painting does work so I have oh ketchup uh we already did characters yeah all right I had to have it back up in case all right we're gonna see if we can leave them by the way okay all right all right so it's gonna get laggy okay yeah whose birthday is it jelly yeah and you want to give it something to chew on and I'll give it oh what what a dragon head oh I didn't eat that one wait oh those are dragon heads wait what what I mean this is stuck in here whoa wait uh it's complete Black in there did actually looks really cool from the outside it is really cool it's like a skeleton all right Josh whose birthday is it um hang on okay you ready you this person's birthday is the latest person in the world wow okay it is me I think the dragon head was probably the best one guys uh we'll leave it up to the comments then okay okay all right but they're gonna be on my side thanks for watching click and watch another video These are square I'm sorry we're back to square
Channel: Jelly
Views: 1,107,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, sphere, funny, jelly, I Crafted A REAL Sphere In Minecraft..., strange
Id: BcWHl1I_y2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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