160ft OF FIR PRUNING FUN!!! Treeson and Caleb Race up the trees!

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let's go come on my man no stopping let's go you're looking good i'm seeing that strong core actually i'm looking straight at your [Music] butt [Music] all right everybody welcome back to another episode of guilty of trees and that eastside tree works i'm here with matt ringo right here he's the owner he is the big brains behind eastside tree works and we're going to be doing some condo for maintenance today and he's going to explain what are we doing here matt well we've got these ginormous uh douglas fir trees that are absolutely loaded with giant dead branches so we're going to come up through them and make them safe sharon and david are super particular about these trees they don't want anything live taken out of them that has doesn't have to be taken out so we're going to be going up through looking for storm damage branches anything that's dead and we're also gonna put a cable in uh a couple of the trees so it should be fun it should be a really good project cool yeah it should be fun caleb and i will talk about our climbing systems while we go up there and yeah i think it should be a lot of fun yeah so now you've now you've met matt so yeah matt's the owner of eastside true works everybody always people always assume that i own east side tree works i'm just like i'm just a regular everyday climber man i i could not do that job but matt so matt sells the jobs and he's always been super cool super supportive about about me making youtube videos and so you know i'm trying to i'm trying really trying to incorporate more people into the videos so you guys can kind of meet everybody so i asked matt to come out and kind of like walk us through stuff you know so you can start to get to know more of the characters and stuff but yeah matt's the owner he's the big brains i just i just cut the trees man that's that's what i do i'm just touching up caleb's saw because he's better at setting the lines in the tree so he's going to set the lines right now while i work on this for him sometimes if the tooth is like totally flat i'll go at a really acute angle because it takes off material more and then i'll flatten the file out i like to use a guide usually and i like to have a handle but i'm using caleb's crappy dull file right now this kind of sucks i see why he wanted me to sharpen it this is bill right here hey oh you got a nickname you got a cool name you have a cool name or is it just bill just bill yeah i've been called other things though uh not quite so appropriate okay yeah i can hear you caleb there's luke i've been in the video everyone knows me make this famous return [Laughter] yeah so dealing with these trees we're focusing on two things we're getting the dead branches out broken anything that's dangerous we're just you know we call this uh we call it hazard pruning you know we're going through we're making the tree safe it also helps the aesthetics of the tree like you know you've got a lot of ugly scraggly dead branches it's gonna look a lot nicer when you take that off the tree's going to like having all that dead material off too so it's really good to get that off it's really easy to over prune these things if you just cut things arbitrarily a lot of times you can cause more you know more harm by doing that so we're just focusing on on the big and the dead stuff the broken stuff and they'll look really nice when we're done and it'll be safe [Music] so i think for this one because we have so many small dead branches we're gonna shoot up and try and get over a living branch but if we get over some dead branches we're gonna feed a rope into it and we're gonna try and break those dead branches out in our weight test oh yeah all right so that one went right where we wanted it a lot closer to the stem so now we just got to get it to come down oh yeah there it is all right so we really like that one oh that's a good shot thanks dude nice i was so surprised it like just barely skimmed up past the side of the tree there it was pretty sick that's great all right so the way we tie this on we got a girth hitch so wow throw that girth hitch on the rope and then we'll come up a little bit higher okay caleb and we make a half hitch so that bag i keep my crane rope in there i like to have that rope short because when i'm doing crane work i'm constantly moving my rope around and i don't want to have to move a bunch of rope this one is 300 feet because that way i can set it 150 feet up the tree but it's the same kind of rope they're both toefl burger adrenaline it's a 32 strand and that's what i like to climb on but yeah i don't think that one will make it up and over i just like to take his gear out spread it around [Applause] [Music] yeah so a lot of people will uh tie their throw lines on with that half hitch in there and that's a great way to do it um it takes the pressure off of this and it kind of gives yourself a little redundancy when you pull it up because everyone hates pulling up a line and then having that come disconnected and have to shoot again uh no one likes that sometimes though in tight crotch situations uh what i do is i have a sharpie cap that i drill the hole in and i'll feed this through the sharpie cap and then what that does is it it feeds that line right up on the tip there and makes it just feed through perfectly um or i'll just do the girth hitch like two feet back that way it makes a fold and then that fold helps it kind of knock its way through crotches it's kind of a it's kind of a rough way of getting it through you know but it uh it gets through tighter crotches some for some odd reason but we're gonna pull this up [Music] so pulling that up looked awesome uh we didn't get any movement away from the stem um the main reason why we're why we're going for two branches um other than redundancy is typically the way they grow is uh kind of facing away from each other and when you throw a rope over that um we'll do it right here if you're starting out at the edge you can kind of you could kind of see it there it uh gosh this is difficult it uh kind of works its way into the center not a great explanation but when you when you face them apart the rope will work its way back towards the uh back towards the stem so it keeps it from keeps it from drifting is the best way i can say it keeps it from drifting all right that's wonderful we're gonna set our anchor as high as we can maximize the amount of rope i have under me so uh anchoring we do a running bowling with a yosemite finish so there's our running bowl bowlin then we pull it in the back bring it around for the yosemite finish this end of the line is really hard to tie knots into because something about this sap it's been there for a year and it will not come off it's it's super sap it's it's tree man's worst nightmare we're gonna do an alpine butterfly safety knot all right we're just barely gonna make it on rope length right now so we got an initial little pull test there all right so you may or may not be able to see this but my rope is up above a branch i'm not super concerned about it we're going to get two guys on that rope do a pull test see if we can break that branch before i go up if not it's really it's a foot drop between the two and the lower living branch that i plan to anchor to has several uh several secondary limbs on it that are going to keep me within a foot of the main stem so i'm not worried about it i think i'm gonna get geared up this tree is gonna take me a long time so i'm gonna be climbing up this side so i'm gonna take this side and just tie it around the base of the tree so that this is static [Music] tie a running bowline [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we're going to be talking about this is my favorite device so this is the biggest tree that i'm going to be climbing so i'm going to be using my favorite device on it and i'll talk about some of the other systems and other devices i use but this is the rope runner pro this is the second version of the rope runner it's almost identical to the other version so this is the old version of the rope runner and this is the new version you can see functionally they're basically identical this is you know a little smoother and uh you know some of these bits and pieces [Applause] they are captive so they stay on when you're you know disassembling it whereas this you know all the pieces come off like here's the pulley it comes off like all the pieces come off you kind of end up holding like three things at once but functionally these devices do the exact same thing this one's a little smoother it feels nicer but that does the same thing as this they're really not much different but this is my favorite device that i use caleb doesn't like this device he'll talk about the ones that he likes i think this costs around 350 bucks they're all these devices are pretty expensive [Applause] keep my ascenders in here this little bag this is a petzl foot pantene and these are some chainsaw boots from hikes hai x i think is how you say it i haven't tried these yet it's my first time wearing these so i don't have an opinion on these boots yet i don't know if this is proper or not but i i tie my chainsaw to the bottom of the rope just like that that way the rope stays stiff so when i'm lifting my legs the ascender isn't lifting the rope at all so i do that and then i just pull it up when i get up there my double-ended 15-foot steel coil flip line the climber on it yeah and i'm about ready to go i just okay this this stuff's fun it's really different than you know the removal process all the all the gear and the ascenders it's it's really enjoyable you know that the nice thing is you know working here we have five different crews and everybody kind of specializes in different stuff so you know scott and brian specialize in the crane work and i've mostly worked with them thus far you know from the videos and jed's the best the tree feller that we got caleb's the best large tree pruner that we got you haven't even met jordan yet he does the fine pruning crew so tree works is a really cool and the thing i love maybe the most about tree work as an industry in general is there's just so much to captivate your interest in your curiosity you know if you're into climbing in heights and like rock climbing and stuff like that you know you can do this sort of thing and you'll really enjoy it if you're into logging and chainsaws and stuff you can get you know more geared towards that side of the industry you can do all sorts of stuff to you know captivate your interest but i like doing all of it i think it's all a ton of fun so i'm just gonna set up my gear this little thing will keep my rope runner right you know by my chest as i'm climbing up clip my foot ascender in there first and then i'll put my knee ascender on this thing hit me in the balls the last time i got to make sure it's really on there good and now we'll just walk up the rope and the rope runner will give me very little drag so now that's dangling there that'll keep my rope nice and stiff so that when i lift my and you can put anything for weight on there you can even have just the ground guy hold the rope stiff it's just that first 30 feet otherwise your sender will kind of pick up the rope walk right up the roof this is actually pretty efficient my arms are keeping me upright but my legs are doing the lifting wow big tear outs all right so now that i'm up here pull my chainsaw up because i can't figure out how to get this girth hitch off man what the heck i got my saw so tangled up girth hitching it onto my rope and now i can't figure out how to get it i'm done [Laughter] i just got it i'm making it significantly worse oh my gosh dude oh this sucks can i get a ground guy to untie that and just tie a slip knot and i don't even know how i did that dude it's so bad and i don't have either ends of the rope with me to fix it is the last time i girth hitch the saw and next time i clip it on the lanyard i don't know how i did that you know usually i just girth hitch the handle on and it just like comes right undone and that time every time i tried to undo it i made it worse i don't know what was going on i won't do it anymore i learned my lesson it was a really advanced knot it's such an advanced knot that i couldn't figure out how to untie it see that wasn't that hard hey caleb we having lunch at your place today lunch in my place have you grabbed that punch in my place i got no drop zone man okay look at it in the lawn how tall do you think these trees are caleb um let's see my ropes somewhere around 150 uh and i've pretty much maxed it out right now at a third of the tree so 75 yeah hey i'm gonna throw this down right in front of you john all right so we're gonna have a little gear talk right now starting from the bottom up i've got the 4srt foot loop um with a homemade knee ascender i got this idea from last year's isa conference um i'm sorry i don't know the last name but the teacher was his first name was alan um he gave me the idea for this wonderful i love it it runs to the back of your harness and then you've got so much bungee tension that this never goes slack for the sender i've got we've got the jet step uh i love it if you aren't climbing on branches it doesn't clip it doesn't uh pop out if you do climb on branches a lot of times it'll pop out but that's not a big deal it's got so little drag it's it's incredible lately main device i've been using has been the rocky sodica kimbo um i've got a love hate relationship with it it's it's an interesting device um you gotta kind of check friction settings every time you go up just to make sure everything's running properly and it doesn't really like sap all that much but i think as far as the device goes the overall compactness of it is worth it it's worth it in my opinion two things that i look for with my climbing devices is compact and midline attachable as long as it's compact midline attachable i'll deal with just about any of the repercussions past that nothing deals with sapwell you know i mean some things might do it better zigzag deals with sap pretty well but still like it's it's also like 12 inches long you know so 12 inches long and not midline attachable so it's a no-go for me so mid-line attachable at any point in the line you can put this on so fully uh it's a loop you know i don't have to i don't have to feed anything um on or i don't have to feed from the bottom to the top you know boom it's on above that i've got the uh jus the standard uh sequoia harness not the srt version um i love it it's lightweight uh the only thing that i can think of is these leg straps they tend to um they tend to move this way as you climb and then the padding uh is no longer in here and you kind of get a little circulation loss if you're sitting in it for too long because that strap's so small but you just have to you just have to move those pads that's my chainsaw lanyard leg strap i keep compression bandage so this holds compression bandage um surgical scissors gloves yeah i think that's it and then on the back i've got a cat tourniquet right there on the back um always a good idea to have compression bandage and a tourniquet sometimes that compression bandage just doesn't do it um and you need to implement uh more aggressive blood stopping methods so everyone should get used to carrying tourniquets with them yeah have we mentioned that this work is kind of dangerous okey dokey artichokey so i'm just keeping a hand on branches as i go up just in case that thing were to break that would kind of suck you know jake this is a little too much work i think i'm going to go down higher than mine yeah you know i felt like doing that to you i was like you know what i think i gotta make jake look slow let's set him a little bit lower we're just kind of testing that integrity there it's not great [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] all right we're eating lunch i uh i had some sausage and vegetables i cooked up my dashboard let's see what uh let's see what caleb's eating for lunch caleb what are we having we're having some some kimchi fried rice with some shrimp yep yeah this is quite the rig you got going on thank you thank you how long have how long have you been putting this together uh too too long yep [Music] yeah so any ladies watching i am i am emotionally unavailable i practice avoidance i cook in my van and the whole package ladies and modest that was too much eye contact oh my god oh it's so good all right you just dab thanks man that's really good isn't it yeah you want some sure yeah just a little less eye contact yeah thank you dude it's super good kim tree and shrimp yeah hey right my dad made the uh fried rice yeah we got the uh shrimp today yeah that's awesome all ready to drop there's a nice you got you got your house at the job site pretty cool i mean i don't know how the client would feel about it but like i could totally go to sleep if i wanted to if you don't leave yeah i wouldn't have to leave they might not be happy about it but i wouldn't have to why is that guy still here stop bothering me i'm working on your trees all right just two more trees to go for today so i like this is my second favorite device this is the petzl zigzag biggest disadvantage for me for this is it's not midline attachable meaning i can't just walk up to the rope and just put it on there wherever i have to use the tail end which right here isn't a big deal because you know i've got the tail end right here but sometimes it's actually pretty annoying um you just kind of fish it in there and this sort of works like a conventional prussic it's just mechanical so now it's on there and i'll tie stop or not [Applause] [Music] and actually this is the biggest disadvantage for this in my opinion is this is not good for single rope this is designed to be used for two ropes [Applause] you can bypass that by getting this other device and putting it on there and this is called a chicane and it relieves friction on here by putting a slight bend in the rope and this will work pretty smoothly but see this whole system is pretty long it's kind of clumsy this device is the best i found for pitch i think this is like 280 or 300 this is like 180 this setup is really expensive once you buy both of these but this is probably the most popular device that people run it's nice because it's easy to use it's intuitive it's really actually really good for sap and it's pretty smooth on double rope which is what a lot of people like to climb on you wanna you wanna hop you wanna you wanna hop you wanna hop on somebody who wants to hop on me i'll hop on somebody hop on really uh wow i think we're good [Music] all right we're almost done here one more thing caleb and i are going to race i got my rope it's about 120 feet up first when i touch the branch wins we'll go one at a time caleb's really eager to lose all right tell me when you're good ready set go come on my man no stopping let's go you're looking good i'm seeing that strong core actually i'm looking straight at your butt remember to yell at me when you get there [Music] there you go two minutes and six seconds all right he hit two minutes and six seconds guys two minutes long after two minutes of my life do you feel how hot my rope runner is is that crazy you're you're going to need that if you just pace yourself and don't stop for a break you're going to beat that all right we're ready to go ready when you are are you really going to take your saw that's a lot of weight all right no [Applause] there you go you ready when you are set what the heck wow that is he's gonna win [Music] i think i climbed higher when i was going man that's fast 120 feet a minute i i hesitated i was fumbling around i haven't used this phone before it's more like 1 30. yeah you're the man caleb yeah my beard was slowing me down i should have shaved that's why he won yeah do you want a one even if you took your chainsaw were you 36 seconds faster than me dude you smoked me granted i don't you got a lot going for you you know yeah without the beard a lot of young all the youth feel that dude it's hot without even touching it race crazy it's crazy dude that guy's one young one old yeah you know we killed it man and i was 24. yeah i went when i was twice as big as this when i was 12 i'll tell you what you couldn't even find a tree this small when i was 24. i know i know all right question of the day caleb clen fuego says any tips on getting good with lining up my slope cut with the face cut um personally i do my slope cut first and then i do the bottom cut second the reason i do that is because it's a lot easier for me to line up a flat cut with the curve cut so i i line up with my with my gunner's sight on my saw cut that slope cut and then i can kind of just like doing the the back cut i can go from one corner to the other mark a line and then line my saw up if i need to on the bigger trees but it's just easier for me personally to line up with a with a slope cut being done first yeah and so caleb does it a little bit different than some of the rest of us he you know like a lot of people on the east coast and in europe and stuff they'll do that they'll do this little conventional notch they'll do the slant first and then you can also you know it's kind of easy to see through through the curve too to see the bar line up so it can be easier to get the face cut out like that i don't do it that way just because that's not the way i'm used to but i'm a big fan of if you are in doubt about lining up your face cut you know if you have to choose cut it short because you can always cut it longer to match up with your corner but if you go further now you're going to change the directional site of the tree so you know cut it short if you can and then you know maybe go to the other side but the biggest thing is it's going to be practice just doing it over and over again that's what's going to that's what's going to help you get those lined up yeah it comes with time everything comes time yeah dude my allergies are killing me yeah good job caleb you too yeah so that's it for this episode hopefully you like that don't forget to like and subscribe and subscribe yeah give caleb some compliments if uh if we get if we get enough requests i'll start my own youtube channel and we'll try and take over [Music] the kimchi fried rice not an energy food do not recommend 10 out of 10 do not recommend
Channel: Guilty of Treeson @ Eastside Tree Works
Views: 94,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chainsaw, tree felling, tree cutting, tree pruning, arborist, tree climbing, contractor, blue collar, send it, full send, heights, extreme, shake weight, Jacob rogers, Jake rogers, Eastside tree works, husqvarna, stihl, echo, craftsman, tools, construction, homesteading, welding, equiptment, foresty, logging, logger, tree topping, logs, wood, wood working, wood turning, skilled trades, outdoor jobs, dirty jobs, sawdust, trucks, men, beards, manly, idiots with chainsaws, tree cutting fails, tree, fir
Id: tPLbmQF_eWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 10sec (2110 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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