I Pranked My Friend as a Dog!

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in today's video we're pranking Mikey we're gonna send him off to slay the Ender Dragon with only the help of a trusty dog and that dog is none other than me but will Mikey figure out that it's actually me or will I be able to help him on his quest without getting caught there's only one way to find out what are we doing today JJ well Mikey you are gonna pair up with a dog and slay the Ender Dragon sounds like fun I loved dogs but where is he I don't see him anywhere no he'll be here any minute now but I should get going today's video is all about you so I'll just take the day off oh okay let me know when you've slain the Ender Dragon we'll do now wait right there sure are you staying put good transform without being seen here goes look I'm a dog I'm gonna keep my mic off all day so Mikey doesn't hear me I'm so excited for this will Mikey notice that his friendly Canine Companion is actually me in Disguise let's find out foreign to help me slay the Ender Dragon don't worry I'm going to protect you and count on me so we're gonna need some items there are tons of useful things in villages let's go find one all right gotta stick with Mikey we found one Villages have plenty of goodies we'll need for our adventure let's see what this one has we're here and Mikey is keeping busy gathering Food Supplies I'm going to do everything I can to support him on his quest [Music] first things first giving them items that are sure to come in handy let's put some distance between us good while he's over there I'll be over here and aha I'll bury some treasure for him I'll fill up a chest with a bunch of items he'll need on his adventure and then I'll place it right here hmm maybe some iron tools and a shield yeah and I'll give him a full set of iron armor everything into the chest oh to make sure he doesn't take on too much damage I'll give him some golden apples they can make all the difference in battle now to bury this thing oh wait I can't just bury it he'd never find it I have to mark it too I'll make him pass just like on a treasure map three four there x marks the spot Mikey's gifts are buried now I just have to lead him over here but how do I do that I don't want him to discover that I'm not really a dog yeah it'll be fine I just have to get his attention this thought to do the trick hey stop it you're traveling All Over the Garden now to lead him this way what is it boy you want me to come with you yeah that's it follow me where are we going wait for me [Applause] so far so good he's still on my tail and the Treasure's right here what what's the matter boy oh you want me to dig here don't you okay sure no problem here I go no no way there's buried treasure down here but how the plan's working how did you know could it be because hmm right dogs have a great sense of smell of course your nose is so sensitive you're even able to smell a hidden chest I thought he had me figured out for a second but nope he has no clue and he's taking the items I left him thanks doggy now let's go find a cave okay foreign I want to go looking for some diamonds but I don't see a way down we'll Splat if we jump from up here hmm what do we do so he wants to go into the Ravine huh well then I'll use a water bucket to make him a way down I don't want him to realize that it's me JJ but I bet I can get away with this huh how did this happen you're jumping hold on wait for me how did you make that water of course it's so obvious dogs love playing in water it makes perfect sense I took a risk giving him a hand but he still hasn't figured it out wait hold on a second hmm a Good Boy Deserves a treat here have another whoa eat up I better do what he says he'll know something's up if I don't eat these steaks gotta switch to survival mode oh perfect I'm just hungry enough yes he bought it I'm in the clear I'm done you sure love steak okay let's go I'm not sure how I pulled that up but my secret is safe for now there must be a ton around here somewhere I can practically smell them oh Mikey's on the hunt for diamonds of course they're not easy to find though so I'm gonna give them a hand up paw I need to help him without him realizing that it's me hmm I can slip him some diamond ore or I can make it look like he struck Diamond over here without even noticing foreign like this yeah dig a little further there one more row one more it's probably a little much but oh well all right now it's time to lead Mikey back here he isn't paying attention to me so huh what's the matter doggy did someone fall down a well are we being attacked you who Mikey what is it boy where are you going huh oh no no no I broke it oops did he see it oh wait could it be yes he spotted it away you're kidding me wow how how are there so many diamonds in one place and how did you know they were here boy oh hang on oh it makes perfect sense this dog can even smell buried diamonds what a nose phew I really thought he'd figured it out for a second there looks like I can keep helping Mikey on his quest in my doggy disguise you deserve a reward I'm a really good boy nether portal check now it's time to light it up it's dangerous in there so stay close to me okay boy all right here I go [Music] okay we need to find another Fortress follow me I'm coming we found one stay close puppy I'm right behind you now what can I help you with here keep your eyes peeled we're looking for blazes Blaze hunting huh look out where skeletons Mikey's under attack he's surrounded hang on here this will probably ruin my disguise but Mikey means these potions come on yes I went too far this time I think The Jig Is up that was a close one like really close hmm hmm I thought I was gonna die huh did you I knew it you you made me feel better with your cuteness thanks boy well I don't know how I pulled that off but I did you'd think a dog chucking potions of healing would be a huge giveaway now I found one and a blade a blaze spawner oh I need to use potions of healing on him out dude wait no I'm doing my best but there are too many enemies he doesn't stand a chance I have no choice this may blow my cover but I have to blast those blazes out of the sky I more damage to Mikey they're gone stay back yeah I got him has he figured it out yet hmm I can't quite tell oh that's hot gotta be careful don't look don't look have some more potions Mikey oh thanks for taking care of me can't forget this please rod oh well for me thank you huh here nope whoops gotta heal him quick again I can't believe how much I can do without getting caught huh huh how how did you fight off those blazes oh I know it's because dogs are such great hunters well let's keep hunting I'm in the clear he didn't even notice my gun now that's lucky I think this is the right spot let's see three two one whoa oh it dropped straight down so this is where the stronghold must be and the Ender Dragon will be just a bit further you wait here I'll take I should help him out dogs are excellent diggers after all it wouldn't be out of character if I chipped in and dug a hole too you can dig I found the stronghold amazing dogs are so great at digging I should probably do one more thing for him I'm going to play some slime blocks right here so Mikey doesn't hurt himself on the way down okay here I go [Music] wait a second what I knew it all along aha oh it makes so much sense now um I know the truth dogs really are man's best friend you set up those slime blocks because you were worried about me you're so thoughtful what a relief he still hasn't caught on all right off to find the Ender Portal we finally found an Ender portal yippee we made it Mikey and it's almost time to slay the Ender Dragon now to place the Eyes of Ender one okay two this will activate four five six we need to fill all 12 slots seven eight nine only three more no way to go huh don't tell me I dropped it I lost an Eye of Ender hang on we have to find it I'm sure he had twelve but he lost one somehow where is it did he drop it in here well since he lost one of his Eyes of Ender I'll have to help I'll give him one of mine I hope this doesn't end up being the thing that gives me away okay I need some space first I'll create an eye vendor now I'll pretend that I fetched it for him he won't suspect a thing here the Eye of Ender I dropped thank you so much you must love to play fetch thanks for fetching my eye vendor I owe you one that's not the one you dropped oh well it's the last Eye of Ender let's do this into the slot you go this is all thanks to you puppy now let's go okay here I come all right listen up doggy stay away from the ledge we have to climb those towers and destroy the end crystals let's move let's move whoa Mikey's pumped good luck buddy that's not a good sign and the engine won't leave me alone poor Mikey he's having a rough time slaying the Ender Dragon he did manage to destroy two end crystals though this could be a problem keep it up Mikey who's doing his best but he needs help well what's more helpful than a rocket launcher I can't stand seeing him this panicked using this rocket launcher will probably give me away once and for all but I have I have to say them ready aim fire I'm shooting the Ender Dragon with guided missiles but will they be powerful enough to slay him come on whoa this Ender Dragon is no pushover I'll go to the sky before Mikey spots me and now to deal with those ender crystals blowing them to bits this should be the last one yeah now to blast this monster out of the sky here we go come on come on come on take him down it's working this is my chance time to finish him off [Music] awesome look at that it's over how did this happen foreign even a dog huh or is it a super dog if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time him
Channel: Maizen
Views: 11,177,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: 044fZm-bvPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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