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all right today we're looking at four security houses hidden inside each one is a fabulous treasure so we're going to break into each house and steal it away wo really let's go steal let's do some reconnaissance oh I see something at the dirt house yeah this guy is alert what else H it looks like he has a lava mode around his house H it should be a problem if we can get past that all this lava could really be a problem later that's about it for this one let's scout out the Diamond House okay this house is surrounded by a web of vicious security lasers wo that's some really tough security yeah but we can just walk through the front door once he goes to sleep right that's easy well I hope so next is the Bedrock house there's a freaky guy guarding the door and it looks like some security [Music] turrets oh and spike traps we'll take damage if we get too close so watch out yikes that's scary oh man the owner looks strong but if he goes to sleep we can just walk through the front door too H maybe the last one is the sky house look how giant the tower is and at the top the house you're right I wonder what kind of person lives up there this looks like the toughest to break into we have to climb the tower just to reach the house H wo it's all lava below if we slip while climbing up that's it for us this is definitely the hardest house to break into where do we even start with this one for now let's just wait until nightfalls we can't break in during the day yeah let's get some treasure it's dark out let's go first let's protect our identities we can put on these masks and a change of clothes okay wa looking good now no one can see our faces so let's get started with that dirt house and its treasure do you have a plan let's sneak over wo JJ H the owner is still awake and standing guard what do we do oh that's tricky but I have a plan really he's only guarding the entrance the plan is to sneak to the back of the house nice idea let's go right behind you good he hasn't noticed us yet sneaky go on to the back okay be stealthy Mikey all right hang on JJ stop H what's up there's no way to get past the Lava Moat take a good look it's not that big of a deal we can just hop right right over H wow you're right my turn nice oh well all right we're in yep now we can break in through the wall to get inside since they're made of dirt we can just use our hands we're going in easy okay wo nice let's go in where's the chest be very quiet so the owner doesn't hear us shh he's right there where um H where's the treasure it has to be around here but where oh nothing hey Mikey do you see it where I found it really look oh I wonder what's inside let's open it good idea break the dirt and wo just look okay 3 2 1 open oh go gold nuggets and apples you get half thanks what a find totally all right hooray we did it and the owner is none the wiser but let's not push our luck let's go hide the evidence nice good work Mikey run awayo hooray treasure okay next up is the Diamond House let's break in he's awake if the owners would sleep we'd use the front door I'm going in you're scouting ahead I'll be stealthy good luck try not to be seen he won't see me huh oh no he saw me what do I do JJ uh-oh help just keep running away oh no go Mikey but where to the Village ow hurry that hurt this way ouch that way okay just keep running well no way we're going through the front front door nope we'll have to find a different way to get inside yeah let's think it's impossible it's surrounded by lasers and the owner is guarding the door sneaking inside just isn't going to happen we don't have a chance H oh I have a plan we're definitely getting inside that Diamond House well here it is there's nothing look down there what look underwat yep the sewers are down here this is an entrance oh I see that means what we can break in so why do we have to use the sewer well Mikey it must connect to a bathroom in the diamond house that's why we're here oh it's our ticket in I get it let's go through the toilet yep which way do we go it's down this way okay I'm right behind you just follow me okay hurry well hey yeah it's connected wow is it really I think we're under the bathroom okay let's check it out here we go I hope it's the right place well see anything where does it go oh Mikey H come up here I come oh we're in the bathroom we did it wo you're right it was connected let's find the treasure okay where is it let's be quiet we don't want to alert the owner right oh okay that's the front door wo there's his bed and there's the owner he hasn't seen us sweet he doesn't know we're already inside woah this looks like a safe what really let's go inside there has to be treasure let's see 3 2 1 open is it there I think this is it oh let's see open it here we go wo wow this is incredible look at all those cars yeah TNT and expensive cars luxurious hey Mikey want to take a spin uh yeah this is awesome so many what to find seriously these cars are the best what a hul MM we still need to break out of here H here's an idea let's use the TNT to escape are you sure mhm TNT then we can speed away cool I'll put the TNT here and light it okay make sure to back up Mikey is this okay come on let's go okay here's my car wow nice check mine out pretty cool huh all right hop in wo let's burn some rubber let's go what a rush wow we did it wo yay another success yep we have so many cars to choose from look sweet what a hull huh seriously ready for the next one the owner of the Bedrock house was terrifying but it looks like he's asleep now we can break in easily let's go in JJ hey watch out it's fine W oh is that the security system Mikey come on back off I thought it would stop ow run away that really hurt what now that security system is no joke Mikey seriously is it impossible to break into nah I have a a plan H let's see here you go buddy huh a potion of invisibility if we drink these and become invisible we can sneak past the security oh Bottoms Up okay yum now take off your equipment see we're totally invisible this has to work what a good idea thanks let's go all right let's start running up is it working um look no lasers it works yep we're undetectable let's go wo break in okay I'm opening it let's hurry okay wow wow hold on H he's sleeping don't wake him up he's so paranoid he sleeps with with a knife let's see huh wait a second H there's the treasure but there's a barrier in the way we can't walk through it oh no what do we do oh that's tough let's think of a plan okay H what's up hey there's a computer so so we can use this to disable the barrier oh let's try do it quickly before he wakes up hurry up JJ okay let me open the computer well look yes the barrier's gone nice wow we shut it off without waking him up let's check out the chest yeah here we go 3 2 1 open wo no way this treasure is incredible oh yeah yeah can we carry all this maybe you carry some what even is all this take it all all right really is that a robot grab everything I can't carry anymore uh-oh our invisibility wears off soon are you serious just run Mikey oh no hurry come on run faster can we make it wo we made it just in time we got so so much incredible treasure I don't even know what all of this is is this a mirror we got so much a robot wo cool what a find all these items seem really rare it was great a massive success Mikey yeah we're going to our final house but it's impossible how are we supposed to climb that Tower h no way usually I'd agree with you but but this time I have a plan huh you do we got something from the last haul taada it's called a Grappler I have one too well here's an extra just in case oh thanks I feel like Grapplers will make it easy to climb up that's a good idea I'm curious about the house what kind of treasure is inside let's use our Grapplers and find out but be careful one slip up and you'll fall into the lava pit hellow yep stay focused let's go go woo yes like this wild are we going to make it woo I'm at the top already awesome are you close I'm figuring this out good luck and be careful okay life fell oh you all right I'm fine good woo oh you're so close almost there come on Mikey here I come nice finally sweet I made it oh thanks what an amazing view from up here pretty look Mikey a chimney perfect we can get inside through here but it looks lit ready to try be very careful here I go ouch but I put out the Flames thank you oh hey look it's the owner oh he's fast asleep keep quiet let's not wake him want to look for Treasure H where is it oh I see it it's up there a chest treasure this is the final treasure ready 3 2 1 open wow amazing looks expensive everything is made of gold and silver grab it all I'll take this let's go and that too I'll load some into this did you get the rest got it let's get out of here before he wakes up good idea it's a big jump but there's water at the end let's go all right yeah before we're seen what a getaway yes let's make a run for it okay go keep running don't look back if you enjoyed today's video please be sure to like And subscribe bye for now [Music] bye-bye wow I slept really well it's morning already time for my exercises uh or maybe not huh are those zombies why are there zombies everywhere oh man I'm surrounded this is bad Oh what now what am I going to do huh huh wait a sec Mikey the village is full of zombies I'm so scared what do we do Mikey huh look over here oh hey Jinger it's you don't go outside it's way too dangerous out there what are we going to do hang in there I'll take care of the zombies huh I have a bow in here okay oh but I only have six arrows whatever let's see if I can deal with these zombies I'm going to go up to the roof now good luck up there wao they spotted me already oh man there's way too many of them can you beat them I'll try take this got one again yes it's working can you beat all the zombies yeah oh uh-oh I ran out of arrows that's no good Mikey I can't shoot the zombies without ammo oh man what let's try to join up where are you in my house wait a sec it would be really bad if I fell down there that's Mikey's house I'm going to try and jump onto his roof need a running start if I want to make it okay go wao that was close yikes those zombies would have beat me in a second let's go down the chimney looks a little hot but I'll just push through here we go ouch wa oh JJ Mikey this is terrible the village is full of zombies you're right well breaking past all of the zombies to escape the village might be impossible does that mean we have to try and make a life here surrounded by them really I mean that might be our only option oh wait hm I just remembered I have some emergency supplies really that's great it's good to be prepared where are your emergency supplies Mikey they're buried here here's a shovel thanks all right I'm sure it's around here watch out ouch that hurt try to stay out of the reach right let's see so you buried your emergency supplies in your yard found it oops you okay yes here it is uh it's all here what is it well Tada is that it uh-huh it's cookies let's eat them together we'll split them yeah thank you Mikey let's eat yummy oh wow these really hit the spot definitely H this is my entire emergency supply you saved us with your cookies these could last for days you think so let's stay in your house until all the zombies go away all right why are the zombies still here we ran out of a emergency cookies and I'm getting so hungry we're running out of options Mikey huh we need to go gather supplies but the zombies how can we go out there I have an idea yeah look huh see across the street from your house uhhuh there mhm it's a neighboring house there has to be some supplies inside right but yeah there will be lots of zombies in our way that's okay there's a way we can reach that house without going outside really how I was thinking we could dig a tunnel from your house to that one over there oh I'm sorry about this Mikey we're going to have to destroy your floor it's okay so this is how we'll tunnel through the ground let's get digging just like this yeah okay let's go this way mhm now we'll tunnel through we'll connect the houses yeah cool we'll go underground to connect them right above us are zombies so be careful okay watch where you dig okay how's my position I'm going to check mhm how far is it if I dig from the wrong spot we're going to be attacked by zombies that would be really bad it looks about that far okay I'll tunnel two spaces to the left you're sure yep okay here we'll dig our way up and if I'm right we should be inside of that house really probably huh oh see there's Cobblestone if we break a hole in the Cobblestone then it should lead to the other house I'm going to try oh Bingo wow yes we did it awesome wow all right we made it to the other house we did it wow I can't believe that plan worked that's incredible good job hm it's perfect yes oh let's see what we can find wo huh a skeleton oh look I know there's a chest behind you really there might be supplies inside let's take a look all right 3 2 1 open H oh wow that's great I see carrots and potatoes wo nice and what's this there's a drill here what I definitely wasn't expecting something like this inside the chest a drill mm some carrots and potatoes it's food let's eat no wait a second we can't eat these yet Mikey why we don't know how long we're going to be trapped in this Village right yeah so let's plant these instead all right on top of that we also found this drill oh check it out cool if we use this yeah we can build an underground Kingdom you think so yeah all right let's live underground in the underground Kingdom we'll be safe from zombies nice let's see if I can use the drill like this yeah wo watch this woo check it out awesome digging wow that's the underside of your house there are zombies up there right maybe we should dig down yeah if we dig in the wrong spot we'll have to fight zombies be careful Mikey I almost forgot it's dangerous so wear a helmet thanks now let's build our underground Kingdom yeah sorry I hit you that hurt all right we're founding a new kingdom looking good now we can use the underground to go back and forth between our houses wow that's awesome JJ okay so a little more digging over here I think if I keep digging in this direction I should reach my house right about here huh yeah I'll dig up [Music] here no oh no no no no no no that was close are you okay I wasn't to my house yet I'm glad the zombies didn't notice close call let's try that again a little further okay nice we made it to my house here's some ladders I'll set them [Music] up okay now we can climb inside we finally made it awesome yeah oh let's build our kingdom yeah next let's connect the path to your house is it this one here I think so yep right there all right now we can come up here too our houses are connected yep via the tunnel okay let's go back down we need to start farming something I'm pretty hungry now so let's plant those carrots and potatoes before we end up eating them ready to farm let's do it where do we start we'll need to place some dirt down oh wait Mikey stop hm there's something else um oh yeah we need water exactly we need water to make a farm mhm let's see M if my memory serves me the well should be somewhere in that direction right I'm going to keep drilling that way until I break through to the Village well oh okay here I go is it that way it should be this way if I break through the bottom of the well then we'll have our water source the farm where is it let's see uh wao wo he hey yes our water source we did it now that we have our water Mikey let's get started on our farm yeah okay awesome that's a lot nice I'm pretty thirsty me too I'll fill this bottle and that's it's refreshing that's good I'll love some more oh we can drink this is great I feel better now um oops okay right now that's [Music] blocked there we have the water under control perfect sweet then if we do this it will release the water so far this thing's turning out pretty nicely don't you think yeah this is really going well wo looking good all right next the crops will need light to grow that's why I'll put torches on the walls like this oh yep a few torches here and there and it's all green oh actually I'll make a hoe so we can plow the field just like this good idea now we can plant our carrots and potatoes we're farming all [Music] right yeah that looks good let's use some more torches to raise the light level wow now our underground Empire fire is done almost Mikey let's live down here in our safe zombie free underground Kingdom sounds great all right our kingdom is really shaping up huh yeah let's take a look mhm here's the entrance to Mikey's house yep then over here is my house each house is connected by the tunnel that's the idea but there's more look over here it's our underground living room oh nice and over here is our bedroom see it's cozy M mm it's perfect and now look at this our farm has expanded quite a bit see w we have plenty of carrots and potatoes in storage oh the baked potatoes are done let's eat yummy what do you think honestly it's perfect we have no shortage of food or water we can live here forever Mikey yeah it's so great hang on what's that sound H what is that huh behind you H zombies what Mikey hurry no way it's a zombie attack run they're inside we got to go seriously wao man sheesh our underground Kingdom has been taken over by zombies we need to keep this closed hey I just realized something yeah we left all our food behind no oh we're going to starve to [Music] death we can't go back down there what do we do now oh we're surrounded by zombies what can we do plus we have no food wait hold on huh I thought of something really what is it it doesn't look like much but huh what is that pull this lever yeah huh it's a secret chest I forgot about it what's inside it's it is yeah elytra see oh I hit elytra at some point here oh wow this will let us fly yep we wear them like a cape see once we put them on we can fly through the sky wow if we stay here we're either going to starve or the zombies will get us are you ready to fly away let's go okay let's get on the roof the village is full of zombies let's use our elytra Mikey let's fly in 3 2 1 Go Fly Away woo to Freedom [Music] [Applause] [Music] woohoo this is terrible quick open the door JJ hurry huh it's an emergency open up come on what's going on wao Mikey check it out huh it's a penguin you're right it's a baby penguin pretty cool huh yeah she says she's looking for her mommy oh right you can talk to animals cuz you're a turtle y now we need to take this penguin back to her mommy right in that case let's bring this baby penguin home oh what's up apparently her mom is on top of Snow Mountain oh I know where Snow Mountain is it's pretty far away so we better get moving as soon as possible follow me Mikey I can lead the way okay let's go over here Snow Mountain is in this direction mhm at least I think it is come on let's go we can do this snow mountain here we come I have some bad news JJ what's wrong the baby penguin is hungry hear that H 1 second snack time have this is that a carrot here huh take it uh hey Mikey huh penguin don't eat carrots try giving her a fish instead oh look we're right next to a lake since I have my fishing rod I'll catch a fish nice go this is a great fishing spot yeah you can't let the baby penguin go hungry hopefully I'll be able to catch something for her to snack [Music] on oh hey I caught one wo I caught a fish let's feed it to the penguin try it here huh wait why isn't she eating it yay there we go she ate it now that the baby penguin's stomach is full let's keep walking to Snow Mountain let's go wow we've come so far but it's still a bit further up h Huh hold on a second what's this what's wrong look huh the bridge broke oh no how are we supposed to get across yikes it's the only way to reach Snow Mountain we'll never find the baby's mother without a bridge there's no way we can cross that gap on our own what now H hang on a minute I have an idea hm look what I've been holding a lot of different items in my inventory at first glance they seem kind of random but you can help us cross yep but the bridge is gone we won't need the bridge huh I just need to build something what is it one sec interesting almost done check it out Mikey I just have a few final touches H okay that should be good enough for now oh perfect huh I've loaded the TNT oh now for the Redstone yes looks great thanks hang on did you figure out what I'm building here's the water awesome I'm going to go across first to build a landing pad for you I wouldn't want the baby penguin to get hurt good thinking let me explain what I built this is a person Cannon careful here's how it works the dispensers will drop explosives to launch us across the Gap oh are you ready Mikey Here I Go activate as long as I'm standing right here I'll blast off into the sky wow yes I did it epic I'll leave some water out for you to land on thanks maybe I should move it closer aim for the water I'm ready good luck here goes nothing hold on penguin woo W yikes w w good job Yes we made it a Coss yeah we did it even though the bridge was broken we crossed the Gap yeah let's keep going sweet at this rate we'll be there in no time we need to reunite the baby penguin with her mama it's raining pretty hard oh wow wao it's a thunderstorm that lightning looks d dangerous let's take cover nah we'll be fine it's just rain huh it won't hurt us see come on fine wait was it this way JJ yeah this way I don't like this lightning wa ouch Mikey you got struck by lightning are you okay ow whoa ouch wait Mikey owie let's get out of the rain okay follow me we need to find a place to take cover oh I found a cave ouch quick get inside run yes okay let's wait here till the rain [Music] stops this is bad Mikey and the Penguin aren't doing so well they're in a coma from the lightning strike I have to help them there must be a way to save them I wonder if I can do anything with the items I have now let's see oh I have some blaze rods I just had an idea I can make a potion to save them with my blaze powder plus I have a few gold ingots I bet I can make this work the only thing I'm missing from my inventory is a bit of watermelon I better go find some come on this rain is still super dangerous but I have to go outside all I need is one watermelon and I'll be able to make a potion of healing there's got to be a watermelon patch somewhere where could it be oh there's one I found a watermelon why are there so many zombies protecting it I'd better hurry up and harvest it before the zombies get to me I don't have time to fight them I need to head back to the cave to finish Brewing my potion I hope it's not too late okay I made it back to the cave first I need to use a crafting table then I can combine the watermelon I found with my gold there we go I made a glistening melon next I'll toss it into the brewing stand and wait for the potion to finish this shouldn't take long yes I made a potion of healing if I mix in some Gunpowder I can use it to save Mikey and the baby penguin this splash potion should be able to heal them both yes it's done I made a splash potion of healing now to Splash it over Mikey and the Penguin I hope it's not too [Music] late oh wow thanks JJ you saved us wo I feel better now amazing I'm so glad you recovered let's wait in here for a little longer until the storm passes oh you had beds this whole time okay let's get some rest yeah good night all we need to do now is follow this River straight to Snow Mountain woohoo don't worry baby penguin you're going to see your mommy in no time at all it's been a wild trip but all we have left to do is ride down this River easy peasy we're almost done hang on Mikey I forgot to tell you there's something dangerous up ahead really yeah it can't be worse than being hit by light right see for yourself it's just up ahead is that a waterfall are you kidding me we'll never survive that well I'm going to fall I can't stop Mikey it's okay if you stay in your boat there's nothing to worry about oh yeah mhm that scared me oh well come on let's go wo we've almost made it to Snow Mountain Mikey do you see it whoops wo wo hey it's snow mountain yeah so cold all right we made it to Snow Mountain it's so chilly you're right don't worry I am prepared JJ here oh leather armor thanks it's so warm these jackets will protect us from the cold woohoo let's go Mikey hear that you're finally going to see your mama again come on do you think the Penguin's family is at the top of Snow Mountain probably I wonder what the mother is like up the mountain we go keep climbing almost there yeah come on we're so close what else is up there who knows let's ask the mother penguin when we see her okay hey Mikey we're almost there huh hurry that's where we'll find the mother mhm I wonder what she looks like I can't wait to reunite the whole family look we're at the top time to see Mommy here we come all right yes huh wait where is everybody it's empty huh hang on I know what happened JJ h a what the mother penguin must have left she's gone what else could it be I was really hoping we'd find her she's gone yep you think she left home she must have huh wait a sec did you see this hole over here H let's take a look inside huh you want to see what's in this hole but it's so small there's no way her mama could fit inside who knows maybe that's where her mother's been hiding all along here I go wao you did it oh well that's cool woohoo hey check it out Mikey what is it look it's her mother we found her she never left well give her back her baby here you go I'm a little sad mother says thank you a awesome the penguin family is whole again yeah wo okay what's she saying she says some kids are still missing come on what really let's go
Channel: muzin
Views: 189,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, shrek craft, jj maizen, mikey maizen, maizen jj and mikey, jj and mikey minecraft, jj and mikey, mikey and jj, maizen, mikey, jj, minecraft mizen, minecraft jj, minecraft mikey, minecraft maizen jj, maizen minecraft, mikey minecraft, mikey jj, jj mikey, maizen jj, maizen mikey, maizen mikey jj, mike and jj, jj and mike, mikey and gigi, zenichi maizen, mizen, mikey turtle, maisen, mikey and, mike and jay jay, maizen volcano, maizen challenge, maizen craft, mynez
Id: vhcsuJyGBO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 46sec (2566 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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