I Bought the Cheapest Small SUV on Marketplace - Part 1

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[Music] come on yes she's all Abdallah up folks come on now we have put up a privacy screen for you come on woman up let's go need a driver there she is six days into spring break this is what we're down to the horse and they wonder what step they were on when they decided to sell this car [Music] Haley thanks for your help well look what the cat dragged in it's a 2007 Chevrolet something yeah cat hold on hold on folks I didn't research this before I turn the camera on Captiva Captiva there you go just pick this up off a facebook market place bought it from one of those super sketchy junk car buyers you know the guy's rocket what's it got bad [Music] [Applause] Oh so I believe this is actually built by Daewoo in Korea kind of like the equinox don't know very much about them it's a small kind of crossover SUV this is not four-wheel drive this is front wheel drive only and it has the 2.4 liter 4-cylinder Ecotec engine does not run guy I bought it from says it had no oil in it he thinks the engines locked up because they ran it out of oil these 2.4 liter Ecotec start kind of notorious oil burners they also have a lot of problems with timing chains and oil dilution due to the direct injection so yeah anyway probably needs an engine not sure yet so cosmetically it's not too bad got a few dents but this is an Oklahoma car and it has no rust on it at all which is quite a treat for us here in northern Illinois something we don't see very often anyway shut the doors throw the battery charger on it take a little gander under the hood the interior is kind of rough people who owned it were smokers and apparently drinkers based on the the 12-step book that we found inside anyway I needed a project so here we go ok the mighty Ecotec also this intake garbage is already loose oh well there's an engine under there and for whatever reason both battery cables are loose but look at these terminals they're perfect it's not a single speck of corrosion anywhere don't see batteries like this in Illinois tell you that much all right we'll turn that up to 11 and move on to something else all right I pulled the right front wheel off and then I pulled this little I know what it is hold us shield back so I can get access to the end of the crankshaft we're gonna try to turn this thing over he said it's locked up but I'm not 100% convinced he already cut the belt so you can see it kind of laying down there I guess he thought it was maybe all failure locked up or something like that yeah see it's not locked up but I can't make a full turn on it so I'm gonna get that belt out of there well it hits something pretty hard there what if we got a broken timing chain these engines are also notorious for timing chains she's got a tight spot right there alright guys so it's kind of hard to ascertain what happened here there's no oil visible on the dipstick so it's definitely been using a lot of oil but the engines not locked up I guess not a hundred percent locked up but it will not make a complete revolution and I can hear something kind of metallic catching and grinding in there as I'm turning the crankshaft so I think we might have a broken timing chain or some kind of problem with the timing chain I'm gonna take the valve cover off it doesn't look too bad pretty straightforward as far as I can tell let's go ahead and pop the valve cover off and then we can have a look at the timing chain I don't think there's anywhere else you can see it without dropping the pan or the valve cover valve cover seems a little bit easier to me [Music] this thing's clear full of these locks it's like some kind of freakin chrysler product well I don't know how's it look too bad really I don't hear compression what is going on there I can't tell what I'm hearing what is that sound are you guys hearing that why just crazy I don't know is it in the bottom end of the engine or the bottom end of the timing cover I hear something scraping I mean this time in Jana's you know it's not good but the tension here I think might be oil well pressure driven so we might not have to worry too much about that know what's going on well that sounds pretty sick it's definitely got some kind of a skip so we're down we're down a couple cylinders so yeah I guess we could pop the spark plugs out and do a quick compression test well that's not good cylinder number one it's all slobbery with oil the other three looked pretty good so I think we'll start our compression test with cylinder number one hey where you going move all my stuff okay go ahead you're all right say hi thank you go ahead all right the valve should all be closed [Music] all right folks I don't see any reason to go any further it's building no pressure in that cylinder I can't hear anything from the intake can't hear anything from the exhaust it's all going down into the crankcase so cylinder number one must fail pretty spectacularly yeah you can saw it up kiddo okay go ahead and saw dad's car uh yeah we're gonna be looking for an engine there's no way I'm fixing this one all right so I was I was playing around here trying to figure out what might have happened to cylinder number 1 this is the dipstick out of the engine I stuck it down in the spark plug hole as far as I could tell there is no cylinder number one it's it's not there so something very very terrible must have happened to this to this engine I'm pretty sure pretty sure we should have hit something oh boy I don't think we're gonna be able to fix it people well I tried sticking the borescope down inside the cylinder to see what I could see and I don't well I kept on seeing this shrapnel I wonder if there's a rod hanging out the side of this thing cuz it's definitely whatever's inside there is not moving when I turn the crank so what if it threw a rod let's uh let's investigate that I don't see a pool of oil underneath of it though yeah something very catastrophic happened to cylinder number one all right guys made a few phone calls and found a used engine for our Captiva back here the 2.4 liter Ecotec you know certainly had a lot of problems but that did not stop GM from using that engine and basically everything so these engines are are not hard to find and they're not that expensive so there's no reason to go to go trying to do anything with the old engine other than tearing it out of the car and sending it to the crusher we'll get ourselves a good running used engine and replace it the used engines that would come with a 30-day warranty and I asked him specifically if the warranty would cover excessive oil consumption because I know these 2.4 liters are our known oil burners he said yes it would so we'll we'll get to swapping it out ok I pushed the car backwards onto the lift and then picked up the tail end just to make it a little bit easier to work under the hood so I think right now the plan is to pull this engine out through the top it's a 4 cylinder engine so they'll almost always come out the top I'm sure if you look at the service information what's gonna tell you to do is go underneath the car unbolt the engine frame cradle pop the ball joints or the struts or something loose and then take the whole engine transmission cradle everything out the bottom so I don't think it's necessary for the 4 cylinder there should be plenty of room for it to come up through the top can be a little bit tricky to get to some of the bellhousing bolts but if we tear the battery box and computer and stuff out of here it shouldn't be too bad so if this was a v6 engine I think we wouldn't have a choice we'd have to go out at the bottom there's probably not even enough room between the the cowl and the core support here to come out with a v6 engine but this little four-cylinder I don't I don't think it'll be a problem so that's the plan anyway off to a bad start people bad start okay we're getting somewhere I got the wiring harness mostly loose so we'll just peel the whole thing off and kind of tuck it over there on the driver's side then I popped the o2 sensor out and the heat shield off and you see the exhaust manifold is cracked right there super common 2.4 liter problem so we'll see if we can get one of those I mean all the used ones are cracked so we'll see what see what the price is for a new one otherwise we might just weld that one up like I said super common problem with these these engines and then I got to figure out what to do with the power steering pump don't think I have to pull the pulley off I think I can just pull this whole bracket off then I'm not sure if I'm gonna take the intake manifold off or not kind of think I will it's pretty tight between the core support in the cowl I've got to get those three bolts that go into the catalytic converter loose which may or may not happen and then we're gonna drop the whole catalytic converter down out of the bottom because there's not room for it to be in there so we may have to take the exhaust manifold off too before we can get the whole thing out I don't know well it's not to see how it goes so yeah pretty tight quarters in here can't believe they ever put a v6 in these things well whoever designed this accessory bracket sure as hell never had to work on it have a stupid thing this is so you can't get the last bolt out of the alternator because it hits this power steering line so I guess in order to pull the alternator off you're supposed to pull the power steering pump yes here seems stupid to me there's got to be another way I don't know also did anybody spot that well guy right there she definitely threw a rod got a hole right in the side of the block so there's your problem lady hate this kind of stuff a bunch of dicks all they had to do is make that power steering go somewhere else why would they do that take that GM engineers stupid power steering pump which I mean it's not that big is the overview of the power steering pump it's just it's a press fit you only get so many times pressing those pulleys on and off before you got to replace them rather just not do that this thing sucks to work on though I can tell you that I'd do 20 show this for every one of these alright we're down below I'm gonna pull this catalytic converter off I managed to get one nut off here at the flange but I broke the other one so I wasn't much left of it pretty standard deal we'll just drill that out and put a bolt all the way through don't worry there rackets in the way well thanks to the GM parts bin engineering system here we cannot get a socket on this lower bolt here on this rear axle bearing rack we can get one on the top - I think maybe just painted myself into a corner here so you gotta do it the hard way with a wrench and you can see I'm gonna quickly run out of room for that so probably just zip that one bolt out so I can get a socket on it bombs off okay so that's loose okay no Dell pens or anything in that crazy okay I think that might be it for the back of the engine other than the bellhousing bolts okay the front of the engines got quite a bit more going on so the AC compressor is here I just unbolted that we're gonna let it sit there on the cradle no need to discharge the system or anything like that just take the compressor off behind that is this little gizmo here I think that's a vacuum pump is tied in with a vacuum system anyway and then behind that would be the starter you have to pull the starter out in order to access Oh so you have to pull the starter in order to access the flexplate bolts right there so I will zip the bolts out of the flex plate and then we should be ready to take the bellhousing bolts out and pull this thing up out of here really isn't too bad of a job okay that's about as far as I can go for today gotta get my lovely assistant out here tomorrow to help me take the hood off get the gantry crane over here get the engine chained up and well zip the bellhousing bolts out here on the top and this other engine mount should be able to just right on up out of there transmission should sit there just fine that's the plan anyway so we've got the lower radiator hose off the whole wiring harness is kind of balled up over here on the driver's side and where the battery used to be got the upper radiator hose off power steering pump on the whole accessory bracket and everything could just kind of hang out there the alternator is out there's your AC compressor that weird little vacuum pump and yeah that's pretty much everything so yeah that tip I have a job just you can tell GM just phone this engine in completely like the the high pressure fuel pump here was obviously just just an add on when they went to the direct injection and it when the covers over top of it you can't even see the oil filter and then the whole engine bay is just full of little you know brackets and and patches that you can tell we're added later so I guess that's the penalty for using the same engine you know basically across your entire platform Tibet it wasn't a better engine I have my lovely assistant is you're gonna help I get your shout outs in now plus we've got our trusty dog and someone let in a bear [Music] Thank You assistant you can't fit through there kiddo because I think there was another dog inside there once he wants to go check it out leave the car alone pup is very curious about it [Music] we need to fix the turning radius on your John Deere there kiddo it's not bad takes a half acre to turn it around it's loose okay see if we can get it out of there well we can guarantee this is not an Illinois car because I just reached down in here and popped a dipstick out that never happens and then the dowel pins that go into the bell housing just slid right out no hammers don't pry bars no no nothing I don't know this is what it's like to be a mechanic in Oklahoma I'm moving pretty nice alright I'm gonna go ahead and pull the exhaust manifold off just to make it easier to get it that last little bit out there we go a baby is born not a bad job really so I ended up there's a bracket right here that holds an idler pulley at the bottom I ended up taking that off and that gave me enough room to get the engine out without taking the exhaust manifold off but I should have just taken the exhaust manifold off I mean you can access it pretty good from the bottom and it doesn't really matter if we break all the studs off the engines junk and the exhaust manifold is junk so I mean what difference does it make but anyway not a bad job really all told I think I've got about I don't know three maybe three and a half hours and pulling that engine really isn't that bad of a job at all yeah pup I know we'll go outside and play yeah we'll go well the winter weather just won't give up we're all getting really Restless you know Max and I both have about a terminal case of cabin fever yeah we'll go outside and play pup just give me a minute all right folks I think we'll cut it off here as the end of part 1 like I said I did find a used engine to replace this bucket of bolts so we'll get it in here and get it set next to this one strip off everything that we need to strip off move it over I've got to order some gaskets there's also a few other parts that are kind of messed up or or missing the battery hold-down hardware is all missing the air box cover a couple of the tabs are broken off you know standard full gorilla so we'll figure out what we can do with that there's a couple of other questions I have that we probably won't be able to answer without actually drowning running and driving the car I don't know if the catalytic converter is bad you know if it's been burning oil for a long time good chance that it's it's smoked but we'll try it and see it's not a big deal to replace it pretty much everything came out without an issue I didn't break any other bolts a lot of the plastic clips did not survive a GM uses those junk Christmas tree clips and you know it's pretty much a one-time-use deal so that's all just for wiring looms and stuff we'll deal with that when the time comes so thanks guys for watching and if you've got a 2.4 liter Ecotec be sure to check your oil so just a few words on the other elephant in the room that is the corona virus the governor of Illinois has just announced that we're going into kind of a sort of a shutdown he's asked that all quote non-essential businesses shut down until April 7th and I believe all schools and most government facilities are gonna be closed until that time as well I don't know how many cases of coronavirus there are in Illinois I believe it's somewhere around 500 I don't know how many people have died but I live in a pretty rural area and you know I work by myself in my own my own business so life hasn't really changed a whole lot for me other than there's just there's just nothing going on there's no work to be done auto repair businesses you know auto parts stores and auto repair shops are considered essential businesses so I am frida to keep my business open and there's no travel restrictions or anything like that other than they're just asking people not to travel for non-essential purposes so you want to go get food or go to the doctor's office or visit a you know a relative or a loved one that's totally fine they just don't want people you know being reckless which I guess I can understand but yeah we're we're definitely seeing some economic impact and I think we're gonna be gonna be paying for this one for a long time so we're all doing fine here and I hope everybody out there is staying safe and you know we're just waiting for this to kind of hopefully peak and get on the other side of it so thanks for watching and I'll have Part two coming up pretty soon all right it's my turn to be the assistant [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Watch Wes Work
Views: 168,564
Rating: 4.9438066 out of 5
Keywords: chevy, chevrolet, gm, daewoo, captiva, equinox, ecotec, 2.4, engine, no start, seized, locked, timing chain, broken, doesn't run, won't run, cheap, salvage, fix, repair, mechanic, compression, leak down, rod, thrown rod, throw rod, damage, carnage, remove, removal, replace, replacement, lift, bolt, swap, flip
Id: kdV_rcuDLws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 10sec (1990 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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