Forgotten Polaris ATV | Will it Run after Sitting in a Barn for 22 Years?

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videotaping get up you gotta wait oh never mind say cheese a little bit ahead of yourself there buddy yeah hey do you want to make it clear that you're not a supporter of the Giants [Music] [Applause] well it's lousy forklift every time I fix it something else breaks it's almost like it's sat outside for 17 years anyway I literally just repacked that tilt cylinder didn't even make one complete trip with it and she started peeing out propane this hose from the tank to the down to the lock off is bad blew out on the side anyway got us a new one from the local Clarke dealership I told him I didn't have to be this long but I guess there weren't a whole lot of options anyway it's supposed to be correctly rated for propane made in the USA it's an actual Clarke part should get us fixed right up that sounds better [Applause] yeah I don't like all this extra crap hanging out here but whatever I guess they're coming standard sizes and they didn't want to make one for me so here's what it is howdy folks welcome back this is a free four wheeler ATV quad whatever you want to call it it's a Polaris it's a 250 it's a 2 by 4 it's a two cycle and I believe it hasn't run in 22 years so it's got an Iowa registration sticker here from 1998 I believe that was probably the last year that it ring it's been sitting in a barn for 22 years well as you can imagine it has the typical problems it's like the mice have eaten the air box sure that's all full of mouse nests the mice have been into the seat I had to dump a big mouse nest out of there that's what all this crumbled foam is all about the engine does turn over oh but of course it doesn't run and it hasn't run for a very long time so we're gonna see what we can do with it I don't know a whole lot about to cycle ATV engines but figure we can give it a try I believe it's you know automatic it's got it it's got a torque converter so you got a lower range a higher range and reverse so I'm not sure what model this is or what year this would have been made probably from the early 90s or late 80s I would guess looks like everything is pretty much here I've got the little snorkel piece that goes above the air cleaner the fuel tank doesn't look too bad all the controls are here the handlebars aren't bent sure the brakes don't work but it's got the essential items that it needs to be a running driving four-wheeler so let's get to it well first things first somebody must have stored this battery on concrete because it's seen better days so we'll get that out of there hook up our sketchy jumper cables and see if we have any kind of spark well I don't think it's gonna take a charge not even gonna be able to use that as a core it's pretty rough so obviously it just froze repeatedly and everything bulged out and busted the case apart I thought the last ATV battery were dealt with was the worst one I've ever seen but this one's pretty rough I think something wicked this way comes well that went about as well as you might have expected had to cut worn off managed to get the other three to unthread yeah there's your critters well living in the airbox okay we got our battery set up we're gonna remember our lessons from the last time we did this range rain is pouring down outside here we go oh yeah we got a headlight we got what neutral light that looks good so you got hiding only well just for giggles let's see what happens here and what that one does I think you're one of my Robins well should be fun I think we had a literal rat's nest on top of this proverbial rat's nest so no wonder nothing works so we got no starter we got no spark and I tried jumping the solenoid for the starter it does nothing either so that's probably bad so yeah we're not looking too good however this Polaris has some kind of a safety switch on the throttle and I think it's not working correctly or not adjusted correctly because watch what happens when I push the throttle just a little bit we do have spark well we had spark yeah we've got it so I'm gonna try to figure out how to adjust that stop and then we're gonna see if we can make this thing wrong all right I found a wiring diagram for this Polaris 250 I'm pretty sure this is right mine has this goofy trapezoid shaped power distribution panel anyway studying this diagram I kind of learned that the way I thought that the throttle safety switch worked was completely wrong which makes sense because it wouldn't work the way that I described I thought it was just a kill switch so when the throttle returns that it kills the ignition well that wouldn't work because every time you let off the throttle it would die so what it actually does is it uses a limiter module right over here and it monitors three inputs the throttle safety switch the reverse switch and the RPM signal that it derives from the alternator so basically if the engines running over a certain rpm and it sees the throttle safety switch or the reverse switch it's gonna kill the ignition until it drops down below some rpm threshold I don't know what that is but that means that what we're seeing on the machine doesn't make any sense why would me pushing the throttle off of that safety switch cause us to suddenly have spark because this the RPMs are low enough that this this unit shouldn't be coming into play so something's wrong there also this is a CDI ignition so a capacitor discharge ignition and it works kind of backwards of how we traditionally think about ignition it's more like a Magneto so in a normal ignition system it's an inductive discharge so we basically we switch on the coil then we switch off the coil and the collapse in the magnetic field basically generates a corresponding magnetic impulse in the secondary side of the ignition coil and we get spark at the spark plug anyway on a CDI system it actually basically is self exciting so it has a coil here that's gonna charge up a capacitor inside this CDI module and then we're gonna actually discharge the capacitor through the coil the ignition coil and that's going to give us our spark now they only show one coil here on the flywheel this is a a cider coil but I'm assuming it also has a second coil here which would be our trigger coil so this one charges the capacitor and then this one triggers the little transistor inside here to discharge that capacitor anyway the I guess the point of that is this ignition system can run independently of anything else here does not need the battery to actually work so in order to shut the thing off what they actually do is they short it to ground so this black wire right here comes up to this little terminal and that's where it's gonna get a short to ground from any of three sources so the actual key ignition switch the little red switch on handlebar that a little slider switch or this limiter module any of those three things can cut out the CDI ignition now I've tested this with a test light and I can tell you that there's a ground here all the time so I don't actually know why this CDI module is getting spark or working when I pushed that throttle so I guess that's where we need to go from here is to figure out what's going on with this ignition system and figure out I guess why it worked I don't know I kind of accidentally stumbled upon that that magic recipe to make that work I'm assuming we're going to find a problem in this reverse limiter which I'm not gonna lose a lot of sleep if we can't get that to work so yeah I don't know let's go back to the machine I guess and figure out figure out what's going on I mean do you want to play water yeah okay your son wants to play water okay let's go yeah I'll help with that all right so we're gonna test this section right here so the test flight tooked up to positive the positive side of the battery right now mission switches off so if I turn this on and then switch the kill switch on you can see there's a tiny change in the intensity of the light but we still very obviously have a ground there which doing this will disconnect this one here from this module see if we have a change I could oh yeah I see you no change oh there is a change all right so I think that might be our problem you guys see that yeah so like I said I'm not gonna lose a lot of sleep if we can't revive that thing we'll just leave that disconnected all right everybody's used to it you can make as much noise as you want okay ignition switch arm kill switch on should have spark so kill switch off switch so that's the way it's supposed to work I think the ignition system is good to go if we can get some fuel in this guy it might run there's a chance that the the crankshaft seals are bad since it's been sitting for so long this one let's have to try it and see see how it goes [Applause] it's not too bad but it's pretty badly varnished so I think what I'll do I'll just throw some fresh gas in it and let it sit for a while gas is actually a pretty good solvent especially if it has ethanol in it so we'll try that first well I don't know that carburetor doesn't look too awful bad to me I'm kind of wondering what would happen if we put a little gas in there and just you know hold the cord a few times I'm using mixed gas it has oil injection I don't know if the oil injection works I'm a hundred percent sure how we can even test that kinda give her a little squirt and the key our mission switch on and then kind of I think it's trying to run [Music] [Applause] wants to go oh man it just reach like mice it must be all over in the exhaust oh yeah [Music] all right it's gonna go let's get the carburetor off and go all musty one on that yummy hope the inside is better than the outside thing is rough I don't know what's on the outside of this car but it sure was gross yeah me so obviously the float valve was stuck so none of that fuel was actually making it into the carburetor just running on what we were shooting through the throttle body so yeah at least doesn't have a bunch of water in it so we can fix that by funky setup so it's got two separate floats that push on this bridge for the float valve yeah that's interesting that's got it rub a rubber tip on the float valve to you so that that's a good thing yeah just needs a good cleaning shouldn't be too bad it's not too bad not too bad at all so what's that half one one and a quarter yeah me so this one's just our stop for the throttle should be able to leave that one alone yeah I don't recognize this carburetor it says mi see it's not like the mccune ease that I've worked on yeah look at the high-speed jet completely plugged that one's pretty clear yeah like I said completely plugged so it looks like the emulsion tube is actually pinned in place we can't take that out but that's okay we can clean it pretty good without that okay looking quite a bit better so I've all cleaned up pretty nicely I've got the floats to slide on there little pins that looks good and the upper half of the carburetor really isn't too bad it's all ready to put her back together there's the damage pretty yummy stuff well we'll set that aside and we'll start putting some pieces back together these little plastic caps keep the floats from falling off I guess just during assembly because I can't really fall off once the carburetor is put together seat back together there's quite a bit of wear on the seat it's actually worn I guess where the corners of the needle have kind of worn that so it kind of just Wiggles around and they're pretty badly so if we have problems with the carburetor and we need to order a kit this is something we're gonna want to replace but I bet it'll run fine like that I'm gonna put it back on looks a whole lot better than when we started hopefully it works a whole lot better than when we started I know the lighting is gonna suck here but I've been over this whole machine now and this is the only Mouse damaged wire that I found it's this green wire here and actually the conductors are still good some I think all we have to do hopefully is just slip a piece of shrink tube over it that'll work all the critters the critters well my cheese eating friends have filled up all the cooling fins on the head well the tanks installed the carbs installed I filled up the tank with some mixed gas I don't see any reason why this thing won't run let's uh let's give it a shot [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay ron's does not drive we got serious problems in the torque converter I think but we're making progress [Music] [Laughter] well it's gonna be clear 'fl I can already tell oh yeah clear full I think I gotta take this loose first though oh boy that might be the worst road an invasion I've personally ever dealt with that's pretty bad critters have been inside oh boy I don't think there's gonna be a whole lot left I can already see the this pulleys all corroded yeah okay let me get the back [Music] [Music] it's a pretty bad folks pretty bad I don't know if that's gonna make it see how badly pitted that is well there's no sense going any further with these parts I mean they're junk so as well just get them off there [Music] this weights actually broken to this one here so that's never gonna work again [Music] probably not the right way to take it off but it's already junk anyway yeah I don't think that's gonna work geez well I think that's probably as far as we can go for right now my thing in these parts are not salvageable this flyweight is broken but you know the corrosion this is too too much and used parts for these Polaris ATVs are plentiful and they're not that expensive I can buy a good used primary and secondary clutch and a belt for probably 150 maybe 180 dollars so I think I'll go ahead and do that the engine runs good so I don't I don't feel nervous about putting some money into it I'll probably go ahead and order that crankshaft seals - well at least at least replace the one on this side we may not tear the other side apart right now but you know the stub of the cranks looking kind of rusty and you know the mice have been in here so I think it would be a good idea to replace that other than that I think we're gonna be okay I don't know if the alternator or voltage regulator work but the starter doesn't work so there's really no reason they even have a charging system or any kind of electrical system the engine will run just like it is [Applause] how about you I'm hey welcome to Hamilton Ville farm how about you I'm Hank welcome to Hamilton Hill farm how about you I'm hey welcome to Hamilton Ville farm today we're gonna try to crank up that bulldozer today we're gonna try to get this old road grader you know it's been forgotten about but sitting here in the woods will it start let's find out how about you like you guys to meet Hank from the channel hamilton ville farm he and i are doing a little collaboration to see if we can give our youtube channels a bit of a boost no you guys like these will it start will it run type videos and I think Hanks got some stuff that might be right up your alley he's had pretty good success getting some very badly neglected machines up and running and driving I've seen him working on back hoes graters semi trucks flatbed trucks you name it he's got it I'll put a link in the description where you can check out his channel be sure to tell him I sent you alright folks let's get back to this four-wheeler hold on a minute wasn't our four-wheeler blew there we go let's get back to this fort hold on a minute still doesn't look right that's more like it anyway it's been about a week let's get back to this four-wheeler project I was gonna happen eventually anyway so I bought us a used primary and secondary clutch assembly and these are original Polaris parts you can actually buy aftermarket parts for not a whole lot more than what these used parts were sold for but I just don't trust them so you see the secondary clutch has got a little bit of corrosion here but nothing like what we had so I think it's perfectly serviceable [Applause] how about 1/2 inch fella there you go like so that'll work and I bought us a brand new deco drive belt made in USA this is not the super high-performance one it's the regular performance one for regular people like me now I ordered crankshaft seals that's this seal right here from the same place I ordered this belt but somehow something got lost in the translation and I ended up with the belt but not the seals anyway they're gonna send them but it must be by Pony Express or something I don't know how long it's gonna take so for the time being we're just gonna put it back together like it is it seems to run fine just the corrosion on that crankshaft scares me I think there's a good chance that we have that we will eventually have seals leaking that's okay anyway pull fluid film on there just so we get it back apart when you have to take it off again sorry it's not fluid film it's the ripoff fluid film maybe bi-stable good stuff works great little bit cheaper than fluid thing I like it anyway that's it oh it's gonna go don't worry how this tires got some problems [Music] bell rings we were high ranges like yeehaw she's a runner and the driver max does not approve you don't know what to do it that thing do you pop oh she's a little smoky certainly a little rough around the edges but hey he runs and drives I can't beat that alright folks I think that's gonna be a wrap but it's just there must be some more adjustment I have to do with this belt because it doesn't want to stop turning so I may have to shim a few things or something not to look into that or maybe it's just because it has a new belt I don't know anyway I got to pull that stuff back off anyway to do the crankshaft seals and I am gonna do that you hear it kind of doesn't want to idle down very quickly usually that's a sign that the crank seals are leaking so we're gonna do it just as a preventative measure it looks really easy they come in from the outside I don't think he had to split the case like when I was a kid we had a Honda Odyssey it's like a dune buggy with a single cylinder or two cycle engine and I had to put crank shaft seals in that I'm pretty sure I had to tear the whole engine apart to put them in from the inside so this is a lot better deal anyway this is a 93 I figured out from reading the serial number and I guess they used the same drivetrain basically the same four-wheeler from 1986 up until 2006 they made them with four-wheel drive this one this obviously two-wheel drive the brakes are completely pooped this is the inside of the master cylinder it's just rusty goo so that'll probably never work again in order to revive the brakes I would say we're gonna need a master cylinder and calipers and then I don't know what we're gonna do down here for the rear brakes it's weird how clarence built these things like a little car it's got McPherson strut suspension on the front and then the brakes are all hydraulic but this is like mechanical with the pedal and then hydraulic with the lever anyway I don't know if that's any good so we may need three calipers and a master cylinder James pretty rusty I've been putting oil on it we'll see if that frees up this one tire I think it's pooched the rest of them aren't that great but Plastics pretty good it really doesn't look that bad alright folks I think that's it I don't know if I mentioned this but I actually got this four-wheeler for free and like I said sat in a barn for 22 years and the mice really did a number on it and I know Musti he would have done a laying on the hands of those clutches and gotten that stuff all freed up and used it over again you know probably fixed that belt and spent $0 I ended up spending just about $200 that's for the new belt the clutches the seals everything and I'm okay with that I think that's a good investment this thing's it runs fine I don't think it has a whole lot of hours on it the plastic is in pretty decent shape it just needs the the usual stuff from sitting for so long and I don't know if the oil injection works so for right now what I'm going to do is run mixed gas in the tank and then we'll watch the oil level in the oil tank and see if it goes down if it does go down then I'll probably just use the oil injection it's usually pretty reliable so it'd be a lot more convenient anyway thanks guys for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Watch Wes Work
Views: 419,315
Rating: 4.8652472 out of 5
Keywords: polaris, atv, 4 wheeler, quad, bike, barn, barn find, forgotten, abandoned, left, neglected, mice, mouse, engine, 2 stroke, 2 cycle, wiring, spark, will it run, will it start, fix, mechanic, repair, revival, clutch, drive, belt, eaten, dirty, torque converter, torque convertor, test, old, trail boss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 3sec (2883 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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