I Bought the WORST PS5s from TEMU & Wish...

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I spent way too much money on interesting sketchy and just bad consoles over the past year and in this video we're going to go through the top 25 moments of these bad consoles so guys hope you enjoy and let me know which console you think is the [Music] worst let's go ahead and turn this console on and see if it works so 3 two 1 I'm free I won't be surprised if the red rings oh disc drive sounds off let's go ahead and see if the disc drive opens it does not dude another another console another free game we got Skyrim like I can't tell you how many times I open up a 360 and there's a free game what is this dude is wearing a what he's wearing a like a a dog oh no this thing sounds so bad but uh what is going on here I'm just trying to like do 10 different things and it's just has a mind of its own it's booting up now surprisingly I I actually can't believe this is booting up with the the dis Drive noises this thing is making but like I said it is a Zep console so it's one of the older ones like kind of in line with the Xenon so not very reliable honestly pretty surprised it did not red ring when he booted it up uh let's go ahead and check out this guy's profile and wait wait a second did I just see a bug crawl out I don't know if that got caught on camera but there was something I saw something black scur along there I don't know if it was it might have been dust it was probably dust out of the [Music] fan all right so here's the packing slip I ordered uh donor Definitive Edition for the PS4 I got a PS4 slim 500 gig cosmetically flawed I did use a coupon cuz I found one online and uh let's see what's in here we've got a HDMI cable we've got a power cord we've got oh oh we got an oem controller yes let's go it's about time and we got an old school charging cable I don't know why everybody uses old school I just like I do not like their products and we got the PS4 Slim Right Here inside of some bubble wrap and here it is let's go a and take it out and take a closer look at it well hold on hold on this wait a second I ordered a PS4 slim right dude they said you can't make this up I ordered a PS4 slim they sent me an OG PS4 all right let's just uh let's roll with it all right the console is plugged in let's go ahead and turn it on 3 2 1 got life so far cool got my controller plugged up let's make sure this connects up no way they didn't they didn't even reset the console dude we still got uh Preston Preston somebody on here oh controller keeps disconnecting I think it's this I think it's this cable to troubleshoot this a little bit later and figure out if it's the controller or the cable but we dude they didn't even reset this uh this guy's profile we still got his stuff downloaded on here uh but let's go ahead and turn the console off and actually there's I forgot there's one other thing I noticed um they forgot to send me the game uh if you guys remember I ordered Dishonored we even saw on the packing slip and I just tore through the entire packaging no game so they sent me the wrong console no game awesome but they redeemed partially with the cool controller it's con getting worse and worse by the second the cigarette smell is just going everywhere now my nose is getting clogged up let's let this thing update and uh yeah we'll keep going no no way this can't be real I just turned this console back on and it says this PS5 Services accesses permanently or temporarily I didn't even try to buy a bad PS5 I bought the only PS5 I could final wish it was refurbished smells like smoke it's banned I can't log in [Music] what so you guys probably thought this video was over but uh unfortunately it is not this console is taking a turn for the worst let me just go ahead and turn it on and uh show you what the issue is now all right so you can kind of already see it here when it's booting up but clearly the screen looks bad like there's a w to it weird colors and uh we don't know what happened somehow in the process of either me taking it apart or Danny and my editor putting it back together uh it something happened and it created this issue now the weird thing is the console still works it still turns on there's no red ring of death but it seems like the GPU I guess was on its last leg and um somehow in our process that you know the GPU flexed or something and uh it just this happened I don't know how to explain it but um it is kind of weird that I don't have a red ring of death and I've never seen this particular issue before so please let me know down below if you've seen this before if you know how to fix it I could probably Reflow the Chip And it'd be good for a little bit but we all know reflowing does not last very long so let me know if you have a more permanent fix cuz I would like this console to last longer it is a very unique console being a launch console with a blaze dashboard still so super unfortunate and the weird thing is when we put this console back together and took it apart uh solved no issues at all like it looked perfectly fine you know we didn't scratch anything usually when when you break something on a board you know it because you accidentally scratch a trace or or or bend something something snaps but absolutely none of that happened here it just it's it's kind of just a freak accident but like I said it kind of just goes to show you how these old consoles are just uh they're bound to fail at some [Music] point so it is an OG Xbox 360 it's before they even told you how much memory it came with so I think it comes with 20 GB of storage we got this bonus meteor remote apparently I love how on the old consoles they used to advertise all just random accessories and then whatever games they have so these are I think there's are all launch games or at least pretty close to it let's go ahead and do the dirty here there goes the value oh baby there it is we've got our OG Xbox 360 yeah we still got like that you got that yellow foam that's down there classic stuff there man let's go ahead and take a look at when this console is manufactured because that's what I'm most interested in I'm going to go ahead and guess I'm going to want to say well now I can already see on my monitor that it's not got an HDMI port so I'm going to guess March 2006 let's see um it's nove wow November 22nd 2005 hold on dude is this like straight up OG is this a launch console this we might open this thing up and it might have red ring of death wow yeah the Xbox 360 was released on November 22nd 2005 and that is that is the manufacturer date of this console wow that is that's amazing let's go ahead and see if this console boots up I'm going to go ahead and film it because I got a feeling this might have red ring like there's a there's a DEC there's like a 50 chance honestly so let's go ahead and try to boot this bad boy up I really okay 3 two 1 oh baby here we go there it is there's the boot up screen I can hear the fan like almost rattling strange no there's no way oh my gosh there is no way I just got red ringed E6 I don't remember what e67 oh my gosh I just got like the ultimate fake out because this thing was boating up for a good 20 seconds before it gave me this air oh my gosh what is oh wait this is just a hard drive error I I definitely did hear some weird stuff going on here so maybe it's just a bad hard drive let me let me pull the hard drive off of here it sounded like a fan hitting something and it so maybe it was the hard drive that was making that noise and it's a it's a bad hard drive okay okay maybe maybe that's the issue I hope so it seems like it is because it boot it up it was booted up to the main screen and then yeah that's definitely got to be a hard drive issue because I do not hear the little rattling noise anymore so it's probably the yes there it [Music] is next up we'll test out this really dirty Wii do we have an SD card o we got an SD card hey so it's got two gigs plenty for a Wii let's go ahead and plug it in and see what's on it all right three two one oh the buttons are sticky oh there's a game inside I heard the click let me eject it come on good another another copy of wi Sports you've got to be kidding me like this is like my what like 10th copy of wi Sports I've gotten in this lot so far again I'm not too surprised but it's just it's crazy to see let's go ahead and see what's on this SD card probably maybe some photos let's check it out oh wow 732 photos oh all right let's uh let's see what's on here oh my gosh all right guys well I I can't show you what was on that card because like I've seen some interesting things things on these cards usually it's like a kid's photos he's like got his first camera and like taking just random photos whatever nothing crazy um this one had I'll just say it's cold that's by far the the worst one I've seen on the just I don't know what to say I'm not surprised I got this I got almost 50 Weis in this lot I'm not surprised this was on one of the consoles but like okay uh let's see what kind of M are on here yeah this person definitely did not use their Wii to play games there's three Miis on here did they did they just use their Wii to store those photos like it's just amazing they stored those photos on here and just like forgot to remove the SD card before they got rid of the console like I don't know if I want to touch this console now like where has this thing [Music] been so let's go ahead and take this console apart now first thing you'll see on this side you got your DK's warranty sticker we're going to take that off take this little uh little piece off and then we'll slide the cover off and then take a bunch of screws out all right guys so I took the top cover off and as you can see bunch of dust in here uh yeah there you go that's a better view but you can see all that dust in there I can just run my finger across it and pick up a bunch of dust and then even worse I took out the hard drive and guys look at that that is just bad there's there's dust flying all around my room now oh my gosh I didn't even see that side terrible let me let me just show you inside of the hard drive bay all right yeah so just looking inside of that you can see dust just hanging out in that hard drive bay just awesome to see uh let's go ahead and take the rest of the cover off see what it looks like on the inside I don't have much hope for the inside of this thing but we'll see what it looks like all right guys time for the big reveal I got all the screws off on the top let's go ahead and pull this cover all the way off and see what it looks like inside oh man oh no way dude I have no words it it it actually looks better on camera than in person like in person every single inch of this is covered in dirt and dust and just look at that absolutely filthy oh my goodness this is like this is this is GameStop level this is worse than GameStop like this is bad really really bad I'm going to take some pictures and show it on the screen so you guys can get a better better look at this but like every inch of this just covered in dirt and this is called refurbished refurbished guys refurbished what what are we doing here why am I paying double market price for a console that is this dirty I mean you can buy a console just like this under 200 bucks on eBay yeah probably even less with this for this condition this is just this is sad like why would they put a warranty seal on this console when they never open it up I mean that I'm I'm disappointed this is this is bad I I don't know what else to say and man I think we've seen enough here but honestly I I want to see what the rest of the console looks like I want to see what the fan looks like I want to see what the thermal paste looks like it's just it's not going to be good so let's keep going all right so I think I got all the screws out and we're going to see if we can pull this all the way out to see what the heat sink looks like all right here we go and the big reveal oh Mano that that is amazing oh yeah all over my fingers man DK always really outdid themselves this time this is wow yeah this bottom piece is even wow it looks like a desert what am I what are we doing here this is this was $400 guys what I could pay 50 bucks for this like what what is I just I'm at a loss for words I don't know this this one's going back to DK aies I I usually feel bad sending stuff back to companies after to buy it but if they're going to send me this for $400 I'm sending it back so this is this is [Music] unacceptable so as you can see here the title is DK oldies refurbishes their consoles and this is clearly clearly a response to all the all the YouTubers that are making videos about their consoles not being refurbished because because they're not uh which is why I cannot believe they're making this video instead of like coming out with with some some good explanation they're going to make this video but let's watch it uh it was published just yesterday let's just go ahead and start it every day tons of new collections get sold to us here at the coyotes let's take a look at this one for example and let's check out everything that has to happen to this Wii before we can list it for sale and basically they're getting a Wii console here and they're going to show us the process of when it comes in their shop to when they sell it to us it get picked up by our testing department and it gets thoroughly checked out to see if there's anything that needs to be repaired so basically first the first thing they do is test the console they're going to see if anything needs to be repaired this one it does indeed need a new laser so we're going to watch this Tech Guy our department to get a new laser insted our technician sha opens up the console any dust or debris that may be inside yeah so I don't know if you just heard that but basically he said uh well because he's in the inside replacing the laser we're going to go ahead and blow it out like you wouldn't go ahead and blow it out anyways because it's refurbished like if it's refurbished you would go ahead and blow it out whether it needs to be repaired or not that's the problem like they clearly I guess they're blowing it out if they go in and fix something but if they don't fix something inside of the console they're not actually it up and cleaning anything but man it just uh then you'll clean out the rest of the internals like all the blades on the best part about this video is they're showing like every little detail they're like yeah every console we we clean out the blades with the fan we clean out these cracks with toothbrushes we do this and that and like they're just not like I I've bought five consoles from them five out of five were not refurbished some of them were clean some are very dirty uh but five out of five were not fully refurbished and there's some other issues there but right now we're just focusing on the refurbishment and they're they're not inst the new disc drive and then test it out to make sure it's working so luckily this Wii is getting sent out does read games that's good to see it's now reading this again and now I think now they send it over put back together oh yeah he's cleaning even more and then they're going to send this over to the testing team or no excuse me the cleaning team and it gets passed off to Steph and our cleaning Team all right so the inside only gets cleaned if that first guy touches it so basically only if it needs a repair on the inside it'll get cleaned if it doesn't need repair on the inside the inside stays is that's just what happens in the hands of a professional a magic eraser can get and here's the best part they're using a magic eraser oh my gosh uh if you guys have ever seen my GameStop videos you know all about GameStop they they use Magic Eraser all over everything like the the console they'll just scrub down the entire console with magic eraser and it is is bad like you show it in the light and you can see scratches everywhere so like I get that you might want to use Magic Eraser here and there for some things that like it's it's a last resort basically like you don't want it to be your first thing but like on this this gooey stuff here they probably use goon and get that off but no they're using Magic Eraser and not just like a light magic eraser they're they're scrubbing it down like making sure they get every little last bit then they got a blade here I don't know if that's a legit blade or a plastic thing works great for getting in those small grooves that run around the sides of the wig like I said like in this video they're showing them they're showing that they're doing absolutely every bit of the refurbishment process they're cleaning out the controller ports they're cleaning all their little cracks they're blowing out the inside they're cleaning the fan off with a Q-tip are you really doing this to every console no you're not like why are you showing this on video if you're not going to do this to every console alol will work great for clean to be fair maybe they are doing this to every console as of yesterday I don't know maybe but as of before yesterday they were not so controller and memory card ports I don't know man it's just like I everything everything these guys do it's just like I I don't understand but I'll stop pausing the video we'll watch it for a little bit okay okay using the toothbrush then she'll make sure the Wii has the two doors that go on it okay okay and now that it's looking great it's ready to list for sale all right so that's it basically there's like five more seconds left and he just puts in the pile and says it's on the website now but basically what I gather from that is that the video this video is just it's not accurate compared to all the videos we've seen the videos you've seen of mine the videos I've seen of other people people there's like people all over the internet now buying DK Woody stuff doing doing uh reviews and unboxings and most of them come with some issues not refurbished whatever it's just uh like I said I cannot believe they made this video like this is this is their backlash to people saying their consoles aren't refurbished like well yes we do refurbish our consoles here's this video of our process it's like guys you're you're doing this only to the ones on video it just every time I think about it it makes me more and more mad that they are that their customers are going to see this and like oh yeah they they refurbished or consoles let me pay double market value for for this console which might be a good deal if it was actually refurbished but it's [Music] not and before I open it up I wanted to show you the email we sent them uh kind of asking for for a new console and so here it is it said Hi I ordered a PS3 from you guys last month and it was supposed to be refurbished I've attached some photos of this PS3 and would like to return this console for one that is actually refurbished this time um yeah so we were a Little Bit Sassy but I mean you guys saw the last console it was disgusting I I think we deserve a new console there so we attached some photos there and so here's the response they sent back they said hello thanks for reaching out to me sorry to hear that you received your console in that condition then a bunch of few sentences about how to return it whatever and then here's the funny part they said for future reference opening up a console does void the warranty but I talked to my department lead and we be sending out a replacement and we'll work with you here so they're saying they're only sending out a replacement cuz it's just like a special case like uh usually we don't allow people to open up their console and see that it hasn't been refurbished but we we'll work with you here this time so just I don't have any words for that just kind of funny but let's go ahead and open this console up and now as you can see the label clearly is from DK aies some people don't believe me for some reason but uh let's go ahead and open it up now all right we got it sliced open let's go ahead and see what's inside of here we've got some packaging and here is our info all right so this right here is a shipping label to send it back put that to the side so here's the packing slip and on the note it says please clean so they they had to notify depart their Department that they actually needed to clean the console this time so let's go ahead and take this thing apart and see what it looks like on the inside so I have enough screws out now to take the whole board out of the plastic and we can kind of see what's going on here and nice got to love dust now we know for sure this will not open there's just like look at that down there wow you know obviously that's not terrible but when you call a console refurbished it it would be nice if you refurbished it and and and here's the problem is that there's a lot of places granted there's a lot of places out there that call their stuff refurb and don't actually refurbish them but the problem with DK AI is they're showing these videos to the whole world to see they're like yeah we we open and clean and refurbished all of our consoles they're you know replacing capacitors swapping out lasers you know whatever else and they're cleaning they're opening up all the consoles cleaning them out on the inside and outside and then they say that but then they send consoles like this that are not clean at all and like which is like even more amazing from the fact that like there there's no chance they haven't seen the video of the original PS3 and it's pretty easy to trace who bought that PS3 made it even easier after sending that email to them and then they still send this all right guys so I wanted to butt in here real quick after making the rest of the video cuz I'm so mad about this like let's just think about this for a second if if they're sending me dirty consoles you know me who's making unboxings reviews on YouTube for the whole world to see and they know it like I I sent them an email it wasn't me because I'm sending it to a different address but like trust me it's pretty easy to track like I didn't make it that hard to see that that PS3 is the one in the video basically they they should know that it's me and if if they're sending me dirty PS3s dirty consoles what are they sending you guys like this is their version like I I said I told them I said please refurbish at this time they know it's going to be on video and they still send this not cleaned not refurbished they're still sending this what are they sending you guys they're not cleaning a refurbish their consoles like they they making these videos they're they're trying to cover up and they're they're not cleaning a refurbished their consoles it's just uh is it is this a dream like what is what is going on here just just food for thought just think about it [Music] this console is a little bit weird I mean as you've already seen it has this label on the front basically I was looking for retro game stores in Austin I just happened to look at Best Buy and found that they had an open box console in store uh the weird thing is it's called satisfactory grade C and you can see here on the sticker it says residue SL minor scratches I'm assuming that's on the console itself I'm not sure what happened here I guess somebody bought it returned it and uh my guess is that they probably use the code here too I hope not but it is a rare 2 console so it has a code inside let's go ahead and slice this open and see what's on the inside all right so we peel this up of course you do have some rips in the boxes man the uh the Sony boxes with the sleeves not a huge fan of they always get ripped let's go ahe and slide this out oh and not even inside the box we have our modern warer 2 code which hopefully works again I'm pretty sure that was most likely used like my guess is somebody bought this used the code and then return the console let me just look at the back yeah scratched off somebody somebody bought this and used the code I I need to check the uh Best Buy listing to see if that was like part of the stipulation but I paid 485 for this so it was like a $50 savings I think you're only saving money because of the code like this cost extra because the code is included so it all right that's yeah that's not cool all right guys so I kind of want to go in on Best Buy here for a second because it's it's pretty bad that they did not include the code here um the description of a open box satisfactory on Best Buy's website uh says it'll might be missing original packaging it might be missing some non-essential parts but like the code is definitely essential since that's like the whole reason you buy this specific package and Geek Squad apparently certified This and like open it up and clearly saw there was a used code in here so it's just like it's like next level bad that Best Buy resold this without a working code just come on [Music] guys all right guys time for the big reveal dude wait hold on where's the where's the console we got a controller here oh wow that feels like absolute junk wow it's like this thing is super light too we got the other controller here wait where is the is hold on hold on is this the no it can't be GameStick Pro hold on the photo they show me look at this here look look how large that looks here dude they made this thing seem like it was twice as big three times as big as a controller but in reality this thing is about half the size of control what a what a what a dupe here what a bait and switch it's the classic here where they just have like random numbers and it's in a a random order why do they always do this why can't they just put them in alphabetical order for once Big River Fighting blood tolerance that that can't be the name of this game and no no that can't be the name frog crossing the there's no way they just call it Frogger frog crossing the street all right we got to boot this one up I mean sure enough it's Frogger I thought for a second maybe I just maybe they actually made a knockoff Frogger called frog crossing the street but no it's just called Frogger and they decided to call it frog crossing the streets like I always talk about this with these fam clones I don't understand what like what goes into these things like clearly some of these they're calling them the legit names like super tennis Tech techmo Whooper bolt what and then it says Mega Man suck this is what doesn't make sense like they just put random names in some games and other games have the real names super had these before super moo Yoshi Island they don't even have super mar they don't even have the the classic Super Mario World Super they call Donkey Kong Land 2 Super King Kong 2 why so first of all nothing has popped up on the screen yet and I hear some knocking from inside the dish Drive let me just like sit here and record some sound so you can hear it yeah there it was honestly That Knocking Noise I heard earlier might be the fan cuz I don't feel any airf flow out of here like I know the PS5 is pretty quiet on the home screen but sketch all right guys this is getting sketchier by the second this PS5 is like dead silent it smells weird and the smells kind of like a a burning smell almost and I still feel no airf flow let's go ahead and put this game in that I just got got medium that I should use for testing we'll go and see if the dis Drive works first of all cool it accepts the game that's a good sign all right so while that game's installing let's go ahead and boot up ast's playroom and uh just see what it does actually I'm going to pause this so that all I'm going to yeah I'm going to pause this so that all we hear is the fan I don't want to hear the dis drive right now and I mean like I could open this PS5 up right now and see if the fan is doing anything but I kind of want just to be surprised so it's there it is and over heated can't believe it that's hilarious back up evacuate the [Music] building and now next up the part I'm really curious about is how these stands work because on the PS5 slim you put the stands in right here and basically it's propped up on this side by the stands and then the other side is propped up by the disc drive but there's no dis drive here so let's go Ahad and plug these stands in uh usually there's yeah it's basically like a couple little holes you just slide them into uh these stands are like man I don't like them they they're tiny they're clear like what I think will happen is that you'll try to buy a PS5 slim used like 3 years from now and the stands will just be gone like people will lose those stands all the time let's goe and flip this down and place it on the ground and see how it sits so that's actually uh it's pretty crappy so as you can see here on the side you got horizontal stands then on this side it's propped up on the back which you got contact right there with the ground or the table I should say but it's very yeah it's very wobbly there's no protection there's no nothing holding it up on this side so if you touch it it's just going to wobble like back and forth like crazy which is like I don't know that works but [Music] man all right guys got the lights off and man these these lights are actually pretty sick as you can see it kind of fills up the entire frame here and then looking at the top you got your little glow at the top which is very cool and the best part is they have these like voice activated buttons right here so if I turn on the music thing you can you can see that they're activating based on when I talk and when I stop they stop as well so you can turn on music and it'll like kind of vibe to the music which is pretty dope and of course there's just a bunch of other functionalities here just to make it look cool we're getting somewhere guys we're getting somewhere now next up we have this uh silver or excuse me gold skin here that I guess goes on their OEM face plates let's go ahead and pull them out and try them out wait hold on dud they included stickers for literally everything you got your you got two controllers here worth of stickers you can actually put wait is this for your hold on this is for the black part on the front oh okay we can deck our PS5 out in full gold all right guys we got this front piece on here and it I mean it actually aligned pretty well now it is a little bit disappointing that there's still like there's like some big scratches and just random other residue on here so it doesn't look the best but it it works now let's go ahead and put the rest of it on all right guys got it on there it doesn't look perfect but it looks pretty good and we also got this protective film on the outside which I just realized is there so that helps with those scratches I was talking about so let's peel this side off as well and oh yeah that looks a lot better oh we got our 24 karat gold PS5 now with the lights oh yeah that shines right there that's actually kind of cool I don't know but I think we're good to go now I'm going to put the rest of these pieces to the side and yeah the sticker kit was $9 so if you want to deck out your PS5 in Gold without buying extra face plates and stuff it's actually not a it's a pretty reasonable way to do that we got a white we G compatible 4 wi no SD card in that one now this other one is extremely dirty and beat up oh what is that on the front gross uh nothing in the dis drive or nothing in the SD card sorry let's go ahead and plug it in and see if it works all right starting with the one on the right turn it on o we got a free game inside let's go ahead and eject we got this is not real I am speechless this game goes for $152 loose I means if I had the case this game would go for $200 that is ridiculous now the other problem the problem we're having here is that it's not showing up on the screen but oh no what is wait what is going on dang guys the uh that did not work I swapped out AV cable still the same issue and I can see Super Mario Bros there dude there's there's a lot of games on here oh man I got to I got to fix this this is actually I've gone through over 100 Wii consoles in the last few months and this is the first Wii I've seen that actually has an issue outputting video but man this is another one of these consoles that will have to be put to the side to fix at the end of this series because I got to do some research into how to fix that issue uh let's go ahead and try this other console out and man I really hope this game works all right now for this extremely dirty Wii turn it on there's a game inside what's in it another GameCube game what is hold on what is this oh it's just Naruto C CRA I mean any GameCube game though was worth something uh let me let me look this up this one's not that much it's 10 bucks but I mean it's 10 bucks I didn't have before in the disc looks really scratched up now this one is actually showing up on the screen so let's go ahead and boot it all the way up and see what it do this one's got a photo I can't show it but it's it's it's not I mean it's funny but it's also at the same time like PDA I'll leave it that way but but guys we got games on here as well Super Mario Bros we got Sonic the Hedgehog we've got Legend of Zelda we got the free game here we got we dude we got to try out Pokemon XD please I really hope this game works this is unreal like did these two come as a package deal like I just picked these up right randomly from the lot and how did I come with two two consoles in a row with GameCube games and downloaded games unreal I don't know man let's let's boot up this uh this GameCube game and hope it works game is working boys that's let's go it's motivation I it is unreal that somebody left Pokemon XD in their old Wii I can just see somebody watching this video right now seeing their old Wii and just punching the wall like oh man that's that's tragic for them but I'll take it [Music] dude now uh we're going to start with this fat 360 here which is very beat up and dirty it smells like bugs and uh flipping into the back it is clearly a Xenon console uh no HDMI port and you can see the port down here definitely says it's a Xenon hopefully it's not red ringed but let's plug it in and see if it works my nose is getting itchy from all the dust flying out of this console but let's go ahead and turn it on see if it works so 3 2 1 come on launch please oh yes let's go wait wait wait wait oh oh oh that's an old dashboard wait wait wait hold on hold on no way let's go this is unreal are you oh my goodness dude what a jackpot holy crap we just hit a blaze dashboard still got a guy signed in here wow this is unreal is there a game in here no but of course the dish Drive is stuck just like a oh that gave me the full the full 2006 experience right there like dude I cannot believe we just booted up to the blades dashboard here on a random console from a huge lot of what is going on here all right we'll start with the profiles here and check out what's on this console so we got kund here with a five a festar rep you guys remember rep on the 360 what a throwback let's go and click on this profile and see what he's got here this is like grade a 2006 Xbox Live stuff right here we got first of all this says allinone whatever uh name is Matthew and he's on your mom's couch just like what else do you expect from a 360 of this time all right guys we just went in this thrift store here uh very interesting experience didn't find too much we searched the whole store couldn't find any video game related stuff until we got to the front and looked inside the glass case and found that they had a switch for $350 mind you this is a used switch don't know what was going on there they also had a DSi and a case for 80 bucks again way overpriced and um the store employees seem to know a little too much about that DS said there was some uh some pre-installed selfies it comes with selfies pre-installed and uh it was Grant's old DS I don't know who's who Grant is the previous summer yeah you know a lot about but uh pretty interesting place uh let's go ahead and head on to the next store now all right guys we're at GameStop number 45 uh let's see if they have any [Music] GameStops all right guys so that was a pretty interesting GameStop run first of all we found a 3DS which is awesome an actual ret retro console um got it here in this bag but they the person there I talked to them and they also confirmed that they're starting to get back into the Retro game going to have some you know like PS2 consoles PS3 360 consoles soon which is very cool to see I'm excited for that excited to see some more bolt mods but uh let's go ahead and check out the 3DS we got so classic GameStop it's in a bag I paid 130 for this is which is like definitely high but honestly not outrageous uh for a 3DS I mean like to be honest this goes for like 250 but yeah excited for this let's go ahead and move on to the next store all right let's let's take a look at this this uh console here hopefully that looks okay oh yeah that that is a nice looking console that that red looks a lot better in person than it does in in in pictures I mean it looks good in pictures but it looks even better in person and you even have the red face plate power button everything let me go ahead and pull the front face plate off and let's see if this thing has ever been opened all right cool so warranty seal is still intact and then this thing was manufactured on January 16th 20 2009 so this should be a Jasper yep that's definitely a Jasper um but yeah looks pretty good console looks good at least let's go ahead and plug it in and see if it works all right got it plugged in 3 2 1 this better be another power supply issue hold on in case you haven't guys haven't haven't noticed yet um yeah that's a that's a red ring okay hold on let me let me do my little trick here to see what their coat is now I'm starting to think it's something wrong with like my my power strip or something okay let's try some other stuff here now it's doing the same thing that the console earlier did where I put in this other power supply is 203 watts and the first couple times I pressed it it wouldn't actually boot up all the way and now it's what okay what is going on oh no I just got some magic smoke a cap or something busted this can't be real life okay so just for sanity's sake I went back to the original 360 I started with in the beginning of the video and just plugged in my 175 wat power supply again and it's working fine so dude I'm so confused what's going on all right plugged in again let's try it again see what it does so now it's booting up I'm so confused I I'm going to have to open up this console regardless and see what what busted in there cuz I guess it's a capacitor just busted all right guys so I just want to make note here um this is the power supply I used earlier when the capacitor or whatever in here went up in smoke and uh you can see it's 23 watts and you'll Al also notice it's just an AC adapter this is a third party power supply I did not realize I was using a third party power supply so that third party power supply might be the reason why this thing just went up and [Music] smoked I just wanted to take a second here to talk about how Wild Louisiana was as a state I mean you see in the dash cam footage here we had this guy that was like it was like he was trying to run me over he was in my Lane coming straight towards me and I almost had to Swerve over and hit another car that was a little weird um the other part we didn't have dash cam footage for but I swear we saw some police cars getting stolen like we saw two like it looks like teenagers probably 20 years old or less driving off with with police cars that had no license plate uh also in Louisiana that was a little suspicious and then we just saw some other stuff I can't even talk about but it was just a wild [Music] Place dude we we have a uh an OG Xbox oh my gosh what happened to that uh I'm really hoping the Consol at the bottom do not like look like this because 900 lb of weight is in here so that means the consoles on the bottom have a lot of weight on them I'm hoping they don't look like this uh we're we're about to find out so far most of them look decent and dude we got a refurbished 360 here look at that refurbished 2009 so I don't know it's probably a Jasper as well that's that's nice what is oh dude no oh we have a b one let's go you see that black trim guys that is a bo1 so we're going to go ahead and try to test out this Backward Compatible PS3 and see if it works I'm a little scared right now this is kind of going to make or break my day right here CU this is a very valuable PS3 if it is working it's nasty but let's go ahead and see if it turns on I'm going to get some footage right here we got to flip on the back first so 3 2 1 we do have a red light that's a good sign I really hope it does not get the yellow light of death right here but 3 two 1 oh oh no oh that sucks yeah I know that was going to happen but that sucks it does still have the warranty sticker though so man this is this is an interesting lot so far PS3 have x's on and oh no that's not a good sign all right guys we have PS3s that have x's on them does that mean they tested them and they didn't work so they threw them in this untested lot that's my worry here is that this is all crap that they just throw in a lot and called untested but it's actually broken that's that's my main worry the next up let's go ahead and pull out this bo1 this thing is scratched like CRA oh my gosh that thing looks awful it's got the but it is a bo1 and yeah it does have the wary seal So Random we got another PS3 super slim down here though we have a little thing that says BD right there as in Blu-ray Drive maybe and so my guess is maybe the Blu-ray Drive does not work oh yep it's got an x on it dude how how you going to call these untested and you've got stuff in here with giant x's on them like they're clearly tested and had issues that's that's some BS right there we'll try it out so 3 2 1 hit that power button hit the eject and I see the disc the laser doing something let's go ahead and put a disc in here and I I do see oh I see a picture on screen but it's like just oh wait there it is is that just me or do I see like static all over the screen oh wait did it go away that was odd and the disc drive works fine all right another PS3 here luckily this one does not have a giant X so maybe it does work again it's just filthy dude how long have these been sitting in their warehouse now we're getting somewhere we got games down here yep just a bunch of random Sports titles that are worth nothing we've got the sound of music oh we sport oh no wait maybe there is the disc in there mm oh let's go no no dude they did me dirty with that all has another PS3 Slim another 360 slim slim slim slimly slim but the uh funny part is we have another another PS3 with an X this one says bad disc so dude untested my [Music] butt so we're kind of out in the wilderness now I don't want to unbox this in my office so we're going to be out in the middle of nowhere I got my mask got my gloves uh I did have some eye protection but I don't know where it is so we're just going to go ahead and open this box up and see what kind of human and animal parts are in it because I don't know why this is a bi biological box but let's go ahead and open this bad boy up all right so I'm not really sure where I should start here I guess Actually I don't even know if I need a knife I think this thing has perforations on it hopefully cameraman is not in the line of fire I'll take the L for the team let's open this slowly okay we got that's definitely just a controller okay is that a three what is that if that's a power Brak that's really light for a power break and that's definitely a three dude that's a that is that a 360 slim see that's a 360 slim I didn't even order a slim first of all where are the human remains human remains animal remains I don't see any there do you see any I don't see there's still going to be something in here like I'm not convinced that they didn't put some human or animal remains inside of the Xbox itself but we got a power brick here and this thing feels super light so it's Pro yeah it's definitely a knockoff that's nice you can tell it's you can tell a power supply is a knockoff cuz it's super light Xbox 360 remote is that actually OEM I think it is OEM oh yeah baby dang they actually sent an oem controller with an oem battery pack this thing actually legitimately looks like it has not been used that thing looks pretty good and then yeah they sent me a slim like which I I guess is an upgrade I did not even order a slim I ordered a uh I ordered a 360 just like the OG 3 60 60 GB and here's a slim now this thing is definitely not refurbished it's very uh very dusty you can already tell and it still has the warranty seal still intact well maybe actually that looks like it might be might have been peeled up now we've got a bunch of dust down there you kind of see that down there let's check what uh what size hard drive they gave us oh no they gave me a they gave me a knockoff hard drive nice you can tell because it doesn't say the size right there that's actually a pretty good knockoff though because that looks very similar to the OEM but but I'm pretty I'm like 99% sure it usually shows the actual size there and yeah overall this console doesn't look too terrible it does have some we what are those like what's going on there I'm not sure if you can see that on camera but it's got like weird I don't know water spots or water marks all over it do the animal remains yeah it must be like I don't know guys I'm still I guess we're kind of out of the clear for now because I don't see any animal remains or human remains here but what like why on Earth would they put it in a box like this what it just makes zero sense to me no sense at all it's like literally the last box I would think of putting a console [Music] in I bought a suspiciously cheap brand new Xbox 360 from eBay and in this video we're going to open it up and see what they send us so I knew right off the bat this uh listing was a bit sketchy but I decided to take my chances on it and let me just go ahead and show you what's going on in this box so it's a oh my gosh it's sliding around like crazy in this box hopefully you can hear that but it's like there's no way there's a brand new sealed 360 in here let me just show you the listing and show you why it's sketchy so looking at the listing here you know right off the bat it's a bit sketchy because there's no real photo it's just a generic photo and it says never used in the title and it says new and the condition now if you come down here by definition on eBay uh new means a brand new unused unopened and undamaged product in the original packaging and the description says nothing else it just repeats the title so I already knew right off the bat this is a bit sketchy it was it was only 200 bucks for a brand new 360 uh so let's see what's inside I honestly have no idea what to expect after uh the contents of this box are sliding around like I I guess it's just a going to be a plan old 360 with no box but let's find out all right so here we go we have no way no way dude this can't be real life and on what Earth is it acceptable to to sell a 360 is brand new uh and there's no box no bubble dude this is like even worse than I thought I thought there' maybe be a little bit of bubble wrap or a box inside or something it's literally the console power supply and the controller no no AV cable no no HDMI cable what on Earth and oh yeah it was never used but it's got the wrong hard drive on it it's oh [Music] man all right guys so we are back in business I ordered a part on eBay came in two days flat we got it right here we're going to go ahead and place this piece inside of the disc drive and see if we can get this uh disc drive working again and I ordered the whole assembly instead of just the laser cuz just easier to put in there but let's go and take this disc drive back apart and see if we can get this to work so this actually looks pretty dang simple to replace I just need to take off one two three maybe four screws maybe two ripping cables but uh yeah pretty simple so something interesting I noticed on the bottom of this assembly so here on the right is the original one here on the left is the new one um it has this like tamper uh tamper evident sticker there I don't know why though cuz it's not over a screw or anything just interesting thing to point out but yeah super simple to do this just got to swap over a few pieces and we'll screw this piece back in so I have the console partially back together now I put that uh the new assembly in there and it was like I said pretty easy to do I was going to turn the console on it's a good sign it turns on and hopefully I didn't mess anything up when I was placing that assembly but we're going to try this out now and yes the PS5 is upside down so I'm putting the disc disc in upside down all right so console is booted up let's go to the main screen here and the disc is spinning a whole lot so that's a good sign please show up please show up yes let's go baby [Music] let's try just Call of Duty games see what they got here we got Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Advanced Warfare Ghosts Black Ops 2 so yeah they got everything here now I'm curious what it costs so Call of Duty 2 I guess is the oldest one on 360 probably still like 20 bucks what do you know $ 1999 I was right on the money there that's amazing this one is probably 20 bucks as well they're all going to be 20 bucks you can buy these games online like the physical copy for like seven bucks these days so um I would not recommend buying the the digital version and I guess you can if you want to spend 20 bucks and you don't want to go to the store order online 30 bucks for mod Modern Warfare at 3 oh that's a that's a rip Man Black Ops 2 50 bro 50 bucks for Black Ops 2 what year is it 2023 you can just tell they haven't touched the price of these games in years 40 bucks for ghosts man like I said all these games for the most part go under for under like 10 bucks on uh on the internet just on eBay whatever Red Dead Redemption I'm I'm going to guess 20 bucks here 30 wow wow wow man Fallout 3 this better not be more than like 10 15 man all right let's find skate three this is a classic I put so many in game so many hours into this I don't even know how to play I don't know how to how to actually skate in real life but skate two and three I put so many hours into those games they're so much fun 20 bucks I I still think that's a good price for that game just cuz 2 I also put a ton of hours into this demo I don't know if you guys remember but but let me know down below if you remember the just CU 2 demo I played hours and hours I played the same thing over and over again before I it was it was like a I think it was before I was actually 17 so I could even couldn't even buy the game unless I convinced like my mom to buy it for me or something which was not going to [Music] happen this is a little bit sketchy I've never seen Deco what's actually s what they're supposed to here um this does not fit my narrative Let's uh let's cut this part out um I'm going to have to redo this and pack it back up and uh yeah we'll have to fix this this is this is not going to work for this this video uh let's just forget the HDMI cable just act like they didn't send me that oh yeah that'll do let me give it one last final touch here all right take two of this PS3 unboxing but let's frame it just take one so let's start with the PS3 here it's supposed to be an 80 gb backwards compatible model all right and wow this is their packaging we got a power cord we got a power cord and a uh USB cable lay on top with a piece of bubble wrap underneath yeah that makes sense we've got dude what is ramen noodle soup they even bubble wrap okay I'm going to have to look check their Tik Tok Channel see if they filmed that got a controller here of course no tape on it um double shock dude they sent me another double shock three I mean really like they didn't learn from my last video that the PS3 backers compatible like a PS2 can't you can't play PS2 games on a Backward Compatible PS3 with a d double shock three come on man um we got a rant dude no no what is I got a half Fe slim gem okay um and of course the console has basically no bubble wrap toss that to the side we've got our console here and it of course looks like junk you got fingerprints all over it you've got uh scratches all over it supposed to be a a cosmetically flawed one but uh cosmetically flawed doesn't mean you destroy the outside but uh okay x marks the spot so guys thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed and let me know Down Below in the comments what kind of consoles you want me to buy in 2024
Channel: Jacob R
Views: 197,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacob r, jrob gaming, jrob0021, texas load, hampton haul, the texas load, the hampton haul, top 2023, dkoldies, temu, wish, wish ps5, temu ps5, dkoldies ps3, dkoldies refurbished, should i buy a console from temu, should i buy a console from dkoldies, should i buy a console from wish
Id: CQf2qCVWthY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 5sec (2885 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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