I bought an EPIC $1,713 ELECTRONICS Amazon Customer Returns Pallet | PS4 Products & Gaming

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[Music] I've got one at very large box that came on one wooden pallet today what this box is is electronics Amazon customer returns weight of this thing it's it's pretty heavy I'd say it's probably pushing 40 pounds so I have high hopes for because the weight of it that could mean it could be full of a lot of music records or computer printer paper let's hope for the first one okay so anyway the full may factor suggest retail price is one thousand seven hundred thirteen dollars that's the full price if everything was new but it's not these are custom returns which means there's going to be some used there's gonna be some damage there will still be some brand new so my liquidation cost was only two hundred one dollar so that's probably bag what 13 percent or so I'm guessing so my goal is to keep it at ten so I was close I missed it but it was close enough right so let's only have one box to it for the entire liquidation so fingers crossed this is gonna be good one keep your fingers crossed for me okay where's all the way dad I don't really see the weight in there yet so well let's see what happens so first item I start pulling stuff out uh there's a PS oh really okay we got some little games at least good sign so most these items I sell on multiple platforms most items I do sell locally NAB's because of its easier honestly so first item we've got Altec Lansing bumming you can't sell this stuff on eBay you saw an Amazon bukhari Facebook marketplace offer up Craigslist any place you possibly make a few dollars sell it you know sell it or if you do really well selling locally do it that way just whatever works best for you and sometimes what works best for me right now won't work best in six months it business changes all the time you know so we have a charging cord the first iPhone cord fancy a blue one a navy blue black one okay so we've lost some cool nice ps4 Mortal Kombat premium edition ooh in a steelbook - okay let me open up carefully make sure there's no code showing and there is a code showing so don't show that yet here we go here's the game disc for the PlayStation 4 oh it's immaculate the PlayStation 4 model Mortal Kombat use the code below to access the game okay so this item is a good item and actually do not have this game but I honestly won't keep it some ps4 games I do keep for myself because I mean as a liquidator a pal flipper certain items you get from pallets you do want to keep yourself because it's something that you enjoy you like or you just you know you just kind of want your big-boy toys but some like this man I am it's not really some that I need to keep but brand-new price for this is $89.99 90 bucks used price I'm just going by Amazon prices use price is that $71 used so that's pretty good item right here 70 bucks as high as 70 bucks like gets any bucks for it maybe I might get 60 bucks for you know you just only know until I start selling stuff but I mean it should go it's not like 15 70 bucks a bit how much 70 though of course you know I'm saying I'm actually got a halo 4 for the Xbox 360 older system the inner case is that one's not broke yeah it is broken so the game is their disc one just to both games are their Halo 4 give me much more like 10 bucks I've been at at this point you know it's an older game now glass protector for your phone petsafe lead collar gentle leader a pet safety why is this electronics that's just things that just make you scratch your head cuz you don't you don't understand why this isn't electronics for but that's different way a gentle lead collar like five ten bucks on that you know nothing like crazy expensive well here's an entire a very fancy package of these are the micro USB cord I think correct so you got a total of one two three four five micro USB cords with really fancy packaging kind of overkill on that and of Green Gables complete four-part film collection this this movie sounds familiar like maybe I saw solve it at some point there's all the movies to this for discs six dis eight discs so has all eight discs are here so there's a complete set of Anne of Green Gables is it DVD I'm guessing is DVD I see blu-ray yeah it's it's DVD so anti Green Gables I'm actually look this thing up really quick just to see because sometimes these box sets can next to a some decent value to them and it can't surprise you and I don't really I think I've ever seen this box set before wow this thing sells new on Amazon for ninety seven dollars and ninety nine cents it's a hundred dollar DVD set well that's expensive and it's selling used for ninety two dollars on Amazon wow this thing this must be like out of print or something for itself for that much money but I'll be happy with 80 bucks for this yeah see what happens you know let's well what what is this okay this is a very very large CD set 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 to 30 15 CDs actually looks like somebody put tape over them all I want to gently remove the tape the bill bruford x' earth works complete 15 CD set item i don't okay this is gonna sound bad I don't know who Bill Bruford is I have no clue I know there's something I'm guessing this is some kind of musician or something here you go earthworks complete deluxe box set cells new for a hundred and nine dollars Wow maybe but it is 15 CDs though so it kind of makes sense so I 110 bucks new looks like on Amazon sells new for 99 Micah's what is up with all these use prices being so expensive right now but ourselves new for 110 I'll be happy it is use CDs so like I'll be happy if I play 60 bucks there's no way that that it's sewn on Amazon used for like 90 bucks there's no way you can list it for night it doesn't mean it's actually gonna sell for that price though that's the only thing you know but I'll be happy to get like 60 bucks out of that it's not a nice item tape on the back of it we've got Wilco alpha Mike Foxtrot rare tracks 94 to 2014 is a piece of tape hold it shut I don't want to peel it off right now I don't want to damage the actual case of because it's actually pretty nice nice case this actually looks from there I think I've gotten this before in a palette good possibility but sells new for 40 bucks that's the new price on Amazon used the West Sun it used but if it's new for 40 at least 25 bucks used on that so that's not too bad oh that's a cool phone case it won't fit my phone no I don't think now it's for the iPhone 10's max but you've got like the don't tread on me flag that's actually pretty cool phone case and does not fit my phone No ooh looks like it looks to be brand-new but the inside it has some deformities look like a factory flaw when ever got made or something different way I mean phone cases I try to so it's like five bucks low please like try to get but something like this you know a little bit but if your phones in it you won't be able to see it but you know three or four bucks on that item oh cool this has been a really good box so far oh my okay let me put this thing back verge say oh my my wife is going to flip I'll probably have to give this to her just because she loves this show here is the Downton Abbey the complete collector's edition set of Downton Abbey my wife loves this TV show the first thing I ever watched him it was the movie that was just in theaters this is the entire series okay it's tape somebody put a piece of tape to hold it shut let's go ahead let's cut that it's not funny so just like layer tape hopefully they're they're all in here my wife will freaking love this thing very very nice box set this is really nice so you have Downton Abbey like picture from the TV show okay I have I'm not too sure the significance of this you oh this is the like the the front door bell thing okay I got you oh nice here's coasters still factor sealed coasters that's a very good sign the sections really nice little neat little thing right here so it's actually it's like in like a picture frame you put it onto your desk and that's kind of cool it's actually really really nice box set and now let's see the discs come on ooh - this four disks six this eight disks they're there they're there they're all there they're all there Wow it is a complete set I mean it is in immaculate condition looks like pretty much somebody watched it like one time and then they returned it or something let me look this thing up I'm not gonna sell it because she's gonna want it I guarantee it and I'll be happy to give it to her certain things from these pouchy you got to keep certain items I look for this on Amazon and I couldn't actually find this just with a quick phone search looking on eBay and look like it sells new for like between a hundred one hundred fifty bucks new that's for new five so prices this is used so first some used prices on this you've got sixty sixty sixty five fifty fifty so looks like used this is about sixty bucks there's actually less the time is actually but it is DVDs not blu-rays but actually a little bit less it's not be worth but this is a very very nice box set and I'm actually excited to give it to my wife because she's gonna freaking love this thing never she she sees this but I'm just and value that lens like 60 bucks to that good item now okay the item we did have was this before I saw that picking out of the box Microsoft Surface arc emmaus that's nice it's a good item to get man this has been a really I mean technically it is a palette but this is you know just a single boxes things actually been really really good our mouse cells on Amazon for 43 bucks use condition this PI still get 30 bucks on it okay we got a iPhone XR cell phone case five bucks on that car charger BTS worldwide there's there like a music box set I think it's missing like the slipcover though I don't see the slipcover for but we got BTS that's that Korean pop band or whatever it's called seasonally good shape then this is I'm guessing probably some kind of a CD or a booklet yeah just pictures song lyrics and stuff then underneath that oh that's gonna be a big BTS poster there's like you've got like some business looking cards some of them you have a bookmark it's a nice little box set that's things worth so in Amazon it's new for 20 bucks it's actually not it's not very expensive but tinner used by like you know half price 10 bucks I've been playing a good a good price on it I phone cord you got some color pencils and electronics it makes sense all we have oh we have replacement ink off-brand kinda like third third party like refillable ink and not much value to to that we yeah Table Topics family got attempt on questions to start great conversations knife fighter seal just it just been poly bagged okay so it's literally little note cards that have topics on them you can talk with your family about never seemed like that before at least this palette I'm getting a lot of really different stuff I've never seen before in a liquidation so that's always kind of fun when it happens 25 bucks new and it's still it's still sealed so but even 20 bucks on that item let's see phone case Fleetwood Mac 3 CD set poly bagged no case we got we Mario Kart Wii there's a good game game is in it check in condition it's good conditions good so a lot of these barrio games hold value even older systems I can hold decent buy this is like the old we so value might be a very expensive but it's Mario Kart used for 20 bucks on Amazon so not bad see music CD Rick Walkman music CD another music CD Xbox one game we got cars three there's the game that's all scratched up bad Oh yeah it's still there I thought this dirty but pretty scratched up so hopefully it works if it is pop like ten ten bucks I better so if it plays okay friction tape in that sense okay so as we dig down there are some records in you that was some of the weight Oh a quick charge this actually I think fits fits my my camera batteries this gives me an extra portable charger no way right now like the camera I'm using the pants on jh5 oh this is that's my old Sony camera it's regard that would fit my old Sony camera I don't use anymore so okay I'll be selling it I think these charters actually these are not cheap either whenever I buy a replacement charger for my old my old camera I think it was like 50 bucks for a new one like it wasn't it wasn't a value-priced whenever I purchased it this was a few few years back though and even pull it up honestly this is probably be used by about 30 bucks I bet it'll because there's record keep looking at me it's on the corner of the box we have still bmz why it looks like I had no clue who that is that records I sell for 16 dollars shipped in the US there's no record we've got status quo on the level look at the hair look at the clothes Oh status quo Twin Peaks fire walk with me soundtrack okay three records right there oh cool chromecast yeah well these in my last palette - it's in pretty decent shape have to make sure it works and everything but yeah it's not bad and of course I'm trying to think how much does this actually sell for I looked it up at last week when I got one out and I think it's like 50 bucks I think if I'm more correctly I thought it was 50 that could have been the new price not the used price so okay it's new it was it's new for 70 so used hello 50 bucks actually last week's I haven't sold yet max hey I mean kind of sell it yeah oh here's an uber sign that's the first time I got one of these in a liquidation palette give an uber sign plug this into your cigarette lighter and then you can work for uber got a stack of CDs right here bewitched soundtrack ac/dc or we salute you NFR Lana Del Rey Miles Davis I come on court okay this boxes full of stuff though LED energy-saving oh it's just a light bulbs okay let's see fallout city six pc game don't know if it's been used her or not though but pc game installer Institute training series vehicle security use DVD by those guys get buckets you out I'm not not very much iPhone chord here's a like replacement power cord a pretty standard one let's see a wall charger with power delivery iPhone court oh this is uh yeah plug your HDMI into your TV set yeah me kinda like a knockoff what's that thing called Fitbit like a knockoff Fitbit not much money on that oh here's some cool you got Soul Calibur six Xbox one that's taped shut game is oh the game that is in it is Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground zeroes 2013 already so much older game in it but I mean you can still sell the game obviously pipes 10 bucks or so then we got halo the Master Chief collection and it's in there it looks good halo Master Chief oh cool it's the case is kind of damage though spider-man collection I had one of these in much better condition I sold for 10 bucks and this case is kind of busted up on it though so that's probably like a local sale for not not very much like 5 bucks or so because the case is pretty damaged Alice Cooper CD Wow 2018 vintage holiday extravaganza the case is all smashed up and we just danced to it sell a lot of stuff in this box we're getting towards the bottom now get in closer slowly take it awhile though isn't it we got some cheap e replacement headphones some in tax film I want to say this film has been used or not though this film sells really really quickly so one of them is still sealed so I can still sell this one the other one has been opened up it's been compromised and then we've got lifeproof case for xx ER x iphone XR a couple DVDs see what is this oh we got deodorant nice axe dry deodorant four sticks of it actually I'm like I'm gonna keep that I actually have enough Yoda right now from liquidation pallets I have about Yoda right now in like five years cuz I I get sticks all the time in pallets you know oh nice I don't have this game I'm gonna keep this one we've got ps4 2k 20 is it ending yep and it is awesome shape so let's play good like $40 out here I bet way I got saying you buy pouch you'll get lots of toilet paper deodorant stuff like that like you'll never buy that kind of items again for your personal like use cuz you'll get them and you'll get all the stuff in pallets phone case so here's nobody's an ting Green Gables things this is kind of expensive - oh is it like 60 70 bucks I think it was so two of those in this box oh nice DualShock controller PlayStation 4 I got this old one is recently if like 15 20 bucks on eBay Nick it was ain't good like crap for Christmas time here's this CD Oh corn of the new corn CD the nothing we got stylus Android Apple pin at the - 3 X my asking value to it let's look it up just just just to be safe just some of these stylus pens can have some value to them Oh yep 38 bucks new so used at even 20 bucks okay we got Alan Jackson CD iPhone 4 Oh what's a lien we're nice just tape shut by Amazon cool that's awesome never see this before in a palette I have no clue how much and alienware like specialty mouse with even cost found it $31 new on Amazon used 20 bucks I bet by pretty pretty fair price for it we're getting close to the nitty-gritty we got a looks like maybe I can MacBook Pro or an iPad or a MacBook Air case ok RuPaul's Drag Race all-stars then we got glass shield protector for your phone the best R&B album 100 hits we have GPI case what is this is this some kind of like a knockoff old an old game part or something this is looks like an old an old Game Boy it has cartridges for - really he runs on batteries it needs it needs batteries but this is pretty much the old game boy that's neat not sure it's really worth anything but it's called a retro Flagg GPI case I know I've never heard of this kind I can knock off Gameboy I'll research that lyric Emmy work that much let's see we've got five inspirational films 5 in 1 movies my good 5 bucks on that item we have a radar laser detector Intel Accord a brand new in the package a factory sealed cool Xbox one wireless controller it's actually been a really good box this has had a lot of really good stuff in this box there it is these ISO about 35 bucks ok Reebok step work out we got a professional tool case like little small gadgets four-foot cable that's the iPhone that that is a lightning cable how did all this stuff fit in that box this is a lot of stuff phone case this is a envelope black screen protector Hamilton CD no that's two things we've got glass screen protector and some toothpaste for your dog what ended on doggy toothpaste but yeah that was a really really good palette one huge mystery box I paid two hundred one bucks for all this stuff that's crazy this was a lot of stuff so yeah I'm pretty happy with this yeah this is going to be very very profitable once everything sells its gonna make quite a bit of money this palette I wouldn't be shocked if all this stuff sold for 800 bucks maybe maybe as high as it may maybe even upwards of $1,000 but it's a lot of good stuff in this palette very happy so yeah hopefully enjoyed this I enjoy this this was fun I'm gonna keep four sticks of deodorant my wife I'll give her the Downton Abbey entire collectors series set so I get deodorant she gets DVDs so we both give a little something from his palette too so yeah actually I'm gonna keep the ps4 NBA 2k 20 so I'm gonna keep that so ya still awesome very fun hope you enjoyed this but yeah this is my full-time job I buy liquidations and I resell them anybody can do this there's no limitations anybody that wants to do this can do it you just got to just put forth the effort and just do it you know I'm saying so anyway I'll see you again next week next week I'm gonna have a couple of special videos coming up with some new types of items so build a graph for that I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 55,824
Rating: 4.8559623 out of 5
Keywords: safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, taco stacks, ps4, nes, nintendo, lego, XBOX ONE, shocking, playstation, ebay, amazon, fba, reselling, garage sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, unboxing, amazon tech, amazon customer returns, pallet, returns pallet unboxing, tech haul, mystery, amazon returns, tech returns, mystery tech, massive unboxing, franchise kicks, apple, microsoft, sony, liquidation, jebus, storage wars, StevenSteph, APPLE, dumpster diving, scam, scammer, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: 2OGdMxs_3Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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