I Bought an ELECTRIC SUPERCAR from CHINA ($31,000 NEW)

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what is up you guys welcome back to the channel today i bought a car it's a 2020 kiantu k50 electric supercar so the box is right behind me but before we get to it let me show you guys how i got the car importing car like this is no easy feat and let me just show you what we did it was a long process it took me eight months of coordinating with the seller twenty nine thousand dollars original cost for the car plus two thousand he asked additional for the car plus nine thousand dollars of customs fees so we were looking at 40 grand for this car so i'm super excited to show you guys the journey let's get to it [Music] all right we'll let the nightmares begin i have to do customs again we have to head out seller lied to me this is so it's been sitting in the warehouse for seven days i didn't even know about it so we're heading down to l.a just got the oil changed before the long trip it's like a four hour uh 230 something mile drive so it's gonna be quite the day gonna be quite the day hopefully it goes smoothly that's all we care about uh the seller said they were shipping it he was handling all of customs and he was shipping it and everything to uh my address like to my house yeah he didn't he didn't do any of that and he didn't even he put the wrong information for me so the arrival notice for the ship didn't even get sent to me so it's been sitting in the freaking warehouse for seven days racking up storage fees and i mean the only reason i know that it's there is because i emailed around to everybody involved and somebody finally got back to me and because of that of course i have to do customs and everything so last minute i had to get a customs broker i had to file the hs7 form i had to do all this stuff nightmare dude nightmare but hopefully today is the end of it so so this is flatbed trailer right here we're going to be taking off the sides and just so we have enough you know maximum space that we can on the flatbed apparently according to the specs of the car the sheath that the guy sent me the seller sent me it's 81.2 or so inch wheelbase width width of the car and this trailer is 83 point something so we've got maybe two inches to play with on you know one inch on either side of the car all right let's get this show on the road [Music] all right guys situation update i've been on the phone for like a while i've been calling my customers broker the shipping guy the shipping guy he released the payment he did the freight release for me so he was set on there then the customs broker was still working on filing today and they just finished filing for me after a couple calls that i had to make to get them on it and guess what guys it's going to be 8666 dollars to um for the customs and uh we need to pick this thing up in two hours luckily i called the customs broker again because i was not expecting that much like nine thousand dollars for customs not expecting that um so i called the customs broker talked to him he broke it down for me and i said i i don't have that in my bank account currently can is there a way that you guys do like bill later and i can pay it off you guys release shipment and then we go later he had me speak to a manager uh the actually the first person i called tracy and she hooked it up she let us do it she's not supposed to technically when you're doing importing and customs anything you have to pay the invoices before they release the shipment um but she literally put her job on the line and uh and just let us she's gonna let us get the shipment without having paid the invoice but i have to get a tour by friday which is two days from now but that was a huge lifesaver i explained the situation that we are uh driving like six hours or whatever to get this thing and uh so she let us but man that was very stressful then i had to make the phone call to my wife and tell her it's gonna be another nine thousand dollars so yeah i thought this was gonna be uh of less than this car but it's 40 grand into it now at this point but oh and another thing is the freaking um warehouse they close at 2 p.m we're on the road and we're supposed to get there legit at 2 p.m that's our eta but of course we're hauling a trailer and everything so we can't go quite as fast you know as i normally would in just a car but man quite the quite the stressful scenario here there's a lot of little factors going into it that are just piling up all of a sudden right now but i think we're all set to get the get the shipment tracy hooked it up and that was the last thing we needed i believe uh so as long as we get in the gate at uh sdg logistics in compton i mean we should be able to get the car today if not we're gonna have to figure something else out [Music] [Music] guys we made it we had to they close at two it's 157 right now yeah i'm definitely going to all right it all went through i am so excited we did all of this remotely i didn't have to go visit anybody the customs broker shipping company everything we did all remotely but it all went smoothly and we are on our way to the other side of the building to pick it up the forklift driver is going to load it up hopefully we're crossing our finger that it's big enough something i didn't know was uh we needed a delivery order i took the arrival notice and the bill of lading in and i showed him the just something the customs broker sent me but he didn't send them the delivery order and you need that so i just called him real quick he sent over the delivery order and then they got all the paperwork processed whatever we paid a 35 ramp fee so we're gonna go into a ramp right now so they can load it up and hopefully it all fits but it went pretty smoothly i mean we've been here for 30 minutes took us 30 minutes so far so i'm really excited hopefully it all looks great once we unbox it all right boys here it is it's a little smaller than i imagined it oh boy that's really small all right well this is looking a lot smaller and the weight the specs he sent me for the car i was supposed to get the weight was like 1700 kilograms which is like 3700 something pounds this they they weighted apparently it was 1500 kilograms which is only like 3 300 pounds are there more boxes hopefully i mean i'm just a little i'm just saying i'm a little sketched out right now because we paid because we paid 40 grand at this point and uh oh my gosh uh let's see what we got it's a completely wrong car not even close it's [Music] um i think the customs broker somebody handles insurance shipper handles insurance but uh let me show you guys what we're working with we just took the top off which was already damaged so we we took what we could and this is what we looked at i thought i was gonna see an electric supercar today a really cool car this is what we got got some pink fun v humvee or whatever the frick this is i i i cannot words can't describe the anger and the frustration i feel right now i am speechless complete scam company and we're gonna drive them into the ground we're seriously gonna drive these guys into the ground they do not deserve to be doing business so let's get home and uh see what this looks like unboxed i guess that's that's ridiculous well the first few hours of the trip were extremely miserable we were supposed to be towing home a keonto 2k50 electric supercar but instead we had that on the back and this was one of the proudest moments of my life i mean i was finally in a place where i could make this big of a purchase and i always had loved cars and this was the coolest car that i was gonna have and uh so it was a huge moment that was just torn away from me the second i saw that pink roof i was just completely heartbroken and just besides that i mean my wife had she was so cool about the whole thing i was taking all our money and i i was telling her this is gonna be a big youtube series and you know it's it's gonna be great for the channel and people are gonna love seeing this and now here we are towing home a pink golf cart almost forty thousand dollars later and my wife was just so cool about it but even so it felt like i let down a lot of people in that moment ready to see a supercar from china no it's a little pink pos yeah something translating the chinese right now it says nothing about car hang on it's amazing how when i try to take the top off how flimsy these walls are yeah yeah i said something about car there we go owned car shop all right guys what's the next morning and i slept on i've had some time to process i've made a couple phone calls hoping to get some money back on this this whole scam situation i know it's i mean i already know it's not the right car but lord kurt's here he's gonna help me tear this thing apart yeah so we're hoping the car looks good enough for us to actually have some kind of fun with it it's definitely not worth the 31 000 or even 40 hopefully i can get that 9 grand from customs back but i mean even if it's 29 000 it's not worth it when i saw the pink roof when we you know just even seeing the package how small it was when they brought it out it was just an instant feeling of it's utter disappointment and i was just like sick to my stomach instantly nauseous didn't have an appetite after that so we're going to make the best out of it though so we're going to get this thing unboxed just see if we can even use any of this and if it's even a running and driving i don't know moped what do you call this thing i have no clue let's get to it let's see what it looks like that's a joke it came broken i mean the package was like this so they clearly set something on top of it so if it had been an actually nice car i mean the roof probably is all scratched up i don't know we'll have to look at it but i'm just still so disappointed just yesterday was probably the most disappointed i've been for a long time i think you get a ladder and just go on the side and just flip the whole thing over try not to fall off the ladder while i do it oh yeah it's free nails dang you get shanked like all the way through my hand there's a nail right underneath ah come look at this it's not even bleeding but it shanked me i felt it go all the way through my hand my tendon right here feels kind of weird you good i think so let me take the ring off maybe that's just constricting blood flow now but wow all right ladies the single you saw here first [Laughter] yeah let's see what you got it's going to break you saw it here first from the top man that was kind of painful is it still rolling yeah that was kind of kind of painful right in the middle of my hand look at that it's like a dead center now you know how jesus oh my gosh now you've had a nail in both your feet and one of your hands one more hand and you've experienced crucifixion exactly dude you got that right two exactly through the dead center of my feet one through this hand now i just got this hand so i'll get a spear and hit your side too if you want i mean i'm gonna knock one of some of these walls out or what yeah do it dude i'll film man i've had enough of this demolition stuff like they didn't have enough pieces of wood so they just stapled them together on the edge yeah that's crazy i don't even know how they do that and there we go holy crap look at the wheels are they tiny oh my gosh they're like lawnmower wheels well let's see if it opens up oh yeah it does what a super car this is this car is so super the shipping company said that this thing was 1500 kilograms which is like 3 300 pounds or something it's it's definitely not that the jeep was pulling this whole box without even me gassing it like i just let my foot off the brakes yeah sitting there with no brake yeah so this thing's probably not even you know five six seven hundred pounds or something oh i wouldn't bet it's a little bit pounds more thousand pounds i charge you two there's some normal like chinese probably standard uh stage two oh my god there's like a regular that's the one i used for the little motorcycle they sent me last time yeah that's hilarious it's probably got a smaller battery than we're building for that i'm sure it does check that series out that was one upside to today was like we just finished the battery for the electric cafe racer build so we're stoked on that but we figured we'd just get this done as well because i do need to take pictures of it to make sure i can send to the seller and ask if this was an honest mistake or if he intentionally bait and switch scammed me so i'll probably just go grab my camera right now get some pictures of it see what the seller says we're gonna need some ideas guys what what to do with this thing definitely here's our 40 000 supercar here it's gonna go 20 miles per hour top speed is 35 kilometers per hour it's a 1200 watt uh motor this is just pathetic we pop the hood let's let's give it a little bit of a walk around so there it is it's tiny let me just show you this is my hand just for scale just for scale that's my hand it's almost as big as the whole wheel i think it makes a smart car look big it does it's a tiny little thing so here's the interior with its reversed lexus logos i don't even know what the actual brand of this thing is if it even has one but here's the interior we got all worn down and shipped it was bumping against the back of the package yeah it was oh my gosh wow is that metal underneath it yeah this is sheet metal it's got a camera is this a reverse camera oh that's a camera right there the frick we have to fire this thing up let me just show you guys some of the panel fitments too like look at this thing right here i don't know if you can see it it's super bright and hot out here but look at this panel gap just like you can see straight through it and then look at that it doesn't even fit at all to like the headlight nothing this just slapped together in a chinese factory probably cost them what do you think hundred two hundred dollars to make this whole thing of their slave labor yeah exactly probably seven years old so that's as far as we got now let's uh let's see if we can just get this thing off i took some photos so we have all the documentation so we can just get the seller see his opinion what actually happened if he doesn't respond i will just assume it is a complete scam and he knew this was happening he stopped responding since last week i was asking about the shipment he never gave me even a reply very disrespectfully made for children it is yeah it's a tiny little thing to be honest i'm a little bit embarrassed to even just have it in my driveway lots of people are driving by everybody has been looking at out their windows i kind of just smiled away i'm just like hey neighbors i know i'm new here but i'm not like that [Music] oh charger shipped out with a 220 charger as it turns out this is only a 60 volt car yep 60 volt and 12 amp so it should charge it pretty quick it's probably not a huge battery but it needs 220 ninja's got a converter any sort of plug fits in it yeah this i mean universal but i'm just not confident that it's going to work so yeah plug it in and see see we can get it charging while we're at least like unhooking it so right we'll drive it off if we have 20 miles an hour real quick exactly i always thought china was a country of somewhat of an honor like they held their integrity that was their code right that's what i always thought it doesn't even like fit in oh my gosh it just bares in but i really push nothing is well put together well there they are two batteries right here one two yep there's no controller they're oh wow it looks like just lead out the batteries i know how to work one of these things yeah okay we got one we got two no i don't save it but it is a good platform for like a go-kart or like a dune buggy kind of thing not what we wanted definitely but i'd rather be going 100 something miles per hour zero 60 in three something seconds but yeah we got what we got make the best out of it [Music] all right guys well that's gonna wrap it up for this video uh it's not worth forty thousand dollars but it's fun in its own way and we're gonna make it into a you know series nonetheless and we're gonna turn it into something cool you know we're gonna just work with what we've been given you know and just do our thing so next video i'm sure you guys are actually gonna see more of the electric cafe racer uh we just finished the battery on that and it looks amazing we can finally start sticking in the motor and everything to get that motorcycle freaking moving it's like 12 times more powerful than this car kurt was saying so it's gonna be an insane build so stay tuned for that guys make sure your notifications are on and you guys are subscribed if you want to catch more videos even more videos on this thing i know it's not an actual supercar and i'm still super disappointed over the whole situation more on the seller coming soon i'll let you guys know who it was i just want to make sure it was actual uh scam and it wasn't an actual mistake there's a lot that could have happened um some more on that next video as well stay tuned guys thank you so much for watching i'll catch you next time you
Channel: The Inja
Views: 5,461,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bought, electric, supercar, china, from china, sport, sportcar, chinese, qiantu, K50, super car, all electric, the inja, inja, buy, i bought an electric supercar from china, sport car, zibon, electric vehicle, motorcar, auto, motor
Id: MOaWF4nHoUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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