Chinese ELECTRIC SCAM CAR – Top Speed & Range Test

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[Music] look at that guy's grass right there [Music] what is up guys welcome back to the channel so last video you guys saw that we got this thing finally running it was running all kinds of weird before but we finally got it running so today since han tony is no longer in the picture we're gonna do the top speed run and i'm hoping to get the full range test right now as well just kind of drive it around until it's dead we need to wash this thing first then let's get to it [Music] [Music] so i made some homeowners association stickers hoa grass inspection unit nine we're gonna get these stickers put on the car and take it for a spin [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] our neighbors our neighbors are gonna hate us this neighborhood is a non-hoa like there is no hoa here and so when we're rolling around in this they're gonna be so confused all right so the charger i don't know if it was working or not i couldn't see the light wasn't on but it says it's full so i just got the speedometer app i don't i've never used this one i just downloaded the first one that i could see looks like it's still waiting for gps signal but we're gonna get rolling so let's do this this is so sad this pedal to the metal yep max speed is 27.1 kilometers right now with two people in the car and if you guys do the math that's like uh 17 miles per hour maybe all right guys it's getting a little bit too dark to keep filming so we're gonna pick this up hopefully tomorrow morning i just wanted to get like a baseline spec kind of thing so when we mod this out we know how much we improved it or you know just how sucky this thing is kind of was what we're proving with this video so we are leaving at like five o'clock tomorrow so i'm hoping i can get this all wrapped up in that time but if not i mean that's it for this video [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you guys can see we're still at it still says 62.6 volts so we'll see i'll get my speedometer app running and we'll get to this um hon tony by the way he's out of he he hasn't replied for a long time um once i put the videos back up he sent me his normal like all caps like why you do this to us you know kind of email his final message to me was basically threatening to sue me he sent me like a screenshot of him and somebody um one of his usa you know contacts uh saying that he'll ask his lawyers if any of them would be willing to take the case or whatever but yeah it's all just empty threats he's a scammer so but that is the situation on han tony haven't heard from him for a long time now and uh i think we got him pretty good i think we got him pretty good well done guys so all right well that being said let's get to this i'll just roll time lapse for you guys and we'll uh see how far she goes oh also if you guys didn't see in my instagram post this thing is definitely not weatherproof at all every time water gets on it there's just puddles inside here so uh yeah yeah anyway fun side note all right we'll also see the the top speed with just one person in the car because i'm sure any additional weight will uh definitely slow this thing down so let's go pedal to the metal all right we're almost to 27. clearly this uh this is super wrong that is hilarious dude all right i changed the speedometer to miles per hour to uh make it a little bit easier for most of you guys to understand i will say that this battery seems to be draining pretty quick we'll see i know it's just voltage sag but even so that seems a little bit ridiculous to me grass inspection unit number nine on the on patrol [Music] [Music] oh [Music] why are you keeping me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at that guy's grass right there look at that guy's grass that is some good looking regulation length grass right there so in this neighborhood there's only supposed to be two types of grass red blend bermuda or fescue and if they're mixed that's definitely not up to code so i'm gonna go check out this lawn here their lawn is brown this is insane i almost don't want to live here anymore [Music] that's definitely not regulation length can't believe this [Music] all right so top speed on this was 18 miles per hour that was the very top that we could get the average speed was 13 miles per hour we pretty much had it floored the whole time besides bumps and whatnot according to this we went 4.62 miles but i think it was closer to 5 i locked my phone and it didn't look like it updated and the battery was just starting to get to the yellow point i mean honestly i don't really care that much the battery life and stuff because i mean we were driving it for like an hour and a half and it was still going so i mean i'm never gonna drive it that long anyway so i'm not even gonna worry about it thought it would be super fun kind of just to make it a homeowner association car and just confuse this whole non-hoa neighborhood and it was a blast everybody was so confused it was hilarious anyway guys a lot more to come on this series uh i don't know what we're gonna do with it next we're definitely gonna mod it and we're gonna probably turn it into a dune buggy but that's still to come thank you all for watching i'll catch you guys next time you
Channel: The Inja
Views: 323,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the inja, inja, scam, scammer, car, pink, golf cart, moped, han tony, cheapest, cheap, chinese, china, top speed, speed, how fast, fast, slow, range, test
Id: XubTytlT2qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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