Unboxing World's Cheapest Pickup Truck

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That's a pickup-truck-shaped golf cart.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Itchy_Chemistry_9479 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2023 🗫︎ replies

The forced, smug chuckle after almost every statement though.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/TheKatLoaf 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2023 🗫︎ replies

Wtf why is truck in a box?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Gooseman616 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2023 🗫︎ replies

That laugh becomes annoying realll quick

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Twerkatronic 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2023 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/michael5k 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2023 🗫︎ replies
I have no idea what aircon it's aircon [Applause] we bought the world's cheapest pickup truck the Chun Li Explorer two thousand dollars from China and it's here let's see what you get for two thousand dollars okay let's go to our little magic tool set looks like there's about 200 of these things so [Applause] foreign [Laughter] off here beautiful there we go first look at the uh little chrome rims there aluminum yeah that's nice they look about the size of wheelbarrow Wheels but hello it's not big but I'm interested to see what it looks like the back a little bit of a dent there has come all the way from China so don't think it's damaged the car underneath though foreign should have had these on the whole time but there we go there we go now we're starting to see it foreign [Music] this is what two thousand dollars for the pickup truck gets you that is a bright red that's not bad that's actually quite nice there we go so size comparison it's uh it's not a big vehicle that's not bad in here we've got little screens that doesn't sound particularly smooth but it's a bit cramped in here I'm not gonna lie but it comes to the roll bar as well fancy oh it's a roof rack four surprises you don't get these optional extras on some other more expensive cars and this whole car costs less than most optional lashes one of the cars well it's not heavy but not bad this way not bad not bad this I think this is a boba oh yeah I think we've got some mounting brackets under there something like and then I think we get a roll cage as well look at that I think they are the smallest Wheels I've ever seen on any sort of this is how the side mirrors go on just a couple of them Tech screws to hold the roll cage on so they're just slightly longer Tech screws nothing fancy but you got me presenting today but I think Alex might actually regret not reviewing this so this is going to be a bit of fun I think the rear view mirror is a suction cup [Applause] [Laughter] looks like we have side mirrors there we go not bad not bad decent size jackets that's cute although I think it'd probably be easier just to lift this thing up than actually use a jack you've got this lovely I'm not sure what sort of wood that is that's a I think it might be PVC wood I've got a bit of fake mahogany on the um center console there electric windows I wasn't expecting that I thought these would be hand cranked for foot for sure let's put these on this will probably be the first and last time I have to have to put side mirrors on my own car I can see how I can get to those bolts but I'm not sure how I'm going to get a screwdriver on that top bolt [Music] this is a little invention I like to call the right angled screwdriver It's a combination of a shifter and a tech bit there we go that is one cure of slightly dodgy side mirror first Bull Bar putting on done once I tighten it up but not bad it's hot work like what can I say satisfying part foreign okay so I've just found this this is the power support complete with International adapter so this looks like something that would drive a computer it's not exact this is a Tipper and I think to get to the battery we have to actually tip this up so let's see if we can work here oh all right there we go so you've got four batteries there so I'm shooting 12 volts each probably 48 volts and I think we have to hook this up and then it's right to go it's 100 amp batteries there full world a bit less than what you get in the Tesla and I guarantee you they're not as good as batteries as you get in a Tesla but that's pretty much the whole running system for your car right there there's not much there it's pretty simple it comes with a very high tech now where are we thinking this goes turn this thing on [Music] I think we drop that down what do we got under here oh there we go that looks like a it's just like a regular house breaker like a so let's give this a flick turn away just in case it blows up in my face hey there we go that's not a promising we have beeps start stops on we uh let's give it some juice oh we got we got there we go fully charged underneath here there we go so look at that 64.4 volts it's full I have no idea aircon it's aircon [Applause] oh my God sweet aircon I'm not actually sure whether that's aircon I think that might be just fans but um we've got the systems on here look at this bloody hell that's fancy that's a touchscreen I don't think so oh yeah it's fake touchscreen I mean it's a two thousand dollar car what do you expect it's just quickly install this easy as that you have a rear mirror it's uh definitely not as simple as just going to your dealership and driving away there's a few extra steps yeah to drive over some small bumps maybe if I push and Ludo drives we might be able to get it to roll so there's no way this thing was going to move yeah so what we've done is we've jacked up every wheel individually we put some wood underneath it to get it off the frame so now hopefully it's got enough power to roll back and we might be able to get this thing free so we've got a little ramp at the back here too it might drop into that next Gap we may have to jack it up again but any luck we can get enough momentum that we can get it close to getting off so let's see how we get that's good boss okay so that didn't work good things take time so it'll be all worth it now that this side's up I can push that that way and it's half out of the frame so that side yeah we're so close we're nearly there so we're gonna lower this down and put the timber in here so that can drop down off this and then I'm going to Precision drive this along this bar here off the wood and then just into that Gap and then touch wood it's free [Music] yep yep carry on yeah stop stop right we're nearly there just gonna back it up a little bit more and then we can jack it up and pull the frame out a bit more a bit more stop I can see a lot of tree in my uh rear view camera I wonder why Jack this up and it's off oh my God thank God laughs after the good part it's free we drop it down and then we can do some hot lunch air conditioning on put it in dry oh okay first Thoughts The Turning Circle isn't amazing it's slow the suspension's pretty rough but uh it's a two thousand dollar car and we got it out that's the world's cheapest pickup truck in the world's hardest unboxing so make sure you like And subscribe surely that's deserves let's go [Music]
Channel: Supercar Blondie
Views: 2,336,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u2mYjueIcAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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