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šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 19 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/lowkibased šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 18 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

hardly trolling if he always does this

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 14 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/TnnDK šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 18 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Sammit is such a kook.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 18 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/clubslippin šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 18 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Hache R 350z hellll yeahhh!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 8 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/jdmspacedust šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 18 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies


šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 5 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/iamnotthatguyiamme šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 18 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
to the security guard beautiful s15 let's have a quick look at that dre 7 80 supra yes we got the car literally cutting the key crammed a bunch of wire in there to make it work welcome to today's video we're at the auctions and we've got to quickly rush to the crash corner we've got 20 minutes to check out a car that we may be bidding and buying today let's go yo so glad this thing's a four-wheel drive right now oh look at that oh look at this thing damn jacked up all right we just parked here i guess all right we're gonna go look at this car and we've got like 15 minutes left if we're lucky and there's a okay i'm gonna back up a bit where there's less less deeper water because yeah we're taking our shoes off for sure man i'm already prepared nice snow on your shoes oh god oh no so the security guard oh no the security guard wouldn't let us walk barefoot through here he's worried we're going to cut our foot on some glass because this is the crash corner and uh well yeah look at that look at that evo 8 there crashed all right so this is the 350z that i'm looking at today it's a hr apparently it doesn't start there's something wrong with it it doesn't have the key that's what's wrong oh so there's no key for this car no but they can sell it yep okay we'll just put a push button in it probably i think it's a good card or we could just pay for someone to barrel it right yeah all right this is the car then all right well we're going to go bid on this thing apparently the odometer's been wound back at some point that's about it um otherwise it seems like it's just lost key dude my feet are full of water how are we going to walk into the auction house and bid i think we're going barefoot okay let's do this all right let's go i mean it looks good yeah like i don't know what else to look for if it's missing a key we can't start it up let's go bid on it let's go through the blood water literally yeah security guard why couldn't we do that barefoot i don't get that hey don't drop don't drop that jump pack in the water right now we're both dead getting this shoe off oh man that was the last thing i wanted to do today just to look at a car i'm gonna stick these kind of here where i don't mind it gets wet all right let's go try and bid on this thing if we got time dude no way you got it for 4 300. yes we got the car i now own a 350z everybody congratulations man that was not the car we were supposed to buy today but it'll do this is the grossest feeling ever in the auction house with the soggiest wettest shoes ever so we're in the bedding room right now and this 350z is pretty much the same hr manual but has keys and everything and watch this thing it's already over close to seven grand right now this is a oh what did you sell for 670 wow that's crazy and we got ours for way cheaper than that there's s30 in here that's accused it's in pretty bad shape aesthetically but it's going to still sell for probably over like 10 grand easy this is the evo 2 evo 1 or something [Music] damn that's already over 10 grand prices are so messed up oh that's sold pretty cheap actually 32 gtr starting at 10 grand dan this is almost at 20 grand dude vivo is really not that much in price especially the ones and twos yeah far out dudes so if you guys don't know this is like 19 000 usd roughly right now and now it's 20. jeez that's crazy it's selling now too see how it's going red here comes this gtr watch this thing climb up gtr has apparently a hundred thousand kilometers yeah but it's a great two grade two though it's got a lot of accident accident history and rust still selling over 20 grand dude this evo still going 24 grand roughly right now oh sold for 23.8 yo what's this 350z it's also a d d e for like 2003. it's got an lsd in there you want to buy it and take them no i don't i'll just get a div from nismo dude this gtr is a great two and it's selling for over 30 grand now that's ridiculous car prices are so messed up so mei's just messaging me she just finished signing up to get a license um and classes are starting from the end of august so i'm going to tell her right now i bought another car i bought you a car just mid interrupt like mid conversation interrupter let's see what she says what did i buy secret oh no now i need to go buy like just some stupid cake for her we'll give her the daihatsu the uh not okay van she can have that it's going to be a one of those wheels all right she said she was going to purposely drive it into a pole for me i said it's not fair i'm not going to let her drive this thing i figured we'd go for a little bit of a walk and check out some of the cars that are here getting sold today nice bayside blue 34 behind us we'll get a look at that later but i got some explaining to do so i was not expecting to actually buy that 350z today i was initially coming to the auctions to bid on an entirely different car actually like just entirely different but um what ended up happening let's get out of the sun so what ended up happening was the particular car model that i wanted to bid on there was only one this week and all the rest of them were going to be in the following week or later on in the month so um and the only one that was available to bid on didn't meet my requirements so i was like okay well let's look and see if any of these other cars you know like i was looking obviously for a 350z at some point in the future let's see if there's any hr models that are going to be selling today and one popped up in the crash corner but it wasn't crashed and it was just missing a key so i was like huh that could be a good opportunity like to get a good deal on a hr because hr 350z manual over here they sell for easily like 15 16 maybe even 18 000 at the moment in japan so the fact that we were able to pick that up and probably drive away for about five thousand dollars is a steal now bear in mind i am going to have to take this to nissan probably or we can try and see if maybe on yahoo auctions from like a crash 350z uh we can get like the bcm module and a key and a fob or something like that but i think the easiest solution is just take it to nissan get them to get the key remade for it and a new fob for the bcm that's in there it's probably gonna cost me around like a thousand dollars maybe even a bit more like fifteen hundred dollars we're still looking at a car that's cost me less than half like even less like a quarter of what it probably would have cost so we've done really really well today and uh um yeah i don't really know what to say i was not expecting to get the 350z today so uh that happened but yeah let's take a look at what's here there's definitely some interesting cars there's this gtr here it's like a v-spec it can't be a v-spec tuner really it's got some nice nismo aero parts standoffs it's actually really nice the car's been resprayed before that's for sure ganondor's this thing would have sold for a lot of money if it sold today it's actually really nice the hood's popped should we have a look under here oh whoops we did not want to just dump all that water on there hey that's very interesting look at that oil filter cooler that's on there huh looks like this has been tried like it had a lot of modifications done on it and then they turned it back to stock and put the stock turbos back on there i would not be surprised that used to have a big single um but yeah it's got a lot of aftermarket parts lots of carbon interior parts interesting and then uh let's have a look at that bayside blue 34 gtr there's another one here with a really gross carbon hood that's like faded really good tell sign actually that this was like probably kept outside for most of its life at least this guy's like blocked off the vent to stop water from getting in it looks really clean all things considered not too bad carbon rises the lower carbon rises i think too normally they're supposed to be higher than that not too bad interior wise looks relatively clean and then there's this other one up here that we walked past this one looks really nice um so you can see it's got the oem risers as i was saying those other carbon ones lowered the wing on that one that we just looked at this one's really clean actually i like the teas nadi wheel it's got like some really nice like tasteful mods on here that i would definitely i would jump at this car's been really nicely looked after carbon lip yeah see what's crazies used to be able to buy these for less than twenty thousand dollars a few years back now that'll go for a lot of money like crazy money geez i'm upset all right let's go look at some more affordable cars we've got this really nice hokulska here damn nicely modified too typical kind of over fenders and stuff very nice it's kind of crazy how much these are selling for these days too interior's in relatively good condition too not bad let's keep walking see what we can find nice lime green porsche i'm sure that's not really what the color is called but it looks lime green to me in person 35 gtr let's keep walking i want to get to the manual section all the way up the back here the glare is so crazy right now because of the massive thunderstorm and now it's like all just reflecting off everything my eyes are killing me one thing i forgot to mention as well is just like because of the weather and everything we weren't able to get to the auctions on time today so we got here super late and then we only had 20 minutes to go check out the car and it's not in the normal auction yard that we're in now it's in the crashed one which is about a 5-10 minute drive away from here so there was just no way we were going to get there and then with all the flooding and stuff and trying to go look at the car and all of that like it just worked out so well having jeff in the auction room bidding for us so we're very fortunate look at that oh yeah beautiful s15 let's have a quick look at that damn another 350z2 this one's a de dude i'm so hyped we got a hr 350z sure we're gonna have to deal with some weird stuff but i think we're good you can really tell we're in the mt corner the import corner well you can't call it the import corner i guess here because it's all japanese cars in japan dude starlet when am i going to get a starlit i need to style it on the channel actually this thing looks ready to rip it's got cage and everything all right all right is it open or locked oh it's locked bummer anyways uh damn that's not i got excited for a second i thought from a distance that may have been an original arrow front but but it's not spec r looks relatively clean cage oh it's got the cheap cusco it's not a cage it's just the side support these aren't that good actually they do okay though there's some kind of protection not too bad oh look at that my man it's got a uh yashio factory water tent meter one in here these things are actually rare and hard to find these days it's really cool these are in here let's start her up therefore switches that did not sound too good the tension is on its way out for sure you heard that clunking at the start this is a cool little auto gauge sounds relatively stock i don't like that there's a lot of rust down here though that worries me um still probably a really good car the rears have really balled it out guys been having some fun but yeah anyways looks like a clean car from the outside i'm not going to get down and look under it just because it's so wet right now um we got a 32 gt st look at this supra a80 supra two side by side once you notice this so see the a80 supra and then see the end be the envy roadster or the nb miata kind of looks a little bit like a a smaller cuter version of a superdome you think once you see that you won't be able to unsee it just that front section there just a little bit a little bit numb who am i kidding a 34 gtt turbo four-door actually watched this thing sell before this thing actually sold for over twenty thousand dollars it's a lot of cool cars here today let's keep walking around see what we can find just notice there's evo sitting here and the fog lights are on so to make sure this guy doesn't end up with a flat battery this looks really tidy actually let's make sure these are all off here there's a fog light switch that one i think should be off now look at me see saving this guy from having a flat battery but i do want to look at this it looks nice the paint doesn't look original definitely looks like it's been re-sprayed oh i always get confused on these things where they are here i think there we go wow this is actually really tidy none of the usual rust spots dang this is well looked after must have sat in a garage all its life not a single bit of rust there either wow this looks really good it does look re-sprayed though unless like the paint was like really well looked after yeah this thing is very very clean i'm gonna lie i kind of i need to find something like this with like a blown engine that doesn't have like the best conditioned body or paint like this like this would be so good to just buy and rip off the bat i feel but i need to find something that's a bit more beaten up and got like a blown engine or something just for parts for my evo it's kind of really getting hard to find stuff to rebuild my evo at the moment i'm worried actually we're still waiting for the body guy though to uh tell us that he's now got space to take it on and time but yeah trying to find parts right now is a bit of an issue we may end up just buying a fully running car and using that yo kind of like a metallic pink s14 nice this thing's uh a zenki too not bad okay tires definitely just something they had lying around they threw on there you can see all the dry rot cracks pretty clean actually not too bad not too bad don't see any major rust in any of the usual places it looks pretty good say woody not too bad oh bride seat cage doesn't smell too bad in here either oh battery's dead dead s14 has always tripped me out with how like the vent was built in like this to the the side um panels and then like how there's a section here that connects to this van still not a bad car let's see oh 180 okay okay this looks nice loving the little duck tail yeah that's nice hasn't really uh been run for a while it looks like the exhaust has got a whole bunch of like rusty stuff sitting in it looks really tidy there actually inside it's not too bad not too bad at all let's make sure we're in neutral ah she's flat too bummer still looks really nice though i like these over fenders kind of nice a lot of space there for a bunch of caster if you're drifting not too bad let's keep looking look at this look at this uh roadster kind of nice oh man i miss i miss my uh miata that we gave away in the states this thing is clean holy moly look how clean that is beautiful hmm 33 gtr dude so many cars here today actually february already gone because we're here late oh look at the evo six dude this would be perfect to just get everything from for my car the only problem is is trying to find one that has roll-up windows i think i need to get like a ce lancer or something from the u.s and get parts out of that but uh yeah that's another issue is trying to find one where it doesn't have electric windows for door cards because the uh tme rs so you guys would probably get very mad at me if i put electric windows in that because that would be unauthentic let's see though okay engine bay's been cleaned up no rust in the usual places this is a tme because of the red stripe there it is an sngf as well so yeah definitely a tommy mac not an rs though just normal tme looks clean though looks well definitely a lot of silicon spray has been sprayed on this to make it look nice but no rust in the usual places a little bit of surface around the battery tray which is normal nothing in any of these spots on the struts or anything on the firewall really clean actually this probably is going to sell for a fair bit of money it's really nice this color is also kind of sought after really nice fdr x7 a80 supra this thing's been sitting outside for a while it's got a lot of paint fade on it overall doesn't look too bad dash is definitely how you're going missing a full center console there's holes in the dash over there from something being mounted it's got a battery and a key it'll start nope [Music] oh wait there's d1 there that's kind of cool all right however you pronounce that this thing is cool see an old ta seleka like this here very cool behind a sti looks like it's got a fair bit of rust actually under the wing there is that a regular thing on these didn't know that interesting this thing looks relatively nice though nice old-school nadi it's got a stereo installed in there and stuff why do these old cars always have such a mess of wiring under there hey do that accelerator pedal though that looks interesting huh still i love these old cars they look super cool it's like in the era where like japanese companies were trying to pretty much copy the mustang not too bad another evo jeez man finding so many evos today i need to stop spending my money on cheap cars that need work and buy an evo for parts this one looks like it's a tme too it's got the red stripe sngf as well geez so many tmes coming in i didn't realize there was so many of the tmes the rss are obviously the rare ones this one's got a bit of rust in the corner and stuff usual places not too bad though looks pretty good look this thing's still here this is still here this is still here i don't think this is ever going to sell the guy like has some crazy reserve price on it it's probably never going to sell unless he finally just takes the reserve off bunch of 32s here gts4 gtr gtst what do we got here nice fd rx7 those wheels are kind of cool evo2 yeah oh hachi rocket look at this this is cool it's pretty clean it's not a hatchback though still i love looking in these things so nice to see nice little 4-h it's just so simple and tiny so we've got a gc8 an ra edition i guess unfortunately seen better days still not too bad it's got the roof pop hence it being an ra front end could do with a bit of love but i mean that's a good fixer-upper for someone man there's so many cool cars here today yo what's this pink thing up here 180 on my favorite wheels rg2s rgds not too bad i'm not too bad a munted up fan though the interior's all stripped out but i wanted to look at this pink thing oh my gosh oh my gosh oh man it's got one of these crazy horns wait if this thing has battery were you totally pulling it oh the stance yo we should buy this for may for a first car oh what is this like a v35 skyline i guess um with the biggest workmeisters i think i've ever seen oh it does have keys guys guys guys that's not that's not it that's not it where's the button for it come on where's the button for that big loud ass air horn i saw it yeah so i need to get one of these keys programmed for my 350z that we bought today um is there a switch here somewhere for that that horn damn it man i want to hit why is this like taking off like a jet engine right now let's probably hurt damn it i wanted to hear that air horn why can't i touch it the arrow's like in the way hang on give me a second here lads there we go so the air horns like all down in here it's gonna stay up no it's like weird but the air horns down in there maybe it's not wired in anymore and they disconnected it for the auctions i don't know but i'm bummed i thought we're going to hear a huge air horn on that then coming up here we got a 370z another s15 r33 r34 gtt four-door rxa even rx8s have gone up in price now it's kind of crazy 32 looks like a gtst 350z there oh it's kind of weird rear louvers look cool yo this is sick old-school crown yikes that engine bay looks like a lot of fun another 34. this looks like a gt non-turbo let's see am i right oh well it's been turbo swapped that yeah it's definitely gt interior turbo swapped though yeah turbo swap gt interesting so weird to see a 34 with that space there instead of gauges not bad looks clean though 32gtst subarus gtr here that's kind of weird is it a real gtr yeah it is okay interesting it's so weird to see a gtr in this section all right oh dude this s13 looks kind of light nice it's like teal green not too bad a little bit of a big wang interior is all stripped out it's locked yeah not too bad after all that crazy weather today always get an epic sunset it's such a queensland australian thing shout out to all my guys in australia in queensland that know what i'm talking about so before we can load the 350z on rohab's truck i'm helping him drop off some cars that he's selling the auction next week one of them is this clean as datsun sunny ute this thing has like 9 000 kilometers on it it is i've never seen interior on one of these this clean it looks brand new it's amazing seriously the cleanest datsun sunny u i've ever seen so anyways we're dropping this off in the auction and then uh yeah this will be i guess available for anyone who wants to buy it next week it's kind of crazy to be honest and he's bringing off a 34 gt so it's like a rb20 little small thing there um not the single cam one the dual cam rb20na like the rb20 neo na engine but that thing should still get him a fair bit of money actually they're selling for a fair bit of money all right he's off now time for me to get moving in this little thing listen to this carburetor sounds so cool i love it definitely not the best lake space yes i'm still barefoot by the way because my shoes are drenched so we're now in the crash section zone but unfortunately it seems like after five they don't operate the forklifts so we're now trying to figure out a way to get this onto rohab's truck and the steering wheel is locked of course there's no car key um now we've heard that apparently there's a guy here that can actually cut keys for cars and make keys for cars at the auctions so we're just making a few calls and trying to see if he's still here if he's still here he might be able to cut a key for us while he's here um and then we can get this loaded up on we won't be able to start it until we get a key from nissan though with the immobilizer programmed so but at least we can put it in and unlock the steering wheel and push this thing out that's the goal so we can push this thing out we can get on a roll-ups truck but uh yeah otherwise looking over the car like you can really tell that someone probably lost the key for this a long time ago and it's been sitting in someone's yard for a very long time um you can tell just by like see how the clear coat on this carbon wing is faded there's a few other places where the clear coat and like just the paint's faded from sitting in the sun for so long i think most of that will actually buff out and look really nice this though we might need to get this buffed and then re-clear coated i'm pretty sure it's all savorable just bit of a bit of a bit of elbow grease to get that fixed up real well headlights need to polish usual kind of stuff for sitting in so long in the sun but overall the car looks actually pretty decent i'm really hyped on this actually it's such a bargain like i said the price of these cars skyrocketing so much these days it's kind of insane but yeah we did a really good deal on this thing and everywhere i look at it it seems like it's got low mileage um the sticker in the door says it was serviced at like 50 000 kilometers and we looked up the last time it was registered and known the mileage was only 100 000 kilometers so there's a good chance that this thing has still got low miles which will be really cool so this is blowing my mind but only in japan can you buy a car at the options with no kaki and then literally have a guy come here right now tonight who's going to cut me a new key and program it to the immobilizer and have it all done within an hour like this is ridiculous it's nearly uh i think he's getting here in like the next 20 minutes or so which will be 9 p.m he's then going to cut it and do it all for us and then the car will be ready to load up on the truck and have a key programmed to it and everything by 10 pm that is mind-blowing and the fact as well is he's doing it all very very cheap if i took this to nissan uh from a few friends that i called up they said probably anywhere from a thousand dollars to like fifteen hundred dollars the guy's doing it all for 500 bucks so i'm pretty hyped about this right now i was not expecting to have this key cut and ready for the car to start um at least for a couple weeks and uh i think now we'll actually find out if there's really nothing wrong with the car and it just needs a key if that's the case i am going to be so hyped but trying not to get my hopes up because it'd be very very smart of the owner to just not put the key in there make it seem like it's missing a key if there was something very wrong with the engine so that then people would buy it like me thinking that there was nothing wrong with it but if we do this all tonight i can actually get my money back because there's a rule with the auctions where if there's a problem or something like that before you take it off the lot then you can pretty much claim it and get it back or you can i think you can claim as well if there's something wrong with it that wasn't on the auction sheet within the first couple days i think after taking it off something like that i'm not entirely sure but we can at least figure that out now that we're getting the key cut which is awesome so the guy is here right now literally cutting the key to the 350z i'm so mind blown that this guy has everything in his van he's getting it all done super excited the only problem we now have is we've got to figure out a way to get it out of here without forklifts apparently none of these cars move so we're hoping we can get the keys from the security to be able to push this out of the way ourselves so the guy's currently in there using his laptop with windows xp mind you which i haven't seen in a hot minute to program the immobilizer chip in the key but uh i'm still mind blown i cannot believe that this is all happening saving day it's crazy to me i've just been going over like checking a few things and like looking at the dipstick it's kind of like insane like let's see if we can do this hold the camera and everything nice golden brown oil it's not black um looking inside the engine here i don't know if you guys can see that but it looks pretty much brand new and let's see if we can get you guys in there look at that it looks like it's brand new in there i think i looked for holes on the side of the block before too i was like what if this thing's like cut of rods hanging out the back and it looks really good no damage or rust under the thing i'm way too excited about this way wow no knocking in the engine bay those are busy on there there's like bugs flying out of it dude this is my fuse repair right here just crammed a bunch of wire in there to make it work this is awesome i'm so excited right now road can believe this it runs i'd fizz bump you but i'm holding up like all these lights dude we've been here for like two hours trying to figure this out we had to remove an immobilizer i had to do some dodgy repairs throwing a blown fuse good times now we got to pay this guy he did an amazing job the key guy is now gone we've got this thing idling give her a little rev this motor sounds so good yeah man she's ready dude i can't this thing has not been running in over a year by the way last time this was running on the auction sheet was a year ago so we got to now play a little bit of tetris and try and move this car out of here and then um we should be good to move this and put it on the truck but it is late what time is it right now it's eleven eleven o'clock so we were here for like two and a half hours trying to get the key programmed and everything but aftermarket immobilizer i had to remove that which i oh the door's locked but you can kind of see the wiring mess on the passenger floor there from that so definitely the longest day that i've spent at the auctions a lot of steam coming out of this is that just condensation probably because it sat for so long it is cold tonight tonight too yeah it's dissipating really quickly everything on the dash looks good there's no weird lights or anything and you want to know the mileage 102 000 kilometers this thing's just ticked over a hundred thousand kilometers this car is worth like 17 18 grand in today's market right now i also got to fix this all up but we'll do that later we'll just drive with it like that for now so i'm so excited about this it's late but we got a hr 350z everything including key is probably setting me back five thousand dollars that is incredible it's time to build a 6z drift car we're good we're good take us slow slow and steady it's definitely been a while since this thing's moved on its own power yeah you should just clear that might want to bring your mirrors in though oh dude it may not start oh you will oh good call clutch start i like it watch your mirrors oh there you go i was gonna say i don't know i haven't owned a 350z before oh man this is so good filling up that car storage yard me and rojak got the same route home but uh i still cannot believe that we got this 350z hr model today i'm literally like a kid in the candy store right now i'm so hyped oh no it's one of these moments right now it's one of these moments right now you'll always be with me and you'll always be my brother [Music] foreign
Channel: SAMMIT
Views: 1,105,239
Rating: 4.9356198 out of 5
Keywords: SAMMIT, Japan, Vlog, Japanese, Adam LZ, Turbo build, Engine Build, Cars, Car, Project Car, drive, Turbo, Garrett, Turbo Miata, NA Miata, cheap, affordable, diy, how to, import, drift, drifting, Nissan, jdm, rhd, autovlog, 180sx, 200sx, 240sx, S15, R33, R34, Skyline, R33.4, Auction, Auctions, in Japan, Buying car from Auctions, Supra, GTR, R34 Skyline, Vspec, Import, Buy car from Japan Auction, Buying car, Buy Car, New Car, Japan auctions
Id: eLwIiJJ1iwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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