I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit And Found This

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welcome back to treasure hunting with TV spine it has been a while since we were able to buy a storage unit I have been sick as a dog but anyway four days later we just pick up this little storage unit it looks absolutely packed and then I'm paying $90 for it more than I wanted to pay but you know what we were freaking getting one to make this video so without further ado let's get digging [Music] all right so like I said 90 but there's a bit more than he wanted to pay so we gonna make the money back first thing I see right here well it's not to go down not an expensive one but probably Oh $15 $20 maybe TV I'll go more 15 be honest with you so that might be 15 on the back thought I was inside look at our cart it was raining like crazy outside today I secured it we had to steer here hey I didn't take long can you see that oh yeah open this time a 30 DB Indiana I don't want to know what it was used for since it's wide open content so we'll just toss that side the main part of its gone I'm suing well that party like advanced in that or something like that set that aside give me North Face give me no face no it's run the gap so still winter coats you've been off ranging in theses okay does that change is that much change sometimes where there's change it bills well see nothing huh ninja reflexes well yeah they're empty still qualify bugs probably just the zipper thinking again maybe and I think one of the legit biggest suitcases the thing I've ever seen oh my gosh box there's a freaking box TV FML what that is breakup Porsche oh that's right but it's all junk you'd expect in our suitcase do we got in here picture doesn't look like what's in that part little bit more pictures pictures mail pictures more pictures joy I don't see that box TV let's see yeah I'll get it the big part of it down here yeah how do I get in there well I just feel like if no zipper to open it seriously if it here like Broken Arrow probably just closed it looks like junk area all right that a blow-dryer bzees doesn't look like much more DVDs back CD mostly some jogger to cross your fingers and help us wear something on a declutter this is all DVDs as well so I mean maybe DVDs are hit or miss three they're worth a little something or complete junk this looked like it was in better condition in the picture button yeah that's probably donated I don't think I love you stop sellable [Music] [Music] [Applause] kind of grimy dirty but that might clean now that's something I have no idea what it's worse stir Cincinnati is that Golden State now baby raise the patient I don't know I don't watch basketball I don't watch basketball in like 15 years it is shoe bag not only see one pair thanks to their nice okay maybe not set whoo they've seen better days but they're not gonna get my side they look too small anyway but I don't think they've been aware that anyway I mean all these shoes are just beat to death those are all right maybe but I mean they are Jordan so even in rough condition sometimes they can clean up and get a little bit I don't know be so clean up these shoes have been destroyed so unfortunately probably no you a big donation guys it really sucks let's feel cool it's all closed modern they're not to go down hey close again what is this we have one good brand forecaster and then well the forecaster is because I do I feel like I might have to get inside here all right we're going in for closed [Applause] what is this little jumpsuit we're jacking whatever it is Columbia there's a life to the piano okay all for Jim so this before those that for monitor is trash this units can be it look a lot better than it did that's the game you play sometimes yeah close also clothes joy that box TV is killing me what is this infant toothbrushes for baby all right this is probably other piece to that thing over there right what do you think so no I think this is a tub and there's like some claw thing that goes to that maybe I like that green thing right there nor do I ever one kids I don't know some poor New Balances yeah let's thanks baby toys okay that was creepy I wasn't expecting at the time that's kind of cool looking actually look at the Yankees hat I know what size this is seven and a quarter anything I'm again there's a Knicks I'm leg yeah another cat Chicago Cubs I'm guessing Steelers gross since everybody hated on the last time I hated on the Steelers one do it again crash hey Mario that's weird it's like a sticker thing look at that I don't know what that it that's kind of cool anything Mario it's cool to me I like retro game a joke well I really said I was gonna pay $40 for this unit cause it looks like a bunch of junk then they kept bidding me up I was like you know what you gotta make the video and it looks like our predictions are right so far looks like a unit no joke nothing else but it could be branded into clothes so I'm not gonna quit yet trash in a box TV foreclosed joy love clothes and feel like all cooks can hear the big coat come on save the day give me a good friend get the cube never heard of cute very cute anything literally that it's almost the end there's like one bag carjack it looks like I mean that's like maybe $20 get rid of I think you sure there's nothing hidden in here a giant box TV which is just a pain so great great yay absolutely pretty much all jump maybe the pianos wreck something maybe we got some brand-name clothes other than that we got a lot of donations and a lot of trash so let's hopefully get it all home do a recap go through everything and show you what we got see you then alright guys so it's not total trash look we happen to find under some of the clothes five whole bucks whoa there's a $90 unit so now if we just do this Mike what 17 more times we got our money back joy since that unit appear to be such junk we have something prepared for you guys for the next day only $10 look at the size of this sucker oh yeah 10 by 30 unit how we're even gonna begin to go through this I don't know but guess what it's coming next alright guys so before we do a recap on this kind of crappy unit I do whatever mind you guys that we're still doing that $50 gift card giveaway at 50k to $50 gift cards to two winners anyone that subscribe to our channel has a chance to win all you've got to do is comment literally what is picking random comments when we hit 50k and two people are gonna be wetting those so everything you saw this unit is pretty much what there was to show there was nothing hidden all the clothes went through all the bags of clothes all just cheap stuff honestly we just donated all the clothes donated all the shoes besides two pairs of things what we ended up keeping which others be you know some cheap Poshmark things the piano was selling for about 90 to 100 dollars new so usually seen them going for between 25 and 45 dollars and judging off the condition that's why I priced it at about 25 it is pretty dirty and I don't think it's in that great of shape but still once we clean it up and everything well should really good at least 25 any more than average so that's honestly the only real big find of this year oh yeah just a bunch of small little things here and there nothing worth too much money even though what there was not much money in this particular unit as you saw at the end there's a big huge unit coming a $10 10 by 30 storage unit now this is a huge jump for us and sweaty you guys probably see we usually do five by fives sometimes 5 by 10 so going to 10 by 30 is kind of insane I'm honestly extremely excited about it but the reason we're doing this is we're teamed up with a friend of ours is going to be running a website an auction site called treasure auctions dot now they have all kinds of stuff for auction and extremely low prices so you're interested in this a lot of the stuff you might see us go through in these units might end up on this site as well too so if you're a reseller or just to collect their of just about anything make sure you definitely check it out because they have all kinds of crazy stuff on there but anyway we're gonna have access to a huge box truck and that's how we're gonna be doing this huge unit hopefully a lot more big units in the future because it's getting kind of stuck with these five by five only so hopefully with access to this huge box truck now will you start bringing you guys you know ten by tens ten my twenties and even starting off with a ten by thirty so anyway that is gonna be it for this one make sure you come back for the next one it's going to be not bigger than a lot of stuff in that little you know you already kind of started to peek around maybe I'll say that and there's some crazy stuff in there so make sure you're ready for that one but anyway thank you guys so much for watching we did enjoy make sure you leaving a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunt videos all the time pretty much every day now I'm back this sickness is going I literally get sick like once every two or three years so I dealt with them now it's gone now so we're gonna go back to saying every single day and if you do want to fall send our social media links to be on screen just click links down the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 20,567
Rating: 4.9149518 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit safiya nygaard, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned house, storage unit, storage unit finds guns, found in storage unit, found in storage locker, storage locker, auction hunters, lost luggage, luggage auction, pawn shop
Id: oZPoEzqphf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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