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what up guys welcome back to another video today we're in big bear lake california and we're going to be talking about the 2021 tesla model y long range in this video i'm going to take you on the inside and the outside of the car and we're going to go for a little ride if you're looking to get a tesla there's a link down below it will save you or it'll get you 1 000 free supercharger miles it'll also give me 1 000 free supercharger miles if you use the link and buy a car through that link anyways we're gonna get into the video now okay guys so like i said in the beginning this is the seven seater so if you look back here there's two jump seats um i call them jump seats i'll show it from the trunk basically uh just to fit a small uh smaller human inside uh my seven-year-old loves it back here it works out great for him i'll put his little booster seat and then he has this whole section back here he also has a usbc charger and then two cup holders so this is like his little world back here um if i don't have my daughter in her car seat up here then either my son can sit in this row we can fold those down or um i can fold these down and then he has like a big area to put his feet but basically trunk space wise with the seats up you still have this section and of course the under sub trunk the one thing you lose is the small very small sub trunk that comes in the five-seater but i have seen a lot of people that don't really utilize that for much more than just like carrying around their charging cable so if you put these seats down then that's basically what the five-seater does anyways um what's really cool is you do have this bar down here see if you guys can see it right here and you can basically move the seats forward and back gives you more legroom and then you still have the additional um option to recline or move the seats forward right there so there's just a lot of different options just depends on how you want to configure it so uh got all my hats here so i got some uh floor mats they're cheap ones off amazon they're just one so that i don't get any dirt on the actual carpet and the white the best way to describe it because i know that the camera just can't pick it up in any of the videos until you actually see and feel it is that uh i would call it marshmallow seats they look like marshmallows it does have a frunk as you can see here and it's got the little uh attachment that would attach here if you're going to uh tow something or you know pull something out or if you need to be towed that way i'm probably not going to be towing anything in the front uh and then you got your cameras you got cameras there you got cameras up in there you got a camera right over here and you got some cameras in the tailgate hatch right or you got camera right there boom uh they do make a performance model this is not that the performance model is ten thousand dollars more i opted for this one it is fast uh i will take you guys for a ride here in a few minutes but let me just tell you it is very fast uh there's a 15 inch fully touch screen screen i'm sure a lot of you guys are definitely aware of the screen basically it uh controls the entire car besides the windows those are on the on the drivers door and then each door has their window control as well and this one does have the phone charging so basically stick your phone there and it just starts charging the one upgrade i did inside here would be that i added the little trays so i can oop so i can slide that forward then you have more room down in there i do have a playstation controller my son likes to play the games i don't like to use the steering wheel to play the games because it does physically rotate the tires and i just don't think that doing that is probably the best thing for the car and then i have the little um little uh tray for the back part where i keep the garage door opener and then some masks and stuff down below this one also i just installed this i don't know if you guys can see this super well but basically it's just like a little section to put a couple dollars or something if you wanted to hide a few bucks underneath it was just an open vacant uh like area so i figured i might as well fill it with something and let's see here i do have a ton of accessories that i'm going to be adding to this puddle lights for example so the lights when you open a door that shine just like a little bit of illumination i have a replacement ones for all four doors that have the tesla logo it's just like the bat sign but uh the tesla sign for each door i just think it's like a cool little touch i also got a little usbc plug-in light that goes into these usbc slots to just illuminate the back a little more because without that basically the only illumination is from these little lights right there and there which isn't a whole lot in most cars you'll notice that they have like a dome light right here which this car just has a panoramic roof i will be tenting the front windows uh just so slightly i think it does have some kind of a uv protection on it because it's not quite perfectly clear it's got like a little bit of a hint of something but it's not really tint if you can see this is the dual pane so this one you know 2021 they put they made the glass for the windows uh twice as thick to help with uh road noise i haven't been in a 2020 so i wouldn't know if it really does a whole lot but from what i've heard from people that do have a 20 20 it does help with the uh the road noise um what else oh okay so the sound system in here is incredible i used to have a 12 12-inch sub in one of my other cars and this one has 14 speakers and i believe there's a couple subwoofers up in the front and then yeah there's speakers everywhere you got one here here there's ones up in there um there's ones in the door there's ones in the back and yeah it's all over it's it's absolutely amazing um how the sound system is just i can't i can't explain it through a video because you kind of have to you'd have to hear it another thing i do like about this car is the air conditioning so if you tap the screen then you're able to adjust uh on the screen like where you want the air to come from and you can spread it out or make it more condensed but that's that's super awesome it's just you know something different than your normal little vent controls i found that i run it at eight i'm in southern california and it goes up to ten so i found eight is pretty good for me if you do have a dog you can put it into a dog mode and basically that will just tell the screen that there is a there's a dog in the car the car is set to a specific temperature and the dog is fine don't trip don't have to call you know call the cops or whatever um let's see what else about this the stitching on the panels super nice just nice little touch um as well let's see where's the other yeah in the center console area you'll see it's just like just just little little details like that um and then the material that is on here it's not plastic it's not i don't know what it is it's just soft it feels like a could get dirty but i hope it doesn't and i do have a lot of products that i'll show you guys in my accessories video to help with the seats staying nice and white then you got your magnet super super magnet uh mirror with your fancy uh lighting if you're gonna put on your makeup or whatever for the people that use makeup and yeah that's basically the uh rundown um yeah again i i ordered the seven the five seater and it wasn't available for a while so i ended up getting the seven seater off existing inventory uh some tesla somebody from tesla was using it to train other tesla employees how to you know use the car so it had 100 150 miles on it and basically uh the car came in perfect condition a lot of people talk about panel gaps so let's go ahead and run over that real quick with you guys and i'll show you how i think this car for the most part is really well um so a lot of people use their finger and they kind of run it here but as you can see that's that's flush back here that's flushed and the gaps in the door seems to be nice and tight up here i don't know if this this one's a little bit higher than this one so maybe that needs a little adjustment for the trunk um everything closes fine like the door is closed solid oh charging port i know some people have showed that it'd been a problem yeah as you can see that's uh it's flush it's flush so it's good um on this side this line is nice and tight up here see this side is like actually even completely it's like flush when you do that and the other side this is up just a hair i mean we're talking about little tiny things i understand it's a 60 000 car so you don't want to have any issues but i did take note of it and told my uh sa when i uh picked up the car and i'm going out of town so i wasn't gonna schedule a service until i get back yep that's nice and flush again this one's nice and flush the lines all the way down same thing up here a lot of people have issues with their frunk being misaligned but yeah it just seems flush man all the way around so i think it's pretty good again i'm not an expert when it comes to panel gaps i've seen some people who are definitely more picky than i would be uh i just want it to as long as the doors are all closing good and it's not anything super noticeable i'm pretty happy with it and so yeah so that's basically a tour of the car um i'm gonna go for a drive and i'll catch you guys in that all right guys so basically in the last section i discussed the inside and some of the outside of the car now we're in the car going for a ride at this point i've had the car for about a month but two weeks of that i was on the east coast so i wasn't able to drive it the main thing i've noticed having this car is the regenerative braking so when you are driving and you're pushing your foot on the accelerator not a gas pedal it accelerates the car as you release the accelerator it slows the car down and will come to a complete stop when it's doing that it's actually giving the battery a little bit of extra charge and it also helps so you don't have to use the brake hardly at all i think i've only used the brake in this car a handful of times since i've had it it kind of sounds weird in the beginning when somebody says that i don't use the brake in a car but as you get used to it i actually kind of prefer this regenerative braking uh more than i do enjoy putting my foot onto the brake pedal of a normal car so here's a stop sign right here and i released the gas pedal completely and i stopped right at the line and now we go again so that's probably the biggest getting used to i know my wife was a little uh hesitant driving it at first because i told her about that but after she drove it i took her about three minutes and she really kind of enjoyed the fact that you know the car will come to a complete stop if necessary so you kind of just feather the gas or excuse me not the gas pedal the accelerator the other big thing that i like about the car is that it's got it doesn't have to shift gears as you're accelerating so it really just kind of goes this car if you have the acceleration boost it will go from 0 to 60 in 4.3 seconds if you don't have the acceleration boost i believe it's 4.8 seconds the acceleration boost is something you can purchase on the tesla app and under upgrades and it costs two thousand dollars it's a one-time purchase i have not purchased the acceleration boost yet but i am very tempted to uh basically every single day so we'll see if i do i'll definitely bring you guys a video on that the next thing that's really cool about this car is the fact that it doesn't have to have any oil changes or very little maintenance the only thing you can do as as an owner of this car really is add windshield wiper fluid and then you can access the air filter obviously you can get the tires rotated and whatnot but it's very very low maintenance car so that uh saves over the long run of the car as well on top of not having to pay for gas so the other day i had my car down to approximately 50 miles left in the battery before it would run out and i went to a supercharger it took me about 26 28 minutes uh to fully charge it up well when i say fully charged to about 85 90 percent you don't really want to fully charge to 100 um an electric vehicle unless you're going on a road trip or something it just helps for the degradation of the battery over time and it keeps the battery over time the health of the battery better on top of that normally full tank of gas in my wife's 2017 toyota tacoma would cost us about 70 75 and it cost me i think it was 15.86 to uh fully charge and that's at a supercharger when you're at a supercharger it's going to charge a lot faster than it would if you were just to plug into a 220 volt which we have in our garage however in a 220 volt you're getting about 35 miles an hour on the charge and then if you're plugging into a regular 110 outlet like every other outlet in our house you would only get about five miles an hour so if you're not really driving a whole lot and you just want to plug it in you could plug it into any one you know 110 outlet and just get five miles an hour let it charge overnight in fact while we've been up here in big bear they didn't have there's no superchargers up here at all and they didn't have a uh 220 accessible for me to plug in so next to the jacuzzi i just backed in plugged in my charger that comes with the car uh into the 110 and i was getting about 65 to 80 miles uh overnight and that's more than the amount of miles i'm driving while i'm up here so i'm actually going to be leaving today and i have uh right now it says 294 miles available so i will be charging one time uh on my way back at a supercharger just so that i get home and it has a nice full uh battery it's hard it's interesting to talk you know a full tank it's going to have a full battery as opposed to a full tank and one of the last things i'm going to talk about is the full self driving or also the adaptive cruise control so the adaptive cruise control comes with the car you just double tap on the uh the stock right here and it will basically keep your speed up to a certain amount you can adjust that on the thumb on the thumb wheel right here on the steering wheel and it will keep its distance from the car in front of you it will also take turns the steering wheel will turn itself so basically you can kind of sit back and chill what it does not do is it will not change lanes for you so you'll have to end that and change the lane yourself it also will not exit the freeway or do any um you know it's not a full self driving so full self driving which i actually have purchased the subscription the monthly subscription for one month and spoil alert i'll be doing a video on this but the reason why i'm actually canceling full self driving and just sticking with the adaptive cruise control but the full self driving you type in an address and the car will basically drive you there now i found um on the city streets it doesn't do so great yet that's an update that's coming uh supposedly at the some time at the end of this year probably sometime early next year once that happens in more detail and the last thing i'm going to say is that um i do have a a mesh screen that kind of just clips in up here that makes it so that the sun coming in through the through the panoramic sunroof which does not open by the way in case you're wondering it doesn't come in so much so it actually is pretty nice to have when you're somewhere parked for a while in the sun or you're going to be you know in a hot temperature we were out in arizona i didn't have this yet it was 118 degrees and it was really kind of starting to feel the heat coming in through the sunroof the sunroof it's not actually that bad for most time if it's even 100 degrees it's got a nice uv protection and a tint on it so you can't really even see in too well from the outside of the car but as far as inside you can start to feel the heat when it's super hot so i just opted to get this little uh i think it was a 50 shade that just clips in and unclips when i want to take it out and it works really well i've been enjoying it i do have some links for some accessories their affiliate links they'll be down in the description you click there and i think you save about 10 it also will help out the channel so i do appreciate that very much okay guys so that's basically my first impressions overview of the car first drive if you guys have any questions about it please feel free to comment down below i will try to respond to every comment and i'm excited to make more content about the tesla i really enjoy driving it and i and i want to share it with you guys um if you have any uh other things you guys want me to talk about please leave that down below as well and don't forget to hit that link if you guys are going to buy a tesla to save yourself or to get yourself 1 000 free supercharger miles as well as it helps your boy so thank you guys for watching i'll see you guys in the next video peace you
Channel: Shawver Films
Views: 52,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla, tesla model y, tesla model y 7 seater, i bought a tesla model y 7 seater, long range, dual motor, tesla review, elon musk, space x, electric car, e car, electric car review, in depth review tesla
Id: c5KxokW-C-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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