Surprise...We're Back At Cerro Gordo Ghost Town Solving A HUGE Problem!

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so [Music] [Music] [Music] going back to saragordo baby oh it's been way too long it's like it's been way too long and it hasn't been long enough at the same time that place is the most magically desperate place in the world and we have got a big big surprise for mr brent underwood has no idea that we're coming yeah i know that he's in town because i've been texting him back and forth just kind of casually but we've got a big surprise for him we're flying in right now hunter is just about there with the surprise surprise and it's gonna be a good day [Music] [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to cerro gordo now the trick about this trip is we weren't invited get out right now we are just showing up and we're getting ready to surprise mr brent underwood with something very exciting right yes sir what he was laughing about guys we obviously haven't been here since uh june when we came down to help him rebuild american hotel uh i was texting with brent the other day and why is my phone trying to call 9-1-1 something funny here boy basically brandt sent me a text like two weeks ago he's like hey man i'm having a hard time finding a five ton i really want one do you think you could help me find one do you know anybody who's got one for sale she was like all right yeah let me dig into a little bit naturally i got a five done for him he doesn't know that though i told him i was gonna take a look around see if he could find something uh i had the perfect truck sitting for him in my back lot five tons are really hard to come by right now nobody wants to sell them so i figured you know what why not give brent one of my personal five tons because hey i love sarah gordo b i love brent i like you a lot he's such a good dude see he really needs it d i can't drive six or seven five tons at once i don't need that many i could spare one so we're getting ready to go surprise him guys this is gonna be awesome five ton army truck is like the key vehicle that brent needs for this ghost town i'm like thrilled right now i cannot wait to get up there he has no idea that we're coming i texted him the other day i was like hey we're gonna be flying to los angeles um as we're flying by i want to wiggle my wings are you gonna be around just to make sure he was in town text me he's like yeah i'm in town all week so we didn't fly by i did not surprise him with the flyby because i don't want him to even have any idea that we're in town uh hunter drove through the night to get here plan is to surprise him with a five ton and then uh make him take us on some mine explorations or something cool while we're here so can't wait special delivery for happy d hey houston heavy duty you got package for him uh if anything he's probably upstairs thank you yep happy d little bit sure i wouldn't mind if i took a little pieces oh this is that baseball company the city cool stuff like hatchets knives yes oh and a weekend bag man you guys have thought of everything oh retreat box sweet you know what i have an idea [Music] heavy d your package is here oh my bespoke box what do we got this month hey who opened my bespoke box that freaking diesel delivery guy son of a guys don't let this happen to you sign up for your very own bespoke box now because it's probably one of the most exciting things that happens to me every single month it's literally like christmas every time i get my bespoke package because they have all these different boxes all these different packages and you sign up and basically take a quiz on their website based on that quiz they figure out which package they should send you such as the weekender this bag right here is legit there's also take for example the survival kit which is actually pretty freaking sweet it comes with a guide to the great outdoors comes with a knife comes with this awesome like string chainsaw they also have really nice knives like this damascus steel knife which is actually super sharp guys this stuff is sweet every box has over like 70 dollars worth of stuff in it but it's only 45 dollars so you're getting a huge bargain it comes every month it's exciting it's good product and the best part is like 90 of the products that come in these bespoke boxes come from small u.s based businesses so in buying these products you're supporting small businesses and you're getting to know these really cool brands have been kind of flying under the radar another thing i love about bespoke is you only pay for what you want each month you're going to get a preview of the box they're going to send you at that point you can say i want it send it or you can say now let's swap it for a different box or you can even skip that month for no charge so you go to their website you take the quiz men women everyone i'm gonna click on men bam next question what kind of boxes should we send you and then starts asking am i interested in mixology um you know what no not on this one bam next question home decor and accessories hoping to try it next one style accessories give it a shot it has 10 different questions here that i got to answer from there bespoke works their magic they put together these rad boxes and they send them to me every single month now the very best part about all this is i worked a deal with bespoke to get you 20 off your first box all you got to do is click the link in my description below go to their website choose a box and bam you my friend are gonna get a shipment of some really cool stuff like i said it's one of the things i look forward to the most every single month bespoke look at that cerro gordo mines five ton just uh so obviously we've got our polaris ranger which is going to help us get up and down the mountain this five ton right here is an m817 or eight one six can't remember it's the generation before the five tons that we currently have this is cool because it's a five speed manual it's better it's more reliable bought it a long time ago basically i had the guys pulling the shop go through do new headlights tail lights full tune up just make sure it's like dialed and ready to go and now we're going to hand it over to mr brandt and i think he's going to be excited this is always my favorite part of the saragordo adventures is because when we get here we usually only have like one tow vehicle and one two three four five six seven guys so bad boys gonna be driving hey you can't drive that last time you drove that you rolled it jimbo where you riding oh smart man hunter where are you riding not in the driver's seat not in the driver's seat anymore as a smart man davis where are you riding wherever the camera needs to be wherever the cameras be diesel dave's ready to go we got uh captain clark over there making fake phone calls we're gonna hurry and go get some fuel go get some drinks and get to the top of the mountain by the way we used the diesel power gear giveaway truck this month to haul this load which by the way not a light load five ton twenty two thousand pounds trailer fourteen thousand pounds so forty six thousand pound total gross weight between the old uh truck here and the trailer so this giveaway truck is awesome what's up guys how we doing 15 minutes later death valley in september is decent this is nice he said he searched super hard and couldn't find a five ton yeah the wrecker that one's actually probably coming home with us that one's a wrecker five times trade it out for the worst empty four times oh you know just sitting in this truck heading up to cerro gordo what's going on with you how was the inside of old jersey mike's a lot of snacks that doesn't seem like us heck yeah two three trash bags what's the new record we're already 150 bucks [Laughter] well i think you should say something about the logon door how sweet does that logo look i think that is the new record 213 in gas station snacks where are they by the way i'm i'm a hurricane [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] i'm a hurricane [Music] [Laughter] good to see everybody again all right there see what that says i do i do i like what that says look i know you needed a truck and i know you're having a hard time finding a truck so we thought what better thing to do than to go see brent on a friday give him his new five ton bring some beef have a little barbecue and just hang out hell yeah this changed my whole day you guys here all day yeah we're here all day we're here to hang out this is actually perfect timing because early next week i'm actually getting the block finally to bring up here oh nice and so hey now you have a way to get up here well you can see up here this is like the era before the ones that we used last time this is like a vietnam era this thing is the coolest it's a five-speed manual so you don't have to worry about like the transmission or anything like that yeah i'm just like cutting in i was like hold up wait a second i recognize those guys nice sir holy sh this is uh not at all what i was expecting today what would happen dave sparks just continues to deliver you know it's not one thing or another [Music] so brent this is a mid 70s m813 this is what came before my model of fireplace okay the reason why this one's cool is because it's got a very robust cummins engine which is very simple easy to work on five speed manual transmission high and low yeah it's got a six by six obviously so any of this nasty terrain or anything you're fine yeah this one is a little different with the tires we've got dually tires on this one a couple different reasons why we went with the goodies builders are cool because if you blow a tire it doesn't throw you off these tires do have a lot higher weight rating too so you can throw more weight on this truck it's got a 14 foot cargo bed a little bit bigger bed than the other ones that we had yeah it's got a hitch on it so you can pull a trailer up the hill we came up the hill um third gear no problem okay uh crazy thing is this actually ran cooler than any of our other trucks this ran 180 degrees the whole way no heat issues so i think this will be able to move up and down the canyon for you as much as you need yeah which is awesome it does highway speeds so if you need to go into like uh lone pine supplies or anything yeah it's not going to be a speed demon but you'll be able to get there 50 55 miles an hour all day and uh my favorite part about the entire truck dude that logo just looks at home oh it's perfect right i just it literally looks like it was born up here and so we went back and forth on do we paint it do we clean it how far do we go with it my brain wants to go full tilt like i want to go full paint job full everything but then i was like you know what that's not cerebral this is perfect this like this patina like if you look at the hood on this thing i love it dude we did upgrade all the lighting so we have led lighting so you're gonna be able to see like as far as you need all right um you'll never be able to overload it and dude it's just yours forever so it's your baby yeah man i'm happy to bring it on dude happy to support [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they held it up perfectly it was no problem at all for the truck he looks at me he's like wait i was i was questioning it i was like you know going off cliffs isn't something i do every day but you got a five ton man he's a natural we threw him in the excavator he's a natural throw in the five ton he's made for it so we uh i feel comfortable you know turning over the keys and saying here you go any sort of like video topic or theme that when you see it you're like oh yeah i like ladies and gentlemen welcome to cerro gourmet this is where we prepare some of the finest steaks the west has ever seen right jimbo yes sir you wonder why they're the best because jim and i raised these cows we got t-bones we got sirloins what do you want diesel dave they're loined for diesel dave anybody wanna know you're a sirloin guy or you want a t-bone i'm i'm making you a t-bone today what does hunter want i don't watch this ground beef [Laughter] ground round what's uh the pilot want captain clark got it old whistling bill over there all right today we're working with what we got here sara gordo which uh i don't want to call it super limited but we're a little bit limited on uh you know seasoning and stuff which is good because that means we're not going to complicate it we're going to keep it simple we're going to use some garlic salt which i just threw in there use some standard black pepper i've already got some balsamic vinegar sitting in there this is going to be used um as the steak rub basically uh the plan here is get this nice and sloppy like and then we dip the steaks in it each steak take a little bit of a bath oh sorry gotta put a can of beer in there beer is usually used for like beer battered chicken but believe it or not it makes for a great steak rub obviously we don't drink alcohol uh the majority of us anyways by the time you throw it on the grill and cook it it cooks any alcohol right off of it now i'm looking for my secret ingredient which call me crazy looking for mustard hey he's got frog balls too frog frog ball we found these at the gas station too brought up a couple of them they're pretty good oh they're amazing throw some of that pickle brine in there oh there we go salt chili pepper cheese chipotle and cumin oh yeah that right there ladies and gentlemen is going to make for one hell of a rub these steaks you're going to blow your pants right off your body davis who's volunteering kick that pants off to that bit well obviously davis so i was keeping track of the ingredients i've totally lost track so i'm not going to give you the recipe but i will tell you this we did add some frog balls these are gourmet atomic frog balls the original legendary spicy dill pickle brussels sprouts they're good dave what can you tell our audience about lighter fluid it's flammable it uh it's good at starting the colds on fire and makes your lunch get your belly faster those are the three best things about lighter fluid if you had like some super classified documents you needed to hide here could you hide somewhere where the feds would never find them oh yeah i mean like thousands of places that nobody would ever find them i got hide aways from the hideaways from the hideaways you know yeah i have cabins that nobody knows where they are nor will they know where they are temperature climate controlled you know yeah climate controlled in the mines oh is it pretty dry in there too some of the wines are extremely dry i found a newspaper from 100 years ago that looks like the day was printed [Music] about my family [Music] all right guys well we came we saw and we surprised mr underwood big surprise big surprise very big surprise thank you so much dropped off the truck taught him how to drive it make sure he's good there had some wonderful lunch and now oh now now what are we doing brad we're going to the union line but we're not just going to the union mine going all the way to the bottom of the union mine we're going to level 900 baby only one other time have you been to level only once so this is a big deal uh there's a lot to see down there a lot to do and it's a long elevator ride and what we're going to do is mega tease this right up because it's not going to be in this video it's going to be in the next video so see in the next video what should we should we have drop a comment drop a guess about something maybe some suggestions for games we could play on our 45 minute journey down the elevator should we play i spy drop a comment drop a comment below and let us know what kind of games we should play on our it's going to be roughly a two hour round trip on the elevator so yeah i see something black again guys thank you for joining this episode obviously also thank you for supporting the channel because that's what allowed us to uh bring this five ton up here and leave it with brent um i i don't know if we made it clear but it's his to keep forever whatever he wants to do with it he wants to sell it and go spend it on hookers and blow that's your thing man that's up to you this thing is staying here as long as i stay here good i like that wonderful all right guys uh stay tuned because the next video is going to be us going down underground 900 feet and it's gonna be a good one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 730,867
Rating: 4.9720249 out of 5
Keywords: Trucks, Tractors, Heavy equipment, Ghost town, Cerro Gordo, Brent Underwood, Ghosttown, Ghosttown living, Exploring, Mining, Abandoned, Desert, California, Gold, Silver, Wild West, Heavy d Sparks, Heavy d, Heavydsparks, Diesel brothers, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, Tiktok, Whistlindiesel, heli, heavy d, diesel, diesel dave, dave sparks, zion, diesel trucks, giveaway, ASMR, vlogger, Heavy D Sparks, Rzr, Atv, Offroad, Fun, Diesel, silver, gold, 6x6, cleetusmcfarland, tractor, caterpillar, heavy equipment
Id: XKDss4lRY_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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